Remaking a Boyfriend Pt. 01: The Pact


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It was clear this was a test, to prove he could control himself. For fifteen torturous minutes, Ray stayed as still as possible as Allison rubbed against his sensitive cock. She turned toward him and slowly ran her silky thigh between his legs, back and forth. Ray sweated with effort as he forced himself to stay still. He nearly exploded when she brought her legs up into a fetal position and rested her feet at the base of his cock. After gently wiggling her toes on his member for a few minutes, Allison drifted off to sleep and turned away from Ray. He lay awake well into the night, his heart pounding with sexual desire.

The next day was Monday and Ray woke up late, feeling groggy. So much had happened yesterday, his mind was still reeling trying to comprehend the changes in his relationship. Allison had already left for work. She must have taken the oven mitts off in the morning while he was still sleeping. In the kitchen, he found a note she had left him:

"Hi sweetie! Hope you got some sleep. Breakfast and lunch are in the fridge with instructions. NO SNACKING! Get some work done and I'll see you tonight. Love, Allison"

Ray opened the fridge and found a small bowl of granola and smoothie labeled breakfast, and a tuna sandwich and celery sticks labeled lunch. Ray frowned. Not exactly bacon and eggs. He ate the granola and drank the whole smoothie, not wanting to disobey Allison even though she wasn't around.

After breakfast, Ray went to his computer to begin working. He was a freelance graphic designer, so he worked from home. He had set up a small home office in the guest bedroom, and he tried to keep a regular business schedule despite the intermittent nature of his work. It was important to him to feel that he had a real career, especially since Allison made so much more money than him. Despite the fact that she never rubbed it in, the disparity in their professional lives sometimes made Ray feel inadequate.

He pulled his inbox, where he found an email from Allison:

"Hey honey, hope breakfast was good. Did you drink all your smoothie? Just wanted to let you know that I took the liberty of installing a traffic logger on your computer so that you don't look at any porn while I'm gone. Please don't try to get around it, I'll know. Have a good day! -A"

Ray's mouth hung open. What? A traffic logger? She must be joking! He opened the system tray and saw that there was a new program there, something called BrowserSpy. He tried to exit it, only to be given a password prompt. He was shocked. This was a major invasion of his privacy! Allison had gone too far!

And yet, said a voice in his head. If she hadn't installed the logger he probably would have looked at porn and masturbated today, to relieve the horniness he was still feeling from last night. He hadn't exactly given Allison a lot of reasons to trust him, either. Ray sighed, decided this wasn't the right time to rock the boat, and tried to focus on his work. Three of his regular clients had all given him projects at the same time, so it only took a few minutes for his indignation at Allison's intrusion to fade to the background as he focused on the significant amount of work ahead of him.

When he next looked at the clock, it was already lunchtime. He retrieved his lunch from the fridge, grumbling about the portion size. When Ray had agreed to do anything Allison asked, he didn't think that she was going to take control over so many aspects of his life. He took a short break from work while he ate and looked at the news and social media. An advertisement featuring a swimsuit model stirred his frustrated libido, and before he knew it he had opened a private browsing session and was typing in the address to his favorite porn site. He had nearly hit enter before he remembered the traffic logger. Allison was going to be able to see every site he visited. He reluctantly closed the window. With a half erection, he returned to work. By the time 6pm rolled around, he had made significant progress on all of his open projects. He was feeling good as he heard a key turn in the front door and the clicking of Allison's heels on the entryway tile.

"Hey babe," Ray greeted her. She was dressed in an ultra-professional navy suit but nonetheless looked absolutely stunning.

"Hey sweetie." Allison dropped her bag and gave him a short but meaningful kiss. "How was your day today?"

"Uh, it was good I guess, but there's a couple things I wanted to talk to you about."

Allison looked at him skeptically, as though she expected the next words out of his mouth to be a mistake. "I'm listening," she said.

