Read it to Me


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"Well, I was just reading your latest story and I was wondering if you'd answer a couple of questions?"

"Oh Shit," Bill thought. "I knew I should have waited and submitted that story next year."


"Oh, sorry, uh sure, what do you want to know?"

"This sounds a little, I don't know, egotistical, but did you write this about us? The Dixie Chicks, I mean?"

"OH, uh, not exactly, but kinda."

"Yeah, I thought so. And Bill your character "Jane," is that me? Were you thinking of me when you wrote about Jane?"

"I'm sorry, Mary. It's just fiction. It's not really about you, but maybe, subconsciously, you were my inspiration for Jane. Please forgive me, I didn't mean to offend you."

"Oh no, I'm not offended. I think it's really hot. Can you pull up that story right now?"

"Uh sure." Bill opened his laptop and pull up the story. "Okay, I have it. Did you have a question about it?"

"The part where Mark knocks on the adjoining hotel room door and Jane lets him into her room."

"Okay, yeah I have that. Is there a problem?"

"NO, no problem. I was wondering if you would read it to me, so I could hear exactly how you wrote it?"

"Read it to you? Uh, well, I guess, um, okay."

Bill was going nuts! Mary wanted him to read a sex scene to her! A sex scene he had written while fantasizing about MARY! "Oh fuck! I'll have to just play it off like it's no big deal, otherwise, Mary will make a big deal of it and ask me a ton of embarrassing questions. Shit! What if she says something to Amy?"

He took a deep breath."Okay, here goes." Bill said and heard Mary gasp out a whispered "Oh God," just as he began to read:


"Hello, Mark. I wasn't sure you'd knock on my door tonight."

"I shouldn't have, I know I shouldn't have, but I couldn't help myself. As soon as I saw you in that blue dress, I knew I had to try to see you tonight. ... My god, you're just so beautiful."

Mark stepped forward and Jane stepped into his arms. Their lips found each other and they kissed deeply. Mark squeezed her to his chest and his hands roamed over her back. He held her as he sucked her neck and nibbled her ear. He could hear her rapid breathing as he slowly backed her to the edge of the bed.

Their clothes seemed to melt away as they kissed and then Mark swept Jane up into his arms and gently laid her onto the middle of the bed. Jane clung to him and pulled him down on top of her. He broke their kiss and began to nibble her ear and neck. He worked his way down the soft slope of her breast and captured her proud nipple in his teeth. He bit down lightly and then sucked on her nipple as Jane moaned her encouragement.

He used his hands to knead and squeeze her breasts as he licked and kissed his way across her flat stomach. Jane whimpered as his face slid down across her soft blonde pubic hair. He kissed her lips and lapped at her juices. He nipped at her pussy and then rammed his long tongue deep inside her. Jane arched her back and gripped his hair, pulling his face into her sloppy pussy.

[Bill heard Mary moan softly as he continued to read.]

Mark swirled his tongue around inside Jane, lapping up her juices. He used his nose to bump lightly against her clit and Jane gasped loudly. He flicked his tongue across her clit and Jane began to hump against his face. He swirled his tongue around her nub and then lightly sucked it into his thick lips. Jane had a death grip on his hair as she humped madly against his face.

"Oh fuck, Oh Fuck! Yes Mark, Yes! Oh god!"

Mark quickly slid two fingers into her wetness, curling his fingers to stroke the small patch of ridges that made up her G spot. He wildly flicked his tongue back and forth across her clit. Jane screamed out as he brought her to the edge. Mark slipped his lips around her nub and sucked. "Oh, God! Oh, God!" Jane's entire body tensed, and she crushed Mark's head between her thighs. She humped his face, her head thrashed left and right. She exploded, YES! YES! OH MY GOD! YES!


"Oh, Oh, Fuck yeah, so good." Bill could hear Mary murmuring through the phone.

"Mary? Are you okay? ... Did that sound okay to you?" Bill asked.

Bill could hear Mary softly panting, trying to catch her breath through the phone.


"Oh, Sorry, Bill. Wow, I needed that! Damn! That was great, it was better than I had imagined it would be. Thank you!"

