Rose Faded


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Troy shook his head and walked by Baxter without a word. When he got home, he debated on telling Rose what happened to get her opinion of whether to take those comments as a threat. In the end, he decided not to bother her. There was a crowd and Baxter was just trying to save face. Anything he did would be the nail on his career's coffin.

Two weeks later, it was getting close to Rose's companies year-end party. It was held at her boss's mansion and the guests always included a bunch of A-list celebrities. Troy didn't care for them, having attended the last three with her, but Rose got to dress up like it was an award ceremony and felt really special. She also was really in the mood for loving when they got home after. As previous years, Troy arranged things with Dan a month in advance to ensure he was free for that night. Football was his main sport, so considering the season was over for the Packers; it shouldn't have been a big deal. Whereas, for some reason this year-end party was a bigger deal than others for Rose -- as she kept double-checking he had the night off for sure. She had modeled her dress for the night a couple times for Troy and little Brady. Troy had to admit, she looked as hot as she did in her cheerleading outfit all those years ago.

Troy was about to leave an hour early, as planned so he could pick up his tuxedo for the evening and get ready, when Dan called him into the office.

"Picker, sorry, but you need to cover the Gambler game tonight," Dan said.

"You're kidding? A junior hockey game? Send Darla or Mitch," Troy said laughing.

Dan frowned. "Do I look like I'm kidding? I told you there would be backlash for that article. You pissed up a few on the board and now are making my life hard. So, Kevin is sick and I need someone to cover that game. You're going to cover it and look like a reporter interested in local sports instead of the guy who shit all over a community hero."

"Rose and I have a thing -- I arranged tonight off weeks ago," Troy said, "What if I refuse?"

"You'll be out of a job and find out really how people felt about your article."

"Dan, come on... I'll make it up to you, but not tonight." Troy was starting to feel worried.

"Do I need to have you escorted out for being fired, or give you a pass for tonight's game?" Dan crossed his arms. Troy had never seen him that forceful about anything, and knew he wasn't bluffing.

Troy dreaded the ride home. When he walked into the house, Rose was standing in the kitchen in her housecoat, her hair in curlers, making Brady supper.

"Hun, where's your tux?" Rose asked. When he flashed the press pass to her, her face went tight.

Troy tried to talk about it, but she wouldn't say a word. This continued until right before he had to leave. In fact, if anything she was even more mad and ignoring him completely.

When she didn't even return his "Bye Honey, have a great night," Troy snapped before leaving, "Fine, next time I'll let myself get fired then since your party is more important than us having two incomes."

Troy never liked hockey as much as baseball or football, but did his job. Gamblers won, and he had his article ready before he left. The house was empty when he got home, as the plan was to drop Brady off had Rose's mothers before the soiree. Troy was debating on sneaking to the party, as it was only ten, but decided to just have a few drinks and wait for Rose to return home.

He'd nearly fallen asleep watching television on the couch when he heard the door open. When he saw her in that dress, with her make-up and hair done, Troy thought she looked as good as any actress on the red carpet.

"Baby, you look amazing," Troy said.

"You don't get to call me that, not yet," hissed Rose, who sounded quite drunk. Troy hoped she didn't drive home.

"Look, I had no choice. You knew sometimes I can't pick my assignments."

"Bullshit, you wrecked our evening because of your ego. I..." With that, she burst into tears and ran past him into the bedroom. He heard the door lock.

"Rose, come on. I will make it up to you," Troy said knocking on the door. When there was no answer except the sound of the shower starting, he sighed and got ready to sleep on the couch for the first time in many years.

Even though it was a late night, Troy was wide away by six in the morning. He got up and saw the master bedroom door was open. Rose must have came out after her shower, and he was already asleep. He hoped it was to apologize for being so bitchy about him just doing his job.

Troy decided to check some work emails on his phone while he had his coffee. Kevin emailed him -- presumably to thank him for covering the hockey game for him. Before checking it, there was one sent early in the morning that caught Troy's eye. It was a weird email address, which usually go right into his spam folder. The subject was, "To Troy the Bitch Picker." He opened it and there was a video attached with the text. "Told you you're my bitch."

