Roderick and Gorlana Pt. 05


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Roderick's torn thoughts at her words hung on his lips and he simply kissed her, deciding to remember how she shone in that ridiculously sexy outfit and not at how much Gorlana might have worn it better tonight. They moaned together and he focused only on her touch and beauty, no smells getting in his way.

He had thought it was simply being apart from her and being lovelorn for Gorlana that had made his reunion with Valessa three days ago on the road so intense and amazing, making love in their travellers tent under the stars, almost like it was for the first time. Their impassioned bouts had continued to be better than ever though, and now he was almost sure the scentsfoil was the reason why. At least no physical instinct held him back now. As long as he could make his mind forget Gorlana, his body and base senses could too without his nose getting in the way. Valessa was making him cum like a workhorse each night, fully and completely with no untapped desire like before. It was everything he should want, and he knew he was a fool to long for anything else.

Valessa called out his name now like a victory claim, rolling her hips faster and faster on his cock as she ran her nails over the thin hair on his thick pecs and dug in with gritted teeth as her squeals heightened. Roderick called her name back as he focused on worshipping her hips and and legs, her waist and breasts, his hands moved over them all resisting the temptation to squeeze too hard over their small precious contours.

She opened her mouth in a silent scream and grasped his biceps like handles to stop her flying away, then finally shrieked and started to cum on his cock. He grunted and huffed at the feeling of her on him, and almost exploded inside her before remembering himself, and lifted her up with a groan, and brought her down to slide his cock between her creamy thin thighs instead, fucking between them against her mound only twice before erupting. His cum sprayed up on to her tits and her face as she shrieked again, more in surprise this time. She reached out and slapped him across the face in offence but then collapsed her cum-soaked tits down on to his chest, grinding her pussy against the still pulsing shaft of his cock in satisfied exhaustion.

She bit at the stubble of his jaw, mostly playfully, but enough to make him flinch away and groaned into his ear, "You're lucky your so reliable and handsome, you thoughtless brute. Now I'll have to wake the servants to draw a bath and clean up."

Roderick simply chuckled, "I guess I could've tried to contain it, but I only pulled out of you just in time."

"Why?" she whispered huskily, lifting her head to kiss up his cheek and stare at him deeply.

He looked at her in confusion, "You wanted me to?..."

"Cum inside me. Try to give me a child. If I wanted otherwise I would've told you to pull out, you silly fool."

He raised his eyebrows in surprise.

She smiled and shrugged, "I know I said I wanted to wait until after the treaty was signed and we had true peace, to know the wedding could happen soon, but I'm feeling confident enough already. Aren't you?"

He smiled back, "Of course."

She squinted her eyes seeing his doubt, but misreading what it was about.

"Don't worry my darling. As long as you and I are on the same side, I'm sure we can convince these orcs to agree to anything," she said with a vain smile and an almost devious giggle.

She closed her eyes and snuggled into him lovingly, soon falling asleep. He stared at the canopy over their bed, for a long time, into the dark silent night.


"We do NOT agree!" Zurgana shouted as she stood up in offence.

Murmurs and uncomfortable grumbles rose in a crescendo through the large meeting hall, but Valessa's voice broke through quickly before it could get out of control, as she replied, "I did not ask you. I addressed your queen."

Gorlana did not stand, but spoke as strongly, "She DOES speak for us in this instance. Your insistence that Southern-Orthalia be assumed as part of Andralia only to be given up in exchange for some bargain, misreads not only our stance, but their loyalties."

"They are Andralians," Valessa insisted.

Gorlana did not reply but looked to Korboq, the delegate from Southern Orthalia, who cleared his throat, "This is the first time you have openly declared this, princess," he said, continuing with growing confidence despite Valessa's reddening face, "We are an allied orcish territory in brotherhood to Andralia under the honour of Chieftain-General Lightbrew."

"Exactly. Subject to General-... Duke Roderick. An Andralian, subject to me. Therefore, by logic-"

"We were," Nardill interrupted stoically, "Until his titles and responsibilities were changed. Now, our talks are ongoing as to who his successor will be."