"Mary, that was very naughty! You used me." Bill said in a light tone.

"I know, but the naughty part is what made it so good! Hearing you say the words, it was like I was right there and you were doing it to ME!"

"You mean Mark was doing it, It was like Mark was doing it to you."

"Yeah sure, whatever you say, but I was picturing you in my mind. Thanks, Bill. Maybe we can do this again sometime? ... Oh! Maybe I could read the female parts, you know like a play or something. Ooh, that might be fun!

"Uh Mary, should we be doing this? It's kinda like cheating."

"No fucking way, You're 100 miles away and can't even see me! Don't be silly!"

"UM, I'm not sure about this."

"Well, at some point, you'll probably get a call from Sally and maybe Linda too because you wrote about both of them. ... Look, Bill, it's all just fantasy fun and games. No touching, no pictures, just reading stories together. It's no big deal."

"So are we going to tell Amy?"

"We could, but why would we? She doesn't like your writing, so screw her, she doesn't know what she's missing. Tell her if you want to, but I don't know why you would."

"Good night, Mary. This has been quite an interesting call."

Marry giggled, "Good night, Bill. Please put me in another one of your stories."

Bill put his phone on its charger and flopped back on his pillow. "Holly fuck, she got off listening to me read some of my stories! Damn, I think I made her cum! Why do I feel guilty about that? And why is my dick rock hard?"

A few days after Amy returned, Bill decided to broach the subject of Mary's phone call.

"Amy, when you guys were in Fort Wayne, Mary called me."

"She did? What on earth for?"

"She called from the hotel about an hour after we talked. She was reading one of my stories online and wanted to talk about it."

"Oh god! I told you they would be into your porn stuff. I warned you before I gave them your name thingy."

"Yes you did, but I thought I ought to tell you about it."

"Please don't! I'm sure she was all excited by your story ...gross... and I don't need to hear about it. What you perverts discuss is of no interest to me."

"But it got kinda intense, she asked me to ..."

"Bill. PLEASE! You know I don't like that stuff. Feel free to talk to the youngsters about your silly porno stories, but kindly leave me out of it!

Bill nodded his understanding. "Of course, Dear. As you wish, my darling. ... So, tell me about your day."

As Amy blathered on about her day Bill thought about what Mary had said. He suddenly realized he could pick any category he wanted and make "HIS" Dixie Chicks substitute characters do anything he wanted. He felt a sudden stirring in his pants at the thought of having Mary suck his dick while he played with Robin's giant tits. ... Down Boy! That may be a bridge too far, even if he had Amy's permission, ... sort of.

Bill continued to write and he sometimes used one of the girls as a model for one of his characters. Usually, within a week of those stories being posted, he'd get a late-night request to read to one of the girls. Bill really enjoyed hearing the girls' excitement as he read to them. His stories began having more descriptions of the girls doing things to, and for, the male MC. He found himself getting very turned on by assuming the role of the MC and then verbally fucking and sucking each of the Dixie Chicks.

While the phone sex with the girls had diverted his attention, Bill had not forgotten about Amy's constant flirting. During his phone chats, Bill casually asked the girls about Amy's activities when they traveled. To his surprise, the gals were completely open with him about what they had seen. Amy had become more aggressive with her young suitors, to the point she often completely ignored the girls and went off to sit with the guys she'd met that night.

It took some effort, but Bill finally got Mary to admit Amy had, on a few occasions, told the girls to head back to their rooms without her. Mary was quick to point out Amy could have gone to her room shortly after they left, but Bill felt certain Amy had crossed too many lines.

Amy knew she was in trouble when she came home and found Bill sitting at the kitchen table with a glass of wine and an empty glass waiting for her.

"Amy, a few months ago we talked about your activities when you are away for work. I expressed my concerns and you said they were unfounded. You seem more distant now than ever before and you've scheduled more out-of-town inspections than you used to have. I'm surprised your girls aren't complaining about the increased travel requirements."

"Yes, I'm traveling more because I have a bigger territory. I've split the girls' teams so they travel less, but I travel more. We plan to hire some more folks and then my travels will be reduced. There's nothing I can do about it, it's just the way it has to be for a little while."

