Rite of Passage


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"I... I did wadya... wanded," Gwen mumbled drunkenly. "Sho... sho now, dun' tell my mom, dat you'd seen me naked..." The excess spit in her mouth made it particularly hard to speak clearly...

"Of course, I promise, your mother will never find out," her partner said.

This was almost too easy for him. It was hard to believe how gullible she was. His hand reached up for her breast, and he tentatively gave it a good squeeze. There was no doubt that even he didn't expect to be in this position, this soon. All it had taken was a bit of whiskey, and a seemingly naïve mother who made no effort to stand in his way. Today was a good day.

"There's one more thing I want you to do..."

He moved his hands onto her hips, and used his grip to guide her just a few inches to the side, so that she was straddling him properly. Her chest was slowly moving in tune to her breathing. She seemed confused about his intentions, and just sat there, as if distracted.

Bridget in the meantime could see exactly what was happening. From her position, she had a perfect view of her daughter's backside, and the little triangle between her legs... and slightly below, she could see the veiny appendage pointing right at the girl's virginity. The purple crown of his manhood was glistening with remnants of saliva, ready and waiting to be sheathed in a warm tight place.

He had made no attempts to touch her, or finger her. He was making absolutely sure that her virginity would remain intact, so that his cock would have the honors.

"Wad... wad issit?" the teen said weakly. Something must have triggered her instincts to awaken, though, and she was growing somewhat suspicious. "But... wait, hold... you sh-shaid that you'd just want to see me naked, no pervy stuff..."

It was obvious that she wasn't agitated or upset. She was giggling, just a little, but enough to show that she wasn't offended.

Her mother couldn't believe what she was seeing. This went beyond her worst expectations. Where had she gone wrong? She not only misjudged her daughter's integrity, but she also began to wonder if Gwen might actually be developing feelings for the creep. After she had been isolated for so long, she was probably starving for any kind of attention and appreciation. And he was giving that to her.

If that was really the case, then it would not be an option to have the creep arrested. It would break her daughter's heart. It could easily get even worse than that. Not only was it no longer possible to call the police, but now there was a chance that he would visit even more frequently. And each time, their bond would grow a little stronger.

He would become an actual part of their family. The horrified mother shivered at the thought, considering that unlike her daughter, she was now cursed with the knowledge of what kind of person this guy was.

This used to be an exciting fantasy, but now it felt all too real - she watched her daughter straddling this pervert, legs spread open, and with her virginity just one mistake away from being erased. And the teen didn't even seem to mind, or care. She was blindly oblivious to just how vile this guy truly was. With the first chance he got, he would probably keep her barefoot and pregnant for the rest of her life. Barely more than a housewife. Just a set of warm holes to enjoy at his leisure.

"It's no big deal... don't worry about it. Here," he said as he tightened his grip on her hips and began to guide her downwards. "Here... we will just get the tip inside. Let me feel your heat, down there. I bet you are really warm on the inside. Don't you want me to find out? I will check it out for you, babygirl."

Inch by inch, the teenager watched their genitals moving closer together, until the bloated head of his erection gave her bottom lips a tender smooch.

Bridget felt an overwhelming urge to open the door and to tear them apart. This was heartbreaking to watch. This guy was a horrible partner. Scum of the earth. The worst type of man. Someone who literally risked his freedom just for a chance to grope an innocent girl. This wasn't the kind of person she wanted her daughter to fall in love with.

And yet, despite of how taboo this felt - or perhaps particularly because of how taboo it felt, she could do nothing. Her muscles didn't move an inch no matter how much she wished for it. She remained right where she was, her knees pressed against the hard floor, while her eye peered in disbelief through the keyhole into her daughter's bedroom.

Gwen's labia reluctantly began to spread as her partner's cockhead applied more pressure.

The hairless lips of her cunt had no choice but to yield, and open. There was a little bit of resistance after that initial success, and Bridget watched on as both of them seemed to be holding still... or so it seemed. His hands were still guiding her downwards, but his cock didn't manage to enter her any further.

Until all of a sudden, she plopped down an entire inch or two all at once.

Mother and daughter gasped simultaneously.

Bridget realized that she had just watched her daughter's hymen being torn. She had accepted her first real cock inside her previously untouched body. The mushroom-shaped tip of his member was nowhere to be seen, it was snugly embedded in her daughter's little pussy. If the girl wasn't so awfully intoxicated, she would probably complain about the sudden soreness... but nothing happened. She was numbed. She was completely at the guy's mercy.

As such, it came as no surprise when he continued to pull her further down onto his cock, like a sex doll that could easily be guided where he wanted it. And much like a sex doll, Bridget noticed, it offered a bizarre sight.

The sheer girth of their neighbor's penis was so thick, that it caused the girl's labia to spread - wide open - obscenely much. She was a petite girl. Her body was in no way prepared to accept a dick of such size inside her feeble, delicate womanhood. The oval slit was being stretched into a big, round opening to try and fit his rod inside.