"Well, uh," Ray stammered, "I was just wondering about the food you left me. I mean, it was good, don't get me wrong—"

Allison nodded and cut him off. "But it left you hungry all day."

"Well, um, yeah."

"You're on a diet now, honey," said Allison flatly. "In order to become more attractive and more confident, you're going to have to drop some spare pounds. So you're going to be hungry sometimes." Her tone warmed slightly. "But I know you can do it. You're gonna get used to it, and after a while you're going to feel so much fitter and healthier. And I'm going to help you all the way." She smiled at him.

Ray was taken aback by her directness, and merely nodded in silence.

"Speaking of which," Allison continued, "I'm going to go get dinner started. Why don't you go for a quick run while I do that?"

"Actually—" Ray caught himself as Allison looked at him with a cocked eyebrow. "Actually that sounds like a great idea, babe."

Ray swore under his breath once he was out of Allison's earshot. He was hungry and cranky, but he could tell that Allison would have jumped all over him if he had pushed back against her suggestion. He changed into his running gear, and as he was about to head out the door Allison stopped him.

"Wait a second Ray, I almost forgot! I got you a couple presents. Here!" She reached into her bag and pulled out a brand new fitness tracker wristband. "It'll track your running so you can see how much you're improving. Here, give me your phone."

Ray handed his iPhone over to Allison, and within a few minutes she had set up the app. She took the fitness tracker and clasped it around Ray's wrist. "There," she said. "All set." Ray was pleasantly surprised at receiving such a generous gift, but...

"You got me a pink one, huh?"

Allison giggled. "I know, I'm sorry. It's the only color they had at the store! It's not a big deal though, it's just for while you're running."

Ray shrugged and agreed. It's not like he cared what he wore when he was exercising. He threw on some gym clothes and headed out for a run. After only a mile he stopped for a rest as he was already sweating profusely and out of breath. Getting into shape wasn't going to be easy! He walked another half mile, taking the most direct route home, and came in to the delicious smells of Allison's cooking. She had made a spicy veggie stir-fry, one of her favorite dishes.

"How far did you run babe?" Allison asked.

"About two miles I think," Ray answered.

Allison picked up her phone, tapped a couple of times and frowned. "One and a half miles. And you walked for a lot of it. You've gotta try harder than that honey."

Ray's jaw dropped. Allison must have synced the wristband to her phone as well. "Are you—did you get me this wristband thing to spy on me?" he sputtered.

"Oh, come on Ray, quit being so dramatic. It's hardly spying! But yes, I did buy it so that both of us could keep track of your exercise regimen. What's so bad about that? Were you hoping to cheat and get away with it and not get in shape?"

Ray paused to regain his composure. Hearing Allison explain it, it didn't seem so unreasonable. She wanted him to exercise, and he really did want to do what she asked of him. He looked down at the floor. "I'm sorry, babe. You're right. And I'm sorry I lied about how far I ran, I'll try harder next time."

Allison hugged him and kissed him on the cheek. "I know you will, honey. It's ok. Now come on, let's eat!"

Allison handed Ray his dish which, though appetizing, still looked on the small side. He didn't complain, though, and quickly devoured his plate. After he was done, Allison asked him to do the dishes and he obliged. As he washed, Allison smiled at him.

"I have to say, I'm surprised Ray. I thought for sure you would have complained by now about the traffic logger I installed on your computer."

Shit. Ray had totally forgotten about it. "Um, actually babe, I did wanna talk to you about that."

"I thought you might. Is it because you have secrets you want to keep from me?"

This felt like a trap. "No," Ray started, "it's just—well, I mean I didn't think it was a problem that I looked at porn sometimes. I mean, you knew that I did, right?"

"That's true, I'm aware you look at porn, but I don't think you get to be the judge of what is and isn't a problem for our relationship," Allison said with a slight edge.

