Reverse Seduction


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"No, Missus W..........?" And after a brief pause she added. "Are you sure you don't mean yes?" Just as she brushed my upper lip with her tongue.

It felt as if my chest was about to explode. I was so alarmed, shocked, excited, worried, aroused and confused. I wanted to get away, but I didn't seem to be able to move. I felt stuck right there. Right there with Sammi's hand inside my robe on my bare hip, with her naked body pressed against mine, with her small, pert tits pressing into my breasts, with her hand on the back my neck, with her glinting eyes locked on mine and with her tongue on my lip. Yes I stayed right where I was, right where she wanted me to be and right where she could then cover my lips with hers and kiss me. And just before she did that she whispered.

"You do mean yes don't you Amanda? I desire you so utterly."

That did it. Desire me so utterly, what a phrase, what a gotcha, and boy did that get me. She had won hands down, it seemed a total victory, I was putty in her hands.

She kissed beautifully; soft, slow and gently. I couldn't believe that after just a few seconds of her full lips on mine that I began to respond. My lips squirmed against hers and then as I felt her tongue on them they opened. Was I drugged, was I hypnotised, I wondered?

But then reality kicked in. I pulled my mouth from hers, I pushed her away and turned and walked into the kitchen pulling the robe round me as I did.

"Sammi, this has to stop," I said as I leaned forward my hands on the kitchen table supporting me, my back to the short corridor, my head bowed, part in shame, part embarrassment and part to avoid looking at my daughter's friend.

I felt more than heard her presence behind me, quite close. Obviously being bare footed she made little or no sound as she walked. My body was tingling all over. My breasts felt as though they were on fire and as if there was a hot wire from my nipples to my clit.

"Sorry Mrs W, did I get things wrong?"

Oh fuck what a question I thought and one needing an answer. I had to confront the issue. The events in the short hallway had created an impasse between us and that had to be addressed. I couldn't think what to say and I was frightened to turn round and look at her. Her nudity had intimidated me yet, at the same time it had aroused me and that worried me big time.

Whilst it seemed as though time had stood still in that short corridor with me pressed up against the wall with the naked young woman squashed against me, it had actually been only a matter of minutes. Just a few minutes since she had undressed before me and I had stared at her nudity. What had made come on so strongly, for now I had no doubt of her intentions? I must have given a sign. Some form of indicator that a bi woman would notice. I had no idea what I could have done, but realised it must have been informative to Sammi. Or on the other hand had she just tried it on and something lying dormant in me had surfaced. Shit so many issues and so few answers.

"Well did I?" I heard Sammi whisper as I felt her hand on my shoulder.

I froze as yet another torrent of sensations roared through me.

God, I couldn't believe the assurance and confidence of this young woman. Where did it come from? Was it me in some way giving her that, by being so pliant? I had no idea, but as I felt her fingers pressing into my shoulder the earlier arousal returned. I could feel my body exploding with feelings and, in almost reverse correlation, my resistance was fading.

"Amanda," she said quietly as she rubbed her fingers in little circles on my shoulder gradually moving towards my neck.

"Yes," I managed still leaning forward with my hands on the table my back towards her.

"Are you ok?" She went on as I again felt her soft fingertips on my skin, this time on my neck.

"Yes," I gasped amazing myself with the level of feeling I gained from such a simple touch in such an 'innocent' place.

"Are you?" she asked as she slid her hand along my shoulder, this time under the silk of the robe.

"Oh Sammi, yes, yes I am," I groaned as once more I felt her body pressing on mine, this time from behind.

She was about the same height as me, so where I was bent forward with my bottom sticking out a little, I thought it was her tummy that was pressing on me, but no it was a far more sexually provocative part of her body I realised. As I felt the roughness on my bottom where the gown had risen up, my mind was suddenly filled with an image of the thick thatch of dark pubic hairs I had seen when she had stood naked before me. It was that which was rubbing against me. That image was quickly joined by a vision of her flat boobs and small, dark nipples. That made me shudder, partly with sheer excitement, but also partly with worry and, I suppose, a degree of shame. Each was struggling for supremacy in my mind. As I felt the pressure on my back and bottom increasing and as her other hand also found my bare shoulder inside the top of the robe I began to realise which was assuming the dominant role.

