Queen Bitch Part 1


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"I love dis woman… she's got a tight ass." The black man smiled, "Once you get inside her she loosens up."

Donnie took the camera and sat it on the tripod making sure that it still would fix in on her. He walked over to his wife and ran his fingers through her hair looking at her strange smile. He kissed her on the cheek and then licked her face. "I knew you'd love this, it's been awhile. Just a treat because I know how much you hate taking trips with my dad. You are such a good wife." He left go of hair as she softly moaned in his face.

"Oh…" she groaned with that strange smile hiding the horror that she was feeling, "Just like… old… times. Baby… you know what I like."

He spoke not a word, but instantly took his dick and nodded at the black man. Soon they were both fucking her, one dick in her pussy and one in her ass.

She closed her eyes as camera continued taping her, closing the world out and waiting for the pleasure and violation to end.

The next day Jordan and Monty picked up Nick early in the day, and all of them sat packed tightly in Monty's truck. She had a noted waddle in her step, one that the guys thought to be because of pregnancy, but which she knew to be the result of getting her asshole reamed. She sat in the middle, feeling both men's legs push against her legs. She waited until they got out to the country, away from the city, and opened a can of beer and began to take a few chugs of it and handed it to Monty. The taste of the beer, the first that she'd had in a long time, felt new and delicious to her taste buds. In all reality the real Jordan had given up beer after being gang banged in high school, her pussy throbbing from all of the dicks in it.

Jordan unbuttoned her top and removed it, sitting with her bra open wide for the whole world to see, "Ah.. it feels so good to be able to be one of the guys again." She smiled.

Monty looked over at her and gave her a quick kiss on the forehead, "The old man finally let you out of the house for once. How did you manage that?" then he looked at Nick. "Isn't this sure different from the last time you and your father drove with me?"

Nick laughed, looking over at the pregnant women who to any onlooker would appear to be a woman and a man starting a family. "Not in a million years."

Monty laughed and brought the beer up to his lips, glancing around to make sure that the police were nowhere around.

"Have a beer Nick." She looked over at him. "You're old enough with us here. This is your big surprise that we promised you."

"And what is my surprise? I'm allowed to drink?" he asked.

Jordan giggled and put her hand down on Monty's shoulder, looking down at his crotch, "No baby, beer is only good for one thing. If I would have known as a guy, I would have had a lot more of it. And my Monty here is going to start drinking a LOT more than he ever did before if he wants to keep me."

"I thought we were taking you to your wife. Do you want me?" Monty laughed.

"Home? We're going home?" Nick sighed.

"Yes home. I want to see your mother, and we're going to straighten this out. We have to do it now before I'm stuck with this baby drinking off of my tits. I need your mother for my support system. I love that woman so much." She smiled, holding her hand out to his hand. "We're finally going home baby."

Nick shook his head and took her hand. He couldn't believe that she was going to face off with her former self, and knew that it would put him in a weird situation. "And Donnie is cool with this?" he asked. He couldn't help but look over at Jordan, his father, who he had seen naked just the day before. He remembered the hairy vagina and her long shapely body, now ravaged by the latter stages of pregnancy but still quite a beautiful woman, and couldn't imagine a life with two women in it. He looked over at them, feeling like it was an out of body experience, seeing Jordan and Monty so passionate and so passionate about going to live away from their home. "This is breaking up three families you know? Monty, you and Linda… and Dad.. you and Donnie.

Monty pulled the car off to the side of onto a dirt road, the car jumping across the road. "Look Nick," Monty said putting his right hand on the her plump belly. "I know what you are saying but this is our family now. Linda had her day when she loved me, and all that time I've been with other women. This right here is my best friend in the body of my son's sexy wife! How could I pass it up? I'm only a man. Do you understand that?"

Nick nodded, "Yeah I always liked her too ya know."

Monty nodded, looking over at the boy ever few seconds, guiding his hand down to the bottom of her belly and touching her vagina. "I took advantage of her and for the first time in my life I felt remorse. I don't feel bad about making love to her, she enjoyed it and she's a woman. This is your father, but it's not just him, this creature is carrying our child."