Knowing that it was probably a bad idea, Ray continued. "Sure, but—I mean with some of the stuff we've been doing, I've been really really pent-up and horny, and I feel like it's a pretty natural urge."

"So what you're saying," said Allison, "is that it's unfair of me to put you in a situation where there's huge temptation to break a rule that's easily broken."

Ray was puzzled. Had he just won an argument? That hadn't happened since they'd made the agreement. In fact, he couldn't really remember it ever happening. "Umm, yes?" he guessed.

Allison nodded. "You're right. That is unfair. I think a change of rules is in order. Finish washing dishes and come into the bedroom, and we'll discuss it further."

Allison got up from the table and left the kitchen. The mere mention of the bedroom had made Ray's cock twitch. He washed the last dishes as fast as he could and did his best forty-yard dash to the bedroom. Allison was sitting on the bed with an unmarked black box about the size of a book in her lap. Looking at her legs exposed below her skirt, Ray's mind flashed back to the intense memories of last night. His erection began to swell. He stood just inside the doorway, instinctively feeling that if Allison wanted him someplace else she'd let him know. Allison cleared her throat and began.

"So the first change is that you're allowed to watch porn. The traffic logger will stay installed though, because I want to know what you're watching and how much. I think that's important information for me to have."

Allison paused. Ray thought to himself that he'd have to change some of his porn habits if Allison was going to be seeing everything, but he could live with that. "Sounds fair," he said.

"The second change," Allison continued, "is that you're going to be wearing this." She held the box out, and Ray walked over and took it. He opened it slowly, and pulled out a small metal contraption consisting of many rings fashioned into a tube, all connected to a larger ring, with a padlock where they joined. Ray stared at it, puzzled.

"That's a chastity device," said Allison calmly.

Ray's eyes bulged. "A what!"

"A chastity device," Allison repeated. "The ring part goes around the base of your penis and testicles, and the cage locks in place over your penis. It prevents you from masturbating."

"No way!" Ray exclaimed. "You're crazy. I'm not wearing that."

"Ray, calm down. It's just so that you're not tempted to masturbate when I'm not around, so that you can save your libido for me. Trust me."

Ray shook his head. "I'm not putting a cage on my dick. Not happening."

Allison looked at him icily. "Does that mean you're breaking the agreement?"

"Allison, babe, come on. I'm not breaking the agreement. But don't you think this is—" Ray stopped as Allison's face clearly began to show hints of anger. Fuck, he thought, she's not going to budge on this. He silently mulled his options. He sure as hell didn't want to wear that thing, but... the past few days had already made him feel happier and closer to Allison than he had in a long time. He actually felt hopeful about their future, which was incredible. Was he going to throw all that away right now?

Ray gave an exaggerated sigh. "Fine," he said in a resigned whisper. "How do I put it on?"

"Come here," Allison commanded.

Ray walked over to her, and she undid his fly. His semi-erection tumbled out of his pants and began to swell even more at Allison's touch.

"Hm, well the first thing is that you'll need to be soft for this to go on." Ray's cock swelled even further as Allison spoke. "In the interest of time—"

Allison wrapped her hand around Ray's dick and began firmly stroking it. Ray moaned with pleasure as his cock finally received attention after days of horniness. Typically when Allison had given him handjobs in the past, they had been slow and sensual with lots of teasing, but now she was stroking him hard and quickly. In under a minute, he felt a long awaited orgasm began to build.

"Slow down babe, I'm getting close," Ray gasped. Before he had finished talking, though, Allison's hand went into overdrive, gliding rapidly over his cock, which was now lubricated with precum. It only took about twenty seconds more for Ray's knees to buckle as an orgasm tore through his body. His cock seized, and he sprayed a rope of cum onto the bed behind Allison. As soon as he began to cum, though, Allison stopped her stroking, leaving her hand wrapped firmly around the base of his cock. She angled his cock away from her, so that his sperm landed on the sheets.

