Roderick and Gorlana Pt. 05


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Korboq smiled in excitement, "Would you? You could dress me however you like. If it is not um, unprofessional or dishonourable I-..."

"Yes," Dabirra said with a suddenly serious determination. "Yes. I will. I will meet you tomorrow immediately after the negotiations to show you what I have come up with. It will definitely still be pink though. It is my favourite colour and it suits you so well. Oh, I may not sleep tonight, my ideas already bombard me..." her voice faded breathlessly as she glided away trailing her fingers from his shoulder.

Korboq leaned into Roderick's uncomfortable glaring face and whispered in his ear, "I KNEW pink was her favourite colour. I snuck the information from someone who knew her. It worked!" he grinned with a mischievous pride.

Roderick cleared his throat as Gorlana now approached, arm and arm with Traulch. Korboq took the hint and gave a polite salutation to all three of them. Roderick nodded at them, his annoyance at Korboq turning to inner resentment at Traulch with his possessive arm around Gorlana. Traulch had been silent and more or less respectful throughout the night, mainly acting as if he was standing as a bodyguard, but thankfully not having made an argument out of surrendering his weapons at the entrance. He stood of a height with Roderick and Gorlana, making him shorter than many of the other orcs, but typical for a Rechlinger. Still, his width and hardness made his presence intimidating enough besides his wilder, hairier and more on-edge appearance.

"An odd meal but satisfying enough," Traulch said. "If Rechlingers ate such every night our strength would be unmatched."

Gorlana gave a tight smile, "I agree it was more than generous, thank you Roderick for helping to make us welcome. I'm sorry if my conversation earlier was inappropriate."

"It was fine. A completely relevant discussion, and one that needs to be had. I simply didn't want it to get out of control. I don't entirely blame you for your irritation, she can certainly be patroni-..." his words broke off as Gorlana's eyes turned from apologetic to widened concern, in a signal to look over his shoulder. Sure enough Valessa was approaching.

"Darling," she gracefully slipped her arm into his, matching the other couple's stance. "Thank you for paying mind to our most important guests while I was distracted."

Roderick noticed Gorlana's ears pin back ever so slightly, though her face didn't change.

"Of course," Roderick said, accepting a pecked kiss, "You can't be everywhere at once, even if you try to be. What were Faringoll and Darganya saying?"

"Just what I came to say," she said, looking to Gorlana, "You'll be thrilled to know that your sword-sisters have all agreed to see the palace tailors tomorrow for fitting into a more... shall we say, appropriately Andralian dress for the ball tomorrow night."

As Gorlana breathed through her nose and as her bulging green chest rose and fell Roderick wanted to beg her never to take this outfit off and somehow stop Valessa. Gorlana replied, "We thought paying homage to you and meeting our styles halfway tonight would be sufficient."

Valessa's fixed smile didn't waver, "Well you may do as you wish of course, but we would be more than delighted to offer you the opportunity, and it would be yet one more honoured gesture to us, I assure you."

Gorlana nodded, "Your hospitality and generosity continue to be appreciated, princess."

Valessa's smile did waver slightly glancing at the stoic and silent Traulch, then simply said, "If there is anything you need tonight in making yourselves at home in the palace then do not hesitate to ask Navarin and his servants."

"It will be beyond our expectations I'm sure. Goodnight Princess." Gorlana said seeming to want to pull away, from both them and Traulch next to her, but turned with him to head off with the rest of the Orthalians.

Roderick hadn't noticed himself pulling away from Valessa but she closed the distance quickly to nuzzle into him again and they too drifted to their bedroom.


Gorlana felt like all the food she had eaten had formed into a delicate well-crafted knot at the top of her stomach. Had she done well enough? Had she impressed him? Not him. Them. She insisted to herself. Yet she could only think of Roderick. Had he been glancing at her out of attraction or out of bewilderment at her ridiculous costume? Not ridiculous, they had all been excited to wear them. She had felt confident and excited gazing at herself in their stunningly large mirrors, but as soon as she walked into that sparkling ornate room, she had suddenly felt like a barbarian again.

