Quaranteam Ch. 20

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The ramifications of Covington's poker game play out...
19.6k words

Part 4 of the 50 part series

Updated 03/18/2024
Created 10/06/2021
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Chapter 20

After Niko helped Andy get Piper off of him, they scrounged around the room before they simply gave up and put Andy's jacket on her. There wasn't any clothing in the room, not even a bedsheet. Just a bucket in the corner, filled with excrement. She wasn't difficult for them to carry, although neither of them had much experience carrying an unconscious person before.

Once they got her up to the car, Andy regretted that they had brought the roadster. The vehicle did have four seats, but the back seat was very cramped, and they were going to have to lay Piper over people's laps, because he refused to put her in the trunk, even if she was unconscious.

Waiting at the car was Dr. Charlotte Varma and her daughter Asha. "Thank you for saving us from this, Niko," Charlotte said to her, the woman's accent definitely French. She was dressed in a long flowing summer dress, with a jacket thrown on over it, billowy fabric over her womanly figure, her long blonde hair swept back behind her ears, hanging down to the middle of her back. She looked less like a doctor and more like a hippie, but she had a warm smile that put him at ease. "And you, Mr. Rook."

"Please," he said, "call me Andy." He unlocked the car, then popped the trunk to load Charlotte's suitcase into it, followed by Asha's and Piper's, which one of Covington's servants had clearly brought up while Andy was tending to the athlete's needs. "Let's get out of here, and we can talk on the way over to the house."

As Asha got in the backseat, she bumped fists with Niko. "Thanks, Neeks," Asha said, her accent definitely British, despite her exotic looking features. Her long wavy black hair was drawn back into a ponytail that barely hung past the nape of her neck, the tie high on her head, her skin several shades darker than her mother's. She wore black knee high leather boots, black pantyhose, a black leather skirt that was playfully short and a purple silk shirt that was still tight enough on her that he could the outline of her lacy bra through the material. It was also cut high enough to show some midriff, including a little silver musical note belly piercing. "Good looking out."

They laid Piper atop of their lap before Niko got into the front passenger's seat and Andy got into the driver's seat. Before, the driveway had been a showroom of deluxe and expensive cars, but now everyone else had already gone home.

The house's external lights were still on, but it was clear that Covington had already gone to bed, so it was with no fanfare that Andy slowly drove the electric car off the property, heading back towards his place. It was approaching one AM and as Andy felt the cool breeze blowing across his shaved head, he definitely regretted bringing the Roadster.

"So this is your old man, Neeks?" Asha asked. "And he's gonna be my old man too? A'ight, I can get wit' tha'." Asha's accent was mostly British, but Andy could hear hints of her mother's French accent, as well as what he imagined was probably hints of her late father's Indian accent. Niko had told him that the Varmas had only moved to the US a year ago from London, and that Charlotte's late husband had died in one of the first fatalities to the virus.

"You'll like Andy, Asha," Niko said to her. "He's the best man I've ever met."

"He's also sitting right here," Andy said with a soft laugh.

"I wanted to talk to you about this, Niko," Charlotte said. "I am very thankful that you did rescue us, but I think it is rather unbecoming for a woman to share her lover with her daughter, don't you?"

Andy let out a soft sigh of relief, speaking before Niko did. "Absolutely. If you would rather, Dr. Varma, I could talk to one of my friends and see if they might be a better home for your daughter, so you might avoid that situation."

"Oh. Ah. Oh. Yes, I think you've misunderstood me, Mr. Rook," Charlotte said, a hint of embarrassment on her face. "I think my daughter should definitely stay in *your* company, but *I'm* not attracted to white men. Not to be ungrateful, but I was hoping maybe I could be paired up with your friend Mr. Pak. He's always seemed like a very nice man. Very strong and muscular." She giggled a little, a sound almost uncharacteristic of a woman in her early forties. "And gossip is that he is quite well endowed."

"I can't speak to that part, but I'm sure Phil wouldn't mind," Niko said. "Andy or I can give him a call in the morning and arrange it."

"I might have to owe Phil a favor or something," Andy said, "but that's okay. He can just put it on my tab. I probably owe him only a couple hundred at this point."

"Wait," Asha said, just picking up on Andy's misunderstanding, "what's wrong wit' me that you don't want me?"

It was Andy's turn to blush. "That isn't what I meant to say."