Though it had relieved some of the aching horniness he had felt, Ray's orgasm felt oddly unsatisfying. He had cum too quickly, and Allison had stopped stimulating him right at the height of his pleasure. Before he had much time to dwell on it though, Allison began manipulating his deflating cock to put it in the chastity cage.

Ray watched with post-orgasmic calm as she tucked one of his balls through the ring, then the other, then pulled his soft cock through. She quickly slid the tube over his cock so that the ring and tube fit together, and then put the small lock through the mating post and closed it. It wasn't until the click of the lock that it registered for Ray. His dick was locked up. He was now denied access to the most private part of his own body. He tugged and prodded at the cage with curiosity. It felt unusual to have the extra weight suspended from his balls, but it didn't hurt.

"There we go!" said Allison cheerily. "Now, as I was saying, you can look at all the porn you want, and you won't have to worry about the temptation to jerk off. Because you can't!"

"Yeah," Ray said warily, "great."

"Now, you'll have to make sure and be careful about cleaning everything well while you're in the shower, but I got you an open-design cage so that shouldn't be too much of a problem"

"You mean I have to wear this thing in the shower too?"

"Do you ever jerk off in the shower, Ray?"

Ray looked down. "Yeah, sometimes."

"Then you have to wear it in the shower," Allison concluded. "Don't fret about it, sweetie, the whole point is that it's going to make our sex life better."

"Really?" Ray asked cautiously.

"Yes, honey, really." Allison stood up and kissed him. It wasn't a passionate kiss, but it was reassuring for Ray.

They spent the rest of the night cuddling and watching Magic Mike, which Ray hadn't been particularly keen on seeing but Allison had insisted on. Ray thought it ended up being a pretty good movie, but he could tell Allison was enjoying more than just the plot. Whenever a particularly sexy scene was on, she would start wiggling against him, grinding her legs or rubbing her hands against his caged dick. This stimulation would cause the beginnings of an erection, followed shortly but a sharp but not exactly painful sense of pressure as his penis pressed against the constraint. It was an interesting sensation; he felt his horniness building, but in a much more gradual and removed way than he was used to, like he was watching it at a distance. Ray knew Allison was trying to tease him, and decided to just enjoy the physical intimacy that she was offering rather than ask for sex and be scolded for being pushy.

After the movie was over they went to bed. Ray tossed and turned for a bit, the unfamiliar weight of the chastity cage bringing his mind back to the subject of his new situation with Allison. His brain see-sawed between apprehension about how quickly things were changing and comfort from the level of care and concern Allison was showing him. Gradually, the cycling of these thoughts slowed, and then ceased, as he fell into a deep sleep, blissfully unaware of just how much his life was going to change.

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AnonymousAnonymous3 days ago

This controlling, misandrist bitch, doesn’t want a partner, she wants a servant. Why do men put up with this sort of silly nonsense ?

CindyTVCindyTVabout 1 year ago

Great Story. Please continue to write some new stories.

Janrene3Janrene3over 1 year ago

Don`t need to read the next chapter to see, whats in store for him haha

Girls clothes and her boy playthings coming around, him cleaning up efter them in her pussy or ass.

And made to only orgasm with a dick - fake or real - in his ass.

I`m not sure though, if it helps him overcome his erectile problems, when it comeback down to f@cking - but I`m sure, he will never again ejaculate in her pussy (or ass)!

But funny premise for the story - and we WERE sort of warned. So thanx for sharing, author

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

She’s been reading the “How to make a slave out of your husband” manual or “The misandrists guide to marriage”.

Amongst lots of lifestyle themes, I find this type, one of the most pathetic. Why do women in these stories bother to marry ? They obviously hate men so much, so why go anywhere near them.

As for the blokes; they all seem very weak willed. At the first raised eyebrow they immediately surrender. He initially states that he will not wear the chastity device under any circumstances and yet 30 seconds later, guess what ?

