Quaranteam - AU Ch. 10

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A Barbecue, an Aussie soldier, a large family, the number 11.
15.4k words

Part 10 of the 11 part series

Updated 05/01/2024
Created 08/18/2023
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Quaranteam: Alternating Uncertainties

Chapter 10

A Barbecue, an Aussie soldier, a large family, & the number eleven.

Well, the chapter took way longer than I hoped, what with the flu, a change in my day job and family stuff. But it's here, it's done, and I hope you enjoy it. This is basically my intermission chapter, too.

The character list is at the end, because this chapter has basically everybody anyway.


Marshall Household, Melbourne Southeastern Suburbs, Victoria, Australia - November 1, 2020 - 4:45 AM AEDT


Sleep still eluded him, so Ty sat on a plush sofa in his basement, the whole thing having been extended twice over the years to encompass a full wine cellar and small apartment with lounge area all in the one space. The apartment was originally intended for Ty's parents to use after they turned the house over to their eldest. Or at least, that had been the plan until their illnesses had claimed them early.

When Antonio Marshall, Tiberius' great-grandfather, had first built their family home in the early 40s, the sprawling house had four bedrooms on just the one level, with a basement, originally to be used as a wine cellar. He had bought the land for cheap and planned to turn the acreage behind the lot into a vineyard for his wife. Unfortunately, they had zoned the land for residential, and so the vineyard had to be moved a little further towards the heart of the Yarra Valley. There, it thrived, and three generations of Marshall women had managed it: his great-grandmother, his grandmother, and his mother. Each generation had added to both that growing business and the house, expanding and remodelling once it became theirs. By the time of his mother's passing, the vineyards operating under the Marshall banner had grown to encompass a good third of the valley; the house had been remodelled to have a second story and extended basement, and now, both had passed into the hands of Tiberius and Damian, though Damian had no interest in running the business and had turned over his interest to Ty for a fair price. They had both, however, agreed that the first among them to have children would let those children inherit the house, as had been tradition.

Tiberius, being a full-time soldier and not having the time or the knowledge to run the vineyards, had hired a manager; conveniently a school friend of his, and had given them a major stake in the business as a means of payment and as a way to ensure they would be invested in the long-term. It had proven to be a very smart decision, as under Nik's careful watch, the vineyards had thrived just as they had under his mother and grandmother's watch. Now, with both his Army income and the passive income from his controlling interest in the vineyards, Ty was set for life.

Recently, Ty had been considering retrofitting the apartment into...well, into a playroom. That plan had come to a screeching halt two days ago. Ok, that wasn't entirely true. He was still considering making it into a playroom, but now the term 'playroom' had taken on an additional, completely non-erotic meaning, and well, he was ok with that too. Admittedly, that may have been at least a little due to the albums scattered across the coffee table before him. Juno had brought them over when she'd brought some of their things the previous day. His partners and the kids were asleep upstairs, though Ty had awoken early and come down here to just...think. He pored over the albums, a separate one for each year of the children's lives. Juno meticulously documented everything. Every step, every milestone. Every moment he'd missed.

Again, the thought rankled. He'd downplayed it on the day, but he was devastated to have missed so much of his children's lives. Who cared that it happened in a drunken stupor? It happened, and it was too late to change that. Six whole years. Part of Ty wanted to scream, to shout at Juno and Zoe and tell them just how badly this hurt, tell them how selfish their decision to keep him ignorant was, but the rational part of him knew it would only do more harm than good. Everyone could see just how terrible they felt for their roles in the deception, and Ty wouldn't be the one to drive them into a corner to assuage his feelings. Especially not when it would change nothing. No, he had to figure out how to get over this and move on. Just another thing to add to the pile.

He refocused his attention on the albums, smiling as he saw the kids in the photos. Their first steps. Playing in a kiddy pool with Zoe. Their first day in daycare. A visit to Juno's parents' ranch. Every photo sent a thrill of happiness through him alongside a surge of sadness.

Never again. I don't ever want to feel this sadness again.

Letting out a deep sigh, he leaned back, closing his eyes as the tiredness finally set in.

He was asleep in seconds.


