Road Trip! Ch. 12


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"Wanna' go to bed and continue this?" Marni asked in a low, husky tone, between bites of my nipples through my sleep tee, her mouth producing two big, round wet spots over both of my hard nipples.

"Uh-huh," I answered with a soft voice, my fingers running through her hair as I held her head to my breasts.

She gave one of my nipples one last bite before standing to lead me to her bed, her bite hard and just shy of unbearable pain, but, arousing, nevertheless.

We took each other's tees off and fell into an embrace and kisses as soon as we laid on her bed, both of us rubbing and grinding against each other as our kissing became even more lustful, the moans of excitement escaping from our mouths and filling the room.

" you trust me?" Marni cooed, our lips touching, strings of saliva from our kisses, connecting us.

"Uh-huh," I answered and, while I briefly thought the question a bit odd, I was waaaay too turned on to deal with that thought at the moment.

"Good," She said simply, pulling herself from my arms to turn towards her nightstand, opening its drawer and reaching for something.

"Close your eyes for a sec, sugar," She commanded in a sweet voice, and when I did, I felt something quickly over my eyes and her hands tieing something behind my head, her fingers working under my head that had been laying on the pillows

"Marni? Wha..."

" me, okay?"

I had opened my eyes but could see nothing but a faint 'hint' of light through the scarf or blidnfold or whatever it was that she had tied behind my head. It was a strange sensation, the deprivation of sight forcing my other senses to ramp up, to compensate for the lack of viusal ability.

Strangly, I felt a bit of excitement from it, that feeling both foreign and welcoming to me, I remember thinking.


"Shhhh, don't talk...."

I could feel her body shift to get something else out of her nightstand but, of course, I could not see what it was. She kissed me hard and lustfully, surprising and pleasing me when I felt her tongue slide into my mouth and begin explorations.

I was so caught up in kissing her that I 'almost' didn't feel the furriness of 'something' that she slipped over one of my wrists, her mouth hard on mine as I felt my arm stretched out above me and some movement from her holding my arm tight, rigid.

When she released that hand, she quickly grabbed my other and slipped the fur-lined cuff? I supposed, over that wrist as well. She was tieing me up, I reasoned, restricting my ability to move either hand or arm beyond a few inches from the headboard of her bed I realized when I tried to do so.

I stayed silent.

I was both 'slightly' concerned at this 'new thing' in our sex play and very excited by the unknown of what else was coming. I stayed silent when I felt her leave the bed and felt her securing my legs with fur-lined cuffs of some sort around my ankles, my legs spreading a bit as she secured them to the bedposts, I had assumed.

"Comfy?" Marni cooed when I felt her joining me, again, on the bed.

Before I could answer, her mouth was on mine, her tongue deep in my mouth and her body laying on top of me, our breasts pressing hard against each other, her pussy on mine with her hips grinding and pushing as she kissed and tongued me.

All I could do was lay there as she had her way with me, kissing me all over, touching, pinching and biting my nipples to the point of pain...and pleasure, pleasure that overcame the pain. My hips responded to her grinding with rotations and grindings of my own, my need to embrace her in return, to touch her in return, driving me almost mad with desire and frustration because I couldn't.

But, oh God, did I need to in the worse way, I remember thinking in those moments of frustration that I couldn't.

There was little of me that she didn't kiss, touch, bite and nibble on as she worked her way slowly around my body. I soooo needed to climax and when she ran her tongue slowly up the sole of my foot before slowly sucking on my toe, I thought I would climax then.

Her mouth found my pussy and clit, bringing me to the brink several times, but always backing off before I would cum, teasing me, maddingly so.

She lifted off of me with a bite to my breast as I felt her knees on either side of me, now. Lifting my head up and slightly forward, she slipped a pillow under my head to keep it slightly elevated and tilted forward.

"Baby, I need to hold you...please, please let me hold you, please let me cum," I begged, yes, begged of her, feeling her movements as she knee-walked until her legs held my out-stretched arms under their weight. Her hands gripped my head and held it in place, my nostrils smelling her sexual arousal approaching my face, moaning when I felt her pussy on my mouth.

"Not, no, no, baby, not yet," She cooed as my mouth opened to accept her pussy, guttural, animal sounds coming from me as I feverishly began eating and tasting her sweetness, all the while my orgasm bubbling just below the surface of my skin, it seemed, begging to be set free.

"Mmmmmmmmmmmph, Sweet fucking Jesus," She cried aloud, "Oh damn, damn, Oh My God!!!!, her voice cried again when she orgasmed. She was humping hard against my mouth, her juices flowing freely, dripping from the corners of my mouth, my voice a whimpering plea for my own climax to happen.

"Oh damnit, girl, damnit to hell," She finally said after she was able to slow down her breathing and catch a breath, "Oh, baby that was so fucking good," the weight of her body bouncing the bed as she collapsed next to me.


"Shh, baby, I know, I know how badly you need to cum....stop, baby, your time is coming, just let me catch my breath...I promise you, it'll be worth the wait," Marni cooed as she kissed and held me to her body, her breathing still heavy.