Chasdon spoke up with disingenuous curiosity, "Interesting. Are you suggesting that Roderick, or beg my pardon Lightbrew's dubious loyalty and engagement to the princess put these talks at risk?"

"No," Faringoll said before anyone else. "On the contrary, it was a key factor in the good will leading up to these peaceful negotiations, that your princess dedicated herself to one who had earned such honour in Orthalia. Gorlana has made many reassurances to her skeptical chieftains that even if we cannot trust her honour, we can trust his."

"Honour? He fought against you and killed countless of your warriors."

"It is clear you grasp nothing of of honour, but thankfully we do not need you to," Gorlana said with a cold dismissal of Chasdon, and Roderick felt a chill of pride. She glanced meaningfully at Valessa.

The princess seemed almost embarrassed at defending her fiance second, and cleared her throat, "Yes, thank you... Gorlana. Roderick's loyalty is not up for debate. Yet neither is Southern-Orthalia's, unless you suddenly suggest they would break their honoured oaths. Your chiefdom was conquered by my fiance, by honour combat, and that brought you under Andralian rule."

"No." Gorlana said. "He won but one clan that way, granted it was their largest and most powerful, but only one. The rest joined and named him high chieftain willingly by council, and the fault of that lies with Orthalia itself."

The rest of the orcs turned in surprise, and Darganya spoke with a raised eyebrow, "This is the first time you have declared that, Queen Gorlana."

"It is true. We... and my aunt the former Queen, may the gods rest her soul with honour, neglected their sacrifices and needs in the war, and we did not earn our right to call them ours. The choice of their loyalty has always been theirs."

Valessa opened her mouth to retort, then turned to Roderick expecting him to argue, but he shook his head regretfully and spoke softly to her through the rumbling murmurs, "She has the right of it. It wasn't just the duel."

Valessa sighed through her nostrils seeming to stifle disappointment at him, and regained her poise, "Well, I am impressed by your admission, Queen Gorlana, but that simply means we have solidified our right to their loyalty even more by that standard. Has Southern Orthalia not enjoyed unprecedented prosperity, investment, and education under Andralia's embrace?"

Some of the Orthalians grumbled but Gorlana simply shrugged, "Yes. I cannot deny that, yet I might argue that wealth is measured in more than gold." She ignored Chasdon's exaggerated scoff at that, and continued. "Though since you seem to agree to this standard, must you not also apply it to all of your lands as well?"

"Of course," Valessa said placidly after some hesitation.

"Then, if you insist we have no basis on which to doubt Andralia's dominion over Southern-Orthalia as the starting point for these negotiations, then I would likewise insist that we do have reason to doubt your dominion over another province for whom your neglect could give them ample reason to argue for their own independence."

"What are you talking about?" Valessa asked in patient confusion.


The room erupted in surprise.

"Don't be ridiculous!" the Princess now stood up in open offence.

Gorlana stayed seated and replied levelly, "What is ridiculous, is how they struggle to wrest even the most reasonable of assistance in their recovery from the war. Their ability to trade fairly for grain, investment in their roads and countless other needs. How could you continue to claim rightful sovereignty over their beautiful land?"

"Pfft, beautif-...."Valessa cut herself off with a side-eye at Roderick. "We are proud and... honoured by Fringeland''s sacrifices in the war, and that is evidence of their dedication to us. They understand that Andralia thrives as one, as a nation, and we must invest where our growth will be most prosperous for all in the long run."

Gorlana's lips tightened, then she said, "Did you not reprimand your own fiance for leaving most of his allotted forces to stay and work on infrastructure projects in Fortspring, while he came to escort me peacefully through the mountains?"

"That was a private conversation!" Valessa said in affront.

Gorlana simply turned and asked, "Yendell, you are to be named Duke of Fringeland upon Roderick's marriage and coronation as prince. Does not Fringeland continue to petition insistently for renewed investment in the roads deeper into your provinces foothills?"

"I... and many others here are aware that Roderick... and I, and many of his councilmen have made many such requests, my princess," Yendell said stoically turning to Valessa, "I didn't expect it to be the topic of these talks, but while we're at it, your highness, we continue to find it difficult or nigh impossible to keep the mines going without the resources to fix our roads."