"You see, that's the problem, you never told me any of this. It's like we have become roommates. You're my wife, we need to discuss these sorts of changes!"

"Okay! ... sorry. I'll try to keep you better informed about my work."

Bill stared at Amy until the silence caused her to look up at him. "Are you cheating on me?"

"WHAT! Why would you ask me something like that? I don't go out or stay late at work, I'm here, in our house! How could you think I'm having an affair?"

"No affairs, ... one-night-stands with the boy toys you seem to attract when you're traveling. I think you are cheating and having yourself a grand time and THAT'S the reason you're happy to be traveling more!"

"Who told you that? ... That fucking Mary, she's mad because John keeps talking about me. She's just jealous because she thinks I want her husband."

Bill raised his eyebrows. "Why would she think that, Amy?"

"It's silly. John called me after our mid-year gathering and asked me to meet him for a drink. I thought he was concerned about Mary, so I agreed to meet him. Turns out he may have misunderstood something I said at our pool party. He thought I wanted to play around. He said he and Mary have done some stuff with other people and he wanted to know if I'd consider spending some time with him.

"Of course, I apologized for any confusion I may have caused at the pool party and told him I could never get involved with the spouse of my coworker. He seemed disappointed, but he took it gracefully, so I let it drop. He must have said something to Mary and now she thinks I want her husband."

"And you never thought about discussing this with me, ...your husband?"

"What was the point? It was a misunderstanding. I dealt with it. I guess I'll need to talk to Mary about it to clear the air."

"Obviously, flirting with John got you into trouble. How much trouble did you get into while flirting with the young studs when you traveled?"

"Jesus, are you back on that? What did she tell you?"

"Answer my fucking question! Have you cheated?"

"No! Stop asking me that! I haven't done anything. ... Can you say the same? I know all the girls have been calling you about those fucking stories. They told me how you get them all wound up. Have any of them come to see you? Has Mary asked you for revenge fuck?"

Now it was Bill's turn to gape. "Are you out of your mind? I have never touched any of those girls. I tried to tell you about the phone calls, but you cut me off and said you didn't want to hear about them!"

"And I still don't! Who wants to hear that kind of crap? ... Oh, well, I guess I know a few gals that want to hear it, but I sure as hell don't!"

Bill shook his head and sighed deeply. "Your disrespect for me is boundless. I understand you don't like the subject matter of my writing, but you've never READ anything I have written. A few of my stories have received really good reviews, so there are at least a few people who enjoy them.

"But this goes beyond my writing. I think you have little interest in me, in what I think, in what I feel or need. You have simply just stopped caring about me, about us. You don't talk to me, we seldom have sex, and you're gone as often as you can be. You have stopped being the loving, caring woman I married long ago."

Dry-eyed, Amy looked hard at Bill. "It's a two-way street, Bill. You haven't done much to help things get better."

"Maybe you're right, but I'm not the one who's been fucking around. It's time to end this charade and go our separate ways. I'll get the papers to you within the next few days. Let's be adults about this and I think we'll both be happier."

Amy didn't argue, she just turned and walked away. Bill couldn't help but think that was a perfect demonstration of how little she now cared about their marriage.

The lawyers worked out a pretty even split, so neither of them ended up in a cardboard box. Bill bought out Amy's interest in the house and she bought a condo near her work. The boys thought their parents didn't try hard enough to stay together because Amy never admitted to fucking her boy toys. Once she signed the papers, Bill just didn't seem to give a shit and never told the boys what he suspected.

Mary visited Bill about three months after the divorce was final. She told him she had proof that John had been sneaking off to hook up with Amy. Apparently, "Sneaking" violated their previous agreement, so she demanded a small stack of Hall-Passes and then promptly canceled their previous arrangement.

She planned to use a few of the passes with Bill and then keep the others to hold over John's head. Bill was happy to help her use up several in a very short period of time. Bill quickly found out that hearing and feeling Mary cum in person was WAY better than hearing her over the phone!

