Quality Time (The Complete Story)


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"God, I do have the mind of a teenage boy," Sarah mused as she shook her head and climbed into her Porsche. As she thought about all of the changes she'd felt, she couldn't help but think about all of the changes that had happened in just the last five hours.

Things were so different than they were just five hours ago; it was only five hours ago that Sarah was at home trying to sleep away the crippling guilt that she was feeling over how much she'd hurt the man she loved. Now she was a well fucked woman in love, who now knew that her innocent nerd had secretly been having an incestuous love affair with his sister for the last ten years. More than that, she'd discovered that the older, more reserved Eleanor Faye Bartowski was secretly a dirty little switch hitter with a penchant for making blondes orgasm until they faint. Ellie was arguably the biggest surprise of all of it, she was such a different person in the bedroom, she was a stone-cold fox who knew it. Ellie was a person who knew she could make you cum your brains out, but let you sit there and think you had control of the situation. At the same time, she had a submissive side that wasn't too difficult to bring to the surface.

Sarah had now learned that Chuck was hung like a horse and knew how to use it; he was a giving lover who had surprising stamina and virility for a guy approaching thirty. The fact that she was in love with Chuck, and she'd told him as much, was just mind blowing to the blonde. This morning she'd been a sexually frustrated, lovesick, woman who was pining for a man she couldn't have and wracked by crippling guilt. Now hours later, Sarah was a woman in love, who was loved back by the same man. They were determined to wait until they could have it all, and they would have it all, if Sarah Walker had anything to say about it, which she did.


Chapter Ten:

True Lies and Cream Pies

Sarah had never slept so peacefully in her adult life; the emotional relief of resolving things with Chuck had taken a massive weight off her shoulders. In addition to the relief from the elimination of all her emotional strife, she'd finally gotten some damn quality time with her nerd. Her nerd, she could actually call him that now; they were going to wait for each other, they were going to be there when this was all over. Until that time came, Sarah fully intended to steal any moment she could with Chuck; if that meant mounting him on missions against his will, then so be it. Sarah needed her quality time and she wasn't going to be denied.

As wakefulness finally overtook Sarah and she opened her eyes, she simply sighed in contentment, life was good. When Sarah rolled onto her back and stared at the ceiling, she simply took a moment to soak in the afterglow she felt from the previous night's activities. Chuck had fucked her so good; her nerd had really done a number on her. With the help of his foxy, switch-hitting sister, the two siblings had made Sarah orgasm more times collectively, than she'd had total since she'd discovered the wonders of the female orgasm. That might have been hyperbole, but it sure felt like the truth! The feeling of Chuck's burning hot seed exploding into her was something Sarah had never experienced so viscerally. Of course, there had been that time with Patrick years and years ago, but his piddly little load was nothing like the veritable firehose that Chuck Bartowski had unleashed inside her. Sarah wanted more of that feeling, it was addicting; she'd had a taste of her favorite drug and now she wanted more. That wasn't even mentioning the foxy Eleanor Faye Bartowski, the switch hitter who managed to make her orgasm to near unconsciousness. As Sarah could confirm, death by Bartowski was definitely a thing, but if Sarah Walker was honest, there weren't many better ways to go than screaming in orgasmic ecstasy.

Between the thoughts of Chuck's raging erection filling her to the brim with his seed and his smoking hot sister licking and sucking all of that hot man cream out of her, Sarah was suddenly very aroused. As Sarah reached down under her covers and into her panties, she found a very damp and very sensitive little kitty, who was more than a little eager to play. Her fingers ghosted over her damp folds and swollen clit and she couldn't stop the pleasurable sigh from escaping her lips. She plunged her fingers insider her burning hot center to her second knuckle, and pulled them all the way out, bringing the now soaked fingers to her mouth. As Sarah licked and sucked her own ambrosia off of her fingers, she couldn't help but think back to the previous evening; licking Chuck's cum off of her fingers like the remnants of a delicious rack of ribs.

When Sarah's hand ventured back under the covers, she immediately plunged three fingers inside her needy depths and began pumping in and out slowly. Most of the mornings she'd spent masturbating had utilized her trusty bullet vibe, but today, Sarah wanted penetration, she needed to feel stretched out, she needed to feel his cock inside her, but she knew she couldn't have him.