Traulch hauled on her arm, eager to be away down the hall, though she easily resisted and kept a more appropriate pace. He didn't care about her dress other than that it was silly to pander to these humans at all in his eyes. Looking at him, on her arm, she almost felt regal and manicured compared to his greasy dull-armoured presence, but as she tried to walk with a proper poise down these carpeted hallways, next to his stalking paranoia, she knew it was not his fault that she continued to feel so out of place.

This ridiculously beautiful and monstrous palace. This ridiculously large and prosperous city, soon to be ruled by this ridiculously beautiful princess and her ridiculously handsome prince-to-be. It was ridiculous that she thought she could be anything but out of place here, let alone compare to that perfect, graceful, intelligent, superior angel of a woman, perched on his arm with such an maddeningly unbreakable confidence.

Gorlana let out a frustrated huff as she reached the door to the bedroom, unflexing her arm in concern that she might rip the ornate doorknob off by accident. How did they craft such things?

As they entered and were finally alone, Gorlana relaxed for a brief moment at least. Traulch sniffed about the room yet again despite having done so when they were first shown it. When he was finally satisfied with their security he upended the wine cask making a sour face and a comment again about how Rechlinger swill was far superior. Gorlana knew what was coming next, but didn't even mind. She needed release at least as much as he did, she was sure.

"Get this ridiculous thing off you," he said hungrily, pawing at the hems both above and below. "I could slice into your heart with no resistance."

She let his long dirty claws help her rip her top off. He would never injure her heart, truly, she told herself. Their all but practical pairing, serving their political link, his ego, and admittedly her physical needs, left her heart perhaps starved but undamaged.

He pulled their boots off and slid his long tusk between her toes sending a jolt through her body that she admitted excited her enough to reach out to pull his armour off impatiently. Over the last few months in Orthalia she had almost begun to believe she could learn to adore him as a true mate should. His unquestionable strength and skill in combat, and his proving of his continued dedication to her, would be enough for most orc-women. Yet his intent was never pure, as she could always sense whenever they were close. Their scent could share enough attraction to sustain their relationship, but not from a deep enough place to even begin to hint at triggering a Rutt. She insisted to herself that it was the fault of his feelings as much as hers.

Her thick green muscular curves arched back in the grasp of his thicker brown body, naked against her now and shoving them roughly on to the silk sheets of the creaking bed. She shuddered as his sharp teeth clasped her pointed ear almost threateningly between them.

After her dose of scentsfoil, their matings had become more strange and off-putting for her, yet, perhaps almost better in a way. Better if she truly wanted to delude herself into loving him, but worse if she wanted control. The feelings she could always smell, of ego born from insecurity, of a pleading desperation to spill his seed, with a fascinated attraction but one that saw her mixed blood as a bizarre, almost dirty, freakish thrill, if not a problem to be surmounted. Now though, she was blind to it. His off-putting musk, and more off-putting feelings were masked to her. Only his grunts and heavy poundings of his unkempt but hard and sturdy body, his blunt but durable cock. Her veil that detached her from his mind let her body simply respond to his, and now she found herself cumming all the more.

His cock penetrated her now as he salivated onto her cheek hooking his tusk in hers. Her pussy was wet in anticipation of the different flavour of orgasm she knew would come. Her thighs shook in tight waves as he fucked her, harsh and uncaring but hungry all the same. They pulled on each others tusks arching back to squeeze their chests tightly together, growling in determined effort.

"ARGKH!" He barked, "One of those human nobles made words of desire to your body when he thought I could not hear," he grumbled into her ear as he fucked her in frustration, "I should have been able to strangle him, yet I could only threaten with words! He made insult to your face though, and none to your scent. Confusing fools!"

Gorlana braced against his smacking hips, "Ah! Umph! You will honour your Queen by obeying her rules my warrior! Your revenge will be having me tonight while he is disappointed by his weak human wife," she said, hoping it would appease him.

"URGKH! These walls are too thick for them to hear us. We should have mated in the open to show them true orcish strength!" Traulch blurted out, fucking her harder, and likely angry that he hadn't cum yet.

Gorlana winced at the harder collision of his cock with her pussy but more at the thought of their journey here. At night their brief but loud matings were certainly heard by many, and though they were not the only ones, she cringed at the thought of Roderick hearing them, hating the jealous pain it might have caused, yet fearing that he might not even care. After Valessa had arrived to meet their entourage, Gorlana had foolishly strolled past their tent in the night and received a taste of the same pain, hearing the princess' giggling moans and light screeches of sexual release, with Roderick huffing and groaning along in such unmistakable desire. It had nearly destroyed her before she could find Traulch again and take out her frustrations on him.

