Rose Bk. 02 (The Novel)


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"I need a shower," I sighed.

"Can I scrub your back?" Rose asked softly.

I glanced between her and Tina. They were both going crazy with lust and I wondered if Tina was feeling a little wanting. I was too tired to take care of them both though, for now, I wanted to be clean and to rest. Stumbling into the shower, Rose was the only one to follow. She softly undressed me as the water rose to temperature. After stripping nude herself, she brought me under the water. At that moment, I forgot all about the outside world. I didn't need any of it. Just right here, with my loved ones. I loved them all, but Rose was special. Not that I'd ever admit it to any of them.

"What are you thinking about, master Kye?"

I smiled and kissed her softly, earning a small moo. Pulling away, I saw the dangerous flash of lust in her eyes.

"Turn around Rose, put your hands on the wall."

She smiled and did as I asked without complaint. She leaned on the wall and spread her hooves slightly, before pushing her ass back towards me.

"Are you going to put it in my butt, master Kye?"

I smirked, "I think I'd like that. But not right now."

Running my hands over her ass, I let my fingers slide over her labia. I don't even know why I bothered. She was wet and ready. She was ALWAYS wet and ready. Taking my cock in hand, Rose let out a soft moo of pleasure as I pushed it into her.

"Oh... Oh master Kye."

I heard the tone in her voice and wrapped my hands around her. The water from the shower made her skin slick, and I roughly handled her full breasts.

"I'm sorry Rose, but right now we're going to waste a little, okay?"

"Okay," Rose whimpered softly.

"Such a good cow," I rocked my cock into her from behind.

"Turn her around," Claire said from behind.

I looked over my shoulder while she stared blearily at me.

"No," Rose whimpered. "It's okay, it's for master Kye."

I heard those words and immediately decided she deserved more. Tightening my grip, I lifted her, still impaled on my cock and turned around in the stall. Setting her back on her hooves, Rose leaned on the doorframe as Claire smiled softly.

"Come on, ladies."

"M-mistress!" Rose lowed softly.

Claire was the first to pick a nipple, Tina slipping in beside her, taking another, while Joan and Heidi got the last two. No matter how tired, I was always going to be receptive to their needs. And besides. The harder they sucked, the tighter she squeezed.

"Master Kye!" Rose trembled.

I held her close as I rocked my hips back and forth, driving my cock into my delicious, cumming, cow.

Chapter Eight

"And in breaking news, Senator Hamden Roth has been remanded in custody following last night's incident. For those of you just tuning in, wanted man, Kye Wessex, a retired corporal in the special forces is on a one man rampage to stamp out slavery. It is believed that shortly after midnight, Kye along with an unknown accomplice stormed a facility, police believed to be a drug den. We have unconfirmed reports however, that border control has become involved after they found multiple women on the property."

"It is understood at this time that Kye Wessex may have aided these women while in the process of removing two humanoid cattle. They too are considered missing. If anyone has any information regarding the matter, you are urged to call the number below. And Kye, if you're listening to this right now, be safe out there."

I blinked at the smiling reporter on the television as Claire pressed against me from my right, while Rose was practically glued on my left. That left Tina to sit on my lap, while Joan was holding one of my legs. Heidi, despite her growing affections towards me, still gravitated to her mistress and was cuddled up on Claire's other side.

"A senator," Claire sighed.

I nodded along, "I suppose that explains how this has gone on for so many years."

"Maybe he has friends?"

I nodded slowly, "I mean, he'd hardly be the last politician caught with his pants down. But having his pants down in that specific place..."

"What do you think is going to happen?"

I frowned and pulled her and Rose a little tighter against myself. "I think that he's going to die. It just depends on if he talks to the authorities first. He's in trouble and probably thinks his only way out at this stage would be to demand protection from the authorities in return for information."

"Yeah, he's a dead man," Claire snorted.

I nodded slowly, then kissed Rose's head, earning a soft moo. "I need a phone."

"Use mine," Claire offered.

I took it with a smile and dialled a few numbers. The first person, a young man, seemed sceptical, but put me through. It rang for a few moments and a familiar, feminine voice answered with a curt, "Yes?"

"I walked into that room and Senator Roth was completely nude being serviced by a middle-aged woman."

"Who is this?"

"I sent that woman out to the safety of the viewing room where a woman by the name of Harper was keeping the rest of them safe."