Now that she was paying more attention to their genitals, she also grew aware of the meaty ball sack by the base of his manhood. His scrotum revealed the shape of two round orbs, each nearly the size of a tennis ball. They were likely teeming with billions of his sperm, an entire batch of his genetic material. If he were to ejaculate, all that cum would end up in her daughter's unprotected vagina... and his genes would potentially mix with Gwen's, to create a new life.

Bridget was horrified... but, she could feel the gusset of her own underwear forming a wet patch against her pussy. Her arousal was making it hard to breathe. She never expected to get so turned on by watching her daughter doing something so indecent. Her hand lingered on the doorknob to her daughter's room. She could enter at any time and interrupt them. But she didn't.

"Ahnn..." Gwen moaned quietly. A discrete and subdued reaction, considering by the time she looked down at her crotch, she was already planted all the way down on his lap. "Nnnh..." It almost looked innocent and pure. His cock was nowhere to be seen, it was all hidden away inside her. "Owhh..." Simultaneously though, she was aware of a dull ache in her tummy. Everything inside her was tender and nearing its limit.

The rippled walls of her pussy were stretched so taut, that they lost nearly all their natural texture, and smoothly embraced his dick like a literal cock sleeve. She was stuffed full to the very brim.

They were such a perfect match that whilst they were holding still together, the tiny slit on the very tip of his cock, was neatly pressed up against the little slit leading into her cervix. Their genitals were like a precious young couple and lovingly sharing their very first kiss.

Shawn was in heaven with the sight he was presented. This cute teenaged girl was completely impaled on his cock. His hands wandered across her silky skin upwards along her curves, and came to rest on her breasts once again. And then, as he delighted in their softness with another rough squeeze, he involuntarily felt his trembling cock twitch, as it squirted a healthy dollop of pre-cum into the mouth of the teen's cervix.

"Move a little," he commanded her eagerly. "Grind your hips back and forth, babygirl." He was so horny already, that he knew he could have another orgasm just by looking at her. But that would be a waste. He wanted her to work for this particular load.

Gwen did as she was told. She was past the point of thinking clearly, and her body responded on autopilot. The weird new sensations in her belly, the weary emptiness in her head, the fluttering of her heart, it all combined with the alcohol coursing through her system. She felt like she was high up in the sky, floating on clouds.

The reality was not nearly as romantic and pure. It was basic, obscene and raw. She eagerly began to inch her body back and forth. There was no grace or beauty in their actions. There were no clouds.

Just a horny girl, and her lust filled partner. She was grinding his manhood against the warm flesh of her cunt. She wasn't particularly good at it, but she didn't have to be, not when her pussy was grasping his cock tighter than his fist ever could. She was better than any fleshlight he had used before. That little hole between her legs was airtight, with perfect suction, and holding onto his erection for dear life.

His thumbs sought her cute pink nipples, and he flicked past them, once, twice, just enough to get them perky and standing at full attention while she rode him. It crossed his mind that, if it was the right time of the month for her, she would unknowingly impregnate herself on his cock. Which in turn would mean that her tits would grow even more. Bigger. Softer. Better. He loved the thought. He could warn her of the consequences, of course... but no. He wanted this adorable teen girl to mature... into a big-titted mommy.

"Yeah... that's it," he encouraged her. He could feel his creamy load already churning and heating up in his heavy balls. It was preparing to find a new home inside the teen.

"This... fehh-feelsh... all weird," Gwen muttered. Her words were so quiet, they were lost on anyone but herself. Her partner couldn't care less, and her mother was too far to hear anything but the noisy, slippery connection between their genitals. Since Shawn was still enjoying himself and clearly had not ejaculated just yet, the source of all that natural lubrication had to be Gwen. The blonde was loving every moment of their shared encounter.

Bridget didn't know what to think. She never expected herself to be in such a situation. She was listening to the intimate connection those two shared, a wet and rhythmical squelching. She continued to stare at the events as they were unfolding, and watched as her daughter's nude form moved in such an alien way... smooth like water, as if it was a single constant motion.

The dazed girl kept her crotch tightly pressed up against his, while allowing her hips to do most of the work. At first glance it was impossible to notice, but her mother could tell that she was rubbing her pubic bone against him. Her movements had a real purpose. The former virgin drunkenly discovered the secret pleasures of grinding her clitoris into the hardness of his body. Her breathing was shallow, warm and dire. She was having her share of fun.

"Oww...ouch!" Gwen gasped without warning. She froze, and glanced down to look at the source of the pain - his fingers dug hard into the flesh of her breasts, enough to leave a bruise for sure. He didn't let go either, and he wasn't moving. Both of them were motionless on the teenager's bed. Something big had happened.

It was Bridget who first realized what was happening. She had to really focus her vision, since only a small inch of the very base of his cock was still outside her daughter's vagina, but she could see it. A rhythmical pulsing and throbbing, as the angry veins flared up even more than before. His erection almost seemed to glow red, that's how thick and ready to burst it had been. It was clearly in the middle of delivering his sperm into the comforts of Gwen's womanhood.

