Realms of Eden: Home Fires B2A2


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"Good luck Enyalius," he said softly as he transferred his sensors to the nano-bots in Sydney's body. The screen in the room went dark.

Bonnie, Patrick, Kelsey, Jo, Jenny and Ronnie Kelleher sat entranced around the tables under the huge entertainment area roof at Kelsey's house as Ethan calmly told them about the life of an Angel. Bonnie giggled nervously as the man explained about the body's ability to heal quickly, even from the most serious wounds. Turning to Kelsey he smiled. "Sydney did not need to heal my wound I would have been alright. It was so that the ambulance would rush me away before the butchers found me again. But he was probably right, they would have found me again," he sighed as he sipped his tea.

"The only thing that doesn't return to its starting point is your hair Bonnie," he continued. "If you cut it, shave it, whatever it will grow back as normal. It is the only thing that is not alive on our bodies. That includes your finger and toe nails, your eyebrows, lashes and like me, my beard. Everything else is alive by itself!

"Oh there is one other thing. It only applies to female angels," his voice dropped in volume and his face flushed a little as he eyed the other females present.

"Your virginity may come back occasionally," he said with a small chuckle.

"I know my Mum," a glowing smile spread across his face at the memory of the wonderful woman that was taken from him in his twenties. "My Mum used to say it was very inconvenient," he finished with a small chuckle.

Bonnie could not help the laughter than came from her throat as her Aunt and Jo began to cackle. Ronnie Kelleher slapped her thighs as she almost fell off her chair. Even Jenny had a very amused look upon her face.

He paused to glance once again at the little red haired girl that watched him with a small smirk. He was a little disturbed by her large brown eyes that seemed to understand everything he said. Impossible he thought to himself she is only what, five? Six?

"Actually I am seven, Ethan," the girl said softly. She looked up at him meeting his gaze as his mouth opened in surprise.

"Don't be," said Dr Evans kindly, "Jenny is a most remarkable little girl!" He chuckled as he lifted the little one up into his lap tickling her ribs. The girl giggled as she squirmed in his arms and he cuddled her. Kelsey watched the older man playing with her daughter and grinned as she suggested that Bonnie and Ethan might like to go for a walk and have some private talk before lunch.

Bonnie nodded and taking the older man's hand she led him up to the ducks. Ethan was entranced by the beautiful maiden that regarded him with her lovely brown eyes. Stopping her as they crossed the bridge he turned her to face him. "Bonnie, you are a very beautiful woman, do not let this thing, this condition beat you down. Angels blood didn't kill my mother, it was the people that wouldn't leave her alone that did it. She was a beautiful woman all the way up until she took the poison that killed her, mercifully quickly, before the blood could stop it!

"Never forget that you are who you are, not what you think the blood makes you. I saw Sydney's eyes when you admitted that you were an Angel last night, he cares for you, very deeply. Do not become a thing of pity for him, Bonnie, he needs you to be who you are.

"This blood can make us feel so alive, so free. It can also makes us cranky and afraid, but he will never let anyone hurt you!

"Look what he did for me! He walked me out right under their noses when half the cops are looking for me. I am worth a billion dollars to them, that is a lot of money and they can afford to buy anyone. Yet he just took me away from them all, made me look like a teenager and then an old woman. He didn't even know who I was when he found me!"

Bonnie smiled at the man and leant forward kissing him softly. "Sydney knows who everyone is Ethan, he is our warrior and protector."

The unexpected kiss and the girl's statement caused Ethan to feel dizzy and he was grateful for the stump that Bonnie told him to sit on under the shade of the big gum tree. "You are the second person to tell me he is a warrior, Bonnie. Who is he really? No-one told me, except he was a friend."

"Ethan, Sydney is a million years old," she giggled at his startled look and she pointed back to the house. "Jenny tells you she is seven, she is older than Syddy."

"No way!" the man exclaimed.

Bonnie nodded vigorously. "They are ancient soldiers, Ethan. They have come back to claim the world from the evil that surrounds it. Though I think they expected to be battling a force other than our own governments."

She looked at the man shyly before she continued. "Ethan did you see the soldiers that were destroyed at the university in Townsville?"