"Speaking," I grinned.

"Why are you calling me, I'll have you know, I don't care for threats."

"I'm not going to threaten you," I replied quickly. "But I think the good Senator is in danger. Mr Tanaka for instance seemed to have men in his employ. Men who had access to weapons and training at least for their officers."

"Mr Tanaka left the country the same day we received the files," she replied softly.

"I didn't know that," I admitted. "This isn't some well-funded organisation and I don't have an intelligence department. I'm just keeping an ear out."

"How did you find out about Adrian?"

"Word of mouth. I do have some friends. One thing led to another and I'm following crumbs."

"So what, you're just going to shoot up every place you think has slaves in it?"

"No," I frowned. "You've obviously done your research on me. You know I'm better trained than that. Recon is everything, only after I have proof of something sketchy going on do I go in."

"And how many times have you done that so far?"

"That's how I found Rose. Then I rescued Tina, Heidi and Claire from the same place Rose was being held. Claire helped me rescue Joan from Mr Daniels, then we were attacked."

"Mr Daniels was unconfirmed," the reporter sounded hungry. "Can you offer proof?"

"Joan sodomised him with a giant dildo while tied to a chair and his face was severely bruised from a beating I gave him. Think he lost a few teeth as well."

The reporter snorted, "Seriously?"

"I thought it was fitting considering the state I found her in. These cows, and yes, they like to be called cows-"

"Cows!" Rose called out beside me, which was echoed by the others.

"Wow, can I speak with them after you?"

I thought about it, "Maybe. Back on topic though, they're innocent. Childishly innocent. They're kind, loving and completely docile unless you threaten their master."

"And you're their master, right?"

"Yes," I sighed. "When they're growing up, they're treated like animals. They're only educated enough to talk and not freak out with technology. I found Tina and Heidi literally chained to a concrete floor and they talked about eating animal feed, being hosed every few days for hygiene and if they're born with defects or unwanted attributes, they're... Murdered."

"And you're the lesser of two evils?"

I sighed, "I didn't even mean for this all to happen. They're so desperate to be loved the moment someone treats them with kindness, they imprint."

"Like a baby bird?"

"Think of a bird that will die if separated from its parent, except they're adults, produce milk and are extremely sexually submissive."

"This sounds like a young man's wet dream," the reporter grunted.

"And that's why they're being bred as slaves to be sold to wealthy people. These monsters are torturing, beating, raping and selling the most beautiful, gentle and wonderful creatures ever to exist."

"Can I meet them?"


She was stumbling through the bush. Wearing a high-vis jacket, boots and a wide-brimmed hat. On her back was a tripod with her camera mounted at the top. She was holding a strap that dangled a water bottle. Between all her easily visible equipment, the skin tight tank top and the shorts she was wearing, I figured she was being cautious. Of course, GPS trackers and such could be small enough these days I wouldn't be able to tell from a casual look. But she wasn't carrying anything overly large or bulky. Nothing that looked like a weapon at least. On top of all that, she was actually perfectly on time.

I had set up several viewing points and watched her drive into the area. Unless someone was in the boot, she came alone. Giving her a GPS location to follow was simple. From there, she'd spotted the letter that told her the direction to walk. With a nod, I stood as she exited the copse of trees. She looked around, annoyed and slightly confused right until the clump of grass off to her right suddenly became taller than she was.

"Oh, shit!" She yelped, taking a step back.

"I never got your name," I called, flicking a few pieces of grass off my face.

"Helena," she replied nervously as she spotted the M4 across my chest. "You're... You're not-"

"No, you're perfectly fine," I pushed the hood of my ghillie suit back. "This was precautionary. Follow me, I parked nearby, but you'll need to wear a hood."

"Yes, you mentioned that," she frowned. "You promise to let me go after this?'

I paused and met her eyes. "I promise, nothing will happen to you for the duration of your visit. You'll be treated as a guest so long as you're polite and if there is a problem, I'll simply return you here unharmed to go about your life. I don't want to hurt anyone, let alone you."

She blinked and nodded, "Right. Thank you."

"You're welcome," I smiled. "Do you want me to carry something?"

"The tripod?"


Helena slipped it off and I could see the marks in her skin where it was digging. I gripped it and led her back through the trees. When we came out, the four-wheel drive we'd used in last night's attack was parked beside a dirt road. Rose opened the door and climbed out.