Jordan put her hand over Monty's mouth and hushed him with a silent kiss, the tension being so thick that you could cut it with a knife. On one hand, she loved Monty and enjoyed the sex that they had more than she ever did with Donnie; however it was Monty who was being macho in his efforts to bring a closeness back to the three of them being together. She had to rely on Monty and knew in her heart of hearts that he was the only reason that she was attempting such a feat. Monty was offering the truck and had the plan, the perfect few days for them to formulate a way to meet up with Febe and Mike. It seemed strange to her to call them 'Febe and Mike' as if they were a couple, for it had been she who had been Mike. She looked over at Nick and saw the look of distaste on his face. This was not as well as the encounter the day before, both of them being faced with the full affect of who and what Jordan had to deal with on a daily basis.

Jordan had left a message for Donnie, or rather Monty had left one on his answering machine, that they were going down South to look at some real estate that he was thinking about investing in. Monty knew that Linda and Donnie would both agree to it, in fact maybe even suggest it, being that Jordan would keep an eye on him and make sure that he didn't screw around. Jordan was extremely against cheating in a relationship, but found it acceptable when Donnie would bring a guy or two over to bring her some pleasure. She wasn't even sure that Katie was Donnie's daughter since she had been gangbanged. Katie looked nothing like her father.

Monty had made a special call to Benny, a business associate of his that owned a hunting camp deep in the woods. It was a nice halfway stop for them on the way there, and Mike and Nick had gone with him there many times over the past several years. It was always the same old story, and hadn't changed even though Mike was now a woman carrying Monty's child. They had to leave the door open to let out the musty smell of the stale air from all of the porn books that scattered across the floor. The sink was covered with rodent droppings, one of the most rustic places around with tall grass right out of The Grapes Of Wrath.

Monty went inside to clean up the place, throwing the books aside and turning on the barroom lights. The whole place was reminiscent of a good 80s porn flick, the good looking woman and the two men, and Jordan stood in the corner with her hand on her hip laughing to herself. She took a wet rag and wiped off the sink and the table as Monty came up behind her smiling. They were alone, Nick was out in the truck cleaning out enough room and rearranging his clothing. The boy seemed extremely upset that he rode the whole way up to see Jordan and was now going home to confront the real Jordan. The real Jordan, who was now Mike, had been extremely good to him and it would be uncomfortable.

"Fifi…" Monty said, grabbing her ass and pivoting his crotch against her ass, "I've got a hard-on with your name on it. Do you realize how many virgins I've taken in here?"

"Not now baby." She smiled, spreading her legs and allowing him to touch her lips through her jeans. "A good girl like me doesn't have a chance in this place especially with you around. We'll do something later but not right now."

He leaned over and kisses her hair, tasting the cool musk of her sweat and letting out a soft groan. It was something special that he loved about Benny's camp, something about the young girls that he had brought into the camp. He could sense and feel the anticipation, the wetness in her to be entered, and yet she held back. The rustic old building reaked of manhood, the tastes of a few bachlors that had owned the place before, Benny and Monty had carried on in the tradition. Countless girls had fallen victim to the back room, the place where girls were taken and taken advantage of. All girls except for Jordan, that is, who even as the real Jordan had despised the place. This was the first time that Jordan's body had actually been inside, and Monty considered it an accomplishment.

"Well baby." He said, leaning over her, "Benny told us that we can have this place for the weekend. Even joked with me about you and I fucking. Imagine that… a preggo and a guy like me. And it's funny that she'd never come in here before. I have got to take you in this place." He seemed over anxious to get a hold of her.

She laughed taking the wet rag and stuck it up against Monty's crotch, pushing in the wetness of the damp cloth so that it soiled the front. Then she leaned forward, the rag still holding the man's crotch, and kissed him on the cheek as though taking a lusty bite from a sour apple. "You'll have me like I promised. Later though. I don't want Nick to get upset about it. I don't think he'd enjoy seeing you enter me, it's just not something that he wants. And besides…" she looked around at the table and the floor. "This place needs to be cleaned up before I take it all off for you. Maybe a little bit of the woman rubbed off in me."