Marshall Household, Melbourne Southeastern Suburbs, Victoria, Australia - November 1, 2020 - 9:00 AM AEDT


Ty awoke to feel gentle weights leaning on either side of him. Whoever it was had turned out the lights, and for an instant, he thought it was the kids, but the presences were too big for that. Turning his head one way, he could just make out the ash blonde locks of Béa as she leaned against him. On his other side, Grace had an album in her lap and was carefully leafing through it, a gentle, but decidedly sad smile on her face. He had imprinted both the previous day after being released from the hospital, and both had slept for over half a day. Now, it seemed they were finally awake.

"Good morning, ladies, when did you two wake up?" He tested his left arm, finding that there was just the barest hint of pain left, before pulling both women closer to him. Béa purred, snuggling in closer, and Grace let herself lean against him, still not taking her eyes from the photos. Ty enjoyed feeling her back in his arms, realising how much he'd missed the sensation and that he hadn't quite gotten to experience it the previous day. Even with what he'd been told about how frenzied a woman would become after being injected with the 'Dead Man's Switch' as Grace had called it, he hadn't been prepared for just how animalistic she became. Ty had been intimate with her before, and he knew she could get wild, but this was nothing like that. Almost seconds after Alice had administered the serum, she had quite literally slammed into him like a cum-seeking missile, knocking him to the floor with her entire body weight and proceeding to ride him like a madwoman until he couldn't help but give her what she craved. Still, it had been an experience he'd never forget, and it meant that she was safe, even if he had a few new scratch marks on his chest and back to show for it.

"We awoke not long ago, mon amour, and were surprised to find you gone. It's just past nine now, so Alice and Talia have already gone to the hospital to fetch Zoe. Charlotte and Leticia are in the kitchen, making preparations for later and Juno and Elizabeth are looking after the children. Why are you sleeping down here?"

"I nodded off. I...was spending some time just looking at these and I guess the tiredness finally caught up with me. You two could have stayed in bed."

Grace finally looked up from the album, a small smile on her face. "We wanted to be near you, but you weren't in bed with us. So, we came looking and found you fast asleep down here." That smile took on a hint of sadness, and she continued. "For a moment, I thought you didn't want to share the bed with us, but then I saw the albums scattered on the coffee table."

Ty shrugged. "No, I'm always happy to share a bed with a couple of beauties. I just couldn't sleep and didn't want to wake you, so I went downstairs. It was later that I realised I wouldn't be able to wake you since you two were in imprinting sleep. Then I saw the albums and brought them down here so I wouldn't disturb anyone else, no matter how I reacted to their contents."

The words brought a look of deep concern to both women's faces as Béa asked, "Are you still angry with Juno? She's almost beside herself with worry, mon amour."

Both women watched him carefully, and Ty took a moment to collect his thoughts. Juno had done her Oracle and had been quite surprised to see their compatibility was in the upper half of the 80s. Ty had just rolled his eyes at the news. He could have easily told her that. The girls had also reassured her that he wouldn't leave her hanging, so she had agreed to join the family, and Ty would imprint her either that night or the following one. So, no matter how he looked at it, he was not going to gain anything by remaining angry. Rather, he had far more to lose. But as long as he could be a part of the kids' lives, he'd be satisfied.

Eventually, he processed everything and spoke. "No. I'm not. I can't get the time back, but that's something no one can do anything about. But as long as she doesn't pull this kind of thing in the future, all is forgiven. She's given me two absolute treasures, so I consider myself a very lucky man and I won't take that for granted. But if I find out that I've inadvertently fathered more kids and nobody's seen fit to tell me, I might chuck an absolute spaz and none of you can tell me I'd be fucking wrong to do it." He shuddered a moment before he continued. "Having found out that I have six-year-olds made me think about old girlfriends I had from around twelve years ago and the terror that inspires is something I can genuinely do without."

Grace nodded, running a hand over the cover of the album in her lap. "Seeing these reminded me of Jason at that age." Her voice quivered as she spoke, and Ty understood.

"He'll be remembered. Have you spoken to Temperance since you got here? They're going to hear about Ben sooner or later, and they're going to worry about you."

She shook her head and leaned against Ty even more. "I've been so caught up in everything...and to top it off, the last few days have been..."

Leaning over, he kissed the top of her head and spoke into her oak-brown hair. "Go grab your phone if you don't have it already and give her a call. It's actually a reasonably good time, and I'd like for Temperance to know what's going on."