But still I didn't move. I remained leaning on the table, my arms straight down supporting me, my head bowed, my body slightly bent at the waist and my bottom sticking out.

Her hands were stroking my shoulders and, at the same time slowly slipping further inside the top of my robe. That caused a sort of domino effect on the robe and on any resistance I may, somehow, have retained. It caused the collar to slide down my back a little, the lapels to gape, the hem to ride up and the arms to slip down.

"Is this ok Amanda?" She whispered.

God why didn't I have the strength and resistance to say 'No it fuckingwell isn't ok, leave me alone."

Again I had no answer to that and so I simply mewed "Yes." What a fucking wimp.

She had now stopped the pretence of stroking my shoulders, although she was still doing that. She was now quite overtly undressing me and rubbing herself against my back. Undressing her best friend's mum, undressing her in her kitchen, in broad daylight in the middle of the morning. In addition to the fact that I was letting a young woman seduce me and that I was about to indulge in lesbian sex, those facts got to me and made the situation so sordid yet, at the same time, so fucking horny that a little grunt escaped from my mouth.

She must have taken that for a sign of surrender on my part and probably, she was correct. She pulled more firmly on the collar of my robe easing the sides of it over both shoulders and down my arms almost to my elbows. At the same time, I felt her mound squirming and gyrating on my bum. That was now bare as was my back down to my shoulder blades, the front of the robe was gaping very low, and my boobs were hanging down uncovered.

And then I felt her arms snake round me and both of her hands cupped my breasts at the same time. The sensation was amazing. It was hugely powerful and it made my entire body convulse with want and desire. She squeezed my breasts and at the same time pinched my nipples with exactly the right amount of pressure. I was gone, I'd had it, I was now clearly and obviously totally and with no reservations whatsoever hers to do with as she wished.

She pulled me upright her hands still cupping my tits. She kissed my neck and head and stroked, squeezed and rolled my breasts together.

Almost as a confirmation of her complete and utter victory over my resistance and as an example of my total capitulation to her she whispered.

"Undo the tie Amanda."

It was the seminal moment I think. I didn't have to do it. I could have played 'hard to get.' I could have made her do all the work and not join in; do nothing other than, as it were, lay back and think of England. I'm not like that though. I am by nature an enthusiast, a team player a participator. So I found my shaking fingers fumbling at the silk tie, pulling on it and letting the robe fall open so I was naked at the front.

Sammi was now turning the screws, she was having her pound of flesh and making me illustrate my acquiescence.

"Take it off Missus W, be naked like me," she whispered into my ear as alarmingly, but wonderfully she turned me round to face her. "Oh God Amanda," she sighed as she stared at my nakedness for the second time. "Oh my fucking God, you are gorgeous," she so encouragingly moaned as the robe slid from my body and slithered to the floor.

Was being naked with her a major turn on? Did it arouse me even more? Was it something of a milestone in my life? Or was it just another sexual interlude? Again, many questions, but so few answers. But for Christ's sake, 'Is the Pope catholic?' Of course it fuckingwell aroused me, I was boiling with desire and shivering with want. But then I had not had time to ponder that. The circumstances were not appropriate and, in any case, too much thinking was not advisable. I didn't' really want to engage my mind too closely with what was happening to me. I knew that if I did then thoughts of my daughter would enter my mind, for my seductress was one of her closest friends. And that would bring with it other considerations. Would Sammi tell Sara 'I have fucked your mum,' would she hold 'our secret' over me and did it mean that Sammi and Sara were lovers? My daughter being a lesbian or bisexual was a sobering thought, but then what can I say or think about that when right at that moment one of her best friends was about to kiss me as she pressed herself against me.

