Quality Time (The Complete Story)


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"How would we do that?"

"We'd tell them that after learning of your sister's transgression, you were upset so I decided to have sex as a means of cheering the asset up," The clinical way Sarah spoke of it, made Chuck uncomfortable. "I'd tell them that I did it to further my control over you, Chuck, that I did it to manipulate you into becoming more compliant." Chuck swallowed nervously and looked down at his shoes, afraid to even ask the question.

"Is that..." Sarah stuck her hand up and shushed her nerd, before he could even ask that stupid question.

"No, Chuck, that is not what is happening right now; I'd die before I'd do that to you. The day I use my body and our love against you is the day I put a bullet through my damn head, understand? That is NOT an option, never was, never will be!" The pure unfiltered, unflinching conviction in her voice steadied Chuck's insecurities; Chuck simply gave Sarah a small smile and nodded.

"Thank you for saying it; I know we'd just expressed our love to each other, but hearing you talk about it so... coldly, it just got to me." Sarah gave Chuck an understanding smile and cupped his face in her hands.

"That's why I don't even want to talk about it. When I tell them, I'm going to send you away. I know it's a lie, but I never want you to ever hear me say something like that," Sarah said and then gave him a tender kiss. Once they separated, Chuck spoke to Sarah with love in his voice once again.

"Thank you, Sarah. I don't know what I did in a past life to have deserved someone as amazing as you in my life, but I'm so glad you walked into that Buy More nine months ago." Sarah nodded and kissed him again.

"Me too, Chuck." With that the two of them walked out of the room and walked to Chuck's herder. Once they were there, Sarah simply leaned against the door and watched Chuck.

"You know, you're pretty sexy," Sarah said to Chuck who simply laughed.

"Coming from the blonde bombshell leaning against my car," Chuck's admission made Sarah smile; Sarah leaned closer to Chuck and spoke to him in hushed tones.

"You want to hear a secret about me that nobody has ever known before today?" Chuck nodded to her, suddenly curious. "While I was in the shower with Ellie, she told me she'd figured out my biggest fetish, and she was right!" Chuck's eyebrows rose, now he was really curious. Sarah leaned in close and spoke in hushed tones.

"I have a huge creampie fetish." Chuck's eyebrows rose and his cheeks blushed as she continued. "When you came inside of me, it was one of the most exhilarating experiences of my entire life." Chuck was a little stunned, but she wasn't done. "Because of my job, I don't get to indulge in my fetish. I did it once a long time ago on accident, but I never told him about my fetish. You're the first person I've ever let fuck me without a condom, Chuck; you're the first person I've ever trusted enough to do that with. I've never explored it with anyone else." Sarah looked so insecure after revealing something so personal. To her surprise, Chuck simply gave her a loving smile ang hugged her.

"Thank you for telling me, Sarah, I know that had to be hard; now I've got to know how Ellie figured it out," Chuck said with a smile that made her smile back in return.

"I uh... after you and I had finished fucking and Ellie was riding your face, she saw me scooping your cum out of my pussy and licking it off my fingers. She asked me if I was a dirty little cum slut, her words not mine, and I told her that I was, but only for you. That's when I suspect she put it all together, I had never verbalized it, but she spelled it all out in the shower, even the trust thing," Sarah said honestly. Chuck simply huffed a laugh and nodded as he stepped back.

"That's my sister, she's always been like that; when we were kids, we got Rubix Cubes for Christmas. Before I had even gotten mine open, she'd scrambled hers and solved it. She's been Rubix Cubing me like that for years and today she did it to you too," Chuck said with a fair amount of fondness in his voice that made Sarah smile.

"That's how she figured out I was a spy; she just put together the fact that I picked the lock, I've got a gun & knives, and there are scars all over my body, including a bullet wound on my hip," Sarah admitted honestly. "I didn't have a good poker face at the time, so she really didn't have that much trouble getting some surface details out of me." Chuck simply laughed and nodded.

"She did the most devious version of Rubix Cubing of them all... she fucked the shit out of us and then Rubix Cubed you!" Chuck said dramatically, which made Sarah laugh.

"Pure evil," she said. Chuck nodded.

"Heard she figured out that Bryce was in town, how'd that happen?" Chuck asked, curiously, he knew that Sarah wasn't usually the one to surrender government secrets; Sarah got a glum look on her face as she spoke.