Ethan nodded.

"He did that. Him, Jenny and another of his Angels of No Mercy. He also took down Molby, Hawkings and was responsible for the laws being changed about the mutations. He also took down the military and their plans for making women have male babies to make their armies stronger," she informed him as she held his gaze steady with her intense brown eyed stare.

"Project Breeding for Freedom they called it in the newscasts," he said softly as his head nodded as he accepted the woman's passionately spoken statements.

"I could almost feel sorry for the people at Delay Today, except for what those bastards did to me!" he screamed at the top of his lungs, causing the ducks that had gathered nearby to flutter their wings in alarm.

Curiously the ducks did not fly away, instead they crept closer to the pair, the man sitting on the stump as the woman sat with her legs crossed on the ground. Two-ways bumped his bill against the now weeping man's shin and honked softly. "He is asking if he can help," said a soft childish voice that manifested into the form of Jenny as she revealed herself from behind the bushes where she had been listening.

"Tell him I am not sure how he can," said the man as he lifted his tear streaked face to the smiling face of the little girl.

"Hold him Ethan, he will show you," the girl said gently.

"You too Bonnie, Syd is beside you," she continued as she watched the small grey bird nudge Bonnie's limp hand resting on her knee.

Gently the two picked up the two quietly honking birds, their sounds a curiously quiet sound as if it came from deep within their small bodies. Two-ways settled on the man's lap and his head stretched up and lay against the man's chest. Ethan was enraptured by the animal and he found he could not take his eyes away from the little golden orbs that stared up at him. Bonnie found Syd's beak was warm between her breasts as he craned his neck to look up at her from his position in her lap.

Jenny walked past them and sat among the rest of the birds as they gathered around her and settled down to wait.

Chapter 2 -- Blood of the Angels

The warrior's broad sword pinned Dr Klinsman against the wall as the fearsome face scanned his frightened features. The sword was placed just below his Adam's apple and the doctor found he couldn't swallow. "Angels blood mean anything to you doctor?" the apparition asked.

"No such thing," the man's gargled response was barely intelligible but the warrior needed no verbal reply, the words had already triggered the memories in the man's mind. Sydney read him, absorbed in a heartbeat everything the man knew about it. His sword pressed viciously through the man's throat almost decapitating him.

Spinning from the doctor's office he ran down a corridor that led to the cryogenic chambers containing the so-called preserved bodies of dozens of people who had paid several small fortunes for the promise of being awoken to a far distant future. A future that promised them cures for their illnesses and a return to their vastly increased fortunes, all managed by the financial gurus of Delay Today. The sword slashed through the fraudulent machinery that surrounded the glass coffins. Each hissed as the coffin's contents began to thaw from the dressed up freezer that a dead body had been stored in.

A woman screamed as alarms went off all over the building. She screamed louder as she ran into the room to see a huge man swinging a large sword, destroying the machines she had promised were keeping the bodies of her clients preserved, able to be brought back in hundreds of years time. She knew the lie for what it was, the bodies dumped into a furnace in the cellars of the building once the client's fortune had been safely deposited away into the secret bank accounts. "How many clients have you put in these machines, Rachel?" the glowing man asked her in a harsh whisper.

The woman screamed again not answering him. "Three hundred and twenty-four! All of those people murdered before their time because you told them you could cure them!" he raged at her as his sword sliced downwards through her body cleaving her in two.

He scanned the rest of the building. Eight more dark figures waited for justice, three others he would spare, ignorant innocents to the deadly deceit that was being played out in the building. When he found the young girl from the image that Alfred had given him he stopped in shock. The woman had been decapitated yet her eyes stared helplessly at him. A doctor, not sensing his presence, crooned to her over the top of the steel high sided bath. "Come on Alison, you can do it, makes those little tissues knit back together," his voice sounded like a father calling his young child to take its first steps. Sydney's sword took his head from his shoulders as his rage at the man ensured that the sword would not show the world any other result other than the decapitation he carried out.