As Grace fumbled for her phone, Béa stretched and began to rise, but Ty stopped her, pulling her back into his arms.

"And where do you think you're going?"

"To give you some privacy. This is Grace's family, no? What business do I have -"

Grace reached out and took the French woman's hand in hers. "You've been sluffing, Béa. Ty's been saying repeatedly that his Team is his family and since we're both bound to him, you're now my sister in bond, even as Tempe is my sister by blood." She put their hands over his heart and Ty instinctively squeezed them tighter against him. "Can't you feel it? We're in there, girl. And above all, I'd be happy to introduce you to my family. You're already a part of it. Plus, mom loves hearing accents. She positively gushed over Ty's when I brought him home."

Ty chuckled. "You told me we were going to lunch." He turned his head to look at Béa, a wry grin on his face while Grace stifled a snort on his other side. "However, she failed to mention that lunch was at her mum's place." His expression went deadpan, and Grace began to squirm, barely able to contain herself. "With her entire family. Who already knew about me. I was blindsided by the fucking Spanish Inquisition."

Finally unable to take it, Grace erupted into a fit of giggles. "Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!"

Béa burst into laughter and Ty just sighed.

"Just call your sister, ya goof."


It took barely two rings before the call was answered and Temperance's face stared back at the screen. "Now look who's finally decided to call. Hi baby sis, how're things?"

"Hi Tempe, a lot of stuff happened and things have been moving pretty fast. Sorry I haven't called."

"Work stuff. I get it. Where's Ben? That doesn't look like -" Ty leaned into the frame and the woman, a very marginally older version of Grace, smiled broadly. "As I live and breathe, Tiberius Marshall. I wondered when Grace would let us see you again. Where have you been hiding?" Turning her head, Temperance called out to someone offscreen. "Martin, Mom, come have a look. Grace is on the line with Tiberius."

Ty gave her a warm smile. "Under a rock, as it so happens, Temperance. It's great to see ya. You look lovely, as always."

"Flatterer. Now, I'd start by asking what's up, but from the looks of you two, I can see there's a story to tell, so I'll wait until Mom and Martin join us. They'll want to see you both."

Ty took the phone from Grace's hand and held it out a little so all three of them entered the frame. "Oh. All three of you. My, isn't she gorgeous. Tiberius, you sly dog you."

Ty just grinned. "I reckon the phrase is 'a flower in both hands'. Though truth be told I've got the whole bloody bouquet, and never has a man been so happy with flowers."

Temperance laughed and Béa blushed before giving Ty a gentle swat on the chest. At that moment, another head appeared onscreen and Ty marvelled at how much like sisters these mother and daughter appeared to be. "Hello, Tiberius. It's lovely to see you, dear."

"Hi. Prudence. Likewise. Though you look even younger than before. You've got to tell us the secret. Most people don't age in reverse."

The older woman tittered, a faint blush tingeing her cheeks. "If only, dear. So, I understand you've gotten in on this whole partnering thing, Tiberius? How many do you have now?"

The smile on Ty's face froze and he choked for a moment. "Uh..."

Temperance smiled widely and prodded at the opening her mother had left. "Oh, come on. Martin has three partners now, including me. Surely, you've got a couple more lovely ladies on top of that beauty beside you?"

Now Ty was sweating. He didn't know how she'd react to hearing the number. "Sure...a couple."

Temperance gave him a look and swung her gaze to either side of him. "Will one of you answer that question? He's clearly not going to. How about you, uh...?" Temperance fixed her gaze on Béa, but floundered as she didn't know the other's name.

Béa giggled and spoke. "I am Béatrice. Béatrice Martin. It is lovely to meet you, Temperance, and you as well, Prudence. It is very clear where Grace gets her, well, grace."

Prudence positively melted at the sound of Béa's voice. "Oh my. French, right? Such a beautiful voice too. It's wonderful to meet you, Béatrice. So, do tell, how many lovely ladies does that big fella have? I have my guesses, but I'd like to know how close I am."

Smiling, Béa counted them off. "There's Charlotte, Leticia, Talia, Alice, Elizabeth, myself, Grace, and soon, Juno and Zoe."

Tempe's smile had swiftly transformed into an expression of astonishment, and she gave Ty a stern gaze. "Why is my sister counted there? She's partnered with Ben Morgan."