"She put part of that together on her own as well and then as soon as she pressed me a little bit, I folded and told her about the mission this week." Chuck was shocked and his face said as much. "I needed to talk to someone about it, you were hurting and it was my fault. and I had no idea what to do. She came to talk to me this afternoon at the Weinerlicious and we kind of got into it... it was ugly." Chuck grimaced as he imagined how angry his sister must have been at Sarah to confront her at work in the middle of the day.

"She said some things that got to me, that I was letting you believe you were a cuckold, that I was hurting you because I was a coward." Chuck was shocked, but not that surprised by what Sarah was telling him. "She really got to me, Chuck, and when she pressed me about Bryce after we'd finished, I just spilled everything about it, I needed to talk to somebody!" Sarah said self-consciously, she knew she'd messed up by telling Ellie so much classified information.

"Relax, I get it, we all need to vent sometimes," Chuck said to reassure Sarah, who simply nodded.

"I did need to vent, I told her everything about what happened and she just helped me see what I needed to do," Sarah said, with a peaceful look on her face. She knew she'd done exactly as Ellie had instructed and, just as Ellie had predicted, everything was going to be fine.

"What did she say?" Chuck asked, now curious what his civilian sister told the spy to do about her spy life problems.

"She told me that no matter what happened, I needed to have this conversation with you right here; that I needed to sort everything out right here, while there were no cameras watching us. She said I had to put your mind at ease and stop you from torturing yourself with thoughts of me and Bryce." Sarah saw Chuck look away and that was all the confirmation she needed that he had indeed been torturing himself all week by imagining what she was doing with Bryce alone in that hotel room at the Waldorf. Chuck simply nodded and looked down at his shoes.

"She's brilliant, that sister of mine," Chuck said with a small smile; Sarah nodded in agreement. "I'll admit that my mind went to a dark place for a few days while he was here, but this conversation has ended that... it's done, I'm good now." Chuck said nervously, as his cheeks blushed. Sarah simply smiled a loving smile at Chuck and reached out with both hands to cradle his cheeks and bring him in for a tender kiss. The kiss was everything, it was filled with all of the love and comfort that they both had sorely needed the last nine months, but hadn't gotten. When the two lovebirds broke the much-needed affirmation of their love, Chuck gave Sarah a grin and spoke.

"Heard she made you faint in the shower..." Sarah could see him holding back the laugh and simply shook her head at him knowingly.

"Go ahead and laugh," Sarah said and no sooner had she said it, Chuck was laughing. "She's really good at it and she wouldn't stop; after the fifth time, I was too zapped to fight back. After that, it was only a matter of time before I couldn't handle any more and down I went; thankfully she caught me before I fell, but it was still embarrassing." Chuck stopped himself from laughing and nodded.

"Big bad Sarah Walker's kryptonite is cunnilingus, definitely going to remember that!" Chuck said with another laugh, Sarah simply shook her head with a smile on her face.

"There are worse ways to go," Sarah muttered as she stood up off Chuck's car, Chuck simply nodded. "Okay, go on home, Chuck, and I mean straight home; no more rendezvous' with sexy brunettes," Sarah said with a smile and a pointed finger. Chuck held up his hands defensively and went to climb into his car. Sarah grabbed his shirt and stopped him from climbing in. "Where's my goodnight kiss?" Sarah asked with a smile that Chuck sent right back to her.

"I'm sorry, Captain Walker, please forgive my most grievous transgression," Chuck said, before he leaned in and captured Sarah's lips with his own. Sarah moaned into the kiss and then pulled away before things escalated any more.

"Good night, Sarah, drive safe," Chuck said, as he climbed into the herder and started the engine; Sarah leaned in through the open door and whispered to Chuck.

"Goodnight, Chuck," Sarah said, before she planted a quick kiss on his cheek and then moved to close the door. Before she closed the door, Sarah leaned back in and spoke once again. "Oh, I've been meaning to ask," she said to Chuck who simply nodded. "Why do you two drive all the way out here?"