Niko smirked, reaching back to pat Asha on one of her thighs. "He's afraid either he's too old for you, or you're too young for him. I love Andy to death, but he's a little insecure from time to time."

Asha reached one of her hands forward, curving her arm around the seat to smooth her fingertips along Andy's chest through his shirt. "I'm old enough to know better, but too young to give a fuck, luv," she purred. "In fact, if my mum wasn't in this car, I'd give you a bit of the ol' road head so I didn't have to wait until I got home."

"Don't let my presence stop you, Asha," Charlotte said, a warm smile on her lips. "I feel that need in my belly quite fiercely so I imagine it is rather remarkable in yours, seeing as it affects younger women more quickly. If you want to go after Andrew right now, I don't see why not. This community is extremely open about its sexuality."

Asha's eyes widened a little, her deep tan skin darkening with red, as if she wasn't sure which she was more embarrassed by, being called out by her mother or backing down in front of her mother. After a moment, though, it was clear the hunger inside of her won out, as she moved Piper's unconscious form to sit up, then laid her back down on the seat behind her, as she started to worm her way between the seats, as Andy slowed the card down, bringing it to a stop at a local streetlight that had turned red.

"You have to kiss him first, Asha," Niko said to her. "Otherwise he's not gonna let ya."

"I haven't said I'm going to let her anyway," Andy said, defensively.

Niko reached over and patted his thigh, a playful smirk on her lips. "Oh, you are, Andy. I know you too well. And I know Asha. She's a voracious little slut when she wants to be. And she's gotten jealous from all the stories I've been telling her when she's been around to visit her mom."

Before he could reply, Asha turned his head and pressed her lips against his hungrily. She tasted of cinnamon and spice, as her tongue insisted on visiting the inside of his mouth before they parted the kiss. "I'm not sure you want to do this *now*, Asha," Andy said. "I just fucked poor Piper back there a little bit ago, and she hasn't bathed in a week. My cock probably smells of dirty pussy."

Asha smirked at him, sliding her hand down to unbutton his jeans. "Then your newest teenage fucktoy had better clean i' off for you, sir," she purred, kissing at his neck. "Eyes on the road, and don't go too fast now."

Andy thought she was kidding, but as the light turned green, she stopped and nodded for him to go, even as she was drawing the zipper down. As soon as he started the Tesla in motion again, Asha's lean fingers reached into his pants, pulling out his cock, stroking it slowly.

"See, if I do this now, then you can't reconsider," she said, her fingers moving along his shaft. "You can't get in your own head about it, you can't be worried if I may be too young, too wild, too out of control, too feral. So I will get i' out of your head by *giving* you the best damn head of your life. It'll be fine." She slipped her head down and wrapped her lips around the tip of his cock, letting her tongue slather over it slowly, as a sultry, wanton moan poured from her throat over his dick.

"No turning back now, hon," Niko purred at him. "She's gotten a taste of you. She's gonna latch down like a leech until you give her what she's owed." Her hand brushed along Asha's ponytail, pushing her head down a bit more. "She's a Rookie, through and through."

"Oh god," Andy groaned, shaking his head. "You've got a nickname for yourselves. Next thing you'll be unionizing."

"We already have, dear," Niko giggled. "We're Local Amalgamated Cocksuckers, Chapter 69."

Andy rolled his eyes, turning the card at a stop sign, heading into the section of New Eden that housed his mansion. It was growing increasingly hard to focus, as Asha bobbed her head in his lap, pushing and pulling her face along his dick, her tongue lashing over every inch of it as she hummed, her fingernails sinking into his inner thighs.

"Who is it she reminds me, Charlotte?" Niko asked, looking back over her shoulder.

"A lot of people say she looks like a younger version of one of the people who was on Great British Bake-Off."

Niko nodded. "That's who it was. How's it going, Andy? Need me to take the wheel?"

"You, ah... you might have to," he said. "I don't know how long I can keep my head clear."

Asha popped her head off his cock and turned her brown eyes up to look at him. "Then don't, daddy," she moaned at him. "Let me have wha' I want. Let me have that cum in my belly. Claim me. I wanna feel the best orgasm of my life."

She looked back down and pushed her mouth onto his dick once more, forcing it as deep as she could into her throat, humming on it, and finally he just couldn't resist, and fired a load of cum into her mouth. Her whole body thrashed, but as she pulled her head up and off his cock, she swallowed that load, laying her head down against his thighs, his softening cock laying across her nose, as the girl began to murmur "imprinting" quietly for a few moments before falling still.