He gave her a soft smile, realizing that she needed some time alone. Perhaps even in the new body she had learnt to favor Jordan's hatred for the stuffy old hunting cabin. He remembered how Mike would come up and go hunting with him, decked out in orange with a totally manly gait. This was a far cry from the smooth pregnant woman that shuddered, although she tried her best to hide it, at the mere touch of his lustful grip. He wanted to drop to his knees and drink deeply from her soft deep mound of womanhood, so wet with anticipation. He looked deeply at her lips, the red painted lips, and though of them gripping his love shaft and being covered in hot wet liquid. He thought of the baby within her, a mixture of their love juices, part him and part her.

Monty walked over to the counter and picked up the set of keys to his truck, looking down at them as if angry at himself. It was no secret that he considered himself a decent driver allowing nobody else to use his vehicles. That was how he had made his money to raise his kids in the first place, the dealership, and it felt somewhat ironic that he was starting with a new baby on the way. The keys glistened in his hands as he handed them to Jordan. "Here." He muttered under his breath, "You know that I don't usually do this but.. um do you have your license?"

Jordan laughed, holding the keys as if some great trophy that she had won, "Yeah they are right in my purse. All of my ID."

"Ok." Monty sulked over the thought of what he was saying, "I understand where you're coming from with Nick. I want you to take him in to town and buy some groceries, get some things for us to eat on the road. Just something so that we can have a nice breakfast tomorrow, eat like a family. You and him ARE family and I want you two to spend some time together while I clean this place up."

She saw the measure of the sickening depression that was gripping him over the idea of having to work around the odd situation. This was, afterall, Monty's favorite place in the world to be. "You know I like that about you, always out to please." She laughed, "But are you sure? I mean, I was kidding about this place being so dirty. I don't know what's come over me sometimes."

Monty shook his head and turned his back to her, looking at the task ahead of him in cleaning, "No don't worry it's alright I understand. It's hard for you too, Mike. It's hard for Jordan too… to be a body so used to things." He shook his head realizing that the words were not coming out right. "Just go and be with your boy. It will make things a little easier on you. I'll make up for it later and give us some time together. I just hate going into things without a plan."

Jordan nodded her head, not saying another word, and went out to the truck. She remembered that it was up to her to try and sort the entire mess out before the baby came, and there was no certainty on how or when that was going to be. The worst part was the remoteness of Benny's camp, and the traveling on the road. Jordan was a tall woman and had little trouble birthing babies in the past, but this was an entirely new story being that she could easily die of having the baby so far away from a hospital. It frightened her as much as her doctor visit had a few days earlier. She was afraid to have the babies, beginning to feel steep stabbing pains in her pelvis from time to time, the babies kicking more and more. They were Jordan's flesh and blood and wanted out of their mother's womb.

"I can't have these babies Nick. I can't give birth to them." Jordan sighed as she drove down the road with her son. "I need you to get me back in my own body quick. Can you figure it out by the time we get there? Or maybe at least something. I can't get an abortion and have little dead babies torn out of my body… that's so gross."

"I'll try but I can't promise anything. I haven't found anything out at all. Dad… er… well you know. He doesn't seem too interested in helping you get back into his body. I have been working all my time to figure it out though."

"I'm making a run for it. I can't take it anymore. I can't have these babies and breast feed them with nobody around to help. It's not my life. At least if I talk to your mother she might help me." Jordan ranted on, "She… I want to be her lover again."

He laughed, "She has no clue what is going on, Dad, none at all. She is so much in love and just glows from the sex. It's alright though, I mean it's not like she is technically cheating on you. It is your body."

"Yeah true, but I want her, even now as a woman. I've learnt so much of what pleases a woman… tastes. I want to grab both of her ass cheeks and bury my mouth in her. I want her to eat my pussy. We'd be a damn good lesbian couple."