As soon as Troy started the video, he paused it and grabbed ear buds. It was a phone video shot in a fancy bedroom. Judging from the angle, the phone was on or above the floor aimed to the side of the bed where a woman was bent over a high bed with her dress bunched up above her hips. All you really could see of her body was from the hips down.

"Quick, Cam, before someone notices us missing," said a familiar female voice that sounded quite drunk.

Troy recognized his wife as soon as the video started; not by the dress she wore to her function, but by the faded rose tattoo on the bottom of her left ass cheek. The angle gave a perfect view of it, as well as her bald pussy and asshole with her legs parted.

A large black man moved behind her, wearing black suit pants dropped to his knees. Troy could still see his wife's behind through the man's legs, under his ass and balls. This meant that Troy had a great view as the other man's cock roughly slid into his wife's pussy with a moan from Rose and a chuckle from him.

"Wait, no condom?" Rose said in a breathless voice, as he started moving in her.

"Hell, do I seem the type to carry shit like that?" Cameron Baxter said with another chuckle, "Besides this pussy loves the feel of a naked black cock fucking it, don't you, babe?" With that, he increased his pace.

"Fuck...god yes... fuck me... fuck me..." moaned Rose in pleasure and Troy felt a little dead inside.

He knew at that point that he should just stop, but Troy kept watching as Baxter kept pumping into her bringing her to at least two orgasms. Seeing how her body reacted, Troy had no doubt they were genuine.

"You close, babe?" panted Rose, with what Troy hoped was a tinge of guilt. However the fact both called each other 'babe' led him to believe there's no way this was the first time.

"Rosy, you know how I finish..." Cam said as he pulled out and Troy could see the visible hole of her vagina, still open after being fucked by his huge cock.

"No, I can't handle it without lube," Rose said, sounding worried, "I'll suck you off."

"Don't you move, bitch, I'm fucking your ass and you'll love it." He reached into his pants pocked and pulled out a packet. Troy couldn't see him open it, but did see him squirt the contents over his wife's brown hole as she spread her own cheeks, and then inserting a finger.

Troy had never had his cock in Rose's ass, but she did let him use his finger from time to time. Watching this guy fingering her ass, and listening to her sighs of pleasure and anticipation, he knew her claim of not doing anal sex was a lie. Maybe it was just a treat she saved for her lover?

He could see his wife reaching behind to rub her pussy as Baxter attempted to shove his cock in her asshole.

" that...almost..." Rose moaned until with a grunt from both, the tip was in her. "Oh fuck... feels so good... big black cock fucking my ass... come in me baby...yes...fuck my ass...yes..."

Her moans became faster as he started fucking her faster, until with a grunt he gave one hard thrust and held it, until he pulled out. Troy could see semen dripping out of her gapped rosebud as Baxter backed off and quickly grabbed at the camera, which then went black.

Troy bit his lip and nearly banged his fist on the table, but stopped not wanting to wake Rose. He instead knew that he was in no frame of mind to deal with this -- especially when his son was involved. In his mind, however, his marriage was now over. He checked her purse, and noticed her phone was locked which was unusual for her. He also found the lace panties she must have worn to the party stuffed there. He checked them and found no semen, though she didn't have them in the video. Troy held them up to his nose, and they still reeked of his wife's pussy juices. She normally only got that wet when getting fondled or fingered, which must have happened before she took them off and bent over for Baxter to screw her brains out.

He heard Rose snoring when he returned to the bedroom, which was common after she spent a night of drinking. Troy deftly pulled a suitcase out of the closet, and began filling it quickly with whatever clean clothes he had to last a week or two. As he was walking out with it, he noticed Rose glance at him with her eyes half-opened. Troy frowned, waved bye and walked away without a sound.