I can see the appeal of a life of domestic, mental and sexual servitude for some people, however the reality would be entirely different. An indentured slave, which is presumably what she wants, is not only illegal (in any civilized society), but immoral as well. There is no love, no respect, no honour, just a broken man behaving like an automaton not a husband. Just lobotomize him and save time.

RegretsRegretsalmost 4 years ago
Could someone sensible have a word with her

Think of this...he licks her shoes, presumably with dangerous bio from walking outside...then her feet, including her toes. Her toenails are varnished and she has lotion on her feet, which is presumably not meant for ingestion. With this dangerous and potentially lethal bio in his mouth he advances towards her cunt, intending to give pleasure. I think I had a White Out at that point, but think that it actually happened

When he is to begin losing weight he gets to enjoy a plate full of pancakes..and the smoothy. After trifling exercise they are to go out for dinner....this is the beginning of a weight loss program. No Way.

Towards the end some order and sense was on the cards, with control of his computer and watching over his exercise. There is as yet no strictly observed and regular measurement and recording of his weight, with targets to be met. There is nothing to prevent him snacking.

But order is appearing with the welcome news that his dick is now under control. He will begin to align with the program henceforward.

Now, what is needed are two or three additions for a meaningful rollout which will come about after difficulties, mainly endured by him.

Handcuffs, for use before the cage is ever removed. A springy and dependable cane to speed his obedience and observance of the weight loss and exercise program and some straps with broad Velcro fastening to hold him steady as the cane begins to change his attitude and focus his attention.

I do hope that no misfortune comes about from his dangerous prostration and attention to her shoes and feet, and her cunt.

justincbenedictjustincbenedictabout 4 years ago
I agree with the recent comments--

People who read this sort of story get OFF on this sort of story. Why criticize the writer? I don't criticize people who get off on giantess stories, or stories about mud-wrestling, or foot fetishes. It's not my thing. I realize that. This is what guys like me get off on. I write stories like this, read stories like this and whack off to stories like this. That's who I am. Most of it is due to the hideous childhood I had, but there's not much to be done about it, right?

MomsnGurls4meMomsnGurls4meover 4 years ago
I'm surprised...

Very surprise at the amount of criticism and negative comments. We all know he is going to let Her have Her way, and it's not always going to be enjoyable for him. If you don't like this story, don't read the rest of it.

GrrrreatImaginationGrrrreatImaginationover 4 years ago
Off to a nice start

Good writing, enjoyable diaglogue, and doing a good job of letting us into his thoughts & feelings. A little less sex than preferred, but this is the first chapter, so.

Category is BDSM, chastity qualifies as bondage, and whether he is cognizant of it or not, he is submitting to her, and she is taking a dominant or leading (commanding?) role in their previously vanilla relationship.

Yep, please continue.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Where on earth do authors find all these remarkably stupid men ? After a paragraph you knew what was going to happen. Every woman a misandrist, every man a pathetic loser. Get out of there whilst you can and find a woman who loves you, not some closet domme.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
if you're not into

subjugation of a vulnerable weak guy until he's literally an emasculated feminised cuckolded sissy, then read no further. The author is one of those guys with a serious inferiority complex. You have been warned.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

I'm wondering IF he should trust these Smoothies she is preparing for him in thee future?

ShadowRosieShadowRosieover 4 years ago
Sorry BDSM isn't the answer for this

I am so sorry for him. I feel like the woman is an ass and although I realize there are problems, they should work together instead of her going all fem-dom on him. She's not really very loving nor does she really care about him.

ChastizedChastizedover 4 years ago

This is off to a fantastic start!! Can't wait to read the rest.


AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
5 stars

Well written and enjoyable story. I look forward to Pt. 02.

mrwidehorizonsmrwidehorizonsover 4 years ago
Good for them!

I could use some exercise motivation as well!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Very arousing

Great story. I look forward to the continued series to see how Ray developed and to fantasize myself in his place. Very sexy scenario

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