"I might have to invest in a good quality dildo," Sarah mused as she felt her middle finger press on her g-spot, getting a wanton gasp from the NSA Captain. Sarah really wanted her nerd inside her this morning, she ached for that feeling again, she ached to feel all of him stretching her out in all the right places. Sarah moaned once again as she increased her tempo; her fingers pumped in and out of her soaking wet center at a blazing pace, the lewd squishing sound only muffled by her thick, decadent covers over top of her.

God, she wished she had a dildo right now, even a fucking banana or cucumber would do the trick, anything to give her that satisfying feeling she so craved. She wished she had Chuck here, inside her; the perfect compromise would be a dildo made in Chuck's image. Now there was an idea, to have an exact replica of Chuck, just in her drawer, ready to go, for all those nights where she couldn't have her nerd. God, she'd get nothing else done at home; she'd just spend all day in bed. The thought of having an imitation Chuck in her drawer almost finished Sarah off; that was something to seriously consider at a later date. For right now, all that was on Sarah's mind, was satisfying the raging inferno of lust that was burning between her thighs.

Increasing her tempo and harshness of her pumps in and out of her center, the volume of Sarah's moans increased as well. She was getting close to her peak, her mind was filled with images of Chuck's hard cock, buried deep inside his sister's tight pussy. Ellie was on her back, her thick, toned thighs wrapped around Chuck's waist as he jackhammered her... hard. Chuck's raging cock had no condom, he wasn't going to be denied his satisfaction. Sarah could practically hear Ellie begging for it as Sarah's fingers quickly pumped her pussy closer and closer to the edge.

"Yes, give it to me little brother," Ellie would moan into his ear as she clung to him like kudzu. Chuck would grunt that animalistic grunt, that primal grunt that all men possessed the ability to achieve when on the verge of primal satisfaction, when about to claim another as their own.

"Do it," Sarah moaned urgently as her fingers quickly moved in and out of her center; her face a crumpled visage of pleasure, her body coiling up on the verge of blissful release. Sarah knew Ellie would beg for it, every woman would want all of Chuck inside them, he was too hard to resist. Ellie's eager cunt would do all it could to pull his essence from him, beckoning him closer and closer to his own peak.

Sarah simply moaned urgently as she felt her release coming, she was on the downhill ride and nothing would stop her now. Ellie's interlocked ankles behind Chuck's back would pull him deeper and deeper inside her warm depths, preventing his escape, preventing him from delaying his inevitable release. What woman wouldn't want that feeling? Sarah wanted that feeling so badly, yet Ellie had been able to have that feeling any time she wanted for ten years and had been making him wear a condom? That bitch!


The sound of her cellphone ringing filled the room, but Sarah promptly ignored it, she wasn't going to be denied this morning. Sarah needed this orgasm; she'd been masturbating for almost twenty minutes by this point and her center was on fire with lust. Eventually her cellphone's incessant ringing stopped, allowing her mind to focus solely on the lewd images her imagination was currently concocting for her masturbatory entertainment.

"I'm going to cum," Chuck would grunt as he continued to pound Ellie's tight center.

"Give it to me, I want it all inside me!" Ellie would cry passionately as she'd reach her peak, her release splashing all over the two of them. What Sarah wouldn't give to be in Ellie's position, on her back, legs wrapped around her nerd, begging for his hot load; God she needed to cum so bad.


The sound of her phone ringing again was once again ignored by Sarah; she was too focused on making herself cum to give a fuck about anything that Beckman or Casey wanted from her. Why was she so horny this morning? It was like all she could think about was sex and cumming; what had Chuck done to her? Since she'd come to Burbank it was like her mind was set on one thing and one thing only... sex. Sure, sex felt amazing when it was with a good partner, and sure she'd finally found said partner, but that still didn't explain her sudden obsession with sexual satisfaction. As Sarah felt that familiar feeling start to manifest deep inside her, she couldn't help but wish she was actually watching the sordid scene her imagination was dreaming up for her lewd entertainment. She wanted to actually see that morally bankrupt moment, she wanted it so badly; God, what was wrong with her?