Grace gave her sister a look. "Ben...Ben passed away, Tempe. He got involved with bad people and was forced into something he wouldn't have done otherwise. Then those people killed him."

"So, you jumped ship?"

Temperance's voice had no small amount of judgement in it and Ty couldn't help himself. "Tempe. Since you have been paired, you no doubt know at least some of the aspects of the serum. Like perhaps the requirement for a woman to exchange bodily fluids, or rather, semen, with her partner? The gradual buildup of lust and loss of control when it doesn't happen? What do you think happens if a woman's partner dies and is no longer producing that?"

Both women paled, their eyes going wide. "But then...how?"

Ty's shrug was noncommittal. "We made it work. None of us can talk about how, so don't bother asking, and you can't let that tidbit out, either. But Grace asked the rest of the family if she could join, and they approved, so they approached me about it. As you might imagine, given our history and ongoing friendship, I was never going to say anything but yes, and here we are. That said, I wanted Grace to call and let you know that she was ok, since there might be whispers down the grapevine that something's happened to Ben, and by extension, her."

While they seemed a little off kilter at the news, they were genuinely happy that Grace was safe, and so they chatted idly for a minute until a third and fourth face appeared on their side of the screen.

"Hey there, Ty. You're lookin'...comfy. This is Sally, my third partner. Georgia, my second, isn't feeling all that well today, so she'll sit this one out."

"G'day Martin. How ya goin'? And nice to meet you, Miss Sally. The name's Tiberius. Tiberius Marshall. You already know Grace, I presume, and this is Béatrice Martin."

Temperance's husband was a rugged guy with sandy blonde hair and brown eyes. He made his living as a manager at a construction company with a big rep and a penchant for handling government contracts. Sally was a clearly younger woman, probably in her early 20s, a slender waif of a thing with her flowing red hair braided down her back. She gave Ty and Béa a brilliant smile as she stepped up and gave both Prudence and Temperance a hug.

"It's very nice to meet you, Tiberius. And just call me Sally. Mama Pru and Tempe told me about how Grace was going to Australia and then about you. They made you sound like quite the hunk, but they didn't do you justice."

"Well, Sally, you and Martin both seem to have excellent taste in partners. He'll treat you right. And if he doesn't, well...Tempe will take care of him."

They all laughed, and Ty spent a moment observing them before movement from Béa caught his attention. She was typing away on her phone and he gave her a questioning nudge.

"The others are coming down to join us. Well, those who are here. If we're still on the call when the last three arrive, then all the better, no?"

Ty nodded and felt a smile tugging at his lips at the sound of the little footsteps thundering down the stairs. They had been nervous when Juno had brought them to the house but had quickly relaxed when they saw the large backyard and the assortment of play goods that Ty had dragged out of storage. By evening, they were exploring the whole house freely, their laughter brightening everyone's day.

Now, they thundered down the stairs, eager voices laughing and calling out 'Dad' as they ran towards him. He passed the phone back to Grace and scooped the children onto his lap, noting that while everyone else had come up to the sofa, Juno was staying a few steps behind. He waved her over and she took a deep breath, seemingly relieved.

"Temperance, Martin, Prudence, Sally; I'd like to introduce some people. Behind me are some of my other partners. Charlotte and Leticia Valiant are the twins. Elizabeth Connors is the lovely young brunette standing behind Béa, and last but not least, is Juno Claudius, the mother of these two rugrats. And of course, these two are Bellona and Mars. My kids."

Ty had hesitated for just a moment at the last two words, knowing the loss Grace's family had only recently suffered. But contrary to his fears, as the kids said hello and introduced themselves, Temperance and Martin smiled warmly and responded in kind. Prudence had tears in her eyes, but she too gave her greetings and introduced herself as 'Granny Pru'. The kids warmed up to them immediately, and Martin turned his gaze to Ty.

"They're adorable, Ty. Miss Juno, they're positively a credit to you. You must be so proud."

Even though they could see the sadness in his expression, Juno's smile was a mile wide.

Finally, Grace's father also joined, having woken up from his nap. Grandpa Tom had his focus on the kids, having set up a separate call with Ty and Martin's phones so they could chat without interruption. The adult group spent another several minutes just chatting, while the kids regaled their new grandpa with tales of their 'adventure' in Ty's house the previous day.