Raised to be Her Mother's Sex Slave


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"Under the table," their mother barked, and the girls scrabbled to comply. Their mother locked the chains to the base of the table, so that their range of motion was rather limited. They were forced into a kneeling position, and if they were to sit too far up they would bump their heads into the heavy wood. The position was uncomfortable, and the chastity belt made it worse.

Their mother left, and returned some time later with two women Amber did not recognize. They were talking and laughing. Her mother invited them to take a seat, and they did so, directly in front of herself and Jade. Her mother spoke warmly to them. "Please, make yourself at home. My slaves are here for your enjoyment, and are eager to attend to your needs."

The women murmured approval and began to touch and examine Amber and Jade, complimenting their mother on her work. The woman in front of Amber had a fascination with her lips, and would swirl her fingers over them, touching them to her tongue, then finally forcing them down her throat. Amber had to use all of her control not to gag. "My, isn't she but precious," the woman cooed, then promptly pulled back the cloth of her dress to reveal her naked pussy. "I hope you are as good as your sister, you little whore," she said, sounding as if she were talking to a toddler.

It was obvious what she wanted, but after the night before Amber felt beyond repulsed by the idea. She also knew she had no choice, the weight of the collar around her neck a constant reminder of the consequences of refusing. Amber forced herself to press her lips to the woman's dripping pussy, trying to recall what Jade had shown her. A quick glance in Jade's direction revealed her sister vigorously nuzzling between the other woman's legs, seeming almost pleased with herself. It was a bizarre site, and Amber was briefly frozen before being brought back in by a firm pressure on the back of her head, pulling her into the pussy in front of her.

Amber, resigned to her fate, obediently began to lap and suck at the lips and clit, doing her best to please and thus avoid punishment. The woman, in the meantime, was winding her hands through her hair, pushing Amber into her, occasionally pulling on Amber's hair or grinding against her. Eventually the woman's legs shuddered against Amber's cheeks and she knew she'd had at least a modicum of success.

The woman patted Amber's head and then promptly acted like she didn't exist, sort of shoving her away and tidying up with a napkin, probably brought in for that purpose. A small bell was rung and a string of servants brought in plates of food, laying them before Amber's mother and her guests. They started chatting away as if nothing was strange about the arrangement. The woman before Jade made several pleased comments about Jade's performance and looks, prompting Amber's mother to ask about her "new acquisition". The response was less than stellar -- it was apparent that she was not displeased, but not impressed.

For some reason, this made Amber feel weirdly disappointed. She had always been a people pleaser, but this made no sense. Why should she care about what these crazy women thought? This was inhumane torture, and Amber should be thinking of ways to escape.

The meal continued, and Amber began to notice her sister behaving oddly. She would continue to nuzzle at the legs of the woman in front of her, and went so far as to playfully lick at the woman's pussy. This brought giggles and a hand that pushed her away, but it also eventually brought other awards in the form of food snuck from the table. Amber felt a gnawing hunger growing in her own gut.

Jade continued her antics, eventually prompting the woman in front of her to express interest in making further use of her following the meal, explaining that the girl had been so good that she wanted to reward her. Their mother graciously consented. The girls were brought up from under the table. Amber was made to sit a ways away, kneeling down, while Jade was ordered on top of the table. The women spent some time admiring her form, playing with her flesh, tickling and teasing, and Jade acted like she loved every minute, playing the part so very well. Eventually the descended upon her pussy, parting the lips, touching and feeling, commenting on how wet it was.

That was a trick Amber was sure she would never figure out. How could Jade be wet? Some trick of mind over matter surely. She certainly couldn't be enjoying it.

Amber's mother produced a structure, which at first looked like another chastity belt, but it soon dawned on Amber as to its actual nature. It was a strap on. The woman who'd requested Jade eagerly hiked up her sundress and climbed into it. In its final position it appeared a small numb was pressed into the wearer's pussy. Amber was sure it was to provide some function of pleasure, but was not entirely sure. Maybe it vibrated, or moved along with the attached strap on.

The woman, once strapped in, began to tease Jade's pussy lips with the tip of the dildo, slickening it in her juices. Jade whimpered, arching her back.

"Do you want me to fuck you?" the woman asked, teasingly.

"Yes, please fuck me Ma'am" Jade replied, her voice quivering.

The woman needed no more incentive, and quickly forced the dildo into Jade's waiting pussy, causing Jade to gasp and cry out. The woman didn't let up, driving the silicone rod in and out of Jade at a surprising pace. The look on Jade's face was peculiar, some strange mix of emotions.

Amber felt embarrassed watching her sister get pounded. She was extremely vocal too, moaning and making sharp noises as the dildo plowed into her. She was an amazing actress, she seemed to honestly be enjoying it. Amber's gaze was fixed, and, though she felt ashamed, she couldn't look away. To her horror, she felt a heat building inside of her. She felt disgusted with herself. Was she really getting turned on by the site of her own sister? But this only made her remember the feel of Jade's lips, of kissing her, of touching her body. Amber felt her wetness dripping into the inside of the chastity belt, but still could not make herself look away.