"Hello!" She smiled.

"You... You're a..."

"Cow," I reminded her, before pecking Rose's lips. "Let's get the unpleasant part over and done with."

I brought her tripod around and opened the door for Helena to climb in. When she buckled up, I placed her tripod at her feet. Then I reached into the rear pocket of the driver's seat and pulled out the hood. Helena gave me a small pout, and I rolled my eyes.

"I'll sit with you," Rose declared, climbing in the back seat. "That way you'll feel safe."

"Thank you... Rose?"

"Mhm, Master named me after the colour of my hair when he rescued me."

"Does everyone call him master?"

"Mistress Claire and... And our friends don't. Master tried to stop me and the other cows from calling him master, but... We like it."

Helena glanced at me and nodded. I lifted the hood and gently pulled it over her head. Rose took the initiative and gently took her hand. Then I stepped back and closed the door. Truth be told, we weren't going all that far. The farm was two minutes down the road, but she didn't know that. Climbing into the driver's seat, I started the engine and started moving.

"So how long until we get there?"

"Depends on whether I take the long way, or the short way," I replied.

Home was easy. Drive to the end of the road, turn left, drive for a few hundred metres and the driveway was on the right. But I wasn't going straight home. After driving down the dirt road, I came to the left turn. And instead of taking it like normal, I slowed and turned off to drive down into the drainage canal by the road. Crossing that, I popped up the other side, before crossing the road and into the drainage channel on the far side. I spent the next ten minutes, driving back and forth across the road, through the drainage ditches and back. I made sure to hit water where it was available, crawl over logs and boulders and double back now and then, before I finally turned us around and made for home.

"Can I take this off?" Helena asked as I pulled up.

I looked around. Within the trees, there wasn't all that much she could see. Nothing terribly identifying, anyway.


"Thank you," Helena sighed, pulling off the hood.


"Hello!" The cows chimed in from the front door beside Claire.

"Let's introduce you to everyone," I smiled, hopping out.

Opening her door, I lifted out the tripod and waited for Helena to exit. "Are you always so chivalrous with your hostages?"

I frowned, "Hostage? You volunteered. Let me know when you want to leave and I'll drop you off."

Helena held my look for a moment before nodding, "You're right. That wasn't fair. You're being cautious, but you invited me and you have done nothing even remotely hostile."

"Thank you," I nodded. "Now, this is Claire, my fiance."

"Lovely to meet you," Claire smiled, stepping up. "You've met Rose already, this is Heidi."

"Hello!" Heidi smiled.

"I'm Tina," Tina introduced herself shyly.

"I'm Joan," the oldest cow smiled nervously.

"Wow, you're all just... Gorgeous, aren't you?" Helena commented.

"I like her, Mistress," Heidi nudged Claire.

Claire sighed and rolled her eyes, "Would you like to come in?"

"Please, that would be lovely."

I smiled at the easy and friendly manner Helena used as she followed the cows inside. She spent hours talking, questioning and even at times being deliberately abrasive. Though that didn't turn out how she thought it would. Being mean to my cows made them sad and the sight of all those frowns just about broke her heart. While they all chatted, I made myself busy making coffee for everyone, followed by lunch. After lunch, we took some photos. I paid attention to the camera and was impressed by her willingness to hide certain aspects. The inner-reporter inside I could tell wanted to photograph everything. But she kept it to blank sections of wall with the subject in front, or angles that showed only trees. But as the day rolled on, I could see the uncomfortable twinges in my cows.

"Alright, I think we need to get a little work done," I called out.

"What does he mean by that?" Helena asked the room.

"We get milked twice a day," Rose smiled. "Master takes good care of us."

"Milked? You really produce that much?"

"Yep," Claire smirked. "We've started making cheese to use it all up."

"It's pretty good," I added.

"Can I try some?"

I looked at the open curiosity on her face and glanced at Claire. "I'll get her some mozzarella. You take care of the cows while I keep her busy."

"You won't let me watch? I won't photograph anything inappropriate."

I smirked, "How about we show you what's going to happen, then you decide. Milking them is... Unique."