Niko helped him ease the car to a stop long enough for him slide Asha back into the back seat once more, two slumped girls braced against one another as Charlotte tried to keep them from falling over too much. Then Andy tucked his cock away, tugged up his jeans and started the vehicle moving forward once more.

"I appreciate you being understanding about this, Andy," Charlotte said to him. "I didn't know how to tell Niko that you weren't my type without risking the chances that you wouldn't try and extract us from Mr. Covington's household."

"Not gonna lie," Niko said. "I don't enjoy being lied to, Charlotte. But I still would've tried to get you out even if you'd told me in advance."

"And I am sorry about that, Niko, but I simply couldn't risk it. You've met Covington. You can only imagine what kinds of depravity he would've subjected myself and my daughter to." Charlotte shivered, the thoughts searing her brain for a moment. "It's extremely unpleasant even to think about it."

The car reached the gate, and Niko pushed the button to open make it open. Unlike many of the other homes in New Eden, Andy couldn't stand the thought of having security on the premises. Even the idea of an automatic gate wasn't pleasant, but it had come with the home, and he'd wanted to avoid kicking up a fuss until he was better settled.

As he brought the car up the driveway, he saw Aisling was sitting on the front porch in her pajamas, a blanket pulled around her, keeping her warm from the cool November air. Andy brought the car to stop by the front door, as Niko hopped out and moved over to Ash, giving her a hug.

"Did the good guys win?" Aisling asked.

Niko nodded, holding Ash in the hug for a long moment before pulling away. "Andy got them out safely. Charlotte's not going to stay with us, though."

"Oh no!" Aisling said. "Why not?"

"She's not into me," Andy said as he hopped out of the car, leaving the door open so Charlotte could slide out, leaving the two unconscious girls in the back seat for the moment. "Had to happen sooner or later," he chuckled, "and frankly, I'm surprised it took this long."

"Her loss then," Aisling giggled, moving over to the car, peering in the back seat at the slumped forms of Piper and Asha. "Looks like you got two hot young things to add anyway." She cocked her head to one side, looking at Piper for a second. "Why do I know her?"

"Imagine her doing a little wiggle dance before she goes to play volleyball."

Ash narrowed her eyes for a second, then those blues widened suddenly as she gasped, bringing her fingertips to her lips. "Shut up! What is even happening!"

Andy popped the trunk and pulled out Charlotte's suitcase, then Asha's, carrying them into the house before coming back out. "I'm gonna need a hand hauling them into the house, though."

Ash nodded. "Where are we going to put them? In the master bedroom?"

Andy shook his head. "We've got plenty of extra bedrooms upstairs, and Piper was nearly catatonic before I imprinted her, so the last thing I want is her waking up surrounded by tons of unfamiliar people. We'll let her have a bedroom to herself, although I think you should probably give her a shower quick before you put her into a bed."

Niko nodded, helping Aisling pick Piper up. "Good idea. She really is pretty ripe right now. C'mon Ash, let's go hose her down." The two women lugged Piper into the house, leaving Andy with Charlotte and Asha.

"If you can give me a hand, you and your daughter can crash for the night in one of the spare bedrooms and in the morning, I'll give Phil a call, and we'll get him over for you to join his family."

Charlotte leaned in and kissed his cheek. "Thank you, Andy. You and Niko will be good for Asha. Don't judge her too harshly. She's still young and that means she can tend to be reckless. She'll love you with all her heart, but she's going to have moments of sadness about her father, so please be understanding about her mood swings."

"I'll do my best," he told her, as the two moved to scoop up Asha. She was light enough and small that Andy was able to carry her on his own.

"That's all anyone can ask."

After getting Charlotte and Asha squared away in one bedroom, Andy headed in to check on Aisling and Niko, who were sliding Piper into a bed in one of the bedrooms no one was using. When they'd moved into the mansion, Andy had told all the girls that if they wanted to claim one of the bedrooms as their own, they should do so. Ash had insisted she never wanted to sleep anywhere Andy wasn't, and Niko and Lauren had agreed, although Niko had converted one of the bedrooms into an office space that all three of the girls shared. But that still left several bedrooms that were decorated, and Andy checked four of them before he found them, as they pulled the sheets up over Piper's unconscious body.

"Everything go okay?" he asked them, as they headed towards the door.

"Sure, no problem, but she definitely needed to be hosed off," Niko said. "I'll bring her bag up here so she can get dressed in the morning."