"Alison listen to me," he whispered, his face a calm mask, the eyes gentled. "Relax, close your eyes, listen to me." The head separated from the body did so, her hands raised from her body and gently grasped her head and moved it down to complete the connection as he instructed.

"How much longer do you need?" the big man asked her. "Blink your eyes for minutes else open them wide for hours." The eyes blinked three times.

"Good girl, wait for me to return, I will be back for you." He was gone from her view.

He shooed the three innocents out of the building, they ran screaming. The other six he found in the sound proofed computer room, screens of images of the torture of Alison and Ethan ranged around the room as the doctors made notes and joked about the happenings on the screens. His roar and the swinging of his sword as he cursed them to hell caused the oldest doctor, a matronly woman in her late one hundred and fifties to have a fatal heart attack. "Oh no you don't!" he screamed as his sword buried into her chest as she went into arrest. The blade sliced the woman's heart in half killing her the way he intended.

"Alfred!" he screamed, "can you use my sword to access this computer system?"

"Yes, place it on the parallel connection on the main server." The image of the desired port came into Sydney's mind and he scanned the large machines in front of him and matched it. Gently he placed the sword against the opening's metal connectors and the cyber man, created by the realm masters, slid his essential communications programs through the sword made alive by the cosmic masters, completing the channel he needed.

"I'm in Sydney!"

"Good you have 30 minutes."

Where is the last one? Sydney asked his mind as he roved the rest of the building. His eyes flicked back to the monitors on the wall as he returned from his search back to the computer room. A silhouette figure of a man stood over the steel bath where he had left Alison, he held a large container of something poised over the edge of the bath. "Enyalius, leave this place or I will kill her!" the man's voice came over the speakers throughout the building.

"You know that I will not do that, Seth!" the warrior said in a deadly whisper as he stood in the doorway of the butchering room. His twin silver handed pistols barked in rapid fire even before the ancient god could lift his head towards his voice. The container of acid fell back with the surprised man covering him instead of the helpless woman in the bottom of the bath.

Seth's body had vanished but Sydney knew that it would take the ancient evil one many years to recover from the twelve realm enhanced projectiles he had put in the god's head and chest. "Come Alison it is time for us to leave." He lifted the girl easily in his arms and in a blink they vanished.

Twenty three minutes later Alfred triggered the explosion in the gas storage room that ripped the buildings off its foundations destroying it and a large part of the surrounding buildings with it. He hoped that his anonymous tip to the residents of a bomb had been sufficient warning. Sometimes he thought to himself there is collateral damage.

Sydney sat with Alison in his lounge room in his house in Brisbane, the woman lay snuggled into his arms, asleep. Opposite him sat Ethan and Bonnie, they regarded the pair brightly as they silently waited for the girl to awaken. Sydney was amused at the cheerful look both of them had considering that he must look like hell on earth in his blood splattered armour and the stained sword lying on the floor at his feet. He did not want the girl in his arms to wake to see any other face beside the calm dark-blue eyes of the warrior that had rescued her.

A gorgeous woman appeared in his kitchen and began to make tea, quietly. Bonnie and Ethan did not hear her movements behind them.

"She is so beautiful," breathed Ethan as the girl began to rouse in the warm strong arms that held her.

"Alison," Sydney whispered softly and the bright hazel coloured eyes opened. Full red lips turned upwards in a grin that turned her soft featured face into a pouting sexy woman.

"I thought that I was dreaming that you came and rescued me," she said, her voice huskily soft. Her hands reached up to his lips gently caressing them as he kissed her delicate fingertips. She slipped her hand down to his throat and around to the back of his neck and holding him firmly she pulled herself upward in his arms until her lips reached his.

"Ethan, I think we should go," whispered Bonnie into the ear of the man beside her. He nodded and very quietly the two rose from the couches as the big man and the young woman continued their kiss. The woman making the tea smiled as the pair walked past her without even seeing her, as she expected.

She turned her attention to the pair kissing on the lounge and smiled as the man lifted the woman into his arms and took her towards his bedroom. I think a shower would be a nice start Enyalius she sent to the man who nodded as he changed directions and turned to his left. The woman began a slow count in her mind.

