Queendom 02: Knighting


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In the back of her mind Bella tried to find a pattern in all it's actions. At the same time, she couldn't believe what she saw before. The way Elanor was acting atop Iris. She observed them both for a few minutes, following closely, then withdrew to a pocket road, having figured out an alternate strategy. She hoped it wasn't wrong. For it would cost them everything, any wrong move from now.

Elanor was now in a whole different world. Iris galloped much faster and wilder than ever before. If not for the weights and chains, the Queen would have fallen down by now. Not that she was too passive. Elanor had grown up loving horse riding. She knew how to move on a horse, and with all her strength, her thighs gripped the equine torso, as her butt kept bouncing with its stride. She was now sitting with her back arched, as the speed of their motion made the cold wind feel like needles piercing to her skin. Her bare belly shivered, and her breasts kept bouncing like anything. She had never felt her nipples stay so hard for so long. Free from the cloak, her thick auburn hair kept moving in the wind like a constant wave.

Elanor still couldn't believe that she was actually riding through the streets of her kingdom, practically nude. Though horrified at the moment, she could not be more thankful to that crazy vagrant for ripping her cloak off. Now all that remained was it's hood, bunched up and covering her whole face like a sack. Still she could hear the sound of her fleshy ass cheeks bouncing against the saddle clearly. She was now used to the way all the constant straddling stirred up the ecstasy in her loins.

But what drove her wild now was this new sensation she came to enjoy, solely after losing the cloak. And how the cold night wind hit her pubes. Especially how with each periodic jerk from Iris, when her whole body gets lifted up, and the cold air touches her now exposed and barely covered pussy lips. And her favorite, as her nether gets smashed back into the saddle, how the air escaped from under in a faint whistle. It had awakened something in her, and now it seemed she was completely in it's grip.

It was a boon to Elanor, that the hood helped her from facing the reality of her situation. All she could see now was dark. And that helped her to forget the obvious and focus on all the minute pleasures her body felt. Her hips leaned into the straddling, and now it would almost seem to an onlooker that her gyrating was what drove the horse wild. Her fists gripped the reigns hard and pulled in tandem, as if she was mating with the wild herself. Feeling insatiable by the cold hitting her crotch, her legs stretched wide on its own, even pulling up. The Queen opened up her treasured chastity willingly to the wind, as it continued to pleasure her. With such lust running through her veins, wanting to embrace the sensation in its all, Elanor leaned forward, and pulled the rest of the hoodie over her head. As her eyes adjusted to the moonlight, she could see the empty streets passing by.

She looked down and to her amazement found how divine her skin looked under the moon. And how obscenely her breasts continued to bounce. She lowered her legs, and gripped the horse with her thighs for balance. She was aware of the prying eyes of a handful homeless watching her astonished, as she rode past them. As she looked forward she saw they were approaching the market square near the South gate. With dread she realized she had tossed off the hood after removing it, and the horse seemed to slow down now. Her eyes roamed and found a few sleeping vagrants in front of and around boarded up shops. She recalled with her hood gone her identity is exposed now. Elanor shook her head around as violently as she could, and managed to cover her face with her own hair strands. It wasn't ideal, but it was better than nothing.

Iris slowly trotted around the statue in the market square. It was the statue of the first chieftain of the Templeton province. She had visited there that evening too, to pay her respects. As the horse circled the statue in a ceremonial trot, Elanor realized that most of the sleeping vagrants were well awake and watching her now. Unlike the earlier crowd they were clearly just a handful, and lacked the courage or intoxication, enough to make the first move. Still the look on their face was more of worship and astonishment, than lust. They kept watching as Iris completed the circumambulation, and slowly started taking the next right. As she gained speed, Elanor heard the unintelligible, yet loud scream from behind, along with the sound of running.

"Goddess...Please don't leave yet.." It was the crazy old vagrant from earlier. Elanor turned her head to see him run towards her, from the far end of the street, along with fifteen others screaming similar words. And the meek vagrants she just met seemed emboldened, as they too stood up, and started running after her. Not exactly the following she hoped to develop among the lower class. Thankfully they were no match for Iris's speed, as she headed North, like it's the final lap.