She did the same now, clearing her mind of all but his muscles and his cock, she yelled out in effort to roll them over to ride him on his back. She both loved and hated what she was sure was a more 'human' orgasm, feeling it's release as a helpless descent rather than a victorious triumph. She still didn't feel in control.

"RGGRR! My Queen! Your scent grows stronger in this strange land. You feel our need for each other. Orcs bonded closer with threats around. You will Rutt for me yet, I think!" Traulch huffed with building excitement.

Gorlana closed her eyes and fucked him feeling his thick arms possess her waist, and her womb within. "Ugh! AH! Traulch!" she wailed in frustrated helplessness, "Yes!"

"Yes! You will take with my seed! Give us a Rechlinger heir!" Traulch coughed in choking desire going stiff with his looming climax.

"AH! Yes! My warrior!" Gorlana exclaimed, telling herself it wasn't in agreement but simply to spur him on, "Yes! Fuck your Queen! AH!"

She felt it. That wave of heat and bliss that melted her strength away and she melted against his body and wracked her hips in a wave of bitterly intense orgasm. She bit his shoulder and he barked with small desperate thrusts into her as he started to cum. She closed her mind to all but the pleasure. They grunted and huffed against each other as she told herself it was only physical release. This human side of her brought out from her stifled orcish nose, did not mean she was truly falling for Traulch. His Rechlinger seed filled her, as it had so many times, but as her hips wracked in desire, her mind wracked with fear.

Only she had the scentsfoil. Traulch could still smell her. Smell her heightened desire at his body, now that the scent of his repulsive mind and feelings were stifled to her. Would it trigger his Rutt? Make his seed become virile? What would that do to her? If she was still noseblind would it matter? Would her human blood be enough to allow his seed to take hold inside her without her fully Rutting in return? It was all without precedent and she had no way to know.

Their sweating bodies finally relaxed into the bed as they were spent, and she let her mind fall limp as well.

Why should she be so concerned? She tried to tell herself. Was it not what all expected? What was intended? Her orcish kin would consider it almost a miracle after her history of a failed Rutt, and a sign of two leaders with true virile strength to lead Orthalia into a new age. Traulch was her mate. She had chosen him. Yet she had not thought she would ever feel like he was her one true life-mate.

She sunk into his snoring body, trying to tell herself Traulch was all she had. Roderick was marrying Valessa. How could he not be happy with her. With all this? It was as it should be. Even if Gorlana was in fact tempting him and making him doubt, surely this life was truly what he wanted.


"Oh! Darling I want it so bad! Oh please my love yes! Oh don't you want it too?!" Valessa moaned desperately as the remains of their undergarments were tossed away and his rigid member teased against her thighs and her mound as they rolled along the soft cool sheets, her hot pale body squirming like a sex-starved angel.

"Yes! Oh GODS Valessa," he huffed, as her wet, tight pussy shared its moisture with the raging tip of his cock.

"Oh! FUCK yes!" she exclaimed as he parted her delicate folds with his shaft and drove into her with gentle determination. "Oh, my Prince you're all I want!"

"UGH! Oh Valessa, you are too," he responded, though he knew deep down his doubts lingered on. In reality he more than ever had no clue what he wanted, other than that right now he wanted release.

"Oh you've been doing so well my darling. It's all been going so well, I think it's actually going to work! Oh I knew I was right about you! Oh Roderick!" she writhed underneath him burying himself to the hilt inside her.

"Oh, fuck! Valessa," he simply moaned back, as her nails dug into his back, then let her roll them over and he grunted as she rode him, her naked breasts bouncing in jubilation and tossing her hair back in victory.

"Oh we're actually going to achieve it. Peace, AH! And Prosperity! UGH! UGH! And Riches! AH! FUCK! Ah! Ah! Power! You and I, my love! Oh I KNEW my choice was right!" She proclaimed, bouncing atop his straining hips milking his long hard shaft with her tight craving pussy.

