Put All Your Faith in the Pill


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"Actually, I just woke up. It was about noon when I checked in," I replied. "How can I help you?"

"There are a few questions I have for you," Detective Benton said. "But more importantly I have a lot to update you on. This is getting more complicated than we originally figured. Since the media blitz this morning a lot of background information has been revealed. It has raised a lot of questions about what really has been going on."

"Well I was just about to get dressed and head out for supper," I said, "Would it be okay if I got fast food and brought it to the station?"

"Well," She said. "Since I haven't eaten and you're not a suspect how about we get together somewhere in about an hour. That will give me the time to change and have a quick shower."

"Sounds good to me," I responded favorably. "Name the place."

She did. Since I had time, I called Lucas who answered right away.

"Hey Colin, did you talk to the detective yet?" He asked, first thing.

"Meeting her in an hour, to go over a few things," I said. "I called her first thing when I woke up and now, I am calling you."

"It appears Doug Drysdale's days of employment are over. Human Resources at corporate were told to terminate his employment as soon as possible by our legal counsel for violating the moral clauses in his terms of employment." Lucas said. "We are now aware that there were five more of our sales reps whose wives were being visited by Doug regularly. Your wife was just one of them.

"Mrs. Drysdale has already hired a lawyer and will be going for his balls. By the time she gets through with him, he will have been castrated in more ways than one," Lucas disclosed. "It appears that she had been led to believe that he was in after-hours meetings every Thursday. Our head office is sending a legal representative to terminate his employment tomorrow."

"Wow they are moving fast," I said.

"I have been ordered to have the six of you sent to the branch corporate office once things are starting to settle down," Lucas explained. "For the time being, I will be doing both Doug's and my job at this regional office."

"Fair enough," I said. "Am I still off all of next week?"

"Yes, and longer with full pay if needed," Lucas said. "Human resources confirmed my decision. Hell, they even praised me for it. Off the record, they feel that your one of the best field reps we have and are afraid that we are going to lose you. Your reports always have new locations and marketing opportunities for us to use. With this added approach to your handling of our products, there has been a noticeable uptake in volume out of your area."


I arrived at Olive Garden to find Detective Benton waiting for me. The rush hour for the restaurant was over. The hostess soon escorted us to our table which was semiprivate. I was surprised to see that the detective out of her uniform. Yet she felt us meeting important enough that she had dressed in style and class in mind.

I enjoyed seeing a lady in a dress and the one she wore was designed to impress. If she was trying to impress me, she had done a great job. Detective Benton appeared to be a blonde at this time, but I could see traces of her black roots. She was about my height and had a nice frame. If I had been single, I would have been interested in seeing where it could go. I had thrown on black dress pants, a soft yellow shirt, and had on a black sports jacket. To me, it was nothing special as it was what I wore when working.

Once we were seated, she informed me that toxicology had found no drugs in my wife's blood. "The argument that a date rape drug was used was out of the question. It makes the proving of a rape a bit more difficult. Without the surgeons and doctor's report, we would have nothing except for the massive amount of blood on the mattress and the sheets."

"Three of the five other females who were involved with Doug Drysdale in sexual situations have admitted they were coerced into an ongoing relationship with Doug Drysdale, but no direct threats had ever been made but a lot of things were implied. They only met him on a Thursday night every six weeks. Their memories of what happened and what went on are confusing at the least. It gives me the impression that there is something major to this situation that we are missing." She explained.

"His power and influence over their husband's careers will be taken into consideration by the DA. Each of the females knew about the others and they all kept each other secrets because they wanted their husbands to keep their employment. They only saw Doug when their spouses were out of town and that was only for one night."