His head came back out of the doorway before she had reached twenty and she grinned at him. "Go Enyalius, my daughter awaits, we will talk later," she waved him away with her hands as he grinned broadly at her.

"As you command my lady Freya," he answered and dashed back to the bathroom where Alison was hotly waiting for him wet and naked under the warm water.

Alison was impatient for the warrior to return even though he was only gone a few moments. Her hands touched her breasts, circling the firm young flesh letting her thumb and forefinger squeeze upwards until she captured her sensitive nipples. "Oh my that feels good," she sighed and her mouth opened wide as a warm hand cupped her sex from behind, "that is even better!"

She turned slowly rubbing her body against the warm hard man behind her, she finally faced him pressing her soapy breasts into his hairless chest making her hard nipples slide across him. "How did you know how to fix me, warrior?" she asked softly as his hands reached around her back siding downwards with the soft fluffy washer as she leaned into him.

"I have two Angels outside waiting to meet you, one of them was the occupant of that bath before you," he answered as his hands rubbed her gently. He leaned back a little as she pushed against him with her hands and retrieved the washer from his. The woman nodded slowly as she began to wash his chest and arms.

"I had sensed another had been there before me, I could not tell who it was though. I guess it was Ethan because I can sense him now," her voice sent tremors through Sydney's body, it was sexily soft and husky. She slid her breasts down his stomach as she knelt and began to apply the washer to his thighs and down to his feet.

His eyes closed as she gripped his knees gently, urging him to turn before her. Bracing his hands on the tiled wall he felt her delicate hands wash his calves and up the back of his legs until they rested on his rump. The delightful feel of her fingers as she touched his flesh made his already hard cock throb, the woman traced a path between the cheeks of his arse, caressing his anus as she washed him gently. Warm water cascaded down his lower body as she directed the shower with her hands. Lips found his cheeks, hotly tonguing the firm globes of his arse. "So strong warrior," she called to him gently as she rose behind him running the washer and her breasts up his back.

He sighed as she massaged his shoulders with strong fingers, her hands rolling over his back and up to his neck. The tension in his arms and body eased as she directed her fingers to the tight spots she found over him. "Perhaps warrior, we should find somewhere more comfortable for a more complete easing of all your muscles?" her gentle querying tone made his heart race as he turned back to face her. Their lips met again and Sydney felt his senses reel as the kiss seared his lips, her tongue felt like a living flame in his mouth as it danced against his.

They stepped from the shower as she hastily flicked the tap and giggled delightfully as he wrapped her up in a huge fluffy blue towel. Playfully they dried one another and Alison shyly told him that he missed a spot lifting a long leg towards his hip and directing his bare hand to her sex. "I don't think any towel could dry the wetness there my sweet," he told her as his fingers gently sought her opening and allowed his fingers to capture the almost flowing wetness of her fluids. She hissed against his nipple as she licked it, before attaching her mouth firmly to him shuddering as his thumb stroked her swollen clit.

Lifting her up against him as she wrapped her long legs around his hips he smiled. "I think my lady Alison that drinking from that well may drain some of the wetness away," he said hotly as he walked her towards his bedroom as she clung to his neck.

"Oh my goodness, I hope you are thirsty, Enyalius," she whispered as he lay her down on his big bed and watched his dark haired head dip between her legs. His hot tongue found its way through her golden coloured hair and lapped slowly at her wetly glistening opening.

Cries of joy assailed Freya's ears as she listened to the couple, her smile widened as she recalled the coupling with the warrior in her own times. The woman on the bed barely paused in her continuous voicing of her pleasure as Sydney's thick cock pierced the hymen that protected her womb with its flimsy thickness of flesh.

"You are, were, a virgin?" asked Sydney softly. His voice carried a hint of disapproval that the beautiful woman above him should keep this secret from him until she sat still and quiet on his cock as she regarded him through half closed eyes.

Her lashes fluttered in excitement as her wet channel rippled in welcome over the firm flesh that invaded her for the first time. "I have dreamt for so long of you Enyalius, of your firm flesh, your tender touch, hot kisses that take my breath away. Do not believe that I would easily give myself to any other man as easily I do to you. As I have done before and will again."