"Thanks," Andy said, leaning down to give her a soft kiss. "I'm glad I didn't let you down."

"You couldn't have, even if you'd lost," she said, heading towards the stairs.

"So how many more people are we expecting, and did you find a way to get that bitchy ex of yours out of our family?" Aisling said to him, as they both stepped out of the bedroom, closing the door behind them.

"Someone'll be coming by to pick up Erin tomorrow," Andy said, "and in addition to Sheridan staying here, there'll be another three getting dropped off tomorrow."

"Oh good," she said, as they headed down the stairs together. "I like Sheridan. She's feisty, but in a good way. She was showing me how to stretch out and be more limber. Are you going to imprint her tonight?"

Andy shook his head. "God no. Piper was in such a state when we found her that my first load didn't start her imprinting process. It just didn't take first time, so we had to go again."

Aisling stopped walking. "Wait, what? You mean it didn't take?"

"I mean I came in her mouth and she pushed me onto the floor and crawled on top of me and fucked me like I hadn't even given her a drop. After I pumped a load into her pussy, though, she slumped on top of me and it seemed to take that time."

"Well, we can't let the girls go too long before getting imprinted then, if it's going to come to that," she said, starting to walk again. "Covington's a real prick, isn't he?"

"More than you can even imagine." Andy rubbed his eyes. "I have to go tell Erin she's leaving in the morning, don't I?"

"It's late, Andy. You can wait until morning, ya git. Hopefully both she and Sheridan are already asleep in the pool house. Lauren's already completely passed out in bed. She's got to go in tomorrow to work with the team. Apparently they're going to try and hold a football game in a month, which means she needs to be sure the players are all in tip top shape."

They walked down and into the kitchen, where Niko had poured them each a glass of ice water. It was too late for soda or booze, but Niko knew he wanted something to calm his nerves. They also found a note from the staff. "Hope you're not keeping that bitch Erin. She doesn't deserve you. Love, Nicolette, Katie & Jenny." The three of them had a good laugh over that as they enjoyed their water. Andy made sure to pocket the note. Half an hour later, they were crawling into bed next to Lauren.

When Andy awoke the next morning, Lauren had already left for the day and Niko was up exercising, leaving just Aisling snuggled in against him, Taylor asleep at the foot of the bed. He did his best to try and slip out of bed without waking either of them up, but just as he was laying Ash's arm back down, she stirred. "Oh no, Mr. Rook. No getting up without me."

"I didn't want to wake you, Ash," Andy said. "I need to shit, shave and shower, then call Phil to see about him taking in Charlotte. I don't think he'll complain too much. I seem to remember him having a thing for French women."

"You've also got to tell you ex to bugger off, and tell Sheridan she's welcome to stay, see about getting her imprinted."

Andy groaned, standing in the doorway to the bathroom. "I swear to you, never once in my life before this year did I think there was such a thing as too much sex. You wanna shower with me?"

She grumbled. "No." She raised a hand, a single finger pointing upwards. "Yes?" She put her hand down and started to force herself off the bed like she was doing a push-up, then suddenly fell back onto the bed. "No." Just as Andy was about to turn, she rolled off the bed and onto the floor with a loud thump, then stood up, groggily. "Yes. Let's shower."

Twenty minutes later, Andy left Aisling drying her hair, having gotten dressed in a large Doctor Who shirt and a pair of very baggy, almost Madchester style jeans. He headed downstairs and out into the back, where he found Niko and Sheridan on the patio by the pool, both in sports bras and leggings, doing yoga together, although Sheridan was far more bendy than Niko was.

"Tell her to stop showing off, Andy!" Niko whined at him, although the smile on her face made it clear she was kidding.

"Sorry about all the chaos yesterday, Sheridan," Andy said to her as he moved over to stand in front of her. "So, you're welcome to stay here if you want to join the family."

She smiled at him, balancing on one foot, her other leg perpendicular pointing out, doing some weird combination of the splits and standing like a flamingo. "Of course I want to stay. I chose you, and Niko couldn't shut up about what a great guy you are, so I'm totes all in. You wanna do it now or wait until later?" She had an easy, relaxed grace to her, a sort of Midwestern friendliness mixed with a California hippie laid back vibe. "You've got quite the dance card ahead of you, so I'm good if you need a few days, although Neeks says I'll start to feel a gnarly need chewing at me soon enough."