It continued to flex and tense, again and again.

Each time, Bridget knew, it delivered millions more of his seeds into her daughter's broken cunt. If the girl was sober, she would probably have been just as horrified as her mother. She would've stood up, rushed out of the bedroom, and cleaned what little amounts of cum managed to enter her during that brief time, right out of her pussy.

But no, Gwen was so drunk that she barely managed to stay awake.

Her reality was that she remained frozen on top of her partner, straddling him, while he relished the full duration of his climax. He was inseminating her. He didn't even try to hold back. The naïve girl rested on his lap. Until eventually, her insides were so full that the excess of his ejaculate began to leak out where their organs were connected. It was just a few drops at first, here and there, until it began to readily ooze out of her and down his shaft.

Bridget felt her terror and disgust reaching its peak. But there was also a moment of weakness as she peered through the tiny keyhole. For just a second, she imagined his genetic material doing its job and creating a new life inside her daughter. The sperm of a sexual deviant, a scumbag, was about to try and win the race towards the egg that may be waiting deep inside.

It was in that moment, that Bridget quietly gasped. Her legs quivered. And she could feel just the smallest trace of an orgasm coursing through her loins. She felt her pussy spasming, and drenching her panties, without the faintest bit of a touch. She dry-humped the air, and as the waves of euphoria washed over her, she stopped caring for just a second, and she smiled in bliss. It was in that moment - a fraction of a second - that she truly hoped for the sperm to do its natural duty inside her daughter.

In the background, she could continue hearing the pleased groan of comfort, uttered by her neighbor, in the warm aftermath of his peak. He was satisfied. This was everything he could have asked for, and more. The excess of his cum still drooled out of the girl's abused cunt, and created a little puddle on the poor bedsheets below. It was certain to leave a stain that would never go away. A neat little reminder of her first seduction.

When he was truly done, he helped to guide Gwen onto the bed, by his side. Her head came to rest on the pillow, next to his. He looked into her tired eyes and dreamy expression, and planted a sweet kiss on her lips. He had no idea if he liked her, but she deserved this little treat. Her first kiss.

Gwen, in return, seemed to show the faintest bit of a smile as she fell asleep in his arms.

He had accomplished his goal, and so much more than that. There was no doubt that he was welcome to return. This would give him plenty of time to shape and mold her into exactly the kind of girlfriend he wanted her to be. It was a victimless crime.

A few minutes passed before he eventually dared to pull his arm free, and he slowly moved out of her bed. He didn't even need to be particularly careful. His sleeping beauty was bound to remain passed out for a good long time. So, he picked up his clothes, got dressed, and left her room.

It was there in the hallway when he caught a faint scent in the air. The smell of her mother's perfume, mixed with... something else, it was tangy and musky. Odd.

There was nobody in the hallway.

"Huh..." Shawn looked around, but even with the lights switched on, he was certain that her mother wasn't anywhere to be seen. As far as he was concerned, he blamed it on his imagination. It was her house anyway, this wasn't anything unusual.

He carried himself with such a smug, pleased confidence as he walked down the stairs. He managed to avoid being caught, while still succeeding with his ultimate goal. Any shred of doubt he had about his abilities was truly gone. From now on, he believed that he didn't have to hold back anymore.

When he arrived by the bottom of the stairs, he glanced towards the living room. The mother was sitting there, on the couch, with a glass of whiskey in her hand. She was staring off into the distance, or rather, seemed to be loosely looking towards the television screen. Something seemed to weigh heavy on her heart.

"Hey, are you alright?" he said. "Whatever it is, I'm sure it's gonna be fine. Hey, if you need some help around the house, I could come by again tomorrow. Is that fine with you?"

"Yeah... absolutely," she replied. Her voice teemed with frustration. She held onto her glass of whiskey as he left, and she continued to drink it one sip at a time to help calm her nerves. There had to be a light at the end of the tunnel, a glimmer of hope, she reassured herself.

And in a way, she was right. Because as she pondered the situation down there in the living room, a little miracle was happening upstairs. Out of a billion little swimmers, one had managed to win the grand prize. The sleeping beauty was going to be a mother.

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AnonymousAnonymous12 days ago

Part 2 when?

januaryjosephinecunisjanuaryjosephinecunisabout 1 month ago

i relate best to the mother, even though i don't have kids. you are an amazing writer.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

You are definitely the best impregnation author out there. Glad to see oral but next time add it after the creampie, this way the girl taste her own vaginal juices and the sperm that knocked her up on his dick

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Truly something different and very well written. Gave it 5 stars. It screams for a second chapter, its just too good.

ToughSailorToughSailor7 months ago

Why the Hell did you have to introduce pregnancy into an otherwise perfectly good story?

someonesGoodBoysomeonesGoodBoy9 months ago

Wow, sooooo so wrong... 5 stars. Hope to see this progress!! Thanks for sharing and good luck.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Next chapter

merrySMmerrySM10 months ago

What a gift you have with the written word. 🔥 can't wait to read your other stories.

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