"It will allow the district attorney more leeway when he considers charges. The three she had interviewed so far believe that they were asked to try anal and had turned Doug Drysdale down more than once but cannot say for sure. They now feel that as a result of you catching them that they are free from being used by that animal if they ever were. The DA was going to have a lot of things to consider before going further with it. Their statements seemed rehearsed and thought out as if they were trained in what to say. Even though there was power, and influence being applied they were all of legal age and consenting adults," Dective Benton stated. "It's leaving a case for the defense."

"If your wife said no, it's still considered rape," Detective Benton explained. "Until she is weaned down from her medication, we can't question her to get her side of the story."

"Thank you for the information, Detective Benton," I said. "With the knowledge, you have provided I now can proceed as if my marriage is over even if this one night it was taken to far. Jeanie could have been honest about his intentions with me at the start of their relationship and I would have quit my job. It's apparent by how long it was going on there was something else that she was attracted by. That implies that she felt or believed that there was something lacking in me that she found in her relationship with him. Sadly, I most likely will never know what or why?"

For some reason, Detective Benton got a huge smile on her face. "Colin if we can go to a first-name basis my name is Fiona."

It actually was a very nice dinner. We both enjoyed the unlimited salad more than the pasta. With the business over, we both relaxed and began getting to know each other. For the rest of the dinner, my wife's situation was not discussed. It was almost ten before we broke it off. As we were leaving the restaurant, she informed me I could move back to my house tomorrow. The forensic team was done.

After getting back to my motel suite I called Jeanie's parents and disclosed what I knew about Doug Drysdale and Jeanie's relationship. According to the other females involved with him, Jeanie and their relationship had been a regular thing. They got together regularly when I was out of town. That meant it had started about six months after I'd been hired.

Both of them were in complete shock to learn that even though what had happened the night before may have indeed been a rape, it was believed by others that he had been known by her in the biblical sense for almost two years. I strongly suggested that they contact their daughter and ask her where she wanted to live because I was filing for divorce at the start of the week.

My dad, when I talked to him congratulated me for handling the situation in such a professional matter. Said if I wanted to, I could come live with him until I got things straightened out. I told him I would think about it.

Sunday Morning, I did something I hadn't done in years, I went to a church. I slid in just before the service started, with the bible I had borrowed from the motel room. My grandfather though not a religious man would turn to the bible at times to find answers when he had none. I thought what the hell if it worked for him it might for me.

The preacher's sermon was on forgiveness and letting go. One thing he stressed over and over again was the fact that one needed to forgive oneself for allowing ourselves to fall into that situation. It was a point that I would never have thought to consider if I had not heard it.

I was just leaving the church headed towards my car planning to go home to start working on the clean up when Fiona saw me. She was standing with an older couple talking to the minister.

"Colin, what a pleasant surprise," Fiona said. "Come meet my parents."

I walked over and met them. Fiona introduced me as a friend. Her father asked me how I enjoyed the service. It resulted in him and I having a short discussion about forgiveness. Fiona seemed surprised to see me freely express my point of view.

I said, "The pastor never said it, but he got me wondering if we haven't forgiven ourselves for what happened can we truly say we have forgiven the others involved even though we may have told them that we have."

Fiona's father laughed, "Fiona not only does your friend listen with hearing, but he discerns at the same time. The question he asked, I will be thinking about all day."

"Young man perhaps you should be writing my sermons because even I will have to dwell on that in scriptures to find the answer to that question." The pastor said. "Your point of view has forced me to look at the true meaning of forgiveness in a new way. I hope that you will visit us again because when someone questions my teaching it pushes me to develop a deeper understanding."

Fiona and her parents invited me out for lunch. I declined, saying that I never ate a big meal before going out for a long run. Fiona asked me where I was going. I said to the universities track field which was in a mile-long circle. I was going to jog it at least three to four times around maybe longer if I could.

I hadn't planned on going running but now I thought I should. It took about an hour for me to make it to the track. I had just put my bag down and was preparing to start my first run when I saw Fiona walking towards me dressed in a track outfit wearing a headband like me.