"Your mines are spent!" Valessa spat out in frustration. Then took a long breath, calming her red face, "...Almost. At least for now. Perhaps smaller more targeted mining could produce competitive outputs, but that is a long term solution, to be shifted to only after careful precision prospecting. A task which Orthalia's technology and expertise is certainly not up to," she said, crossing her arms and turning to Gorlana. "So, unless you simply wish to have Fringeland out of spite, perhaps in revenge to Roderick for your embarrassments by him, despite your alleged 'honour', I promise you it will not be the boon to your nation you think it will be, yet instead a rehabilitation project for which you have not the ability to handle."

Gorlana seemed to grit her teeth but replied calmly, "We recognize all of the strengths of the lands we care for, not just the one most convenient to us."

"If you must know, though it is none of your business, we are looking into aggressively increasing logging in the region for pulp instead of lumber, despite your ignorance I assure you there is a plan for ALL parts of my realm."

"You would clear cut their forests?!" Gorlana shouted, now standing up.

Valessa raised a surprised eyebrow and shrugged, "Not all, but it is none of your business how much. I will see to their prosperity, that they, as Andralians deserve."

"The potential of the forage harvests in their wondrous forests far outweighs its value in wood. It's one thing to clear some minor parts for pastures, as they have understandably done, but the value from the herbs and medicines alone-..." Gorlana stopped herself from giving away too much.

Professor Beleros, who had been diligently taking notes in the corner, suddenly shot his head up in interest, but stayed silent.

Valessa cleared her throat, "Let us shift the conversation to a more realistic debate, namely, Southern-Orthalia. If nothing else as an example of how human influence can bring a land to it's true full potential..."

Roderick sat in rigid uncomfortable thought as Valessa began her arguments, first directing her words to Korboq who honestly answered her questions about the strength of their homesteads, the increasing rates of healthy births, and absence of malnutrition. Zurgana and several other Orthalians interrupted with objections but were caught with little real argument against all of her points.

Why did he find himself not nearly as enraged by the thought of Gorlana ruling over Fringeland as he should be? Roderick's heart had been warmed during their travels seeing her admiration for it, and he was sure it was genuine. Had her brief jests at wanting to win it from him, perhaps gradually grown more serious in her mind? Would she really treat it better than Andrapolis had? He surprised himself by seriously pondering it. Certainly she must only be using this as a bargaining position. Perhaps to do her part to pressure Andrapolis into treating it better, and benefit them both? He worried it would only spur Valessa into negotiating more viciously with them out of spite.

Why was that his worry? Dammit, what side was he on? He straightened his spine, and sat forward to reply in support of one of Valessa's arguments. He glanced at Chasdon who made his own unnecessarily derisive addition with a slimy smile at the Orthalians' justifiably insulted response. Roderick swore the man was trying to derail these talks on purpose.

Yet what was he himself? Roderick wondered bitterly. Perhaps Chasdon was more correct than he knew for doubting Roderick's loyalty.

Roderick set his jaw and stared at his fierce and intelligent fiance, working hard to bring peace to her country, telling himself he would prove the pompous nobleman wrong. As the talks wore on, he thought to himself that he had not expected a battle of words to be more straining on his morals than any battle of swords and spears had ever felt.


Gorlana closed her eyes, took a long breath and turned the elegant doorknob to enter the princess' private gardens.

Valessa gave her a magnanimous curtsy and smiled such a genuine appearing smile, "Come in, Gorlana. Please have a seat and choose whatever you like to eat or drink," she said, gesturing to a silver platter in front of two ornate, but not particularly comfortable looking chairs, surrounded by beautiful blooming flowers on a stone patio. "I must apologize that I should have done you the respect of having us meet one on one like this before the main talks began. Let's try to make up for it now, while the others have their lunch, shall we?"

Gorlana tried to sit delicately on the plush tightly woven chair, feeling self-conscious as it creaked under her weight. "Yes. Thank you Valessa," she replied quietly, but feeling like she could never even sound delicate if she tried, let alone look it. At least not compared to this small woman and her seemingly effortless grace.