Elanor was deeply elated and relieved as she hugged on to the mare's neck and brushed it's mane. But a sense of dread was consuming her slowly from within. She couldn't figure out why at first. But slowly she realized, this route was not strange to her. In fact they were now riding along the deserted main road, the royal path. It was newly cobbled and widened as part of the celebration, and it lead straight to the Cathedral, the church grounds were the whole of the town was gathered. The finale celebrations must be going at it's full swing, otherwise at least a few returning subjects would have seen her by now.

The distant sound of music from the church grounds grew louder by the minute. And to make things worse, Iris being now at full sprint, the wind naturally made all her hair fly back into the usual wave. Meaning anyone looking could see clearly under the well lit moon, their ruling monarch riding their prized racehorse, in a torn soaked loincloth, with her breasts bouncing around in unison, wearing only an expression of dread. Of mortal panic on her face.

Soon the streets began being lit up by flaming torches on both sides, as if royally welcoming their naked Queen. It was a wide straight road and now Elanor could make out the crowd dancing to the songs at a distance. The same crowd that would surround her in all probability under a minute. The streets were more frequently lit up now, making Elanor shine not in just moonlight from above, but the golden flames from all around. Though she looked obscene yet divine, the reality of it all hitting her only made her skin crawl. She could clearly see the silhouettes of the main guards at the Church gate, their stares focused at her. They could see her only as a silhouette, and even if they saw glimpses, no one was expecting a naked lady on horseback.

So this is how her reign is going to end, this is going to be her lasting legacy, after all the good work the last five months. Elanor closed her eyes, accepting the reality. If this is her fate, then so be it. May be she shouldn't fight it anymore. As the Queen sat resigned, Iris changed her fate again, making a quick left and riding straight for about a minute. There weren't any vagrants, this being so close to the church grounds, and a smile slowly graced the Queen's face, her eyes still shut tight.

She felt the horse slow down, and come to a halt. Elanor just stayed still and resigned. The night had given her enough surprises, so she didn't want to find the next one yet. As her breath got calm, she heard an unmistakable 'clink' around her wrists. Suddenly her hands felt free and weightless. She opened her eyes and realized they were standing before the statue of the Ancient Goddess of Fertility, the deity of the church. She turned to the left to meet Bellatrix standing down, and she had never been so glad to meet another soul.

Bella went ahead and removed the weights from Elanor's feet, then helped her Queen off the horse. She handed her the satchel and told her she may get dressed. Elanor found her royal garb within and squeezed into it almost immediately. She was asked to take the training horse and join the Church ground celebrations. Since it's right next door, and with most of her guards stationed there, she could mingle a bit and resign for the night. They can discuss the task in two days back in her Castle. Elanor nodded her head, but she was still in shock. She couldn't believe Bellatrix managed to find her just in time. To her wonderment Bella explained briefly.

"Well my Queen, in the beginning I was as perplexed as any. This isn't my first time tracking runaways, but Iris was not following any usual patterns of a frantic mare. And I closed in on you guys, but there was no way I could catch up to the pride of Templeton in a mere training horse." She said stroking the horse mane, "But I quickly understood what she was doing. Remember, Iris was only recently retired. She used to do the ceremonial circuit around the city as part of the Annual celebration customs for the last six years."

"She even practiced it for months, before being retired earlier this year. If Her Majesty would recall, you did the same circuit this evening, only on a different horse. I had accompanied you, so I was familiar with the route. I figured, all I had to do was wait at the right spot, and Iris herself would deliver you to me. I was scared of something unforeseen like a thunder, or the mob earlier scaring her off the route, but luckily she stuck to it. I apologize my Queen, it's completely my fault.." Bella stood with her head bowing.

Elanor grabbed her shoulder, stopping her speech.

"We'll talk in two days, Bella. Now go join the celebrations.. I had more than enough fun with Iris, she's still too wild. She's all yours."