"UGH! Yeah!" he replied, more at the pleasure than agreement, trying not think about anything outside the room. Not what might happen tomorrow, not the green beauty that looked so wrong on the arm of that Rechlinger orc. Not what Gorlana might think of seeing him bending to Valessa's beck and call.

She collapsed on him and hooked her thin arms under his shoulders, "Ohh, you're so amazing for overcoming Gorlana," she said.

He stiffened and his eyes opened wide, but her face was against his ear and she didn't see his expression, but felt his response.

"Oh I know you're not over her entirely," she giggled, but you're such a strong resilient man. I can see you standing firm and strong before her despite it."

"Wh... what do you mean?" he said, having stopped fucking her, but her narrow delicate hips only gyrated in slow motion now grinding into him as he lay in concerned confusion.

She giggled, "I know you're a strong, brave man, deep down my love, you don't need to pretend you're immune to fear. You've admitted as much that you're still afraid of her. I know your capture was traumatic. I'm sorry I minimized it before. Meeting her again I was reminded how intimidating she can be. I understand it." She cooed caringly, kissing him on the face and rocking her body in waves along his flexing torso, squeezing her pussy in a slow affectionate clasp.

Roderick sighed at the blissful feeling, but more in relief at her misunderstanding, "Thank you," he said. "She's... not a barbarian though. You d-."

Valessa giggled, and her hard nipples bounced of the hair of his chest, and then she pecked him an endearing kiss on his jaw, "Please Roderick, I mean, it's all relative I suppose, but it was quite clear seeing them arrive tonight in those outfits, they didn't so much make them fit in, but highlight their difference."

Roderick could only groan as she kept grinding her hips into him in slow waves and peppered wet kisses with her cushy lips on his rough stubble. "Is that why you offered them Andralian dresses to be made?"

Valessa giggled again and panted against his neck sending tingles up to his ear, "Oh you'll have to forgive me, my darling, after I've insisted you treat them with all respect... I let Chasdon twist my arm into a bit of a bet with some of the noblewomen. They didn't think I'd get them to do it, but when they walk in tomorrow night I'll have won." Valessa seemed to grow suddenly aroused and nibbled his collarbone as she clenched on to his cock.

"That's not-... Ugh, Fuck!" he grunted through the pleasure, "Valessa you shouldn't-"

"Oh don't worry I made them swear not to mock them openly. None of those girls are taking part in the negotiations. Chasdon is I suppose, but... don't worry about him,"

He gritted his teeth, at her last words and how often she had said them to him. He sunk his fingers into her small taught buttocks as he rolled their bodies over, then groaned as he sunk his weight between her long slim thighs and plowed her into the plush downy mattress.

"Ah! Oh! Ahaha! Oh Darling you're really angry at me?!" she laughed with reddening cheeks studying his huffing face almost in fascination as she bounced below him.

He drove full depth into her pussy and held himself there, staring down at her, he said, "Don't make a game of this. Let them wear what they want."

She winced at his strength but bit her lip and flitted her long eyelashes up at him, "You heard me out there. I left it entirely up to Gorlana and each of them. Darganya was more than happy to help facilitate."

"Is it too much to ask, to simply treat them with actual honest respect?" he asked, letting off and collapsing his head into her floral scented hair.

"Oh I know you respect her. All too much. Out of fear. I can see it. How nervous you are around her. I hate it. She doesn't deserve it. She doesn't get to intimidate my fiance that way," Valessa hissed as she clung to him more possessively. "The oversized green bitch needs to be taken down a peg, and if I can't do it openly, I'll still do it." She rolled him over again and drove herself down on his erection with an aggressive groan and ran her nails through his hair as he glared at her trying to decide whether to tell her outright she was being ridiculous, but thankfully she softened her face as she seemed to read his. "Don't worry I won't abuse the opportunity as you say," then gave him an impish smile, "Or do you simply want them to keep wearing those armoured dresses? I remember how much you liked it when I first wore it in Orthalia."

His body and cock betrayed him as he flexed and hardened more intensely, and she giggled and rolled her immaculate figure in a wave down his torso and clenched herself on his cock again with a confident smile.

"You know I couldn't let anyone see me in that thing out here, lest the noblewomen have me as their joke, but maybe in secret I could have another one made. One even more revealing... just for the bedroom. It's a risk, if word slipped out, but I'd take it for you, if it would please you my darling."