Gorlana startled suddenly at the sniffing nose of Valessa's bear wandering up to them, though more at the fact that she hadn't smelled its presence, as she knew it was tamed and docile. It sat down obediently, but expectantly. It seemed wrong to keep such an animal closed in like this, even if the gardens were impressively large, though it seemed happy, and healthy enough, she supposed. She was more uncomfortable at the reminder that she would not smell a lie on this princess' words.

Valessa giggled, "Don't worry I have him well trained as you can see. My servant will bring him his food shortly, so don't give in to his pleading looks." She gestured to their plates, "The rosette's are particularly good, I don't think you make anything quite like them in Orthalia do you?" Valessa gestured to the food.

Gorlana was starving and yet felt a distasteful knot in her stomach at the same time. This princess knew damn well they had nothing even approaching the level of culinary expertise as these artistically crafted morsels. She lifted one, feeling like biting into it would be akin to smashing a vase. It was not as delicious as it looked, she thought as she chewed, trying to feel smugly reassured, but only disappointed.

Valessa simply sat and ate, with a neat, postured confidence, eyeing Gorlana, and making her feel even more out of place. Had she chosen these small crystal glasses hoping she might break one in her larger green hands? Gorlana sipped and placed it down as gently as she could. She looked at Valessa uncomfortably, who continued to just sit, sip her tea, and stare, seemingly without any expectation or awkwardness, obviously waiting for Gorlana to say the first words.

Gorlana cleared her throat, "What precisely did you want to discuss in private, Princess?"

"Whatever you like. Though there's no rush is there? Sit back and relax, I promise I have no assassins waiting to pounce despite your husband's ongoing concerns."

Gorlana took a moment to realize she was referring to Traulch, the word 'husband' seeming more wrong than it should.

Valessa reassured her with a smile, "I take no offence, it is clearly his nature... and sworn duty, I suspect. As long as he causes no violence. I can certainly relate to appreciating deep down a husband with the power and skills to keep his beloved safe from harm."

Gorlana simply nodded as she bit a meat-stuffed pastry, finally finding something that might fill her stomach.

Valessa continued, "Honestly, I think you and I likely have more in common than you might think, given our choice in men. Take Roderick for example."

Gorlana stifled a jolt of surprise, and bumped the tray with her foot and reached out in embarrassment as the tray shook but did not fall. "I hardly think-..."

"What I mean is, we are both intelligent and practical politicians, and were able to find a way to take a threatening situation and turn it to our advantage with our feminine wiles."

"I beg your pardon?"

"You don't need to be coy here. I'm saying that I admire your ability to make the best of the Rechlinger's threat, turning him to your side and making your kingdom stronger for it. You seem to have done so with confidence and conviction, just I have striven to," Valessa cocked her head at Gorlana's continuing confusion, "What I am trying to say is that in many ways you and I are in fact equals."

Gorlana finally swallowed the morsel of tiny spiced sausage that had been stuck in her throat. "But... Roderick, has always been an Andralian, fighting for your side. He was never a... threat to you."

Valessa giggled cutely, "Oh good, I worried it might be too obvious to too many people. Yes of course he wasn't an open threat. Yet, history is full of successful generals gaining power, winning the favour of the people, such that they follow them more than their monarch. It only takes a step or two more and suddenly a region or two is revolted and independent. Roderick was already in my notice, but when the two generals outranking him were suddenly killed, he stood not only as the de facto ruler of Southern Orthalia, but also a folk-hero in his native Fringeland that they would have rallied to with little hesitation, and no other general to challenge his power in the area... It's true he never took any actual steps to suggest he was going to take the power that was right there in his grasp. Whether he was truly loyal enough to have no intention to, or too cunning to let it show, either way I admire him, I suppose. I needed him under my wing urgently at that point, though my decision to wed him wasn't immediate, and in hindsight it's no surprise I eventually fell for such a man, truly. I do love him, but the political stability it granted could never be denied."

Gorlana couldn't stop the frown from forming on her face, in shock at hearing this unexpected perspective, and with the princess speaking in such calm practical terms of it. Was she trying to throw her off intentionally?

"It is somewhat similar to what you achieved with Traulch is it not?" Valessa asked with a raised eyebrow and proud smile as she sipped her tea. "Or was it only pure, uncontrollable, romantic passion between you two?"