"She'd never eat puss." He added, looking over at the driving woman. He couldn't help but feel towards her as he would any other girl, that she would be a waste if she went with another woman. He tried to hide his feelings for her as well, dismissing them in the back of his mind, and yet agitated that he was acting so rudely to her. She didn't seem to mind through, holding her hands firmly on the steering wheel.

Jordan looked over at her son and gave him a soft smile. She still couldn't help but feel uncomfortable in knowing that he was no longer a child conceived of love between a man and a woman, even if he didn't share her new genetics. She figured that it had to be hard on him emotionally and that he hid it very well. "Yeah your mom wouldn't want anything to do with me. I'll make it somehow, Nick. I'm becoming as strong of a woman as the real Jordan was. I just really miss her a lot sometimes. She was there for me in a time of my life that I needed direction, and we had you. It's strange though because I'm beginning to remember some things that Jordan was doing at the same time." She noted, "And I remember two lifetimes. I guess it's nature's way of protecting from mistakes."

Nick moved his hand over and patted her on the shoulder for reassurance, something that she needed, "Yeah you'll be alright. You know I'm here to talk to you dad. If you want to take some time and talk about things we can do it. Just um… I want it to be like old times and not like the other night."

"Yeah I need to apologize for that." She chuckled, "I was coming on to you, you little stud you. I am so attracted to you and I think that Jordan was too. The other night my body tingled and I didn't know how to control it. I am all woman now."

"And as a woman it will be difficult for you to deal with Donnie and her children and get to mom before he does. I mean, just imagine how she is going to feel about being lied to all this time. It's not your fault though, it's her fault. If I didn't know better I'd swear she was enjoying being like you are… she doesn't seem to act so despondent at all."

Jordan shook her head as they drove on. Something wasn't right, and she couldn't put her finger on it. It revolved around the entire situation of that day when their bodies had been switched to the phone calls. It all seemed as though the real Jordan was eager to leave this life and take the one that didn't belong to her, even leaving early without giving her a chance to say goodbye. She had felt so cruel for him to leave like that, and ironically, it had turned out to be her downfall. The feelings of being at home alone had caused her to explore her body and eventually… she looked down at her belly and began to rub it while singing to herself. "Hush little babies. Don't say a word. Momma's gonna buy you a mockingbird…"

Nick noted the quietness and looked over at her and for the first time realized that Jordan had.. must have been eager to accept Monty's seed. Despite what she said, it was all that she talked about. She always spoke of how her life would change and how she didn't know what she was going to do. But he knew that she wasn't innocent and that the two children were conceived out of love and lust. He wondered if she was a screamer. "Um…. Dad?"

"Yes?" she said, then continuing to sing.

He stared ahead at the now city streets, the small town of houses and farms in between. It really was a horribly rural area and a long way to the store. "I want you to know that I'll always be there for you no matter what. I know I've said it a million times, but your life is going to change when these babies come along. I'll…."

She cut him off for a second, "It won't be much different. I do have two other children besides you, you know. My daughter and Josh." There was a gleam in her eyes when she mentioned Josh's name.

"Yeah those two. How many times did we go visit them? Josh .. now he's more of a son than I'll ever be, looks just like you." He added before continuing with what he was saying, "I will be there for you to help with the babies. It's not like mom won't approve or anything, and he can't tell me what to do."

"He is your father." She giggled and tickled him without looking and brushing up against his thighs. "But I guess I'll let ya hold em when I pop them out."

"I want to be there when they are born. I just want to be there." He blurted out.

She laughed and agreed, holding her hand out to him, her glasses starting to fall down her face from the sweat. "Just remember that when it comes to having babies, I've done it before. I've seen the footage. I wish I had the tape of it where she gave birth to Katie. Now that is something interesting. These legs spread apart and she's there screaming… I've got a lot to look forward to."

"Well there sure is a lot of room down there to pop them out. I've seen it remember? Before you turned into the Good Year blimp at least." He seemed to be careful as to what he said, still a little uneasy about the fact that he was with Jordan and Monty. It was not, or in the way in which it felt to him, like being with his father. There was a beautiful pregnant woman, and oh the memories.