As Elanor got on training horse, Bella approached Iris. She had a thousand questions about the Queen's behavior tonight. In one minute it's reckless, the next apologetic. Not to mention she herself had watched the Queen, spread her legs wide, with a hood covering her head, while riding through the streets. Elanor had left the scene, yet the Horse Whisperer refused to join the party before figuring out what troubled her mind. After all Bella now had a much deeper understanding of the Queen's dilemma. And no sensible solution for it. She stood wondering, looking at the statue, then back at Iris. She saw that the saddle had a thin dried layer of fluids on it, probably the sexual juices of the Queen. She also found a discarded loin cloth on the ground, ripped torn at one end and soiled with the same.

Bellatrix didn't join the celebrations. She couldn't. Iris was way too tired by now. They simply trotted back to the stable. The sky had been turning cloudy, and her thoughts were a mess as well. After reaching back, she made sure Iris had enough to drink. Then she sat in the middle of the stable, surrounded by horses. It helped her think, feeling at home. Surrounded by the wild and tamed, who could hide nothing from her. She was the Horse Whisperer after all. As the wind blew wilder and humidity grew, the sky preparing for a shower outside, Bella recalled all she knew so far.

The Queen must protect her chastity till she feels ready to find another spouse. Or falls in love again even. At the same time, the Queen gets an unparalleled mental clarity after a proper orgasmic bliss. The kind that makes her ten times better at her job. But it never works to the intended effect if all she does is mere masturbation. It almost seemed at times, that all her experiences had rewired her brain such that she wouldn't feel it proper, unless an orgasm has been forced upon her.

Bella just couldn't believe what she just told herself. Sounding inappropriate or immoral aside, this is the Queen. A mere suggestion of anything like this is treasonous, by definition. Yet, from all she saw, this was the conclusion she arrived at. She didn't know yet how to square it all. And even she wasn't convinced by the logic of it, if it had any at all. She had all the pieces, yet somehow it seemed she was looking at it the wrong way. Following a faulty pattern.

Bella knew the events of that night was as transparent as it got. She had all the pieces now. Only, she has to find the right pattern. She has to. Bellatrix was so lost in thoughts that she was thoroughly shaken by the sudden lightning strike outside. As she looked out to the pouring skies outside, a roaring thunder followed, terrifying all the horses, them kicking and neighing in response. And there she recognized, amongst the cries of the worried bunch, something that sparked her imagination. She walked towards the herd, and saw a meek young mare, huddled up amongst the breeding stock. It seemed particularly anxious and unsure. Bella brushed its mane consoling, as gears turned in her brain. For she could see a new pattern now.

"Of course, now it makes sense. Now it all connects." Bellatrix saw what she had been missing all these days. And she knew what it would take to prevent any future failures. "But for it to work.. I'm going to need a contract!!"

Knowing the Queen as she did, there were only a few things that made her predictable. And she couldn't help but whisper, "After all, to Elanor.. The rule is the rule."




Three days had passed since the events of the Templeton Annual celebrations Finale. The Queen was back in the kingdom and busy with reworking her administrative reforms for the term. It took a deliberate effort from her part to keep out any reminders about the events of the night. She dove deep instead, splitting her time between restructuring the new trade deals and studying the peace talks from the Noxtran border. The unrest at the border was a long standing headache for the monarchy, the enmity between Wolkenshire and the sixth kingdom of Noxtra going back for generations. This was the main reason why they abstained from the 'Diplomatic Covenant' every year despite peace talks initiated by various kingdoms. Any usual ruling monarch would push this mind numbing task to his ministers, but Elanor was feeling extremely clear headed and super zealous for the last few days.

There was no way but admit the reason for it, as much as it made her blush. Elanor couldn't even face herself in the mirror, without collapsing into a blushful giggle. Fleeting vision from the night kept her humming through out the work, much to her surprise, and the civil servants wonderment. They had never seen their Queen in such a relaxed and upbeat mood ever since the passing of their great King. Some even wondered if she had found a new lover in her visits to Templeton.

Elanor on the other hand was oblivious to their reaction. Her mind still remained submerged in an orgasmic bliss. Her skin never felt so sensitive, and her pussy leaked so much she had to constantly change her loin cloth. The unmistakable scent of her juices permeated in her official chambers, with some staff even confusing it for a new perfume. Elanor was all the more glad when informed Bellatrix had arrived as summoned. It's uncharacteristic from a Queen, but she knew, she owed her an apology. She shouldn't have doubted her commitment or ability, and above all the foresight of Bishop Benedictus.