It was an amazing moment. Something I had never thought about, or had even considered might happen. But then why would I? Why would a respectably married woman who was comfortable in her 'straight' world, ever think that her naked body would be crushed against the nudity of a girl young enough to be her daughter? Why would I have thought about my full, soft breasts engulfing the small, pertness of an eighteen year old's? Why would I have even considered what it would be like to be in another woman's arms our naked bodies touching from lips to toes? Why would I have given consideration to my pubic area, trimmed and neat in what I had learned was a landing strip style, being rubbed by a rougher, thicker thatch of hair than my own? And, most of all, why would I have ever thought of the lips of a young woman squirming against mine as my mouth opened to enable her tongue to slide inside? Yes, why on earth would I have ever thought that I would be making lesbian love to another woman? But that was exactly what I was about to do. And that was exactly what I did.

We kissed. Yes we. It wasn't just her kissing me, I was kissing back. My mouth was nearly as active as Sammi's, my lips squirmed almost as much as hers and my mouth was as open as the young woman's. Then, as her kissing enthusiasm increased and her tongue joined in the action, so mine responded. God I was giving in so much that I was becoming as involved as she was. Her tongue pressed against mine, mine pressed back. Her tongue licked round my teeth, gums and lips, mine responded. She pushed her's deep into my mouth, I did the same. It was just like kissing a man, but then I hadn't kissed any other than Kevin, for ages, that is if you exclude the odd grope at a party or do at the golf club. Yes it was just like that, but so amazingly different. Can that be the case, just the same, but so different. Yes it can. The technique, the actions were the same, but the sensations were different. The softness, the smoothness, the gentleness and the taste and smell were distinctly female and that made for the difference. But of course the other such significant difference was that my naked body was pressed against the nudity of a young, fit, trim, pert woman. And fuck was that something else!

"Oh Missus W, Missus W," she breathed into my ear. "You are amazing, you're wonderful, are you ok?" She gasped between feeding herself on my mouth.

"Sammi, this is so, so wrong," I grunted back just before our mouths closed again.

"Don't be silly, it's beautiful, it's wonderful, how can it be wrong?" She asked, throwing me completely. I had no answer. We kissed again and we ground our bodies together. How can a young woman's body feel so amazing I thought as our pubic mounds met and my tits engulfed hers? And the answer to her question just had to be, 'Something as beautiful as this can't be wrong.' I couldn't, though, verbalise that.

"I want to make total love to you Amanda," she whispered.

Fuck what's total love, I thought to myself.

"I want to adore you, love you and celebrate you, I want all of you," she went on. I had no answer.

"Tell me I can Amanda, tell me you want that?"

"Want what?" I gasped my mouth slobbering on hers.

"What I said," she sighed, cupping my breast again and pressing her thumb on my nipple.

I couldn't recall what she had said. My normal though processes had gone, I was lost.

"What, what was it? I asked.

"I want you," she told me.

"Oh God."

"Say yes Amanda, say you want me, say I can have you," she went on caressing my breasts and kissing my throat and chin.

"Yes, oh yes. What do you want?"

Her answer was to the point, basic and probably the most erotic phrase that had ever been said to me.

"I want to fuck you Missus W."

"Oh God."

"Yes I want to fuck you in your bed, take me to your bedroom Amanda, will you do that?"

It had come to this. I had sunk to walking up the stairs with this young girl, our arms round each other as we kissed. I had deteriorated to taking this naked young woman, my daughter's friend to my bed. I had agreed that she could fuck me.

She laid me on the bed, on my back in the middle. She lay beside me. She put her arm across me and pulled me onto my side facing her.

"You have incredible breasts," she whispered squashing hers against mine, it felt lovely.

She kissed me again. She ran her hand down my back, she stroked my bum. Her fingertips were so soft and gentle. She slid them onto the back of my legs and between my thighs. She brought them up again across my hip, down my groin and onto the softness of my tummy. She pushed me back onto my back. All the time she was kissing me, mainly my mouth, but now more frequently and more amazingly my neck, chest and breasts. She hadn't yet sucked my nipples, but I knew that would happen and they were aching to feel her mouth, lips and teeth.