Jade gave another, louder cry, her whole body shaking and convulsing. At first Amber found herself admiring her sister's acting chops, but then a sinking realization hit her. Jade hadn't been faking that. There was no way, not with the way her body twitched and shuddered. Her sister had been enjoying every minute of that.

The woman gave a few more pumps before dissolving into her own orgasm, pulling out the dripping strap on from Jade's still twitching hole. Jade began stammering a string of thank yous, and turned herself around, attempting to lap at the woman's now dripping cunt, but was pushed aside.

"Now now, that's enough of that, slave. Perhaps I'll play with you again later"

The two girls were then unceremoniously left on the floor in the corner while the women chatted some more. Amber still felt her pussy aching, but even had she not been wearing the chastity built would never have allowed herself to do anything about it here, in this place. After some time two dishes of indiscernible gray brown slop were plopped in front of them. Jade didn't hesitate and dropped her face into the bowl, lapping it up. Amber hesitated, then followed suit. She noticed Jade refrained from using her hands, so she did the same, afraid of what punishment she might suffer otherwise.

The food was bland, but not disgusting. Some sort of mix of oats, perhaps. Compared to the feast she had last night, however, it was trash. She ate it all, though, not knowing when she would be fed again.

The afternoon did not go much better. Amber and Jade were made to play a variety of roles, from passive servants to footstools. At one point Amber was made to lick clean one of the women's high heels. She could still taste it on her tongue. When she had not done it fast enough her mother had whipped her with a strip of cord over her backside. When she mistakenly talked about herself without using "this one" or "this girl" she had been shocked. The shocking was the worst. By the end of the day, she was mentally and physically worn out. She was fed more slop, and expected to crawl back into bed, or at least onto the mattress on the floor, but after seeing the guests out her mother turned on her with a face the picture of rage.

"How dare you embarrass me that way in front of my friends, you little bitch?" Amber's mother reached out and slapped her across the face, sending her sprawling on the floor. "Your behavior was reprehensible, your manners abominable, and your oral services were completely unacceptable. What in the hell did I send you to that fancy school for? You are such a worthless piece of cunt meat. I am so ashamed that I gave birth to you."

Tears pooled in Amber's eyes, but she wasn't given a chance for apologies as her mother grabbed her by the hair and drug her bodily up the stairs. She marched her into the master bedroom, and threw her at the four poster bed. Amber hit her head on the wooden baseboard, but quickly regained her composure. Her mother scowled down at her.

"I will teach you how to be a proper slave, you disgusting slut. I will bend you to my will just like I had your sister. You are smart to follow her lead, she has finally become the good, obedient girl I wanted her to be. You on the other hand..." Amber's mother abruptly spat in her face. She didn't dare move to wipe it off. "You," she continued, "are fucking scum."

Her mother climbed up into the bed and pulled Amber up after her. "You should have paid more attention to your whore of a sister, slut. Now you get to learn to eat pussy from Mommy, and there is no room for mistakes." Her mother pulled Amber into her crotch, already wet and waiting.

Amber did her best, but it was only moments before she felt the strike of a lash and heard her mother disdainfully correcting her mistakes, her voice dripping in disappointment and disgust.

With all of the interruptions, it was a full hour before Amber brought her mother to orgasm, and her back was raw from punishment. Amber was passively dismissed and she made her way to her room. She was not led there, nor followed, but she knew she was probably watched and didn't dare risk some sort of escape attempt. Maybe if she had time to plan something out... but the dream seemed distant and futile.

The next day brought new guests and new torments. Jade's pussy was used to please three men while she was tied up and gagged. Amber was forced to drink the cum from her sister's pussy and then pleasure the men orally. That night she received more "training" in her mother's room, but didn't fare much better.

Days passed in this manner, her body used to entertain guests, though fewer came as time went by. Presumably her mother had been showing off her new toy, but Amber couldn't be sure. She'd begun to lose track of the days when her mother removed the chastity belt for the first time. It was during one of her oral training sessions, and didn't last long. Only long enough for her mother to insert a small rod between her flesh and the belt. With the press of a button, her mother could make the rod vibrate against her clit.

She had come far enough, her mother explained, that she could introduce positive reinforcement. This had the opposite effect at first, for the vibrations made Amber uncomfortable and made her performance suffer. This led to more abuse, and accusations of her being ungrateful, that she was purposefully throwing it in her Mistress's face.

Amber tried hard to remember what Jade told her, about giving in. But thinking about Jade made her feel weird and uncomfortable as well. Her sister, for all she could tell, was honestly getting off when these strangers fucked her, when she was used and abused. Could she honestly become that? The thought made her feel ill.

But the vibrator remained. She was never allowed to cum, mind. She was always brought to the brink of climax before her mother abruptly shut it down again. It was unbearable. Jade was also called in from time to time to tease her. The two were made to touch each other and kiss, like lifesize dolls, to the amusement and pleasure of her mother, who began to make both of them pleasure her at the same time, sucking on her pussy, tits, or even her asshole. Any hesitation only brought pain, so Amber began to space out in their sessions, riding the feeling of the vibration between her legs. Jade's body taunted her, and it seemed to be that even just seeing her anymore got Amber's pussy dripping. She hated herself for it, but that did not stop her from wanting her sister's mouth on her clit.