The Binding Contract

As Bella stayed kneeling in the Queen's chamber, Elanor waited for her servants to clear the room, leaving them both alone. Elanor sat down behind her table gesturing Bella to sit, and said.

"Before you say anything, Bella. I owe you an apology. And the reasons are multi fold. Firstly for not having a great confidence in you from the beginning. Knowing how it wasn't your fault, I shouldn't have been that harsh on you regarding the first task's failure. And you more than proved your worth, both intelligence and commitment, the way you saved me the second time, after my foolhardiness put the honor of our great Kingdom at risk. We are forever indebted to you for that.."

Bella couldn't help but speak up, "My Queen, all I did was my duty. And I've dealt with royal families before. No one had treated me with half as much as the respect you showed me. I have nothing against the way you responded.."

"No Bella.. I have been less than truthful with you. As much as I'm troubled by these issues, I was deliberately acting harsh with you at times. Hoping either the task would fail, or you'd give up and quit. Because, there is something that you don't know. There was a deal I made, an unspoken understanding with the Bishop. A deal which I'm convinced I can't hold my end well. You see, when Bishop Benedictus send you to me, he had asked for something in return. Something for your sake, something he believed I could make happen, by the powers vested under the ruling monarch."

Bellatrix understood what the Queen was getting at. It was a dream she had shared with Father Benedictus when she was a naive young girl. And it seemed the good Father had bargained on her behalf to make it come true. She wanted to open her own private ranch and horse training facility. Only she couldn't. By the imperial law, in Wolkenshire only the upper class was allowed own and operate ranches of the higher scale. And Bella was an orphan and a refugee by birth. Wolkenshire had the most laxed laws among all kingdom's yet it didn't accommodate for Bella's dreams.

The only way a lower class member moved up the social hierarchy was either by marrying up, or by an 'Heir in offspring'. For the 'Heir in offspring' to be valid, not only should she successfully give birth of the child of upper class blood, but also the father should legitimize the blood in public. This wouldn't grant them any claim to his wealth, but it legitimizes the child and mother by extension as part of the upper class. Though this strategy is looked down and ridiculed by the Baronesses, this was a surefire way for those who had it in them to steel their way through the initial shaming. Only, she was way too independent to be game for it. Bella said.

"Your Highness, I was not aware of any requests Father had made on my behalf. Please do not take those to the heart. What ever you wish is fine by me as sufficient reward."

"No Bella.. I do not want to, wish to manipulate you. At certain things, even the ruling monarch is subject to the customs of the Kingdom. We may push an inch or so, but if we push too much progress too soon, it just snaps back. I can suggest one of the royals to take an interest in you, but unless he truly falls for you, you'll only end up being the butt of every joke in his parties. Besides these Barons know the hold they have over the women who approach them for a legitimate heir."

"You wouldn't want to know how they expected you to satisfy not just the Barons, but entertaining his friends as well. And the truth is, the societal divide is what most of them cherish the most. The free reign to simply look down, and bark orders. It's a club too exclusive for them. There's no way any Lord or Baron rationally takes you as bride, not when they have more than enough skirts to chase. And if you manage to birth their offspring, they'll just deny it's legitimacy. I do not see a way. I thank you for all your services, and if you wish to leave now I'd not hold it against you."

Bellatrix was taken aback. Bishop being so forward, negotiating for her, itself was news to her. But even then, she had expected to Queen to not give it any consideration. Because she knew the game all too well to spot the impossible. Hearing Elanor had given it a serious consideration just warmed her heart, and she wanted to help her all the more. Bella said,

"My Queen.. Elanor, the sincerity in your voice is a reward in itself. And I'd have quit on my own, had I not witnessed myself how you endured through the last task." She saw the Queen's cheeks turn red as she continued. "For a while, I had followed you closely on horseback, and I noticed how you would.. how your body would react to the situation, provided there was enough pressure and anonymity. Even then, I would have quit this morning, had I not known what I do now.. You see my Queen, whenever I told you I could help with the dilemma, it was more my confidence and optimism speaking. But now.."