We ran together I had to slow down so that she could keep up. After three loops she had to stop. I went for one more round really working up a sweat. When finished I sat down and got my water bottle out. I took a long swallow of water as she spoke

Fiona said, "I'm a bit out of shape because I've had no one to run with so when you said what you were planning, I decided I should too. Thanks for slowing down to allow me to keep up."

"Not a problem it's nice to have someone to share this with, I usually I do it alone." I said, "If I have the time I go hiking and climbing to change things up."

"The Trail of Tears state park has some great hiking trails," Fiona said. "It can be a bit tricky walking along the cliffs overlooking the Mississippi."

"That's one area that you don't dare hike on a rainy day," I said with a smile. "If you do, you're just asking for trouble."

Once I had cooled off a bit we walked back towards our cars.

"When I told my parents that I was skipping lunch to try to join you for a run," Fiona said. "My dad said, 'then try to get your friend to come for supper.' I told him I had just met you during a police investigation. He laughed and said that didn't scare him off. Then it wasn't him that was in trouble was it."

"Honestly I thought about doing something," I said. "I was so angry that I might have."

"We all think about it if we're honest about it," Fiona replied. "There are times when I have thought the simplest solution would be to put a bullet between someone's eyes. The bottom line is that our morals won't allow us to do it."

"If I was not so raw emotionally, I would love to take your parents up on their offer," I said. "Until I work my emotional thoughts out its best that don't."

Fiona smiled and said, "That's what I figured you would say. Call me next weekend if the weather is suitable, we could go hiking."

I said that I would and went home to start cleaning up the mess.

I went home and changed into blue jeans and a T-shirt. I moved my stuff into the spare bedroom. I was downstairs gathering up some garbage bags when I heard a knock at the door. Answering it I discovered it was the in-laws. They were both as devastated as I was. They had been to see Jeanie but got no information because she was still so drugged up. Dad helped me carry the mattress and box springs out of the house. My mother in law bagged up the sheets for the garbage.

They told me that they had come to get Jeanie's clothing and personal items. Together we packed everything up carefully. I made it clear to both of them that I did not feel that this was any fault on their part. That led me to explain what I had learned so far concerning everything. After I let it all out, they had a better understanding of why I was feeling the way I was. Even they could not understand what Jeanie was thinking. We both agreed that there had to be a lot more that needed to come out.

After they left, I vacuumed up what I could. It gave me time to think things out. Something about this whole situation did not add up. I went to her makeup table that was overloaded with everything you could think of. Jeanie never went anywhere without her eye's on. It was in the top row of the dresser in the back of a drawer that I found the vials. There were seven of them all labeled test samples of a drug in pill form that I did not recognize. They had only been discovered because I pulled the whole drawer completely out. I called Fiona right away.

Fifteen minutes later the cops were back in my house photographing how and where I found the evidence. They went into the master bathroom and emptied the small wastebasket out. Inside the garbage they found two empty vials.

Fiona showed up dressed almost like I was and immediately went to work. I heard them talking. Fiona said that they would have to find out from the drug company I worked for what this drug was designed for.

"Treat it as a high priority," Fiona said. "It looks like this may be the smoking gun we have been looking for all along. We will have to get search warrants to search the other female's houses. Talk to Judge Davidson for that."

After the crew had gone Fiona made a quick phone call.


"Grab what you need Colin your're coming with me," Fiona said firmly. "I'm not going to allow you to sit here and dwell on something for which there are no answers right now."

"Where are we going," I asked after locking the doors?

"To my parents, they decided to throw an impromptu barbeque for any of the family who decides to come," Fiona said. "I hope you like volleyball because you most likely will be roped into a game or two if I know my family."

"Can I expect to be grilled by your family," I asked? "Swing by the grocery store so I can pick up something to bring."

Fiona laughed about it and said, "Wait and see,"

While I was in the grocery store buying some franks and buns, I picked up a nice display of spring flowers in a vase for her mom. When I got back to her car, Fiona's eyes lit up.