The cows giggled excitedly as they filed out of the house. The cattle were lining up by the gate to be milked as well, so we started there. Helena watched as we opened the gates and let them in. Directing them into the stalls, we set up the machines and got each of the cows comfortable. Then I headed for the last stall. We'd since created a little private alcove. Doing this beside actual cows was... Unpleasant, so we made our own place where we could be more comfortable.

"This... Looks like some kind of BDSM thing," Helena remarked, following me in.

I looked at the milking machine, the stall, the collar and leash. On the wall were other restraints, a few dildos of various sizes and a vibrating wand.

"That's, not entirely inaccurate," Claire blushed.

"We need it," Tina mumbled.

"Need it?"

The cows nodded, and I stepped in. "Part of the physiology is unique. They produce large quantities of milk, but they can't express it on their own. They require... Internal stimulation in order to let down."

"Then why not let their supply dry up?"

"It won't," Claire frowned. "Part of creating them was to force them into this kind of thing. They imprint, and they start creating milk. It puts them in a cycle where they need to be milked or it can become painful and then damaging to their health. But they need to be stimulated in order to be milked."

"Master milks us so good," Rose giggled while the other cows agreed.

Helena blinked slowly and shook her head, "I can't believe I'm asking this. But... Can I watch?"

"Why?" I asked.

She frowned, before blushing. "Look, it's... If you're telling the truth, then this is the selling point. If this is all a scam, or a joke or... Something. Then this... Shit, I don't even know what I'm asking."

I glanced around at the cows and watched Joan open her mouth, when Heidi stepped up. "Me please?" I looked at Heidi and glanced at Claire, who was suddenly looking nervous. "With you, master Kye," she added softly.

"Are you sure?"

Heidi nodded and stepped into the stall. She pulled off her shirt, before kicking off the skirt she was wearing. Her shapely ass flexed as she got on her knees and I hardened just looking at her. I rarely took care of Heidi. We'd had sex before, but she still usually preferred to be with Claire. Speaking of, Claire was moving around to the machine and started getting it ready.

"It's time, isn't it?" Claire asked.

Heidi trembled and nodded, "I think so, Mistress."

"What time is it?" Helena asked.

I frowned just the same and Claire looked a little uncomfortable. "She... Finished her menstrual cycle yesterday. Tina's is slowing and Rose has just begun."

"What, they get horny after they menstruate?" Helena asked, sounding as if that was obvious.

"Horny, and fertile," Claire nodded. "Very fertile."

Helena blinked, then her mouth opened in shock and she looked at Heidi as her pussy drooled on the floor.

"Is everyone okay with this?" I asked the room.

"Please?" Heidi reached for the collar, fumbling to put it on.

Claire clipped her into place, before giving me an odd look. Then she picked up the first of the suction cups and fit it in place. With the machine activated, Heidi began to whimper and moan as soon as the first attached. But it was as the third and fourth were put in place that Helena stepped up.

"What the?" She looked underneath Heidi who was rocking her hips back and forth. "Four nipples?"

"Yeah," I nodded. "Also, note that she isn't producing, but the machine is trying."

Helena frowned and reached, before pausing. "May I?"

"Go ahead," Claire gestured.

Helena reached in and gently cupped Heidi's breasts. "They're so firm."

"Your hands are nice," Heidi smiled.

Helena blushed and pulled away, "Right, sorry."

"Don't be," I grinned stepping up. "Now, feel free to leave, stay, whatever. I'm used to having a bit of an audience for this."

"Right," Helena stepped back out of arm's reach.

I dropped my trousers as I stared at Heidi's perfect ass. Her tail flicked from side to side in anticipation. I grinned and took hold of my cock, before kneeling behind her. Pressing it to her entrance, Heidi pulled on her leash as she forced herself back. She could only just get the head inside and lowed grumpily at the poor penetration she achieved.

Running my hands up her sides, I could feel her muscles tremble. But she held still for me. With a sigh, I pushed in and Heidi lowed long and soft as the tone of the machine changed. I spotted Helena move around beside us as she watched the cups as they drew milk from Heidi's breasts. I ignored her as I pleasured the cow beneath me. Thrusting firmly into her, she pushed back. My pelvis met her ass with a series of wet smacks that were accompanied by Heidi's soft cries.

"Breed her, Master Kye," Rose whispered, crawling up beside me.

"Put a calf in her," Tina whispered on my other side.

"They're really getting into this huh?" Helena commented.