"We didn't used to; for years, we just did it in the apartment. Years ago, the complex was almost completely empty; only Mrs. Yao was living in the complex, and she was deaf as a post. Mrs. Yao was this elderly Chinese woman from Hong Kong; she passed away years ago. When it was only Mrs. Yao, and Ellie and I, before Awesome moved in with Ellie; Ellie and I would go at it all the time. The owner of the complex doesn't live in the complex so there wasn't any danger of getting caught; when Mrs. Yao passed away, we really started going at it, but that was short lived, because the Bauer's moved in not long after and they were a pair of curmudgeonly folks. Faced with having to go somewhere to continue our fun, we decided to go somewhere so far out of the way that nobody would know who we really were. We've been trekking out here to Hesperia ever since; of course, the long drive slowed us down quite a bit, but the decrease in frequency only made it more enjoyable when we actually got away." Sarah simply nodded at Chuck's answer. What Chuck said made a ton of sense, and she was kind of jealous of Ellie's past chance to just have sex with Chuck whenever she wanted. Boy would Sarah have taken advantage of that; there wouldn't have been a single square inch of that apartment that hadn't either been witness to or a participant of her getting fucked by that adorable nerd with the huge cock.

"Another question, how does Devon actually feel about what you two have?" Sarah asked with a hint of a smirk on her face; she knew what Ellie had said, but Ellie might be a tad biased.

"I'm assuming Ellie told you about Monica?" Chuck asked, Sarah simply nodded. "Well, what she probably didn't tell you, is the second half of their arrangement." Now Sarah was really intrigued, what could Chuck mean by the second half of the arrangement? Sarah gave Chuck a curious look, and he simply nodded.

"Oh yeah, let's just say she entertains Devon's more... aggressive tastes," he said mysteriously, which got a reaction from Sarah. Upon seeing her piqued curiosity, he elaborated. "Ellie likes passionate sex, but Devon is more into the rough stuff; most of the time they stick to this happy medium they've settled on that satisfies both of them. That being said, whenever Ellie and I get away like this, she satisfies his preference for more aggressive fun," Chuck said, getting an understanding nod from Sarah.

"Does she even enjoy that kind of sex?" Sarah asked, more curious than anything.

"Ellie has a huge affection for anal sex, so as long as he's really pounding her back there, she's totally game. I will tell you, look out for Ellie to be walking gingerly in the next couple of days if you know what I mean," he said before giving her the eyebrow dance, which simply made her chuckle and shake her head. Devon was such a nice, well-mannered guy, so to learn that he was into rough sex was... interesting.

"He is a strong guy, so I can see how that could be a thing for the two of them," Sarah admitted as she imagined Ellie being brutally fucked by Devon; his hand in her hair, his hard cock plowing her asshole from behind... Yeah, Sarah could see how a girl might walk funny after that.

"Earth to Sarah," Chuck said as he waved a hand in front of Sarah's face, snapping her out of her lewd daydream. "Were you seriously just imagining my sister getting fucked in the ass?" Chuck asked, feeling like he already knew the answer. Sarah's blush and small smile told Chuck that he'd gotten it exactly right. Chuck knew her too well, so she couldn't help but blush when he practically read her thoughts back to her.

"Maybe I was, what about it?" Sarah said with a mock pout that made Chuck do nothing but laugh.

"Nothing, just think it's adorable how even after hours of sex, your mind is still in the gutter," Chuck said with a big smile.

"I didn't used to think about sex this much, but since I met this cute nerd herder, it's all I think about." Sarah said with a pouty smile.

"It's Anna, isn't it? I know the way she wears her skirts always gets to Morgan," Chuck said with as serious a face as he could muster. Sarah simply laughed and then punched Chuck in the arm.

"You did this to me, you jerk; being all sexy and adorable all the time has corrupted my mind and planted it firmly in the gutter." Chuck simply laughed loudly while rubbing the spot she punched.

"No need to be so violent; I'd have thought the copious amounts of sex would have been enough of a release to curb your violent streak, but apparently I was wrong!" Sarah shook her head at him and gave a look of faux concern.

"Aww, did I give you a boo boo?" Sarah said before she leaned forward and kissed the spot on his sleeve where she'd punched him. "There, a kiss, now it's all better," she said as she gave him a loving smile. Chuck simply chuckled and shook his head at her antics.

"Just when I think I've got a read on you, you prove me all wrong; you Sarah Walker, are an intoxicating enigma," Chuck said honestly to the blonde love of his life, crouched down next to him. The sly smile she gave him made him nervous.

"You know, if it's still not all better, there are other places I could kiss that might feel way better?" As she spoke, Chuck felt her hand wander down to his crotch. In a flash, Chuck reached down and grabbed her hand before it invariably fished his cock out of his pants.

"You are insatiable, but don't think I forgot about your little quest for my soul; my soul is staying right where it is, thank you very much. I'm still recovering from earlier, I've got to have enough energy to drive home, or have you already forgotten?" Chuck said very seriously which made Sarah crack up to the point where she was wiping tears from her eyes.