Her fingers brushed across my stomach, they slid down into the vee, onto the neatly trimmed patch of pubic hairs and then, and then, and then, wonderfully, marvellously and so fucking sexily right onto my lips. She immediately found my clit and pressed it; no fiddling around searching as men seem to do. My body shuddered enormously. I had never felt such a surge of sexual sensations. I couldn't stop flinging my head to one side, shutting my eyes, tightly opening my mouth and letting out a series of deep, long, almost animalistic grunts. I arched my back, my bum came off the bed. I slid one arm round her and pulled her face, which already was headed towards me, onto my breast. I wanted my flesh to be in her mouth, I wanted her to kiss and suck me, yes I wanted Sammi to suck my nipples. She did that, but she also did something else. Something so simple, something that had happened to me so often, something that had first happened to me in my teens, something that every woman adores. She shoved her fingers up my cunt and began to hand fuck me.

It was totally glorious. I was now cumming continuously. All resistance had gone, all inhibitions and worries about what I was doing and all concerns about being bi or lesbian had vanished. There was nothing at that moment more important or satisfying to me than being fucked by this young woman. Yes lying there naked on my bed with her mouth clamped to my breast and her fingers up my cunt I gave vent completely to my curiosity and willingly joined the Sapphic world.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

omg wow

sarah4gurlzsarah4gurlzabout 1 year ago

Beautifully paced buildup and a wonderful climax - all perfectly narrated! Thank you!

fitinmy40s123fitinmy40s123almost 4 years ago

Hi im Jess

This is a so so sexy story

Cant wait for next episode

MariaG983MariaG983over 5 years ago
oh myyyy!

I wish so much to be taken like that please!! Amazing.

youngstownyoungstownalmost 7 years ago

This is a gorgeous story, well written and very sexy , please tell me of more like this, thank you

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Mindless and talentless garbage by degenerate Brit. "1*" !!

England is full of those perverts. Goddamn lowlife !

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Intoxicatingly Erotic!

Absolutely loved the slow build up. Very well crafted so far......

MrBondsMrBondsalmost 8 years ago
so far so hot :)

This is a well written story: very steamy and descriptive. I just love it when a Milf initially resists and then gives in to her sexual urges. The reader can almost feel the heat between these two women. I hope Amanda becomes a complete and utter sex toy. I am looking forward to the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

Such a well written, erotic tale.....I love reading lesbian milf stories , but the reverse

is even better. I can't wait to read on.....

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Sammi new what she craved!

Wow! So Hot! Hot! Hot! Sammi admired and craved your mature woman's body, and you unknowingly lusted for her youthful athletic body. I was a dedicated young gymnast, prior to an injury. However, as a curious 18 year-old, I was willingly seduced by an older woman. She was my physical opposite, but it's funny how opposites attract. I was the California beach girl, tanned, blonde-haired, and blue-eyed, 5' 2" tall, 34B-24-34 and physically fit, with developed thighs and calves. She lived near a beach I hung out at in the summer, Sandra sensuously and sexually awakened me. Beth in California...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
fuck sexy

call me im wet we will have a lesbian threesome

3 bitches alone in a bedroom

i will bring my strapon

ih2001ih2001over 10 years ago
Damn good

Damn good story. Keep up the good work and hope to see the next part of the series.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
It seems that sick perversion extends to the females of this worthless Pommy nation.

This is really bad. "1*" !!!

deliciousthoughtsdeliciousthoughtsalmost 13 years ago
wet, wet, wet...

...that's how this story has made me, Amanda.

It's been a while since I read the series and now I'm reading it again, with the same -inevitable- results, if you know what I mean :)

Seduction/coercion and giving in has always done 'it' for me. And you do it so well...

Poizon69Poizon69over 14 years ago
Nice story MandyW

You are good at expressing the emotions and the conflict the older woman is feeling. It was well written and sexy as well. Keep on writing.

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