"I'll be right back, sweetie, just a minute, okay," She said to me, kissing me sweetly afterwards.

I lay there, still not able to move very much because of the restraints, loving it and hating it all at the same time. Frustration and excitement churned within me, a gumbo of emotions that I had never dealt with before in my life.

I heard her footfalls as she approached the bed, felt her hands as she removed the leg restraints and, once free, I moved them about, sliding them to relieve the slight cramping I had started feeling.

"Remember when we played with the girls in Vegas? When you said that we needed to get a strap-on like they used on you, on us?" Marni remarked as her hands slipped behind my head, undoing the scarf or whatever it was that she had used to blindfold me.

"Yes..." I said, my voice so low, I barely heard it myself."

She removed my blindfold at that moment and, though the lamp next to the bed was on a low setting, I had to close my eyes quickly from the brightness it produced, squeezing them tightly for a second before slowly opening them again.

"We don't need to, baby...I have one already, one I'm sure you'll like," kissing me afterwards, then releasing my arms and hands from those restraints.

I blinked a few times, my eyes now adjusted, looking towards the foot of the bed which was in shadow. Marni was standing there with the strap-on's belt around her hips and a large, thick black dildo protruding in front.

I said nothing because I was mesmerized by her look at me, her hands slowly rubbing the dildo, slathering lubricant up and down the massive toy.

Smiling, she crawled onto the bed from the foot, slipping her arms under my legs and lifting them, forcing them backwards, so far backwards that I could almost kiss my own knee.

"Marni...its big, its really, really big," I said as I watched the large head bobbing in front of her, my eyes locked on that black monster glistening with lubricant.

"It is big, baby, very big...big, but enjoyable, sweetie," She cooed in response as she inserted the huge head into my love-canal, the walls of my pussy spreading immediately.

Giving me a second or two to relax, she pushed further into me, deeper and deeper, my pussy feeling as if it would split.

"That's half of it, sugar...think you can take the rest?" She asked, pausing for me to relax once more.

Nodding my head frantically, my breathing was labored from excitement, from need. I grabbed my legs behind the knees and pulled them even further back than she had pushed them, spreading them wider than she had held them, soft whimpering sounds coming from my mouth.

With one final push of her hips, she was grinding against my pubes, the black dildo totally filling my pussy, my own hips now grinding furiously as she began fucking me, slowly pulling it almost out, then pushing it back it all the way, each time becoming faster and faster.

No longer than a minute or two elapsed after she had begun the rhythmic fucking of me before the monster that had been straining to burst from within me, did so, causing me to scream my joy of release when it did.

With that needed one out of the way now, I focused on being fucked by my girlfriend.

"Harder, harder, faster, fuck me faster," I begged of her as my hips thrust against her efforts, again and again, smaller orgasms rolling from me as if on a conveyor belt.

"Ooooooooh, oh babe, ooooooh babe," I cried aloud, she fucking me harder and better than any man in my life had ever done.

And I took it, relished it, needed it, knowing that I would do anything to keep those feelings churning.

Grinding against her thrusts into me, I bent forward with my head and latched onto one of her tits, sucking and biting her with ferocity.

I can't even begin to total the climaxes that I had in the half-hour or so that she fucked me like that, her sweat falling to my face, mingling with my own that now drenched my face, my hair, my body.

Finally, reaching the end of my endurance to take any more, I stopped her with my hands to her arms pushing back on her, "No more, more Marni, I'm done baby, I'm....I can't take much more."

With a loud gasp of exhaustion, she collapsed on top of me, our heaving chests pushing hard against each other. She rested like that a few minutes before lifting off of me and pulling her dildo out of my throbbing, wet pussy.

Through half-closed eyes I watched as she removed the harness, tossing the strap-on to the floor, her eyes hard on my face. Moving until she was sitting next to me, she gently pulled me up into an embrace, smoothing my wet hair with gentle strokes, her lips placing butterfly kisses to my sweat-wet cheeks and face.

"Did I hurt you, Jules...tell me if I did," She cooed into my ear, her warm breath sending shivers up and down my spine.

", its alright, its okay...." I answered, relaxing totally into her arms, my body seemingly void of strength to hold itself upright.

"Come on baby, lean on me...let me help you into the shower...we both need to take another one," her voice in that moment as soft and loving as I had ever heard.

She washed me throughly, slowly, lovingly, her touches soft, kissing my skin every once in a while, kissing the bite marks and red marks from her pinches and nibbles.

"Sit here, babe," She said as she sat me down on the corner bench-seat of her shower stall, "I'll finish up quickly, okay?"

I just nodded, too tired to talk.

Drying me first, then herself, she retrieved our sleep-tees, dressing us both. Taking me by the hand, she sat me on her couch, then going into the kitchen and pouring us each a glass of wine.

Handing me mine, she set hers on the coffee table, saying, "Give me a minute, I'll strip the sheets and remake the bed...won't take me but a minute or two," kissing me sweetly on the tip of my nose afterwards.

"Wait, I'll..." I started to say but she interrupted me, saying to me, "No...sit here, relax, I'll be right back."