"These are for your mom, after all, I'm still a married man," I said. "It's a thank you for the invite."

We did not talk about much the rest of the way but found four or five cars by the time we got there. We walked around the garage into the back yard to discover things were in full swing. Fiona's mother was thrilled with the flowers and pointed out that it had been a long time since she got flowers from anyone, let alone a guest.

We played two games of volleyball before someone suggested touch football. After the football game, Fiona got accused of bringing in a ringer. Everyone was teasing her in fun. I noticed one little girl sitting all by herself looking sad, so I walked over and sat down beside her. She was about six years old and had down syndrome.

I introduced myself to her as I sat down on the grass. I don't know what I did but her eyes lit up, a smile came across her face. Everyone got quiet as I told her a story about the lonely Monarch butterfly who could not fly and thought she never would. By the time I was done the little girl was smiling because she learned that the little butterfly had needed time to build the strength to spread her wings so that they could dry.

By the time I was done it was time to eat. The little girl sat by my side. She asked me why I only took a little of everything. I whispered I did not know who did the cooking, so I want to make sure I liked it before I go back for more. She giggled.

Fiona's mother's neighbor said, "Thank you, Colin, for making my granddaughter feel like a real person. Its' been a long time since I have seen her like this."

"She is a real person," I said. "It's us who need to understand that they relate to us and the world in their own unique way. To have a relationship with a person as special as this we have to be open-minded, and willing to adjust to them as they do us. It's harder for us to adjust because we are just to set in our ways when they are not."

I shut my mouth because I could see the tears in the lady's eyes.

After dinner, I called my sister to explain about the little girl I had met and suggest that her daughter and she should meet. My sister was all for it, so I gave the little girls grandmother my cell.

"She lost her parents in a car accident a year ago. Her grandmother is overwhelmed with dealing with it all and is overprotective." Fiona said. "Who is she talking to on your cell?"

"My sister whose daughter is the same way," I said. "I felt both the girls needed a friend just like them."

Fiona leaned into me and gave me a tender kiss on the cheek. Everybody noticed but did not say a thing. When we said good night Fiona's mother had heard from her next-door neighbor what I had done.

"Colin thank you for what you have done. Elizabeth is thrilled to finally be able to talk with one who is living with what she is going through. Their meeting tomorrow at the park right after school." She said. "I don't know what brought the two of you together, but my husband and I are hoping we will see you again."

Fiona dropped me off at the house and I offered to make us a coffee, but she declined, saying she was heading to work to see if anything else could be learned.


On Monday I contacted a construction team to come in and repair the master bedroom ceiling and repaint the whole room. I had a garbage company come and drop a container. When it was delivered, I threw in the mattress and box spring. By the end of the day, I had an appointment with a divorce lawyer set for mid-week.

Tuesday, I spent the day adding to the contents of the waste container. A lot of stuff that had been stored in the attic was disposed of. Jeanie's father came over and we talked. He was worried about the health care costs. I told him my insurance would remain in effect until the divorce is granted but the co-pay would be her responsibility.

I had just come out of the divorce lawyer's office Wednesday Morning when Lucas called.

"Colin, Corporate Security just informed me the Drug sample from our firm found in all of our sales associates wife's possession was provided to them by Doug," Lucas said. "It's a new drug being tested out for dementia but in this case, it was used because of its side effects. It makes the taker feel extremely horny and frees one of any feelings of guilt or fear. With the amount the girls were taking because of its strength their minds would be open to doing anything. Unless the police were looking for something this specific there is no way they would have found it."

"Based on what I just heard it looks like Doug will be going away for a long time," I said. "He was providing them all nothing more than a new version of a date rape drug. The question is how did he come into possession of it? Another question I have to ask is what are the legal consequences of him using it on unknown test subjects? Was he in an insider working on the test side of it without our knowing?"