Amber also, to her growing horror, began to have similar feelings towards her own mother. She knew it had to be some sort of trained response, she couldn't believe it was possibly anything else. But it was there, and growing.

Some time later, it could have been weeks or months or years, Amber didn't know, she was suddenly surprised she had gone through an entire session of her mother's brutal training without punishment. She hadn't realized at first, distracted by the buzzing against her clit. Her mother beamed down at her, so uncharacteristically doting and compassionate.

"Oh my sweet pet, you've done so good. I think it's time for a reward"

Jade was under her, and gave her a slight squeeze, though not stopping from her appointed task, namely sucking on Amber's nipples. Their mother climbed down from the bed, approaching Amber from behind. She pushed Amber down, so that she was flat, face first to the bed, Jade sandwiched underneath her and, to her credit, still sucking her breasts.

She felt her mother unlatch the chastity belt and her heart fluttered... and pussy ached. She had been kept from cumming for so long, and she desperately wanted it, needed it. It consumed her. The cold air on her bare cunt sent shivers throughout her body. Amber felt she would burst.

She felt her mother's fingers exploring her pussy lips. She almost came then, but her mother froze, denying her the pleasure.

"Does my little pet want to be fucked?"

"Yes, please Mistress, fuck me, fuck me, please" Amber whined desperately.

"Well, since you have been a good girl..."

Amber felt the cold thickness of her mother's silicone toy drive between her legs. She felt the rhythmic pounding inside her slit. It was ecstasy, and it was mere moments before she was convulsing in orgasm. But her mother didn't stop, continuing to force the cock in and out of her. And Amber had never wanted anything more. After endless days of deprivation, endless weeks of training and thought manipulation, being fucked by her own mother was Amber's entire world, the only thing she wanted. There wasn't room for disgust or thought of escape. She needed it, would die for it.

After her mother had finished, she smiled and patted Amber on the head. "Such a good slut. You really liked that, didn't you?"

"Yes, Mistress. Thank you, Mistress."

"Good. From here on out we will begin new training. You will learn to pleasure men with your body as well as women. You will become the ultimate fuck doll slave. Do you want that?"

Years later, after Amber had all but lost any sense of self she had beyond servitude, after she had long misplaced the school girl from before, after she had pleasured countless men and women in her mother's service, after pleasing her Mistress had become her only life and goal, she would look back and remember that moment as the true turning point of her rebirth as a slave.

"Yes Mistress," she breathed.

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AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

It was great but without a second chapter, you just feel robbed, of half a story!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

More please.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Great but should of has a second chapter..

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Pretty good fictional enslavement story, needs the next chapter. It’s been a year since you posted this story time to continue..

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I mean, I don't HATE it. But like it..NOPE. The best thing about the whole story is the title. Had to force myself to finish it, but I admit the last part and parts in the middle I started to just skim and scan because it did nothing to me or for me. Blah.

SilvermireSilvermireover 2 years ago

Almost made me vomit.

I don't get it there's no eroticism, no turn on in this.

mattenwmattenwalmost 3 years ago

Bite down with all her might when she has to lick her mother's pussy and she will never have a clitoral orgasm again and the whore will be in very great pain during intercourse. If she survives. So at least she has revenge on her side!

Still, to have such a fantasy you have to be very close to the ground! Nobody says that readers who like this story are killers, but they certainly have very severe mental health problems and require treatment!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Just like GTA or PUBG neither the players nor the creators go around killing people nor do they encourage such behavior. it's just a work of fiction made for entertainment purposes, don't take it seriously nor try it in reality as it'll cause unrecoverable physical and psychological damage to the victims and will lead to prison or worse. but yeah this one isn't BDSM. any way I enjoyed the story (AS A FICTION) if there is any following I'd like to read it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I never treated games or adult stories as reality or even imagine it, so I never understood why other people are overly angry about those stuff. just something to plow of the steam (just like punching bag something you hit imaging somebody to relieve stress), Well... this was tell I read a novel (WN) and got hit with sex content and even incest. I felt particular disgusted which others might find strange (you know.. I'm hear reading some really fucked up stories) but the problem is unlike games and adult stories I treat manga, anime, and WN as my second world and really enjoy the story imagining myself as the MC so although it might look contradictory there are things I might like or dislike in reality or some particular situations but not in others. in reality I'm a little cleanness freak so I don't like anal, cunnilingus or any dirty fetish nor could I bear to see people or animals get hurt but in fantasy everything is ok anyway I'm not the one doing it. I I know I said so many bullshit... my main point is neither the people playing games like GTA nor PUBG go around killing others (at least not most of them) while those with sick personality will just do it for whatever fucking reason. This one should be incest and slavery than BDSM, if you treat it as reality or try to imagine yourself as a part of such acts then yeah it's and gross and of offensive but if treated as just fucked up fiction, at least for me it was fun to read and if there is any follow up story I'd like to read it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I would guess the right category to be Nonconsent but I do agree Incest would be a logical place as well.

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