As her peak exploded through her, she couldn't help but imagine that moment where Chuck's throbbing, aching cock exploded deep inside his own sister. "Chuck me!" Sarah screamed to the heavens as she came apart and climaxed. Her fingers were a savage blur in and out of her center, working to extend her peak as long as possible. When the second orgasm came, Sarah felt the release of fluids against her thighs; she was practically sobbing in joyous ecstasy at this point.

"Yes Chuck," Sarah cried out as her third peak washed over her suddenly, tears streaking from her eyes. It felt so good, but her mind was so confused at the same time; did she have an undiscovered incest fetish? Had she always secretly desired this? Where had these morally wrong desires come from that were currently helping her achieve numerous glorious climaxes? Maybe she had a fetish for the Siblings Bartowski, maybe that was the root of all of these sudden urges and desires? Whatever it was, Sarah's brain was awash with lewd, sordid desires and she loved every second of it.


As Sarah heard her phone ring a third time, she ignored it once again and went back for more pleasure; she only had one goal this morning, and that was satisfaction. She should have done this yesterday, just said 'fuck the world' and masturbated for a while. Sarah didn't have a shift at the Wienerlicious today, so the world could wait for a while and let her have a moment to herself.

"Fuck it, I need some quality time..."


Eleanor Faye Bartowski missed mornings like this; the morning after an evening with Chuck was always so satisfying for Ellie. Chuck was such a passionate lover, a man eager to slow things down and savor it. She loved Devon and while rough sex was fun and she certainly had tons of orgasms that way; she couldn't dispute the fact that she found slower, more passionate sex, more enjoyable. She had no doubt that she'd be satisfying Devon's preferences for aggression before too long, but she really hoped it wasn't this morning. Ellie wanted to have a quiet, loving, peaceful morning with her amazing, hunky, loving, boyfriend.

Ellie heard Devon's inhale of breath, signaling that he was awake; she felt his arm wrap around her torso and then he rolled over into a spoon behind her, kissing her behind the ear. Ellie hummed contently as she felt his lips on her skin; she loved this man so much and she couldn't imagine her life without him.

"Good morning," she said in a sleepy voice, she heard him chuckle.

"I'd recognize my fiancés, 'satisfied' voice anywhere; you got in so late last night, I never got to ask you how it went," Devon said as his hand wandered under her tee-shirt and caressed her supple breast.

"Going right for it I see; how was Monica?" Ellie said back to him as she simply enjoyed his hand on her breast.

"Couldn't get a babysitter, we're going to meet on Thursday," he said casually, Ellie simply nodded.

"I'm sorry, if it's any consolation, my evening didn't go as planned either," Ellie said, deciding it was time to broach the subject of exactly what happened last night. She kept no secrets from Devon when it came to their sex life, so full disclosure was the only way they made this arrangement work.

"Really, was he too upset like he was after Jill?" Devon asked with noticeable concern for Ellie's younger brother in his tone. The man was fucking Devon's fiancé and all Devon cared about was if Chuck was okay, talk about a great guy. Ellie simply shook her head no.

"Nothing like that; he was more than eager to have some fun. If anything, he was almost too eager! I had to be careful not to make him pop too soon; poor guy was suffering, he was so pent up." Devon simply chuckled at Ellie and her warped attitudes about her brother.

"Then what happened?" Devon asked, unsure what the issue had been the previous evening. Ellie sighed quietly and paused to make sure she said this the right way, she knew a whole lot that she hadn't known just yesterday evening, and she had to make sure she only revealed the right things.

"Sarah caught us," Ellie said quietly. She felt him tense and then the mattress shifted as he sat up on his elbow and looked down at her.

"How did she take it? She didn't break up with Chuck, did she?" Devon asked quickly, those being the two most obvious questions to ask. Ellie simply rolled over onto her back and looked up at her boyfriend, admiring his muscular chest. Devon saw her smile up at him and shake her head, no.

"At first, she was more shocked than anything, she asked us what we were doing, saying we shouldn't be having sex because we're siblings. After that, Chuck said something that must have gotten to her. Chuck has had a bad week and he's been pretty upset with Sarah, so when she told him who he should and shouldn't be having sex with, after what it looked like she was doing all week? Boy, oh boy, did he not take that sitting down; no sir, my little brother shot right back and told her that we've have been having sex... for many years," Ellie said proudly. She was rather proud of her brother in hindsight, he'd stuck up for himself in that moment, after Sarah had been treating him horribly for months, let alone the last week!