I relaxed into the corner of her couch, sipping my wine, and waited for her to return, the whole time I was feeling like that monster dildo was still inside of me.

"There, all done...clean sheets for me and my baby," She announced, sitting next to me on the couch, her legs folded under her, indian-style, and facing me.

"Do you hate me? Did I mess us up because of what I did...tell me if you're angry, please..." She asked, her words almost sounding like one long sentence, as if she was rushing to beat a clock or something.

", you didn't mess up anything, Marni...caught me by surprise, though...but, hate you? No way..." I answered with a smile, then, pulling her head towards mine with a hand behind her head, I kissed her sweetly, a kiss of love, not one of lust.

"That is absolutely the biggest anything that I've ever been fucked with," I said after pulling back from our kiss, "and black? What's up with black?"

"Its a color," She said, shrugging, "could've been purple, I'd still bought it," She answered.

"Ever had black cock for real?" I asked out of curiosity...I hadn't, so, I didn't know what it was like.

"A couple," She said, "and you saw Beth, she's mostly Afro with some Asian going on, I think, and before you ask," she smirked, "Yes, she was 'pink on the inside', all pussy is pink on the inside," causing us both to chuckle.

"Well, you were right when you said you thought I might like your surprise," I mused, feeling better, better in the sense that I felt my strength returning with each passing second.

"So, you did like it then?" She replied with a hopeful smile.

"All of it, the restraints, the blindfold, every bit of may possibly be one of the most erotic fuckings I've ever had."

"That's a good thing, right?" She chuckled.

"Yeah, baby, that's a really good thing,"

"Good...tomorrow night?"


"You can tie me up and blindfold me, if you'd like, if you want to be the 'dom'," She said with a leery grin and her eyebrows raised.

"We'll see," I laughed, "might just do that."

"Any ideas on what you want to do tomorrow? I'll be through with my back-from-a-trip shit by tomorrow, noon'ish," She mused.

"If we had a warm beach nearby, that's what I'd want to do," I sighed, "but since we don't, I'd like to drop off the car for detailing and cleaning, for sure."

"Yeeaaah, probably not a bad idea considering that we've both left traces of our pussy on your leather seats," She smirked, causing me to laugh along with her.

"We need to run," I said when the thought hit me, "haven't run in damn near a week...tomorrow afternoon? After errands and shit?"

"Done," She smilingly said, then standing, she held her hand out for me to take.

"Wanna' sleep with me, good-looking?" Asking it after she pulled me from the couch into her embrace.

"For as long as you want me to, babe," I replied with a tight squeeze of her to my body.

"You ready to do this, girl? You and me, you really ready to do this?" She asked over her shoulder as she led me back to her bedroom.

"Never more so," I replied in complete honesty...

Day One...

"The run is done," We panted in unison, a little signature 'thing' we did at the end of our daily runs when Portland's weather allowed us to run.

"Go on and clean up, babe...I'll see you in a couple of hours," I said to her with a kiss to her nose when the elevator stopped on my floor, "I'll clean up and, well, you know..."

"Sure you don't want me with you?" She asked as her concerned eyes searched my face for clues.

"Not this one...this one I need to do solo," I answered with a smile, "the next one though, you'll be with me for the next one."

"Love ya', Bitch!" She said softly.

Her fear of saying those words to me resolved, resolved because of her faith that we were the 'real deal', she had said the night before.

"Back'atcha, Bitch!" I replied softly, the closing elevator door taking us away from each other's eyes.

Shower taken, wine opened and breathing, I ran out of reasons to do what I knew had to be done. Booting up my laptop at my desk, I waited for the Skype call to initiate.

"Hi, Momma," I said in greeting when her loving face came onto my screen, "A little bird told me that you wanted to catch up with the goings-on in my life, is that right?" I teased, causing her to chuckle as she stood there doing something at her kitchen counter-top.

"Hi baby, missed you while you were on your trip, and yes, bring me up to speed, sweetie, what's new?"

"Momma, have a seat..."

Author's Note:

Look for the girls in a sequel, "Coupled", in the near future...thanks for reading,


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candyman666candyman666about 2 years ago

Great story, look forward to read more of you.

Lions86Lions86almost 3 years ago

well that sucks this was such a great story and i was really wanting to see her talk with her mom and it just boom ends right before the talk and says a sequel is coming and yet there is no sequel so as good as this story was it doesnt have an actual conclusion

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Best story ever!

This was, without a doubt, the best story I've read on this site to date. Fantastic job!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

What a phenomenal series, please write another!!!

I came multiple times while reading it!

Love Steph

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

When is the sequel going to come out? Very excited for it!

sexypaulasexypaulaabout 11 years ago
wonderfully realistic

Congratulations, I usually don't read these long stories, but yours got me hooked from the first paragrah.

I appreciate that you didn't just go for the sex (it would be boring to have 11 chapters of sexual descriptions), but you took time to make the day today events feel real. After reading it, I feel almost as if the girls were my new friends.

Best regards.

BahamaBahamaover 11 years ago

That was truly outstanding ! Can't wait to see what happens next

jpb531jpb531over 11 years ago

Looking forward to the sequel.

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