Bill continued to get calls from the other girls, but eventually, the novelty of his stories wore off and the girls stop calling. Bill kinda missed the thrill of that, but he never pressed the girls to resume the calls. He continues to write, he's not a star, but he still enjoys writing.

A few months after Mary's last visit, Bill was surprised by an email he received via the website that posted his stories. The person claimed to be a big fan of his stories and asked about some of the central Ohio landmarks Bill had mentioned in a few of his stories. The email was quite friendly, the author said her name was "Becca" and she had just moved to the central Ohio area.

Bill was cautious about the email as it could have been from anyone, but he was intrigued, so he responded to it. His response led to more Emails being exchanged. After many emails, Bill asked if they could meet at the restaurant he had featured in his last story. Becca agreed.

Bill was very nervous as he scanned the bar for a lady matching the description he'd been given. As he stood near the entrance, scanning the room, he felt a light tap on his arm.


Bill turned towards the voice. The lady looked to be in her mid-forties, 5'6, and trim. She had short brown hair that framed her pretty face. She wore a nervous smile.


She smiled brightly, "Yes, I'm so glad to finally meet you." She extended a small hand.

Grasping her small hand in both of his, Bill let out a breath he didn't realize he'd been holding. "Me too!" He chuckled, "I was half expecting to meet a large 60-year-old truck driver from Toledo, but you are every bit as lovely as I had imagined."

Becca giggled and it was music to Bill's ears. The two quickly fell into a rapid-fire, excited conversation. It was nearly an hour later that Bill suggested they get dinner.

Turned out Becca had relatives in the area and they had helped her land a job with a major bank in town. She said a girlfriend had told her about online erotic stories and she started reading them about five years ago and recently stumbled across one of Bill's publications.

"After I read a dozen of your stories, I realized you must live, (or lived) in the area. I loved the way your main character treated women and began to wonder if, maybe He was a reflection of the author. You listed your status as "single" so I sent that first email. I never dreamed I'd actually meet you."

The two began dating and soon became an exclusive couple. Bill was thrilled when Becca began to help him write some of his stories and publish a few of her own.

Their wedding is planned for next spring and Bill's sons are eagerly waiting to claim Becca as their Step-Mom. Becca had no family, except the distant cousin who had gotten her an interview at the bank, so she was thrilled to have new "kids."

Bill ran into Amy at a family function and she asked about his fiancé. Bill explained how they met and how happy they were together.

"So she reads and writes that stuff? Well, hell! If she loved them and all my girls loved them, maybe I should read your stories."

Bill laughed, "Maybe, but don't call me about them, because I am NOT going to read them to you!


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Calico75Calico75about 2 months ago

Fun story because of the links to Lit, but kind of bloodless or emotionless. And why in the world would Amy become interested in his stories after having been so revolted by the idea for years?

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Meh. This story was a misfire.

shadrachtshadracht6 months ago

Just okay. It feels empty in too many places and just lacks that interest and passion to make it more than okay.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

The story was interesting, but meeting with Becca was kind of a soft landing to the overall story.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Amy was a skank so good riddance

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

If you Google flirting you'll that flirting is a way to get validation your attractive AND a way to hint your available. The person doing this is creating a road away from their partner and cloaking under the umbrella of harmless flirting. Flirting is a direct form of disrespect and a clear and present danger flag of disloyalty and a solid reason for distrust. Throw in the "innocent kiss" or "fondle and the woman/man has unconsciously chosen to begin cheating.

If I saw this happening I give my wife two choices. Marriage counseling or divorce. No other option.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Good story, I appreciate plausibility, there is an old quotation or saying, something like " this is how it ends, not with a bang but with a whimper" just like most failed relationships,

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

His wife kissing another man is no reason to divorce her?!? What kind of brain damage does he have? Women divorce their husbands over much less than that. In fact, let’s flip the sexes: suppose it was a man flirting with the wife of his subordinate. How would everyone react? Pretty sure that his wife would end the party, kick everyone out, and tell them to take the asshole with them. This idea of “innocent flirting” is insanity!


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Good sections but left many unanswered questions. Too pat.

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