"Way to go, Chuckster," Devon commented, Ellie nodded as she watched Devon's free hand begin to wander once again, quickly finding her erect nipple through her tee-shirt, teasingly tracing little circles on her areola.

"You're such a tease," Ellie said, her eyes fluttered at his teasing. "Sarah must have been having a rough week, because out of nowhere she just came unglued and started ranting that she was the only one in town not getting any." Devon's finger stopped it's teasing as he looked at her in confusion, Ellie simply nodded.

"I didn't understand either. Regardless, Chuck asked her if she wanted to join the two of us, and she uh... she said yes," Ellie said quietly, unsure how Devon would take that news. She'd had sex with someone other than Devon or Chuck; when she watched Devon's reaction, she saw the gears turning.

"You had a threesome with Chuck's girlfriend?" Devon asked quietly, his face emotionless. Ellie sat up in bed and spoke quickly in hopes to prevent what she suspected could be a big fight.

"I know I shouldn't have; I know that wasn't part of our arrangement. I made a mistake, Baby. She was so horny, and she's so damn beautiful; as soon as Chuck threw it out there, I just stopped thinking. I'm so sorry, Baby, I'll never have sex with Chuck again if that's what it takes to regain your trust, please just give me another chance." Ellie said quickly, obviously fearing for her future. As Devon saw the tears in her eyes, his emotionless face broke out into a massive grin.

"Awesome," he said simply. Ellie gave him a confused look, obviously confused by his reaction.

"What?" she asked meekly.

"You bagged Sarah Walker?" he asked, if only for confirmation; Ellie simply nodded nervously.

"You're not upset with me?"

"Why would I be mad, Babe? Sarah Walker is a total smoke show," Devon said like it was the simplest thing in the world as he raised his hand signaling his desire for a high five. Ellie was totally confused and it showed on her face, but she high fived him anyway.

"But that wasn't in our arrangement, I thought the only people it was okay to have sex with were you and Chuck," Ellie began, only to see Devon's face soften in recognition; his fiancé had forgotten part of their deal.

"You forget, babe, back in two-thousand and two, I told you, as long as the only dick you were getting was mine or Chuck's, and the only dick fucking your ass was mine; I don't care if you have sex with women." When she heard his words, she suddenly remembered him saying that all those years ago, when they'd hashed out their little arrangement; how had she forgotten that?

"Oh, guess I forgot about that... not that I would have taken advantage before yesterday."

"Okay be honest, she was incredible, wasn't she?" Devon asked with a smile that made Ellie chuckle; he had always loved hearing about her lesbian exploits from college. When he saw the blush creep up Ellie's cheeks, he simply smiled and pointed at her face.

"I see blushing, is that a yes?" Ellie simply laughed and gave Devon a shove.

"Okay yes, she was incredible, the most talented women I've ever been with."

"I knew it, so I'm assuming Chuckster and his girl finally sealed the deal?" Devon asked Ellie, who nodded.

"It was beautiful, they're so in love. That girl was not ready though! One look at Chuck and I thought she was going to faint; poor girl was so horny last night, you could tell it had been a long time for both of them," Ellie said. Devon nodded, but he was noticing a distinct lack of fun for his fiancé.

"So, I know Chuck and Sarah had fun, but what about you?" Ellie simply shrugged honestly.

"I only had the one round with Chuck, which was interrupted by Sarah catching us. I did get my pussy eaten by the both of them and I'll just say, Sarah is just another level of talented." Devon saw Ellie fan herself as she remembered how amazing Sarah was the night before. When Ellie snapped back to the present, she saw a hungry look on Devon's face that could only mean one thing... Devon was ready to play.

"Well to me, it looks like you didn't get the satisfaction you would have liked, am I correct?" Devon said in that husky, masculine voice that always got Ellie's motor running wild.

"Devon," Ellie said, unsure of his intentions. Was he looking to cash in on their arrangement this early in the day?

"What? It's an honest question; my smoking hot fiancé came home unsatisfied, and to me that feels like something I should take care of," Devon said and leaned in towards his fiancé. Devon began planting kisses along her jawline and down her neck to her pulse point, eliciting a moan from the brunette.