"I will get that soul of yours, this isn't your call Mr. Bartowski," Sarah said in a husky voice that sent a shiver up his spine.

Chuck sobered. "Before I forget, Morgan doesn't know about Ellie and I; we've managed to keep it from him, so be careful what you say around him." Sarah simply nodded.

"Thanks for the heads up, I was just about to ask anyway." Chuck simply nodded at her; she could see he wanted to ask something, but didn't. "What is it? You can ask me anything, you know that," she said to him with concern. Chuck simply rubbed the back of his neck and spoke nervously.

"I was just wondering what you wanted to do about Ellie and I? No more trips out here? We're allowed to do this like we've been doing? We need a chaperone? How are we going to handle this, because Casey is going to wonder?" Sarah hadn't thought a whole lot about the plan as far as Chuck and Ellie were concerned.

"Well, I hadn't given it too much thought, but I guess I'll help come up with reasons for you and Ellie to get out. I know the cover is hard on you, so these moments with Ellie will be good for you. And hey, maybe a time or two I'll be able to actually participate in the fun." It wasn't the best answer, but it was an answer and Chuck nodded thankfully at Sarah.

"Thanks for all of this Sarah, I know all of this is strange and not what you signed up for, but it means the world to me." Sarah simply gave Chuck a loving smile and leaned in to kiss him. When they pulled away, Sarah had a fun idea and spoke in as sultry a tone as she could muster from all her days in Infiltration and Inducement of Enemy Personnel at the Farm.

"One last thing, Chuck." She saw him give her a confused look at her sudden mood swing, but he spoke nonetheless.

"What is it?"

"While Ellie and I were in the shower, rubbing our soapy hands all over each other, teasing and caressing our wet, slippery bodies," she started, only to see Chuck swallow nervously as he no doubt imagined that sexy sight.

"Yeah?" he whispered blankly.

"We talked about you, about how I'd always want a load of your hot cum inside me, about how I'd want you all the time."

"Is that so?" Chuck squeaked nervously; Sarah simply nodded a small amount and pressed on with her lewd verbal assault.

"The thing is... I was holding back; I didn't want to tell her just how badly I crave you, Chuck. If I could have you inside me at all times, I would. If I could have that hard cock of yours, buried deep inside my tight little pussy, where it belongs; I'd have you inside me, every second of every day. I'd never let you out of my sight, you'd never be able to stop me from getting more of you, I'd always want more. Even right now, I want more," Sarah breathed into his ear, eliciting a shudder from Chuck. Sarah glanced down and had to smirk; he really did have a weakness for dirty talk... good to know.

"I want more of you Chuck, I want it in all of my wholes, all of the time; I want you Chuck, so... fucking... bad..." Sarah continued, gently nibbling on Chuck's ear. In as abrupt a change as Sarah could manage, she spoke once again in a bright, cheery, almost cocky tone "But you told me no, so you're just going to have to drive home with that big boner you've got right now. No jerking off while you drive, don't need you getting in a wreck on the freeway," Sarah said with a satisfied smirk before she gave the now stunned Chuck a kiss on the cheek and pulled away from him.

"Drive safe, Stud," Chuck simply sat there in stunned shock and watched Sarah walk back towards her Porsche, her hips swaying seductively.

"So not cool," Chuck mumbled as he waited for his body to regain control of itself after Sarah's verbal barrage quickly revived his arousal, in spite of his exhaustion. As Sarah arrived at her Porsche, she turned and watched Chuck sit there for a few moments, almost willing what she had no doubt was a raging erection, to go away.

"I could be sucking his cock right now, but he told me he wasn't in the mood, so now he gets to suffer," she mused with a shrug as she watched his herder come to life and drive off into the dark night. Okay, so maybe what she'd just done was a little mean, getting him all riled up and hard, only to make him drive home; but he told her no, so it was his fault. She was more then up for sucking his cock right there in the parking lot, but he said no, so he was going to suffer all the way home. That would likely be the last time he ever turned an offer from her down. As Sarah went over what she'd just offered him, she was stunned by her behavior, she'd offered to suck his cock in the empty parking lot, like it was no big deal, where anyone could come alone and see them. Chuck really had come along and pushed her mind firmly into the gutter, he hadn't even really done anything on purpose, he was just nerdy and adorable and now all she could think about was ways to fuck his brains out and get his cum in her various holes.