Before leaving the house, he debated calling Rose's mom to saying bye to Brady, feeling terrible for him to come home to no father. In the end, he figured his son hearing him upset would be worse than just seeing Rose -- that is if she would be upset. Troy also debated on leaving a note, but instead, opened his email on the phone and forwarded the video to his wife with the words, "Get a lawyer. We're through."


His niece, Janessa, answered the door in her pj's. "Uncle Troy! You here for breakfast?"

"Of course, sweetie," Troy said and scooped her up for a hug.

"Is Auntie Rose and Dylan here too?"

"No, not this time," Troy replied and had tears in his eyes.

Jason came to the foyer, took one look at Troy and frowned.

Troy put on a brave face as he ate pancakes with Lisa, Jason, and Janessa, but his older brother had a worried face.

Jason led Troy downstairs after breakfast while Lisa and Janessa cleaned up.

"How bad is it?" Jason said solemnly.

"She's been cheating on me for I don't know how long. I'm divorcing her," Troy said with a shrug then flopped down on a couch.

"You know this absolutely?" Jason said.

Troy opened the video on his phone and handed it to his brother.

Jason made a look of disgust. "Shit! I don't want to see that. She's my sister-in-law."

"Soon to be ex."

"Still the mother of my only nephew, and a good friend of my wife. Shit, that's horrible. I'm guessing the guy she cheated with sent it?"

Troy snorted. "Lucky guess. Cameron fuckin' Baxter, proving to me that I'm his bitch. I doubt Rose knew she was being filmed, but Baxter made sure to suggest during the video that this was far from the first time. How could I have been so stupid?"

"Okay, she had a fling, but don't do anything stupid. What did she say about it?"

Troy looked at him and blinked. "You really think I want to discuss this with her now? You want to know the worse thing? After coming home with this bastard's cum probably still dripping from her asshole, she had the nerve to still be mad at me for missing her precious party."

"I know you hate them, but maybe you should've gone?"

Troy snapped, "You think I purposely set out to piss her off? I had to work. Dan was being a complete twat and threatened to fire me if I didn't cover a hockey game because Kevin was sick. Besides, if that didn't happen, who knows how long they'd be fucking behind my back without me knowing? I should send Kev flowers as a thank you."

Jason sighed. "I know you're all angry because this is so fresh, but you do need to talk to her eventually. Best to wait until you're calm. Also, please don't do anything out of anger that you might regret later. Even after this, I'm sure you still love her -- and I'm sure she loves you."

"Well, thank you fucking, Oprah," Troy said and then closed his eyes, "Shit, I left my laptop at home. I can't go get it, not now."

Jason pointed to a door off the den. "You can use the one in there. It's the one we let Janessa use so no surfing porn. And I'm guessing you packed a suitcase; spare bedroom is yours as long as you want."

Troy quickly checked his emails. There was no reply from Rose yet, so she must have still been sleeping. He was surprised he got an email from Kevin, bitching about trying to move in on his territory. The guy wasn't sick at all -- Dan must have been flexing his muscles to prove he was the boss. Troy assured Kevin that he had no desire to switch to hockey, explaining Dan was just trying to teach him a lesson.

Troy looked around the den, like his, filled with a lot of sports memorabilia including a few signed jerseys -- all which Troy helped get for his brother. He knew he needed to do something or he would go crazy.

He went upstairs, his brother and his family were all in the kitchen. Troy went up to Janessa with a big smile, "Hey, sweetie, want to go sledding?"

"Ah, yes!" replied his niece with a big grin, "Who's all coming? Is Dylan?"

"No baby," said Lisa giving Troy a look of sympathy, "I think just your uncle and you are going. Let's go get your snow suit on."

It felt weird doing things with Janessa without Dylan -- the cousins were really close. However, that girl, not unlike her dad at that age, was a little firecracker with so much energy. Before Troy knew it, they'd spent three hours on the hill. He took her for hot chocolate before returning to his brother's place.

Jason looked all excited as his daughter told stories about near death misses and her impressive sledding skills. Lisa had a forced smile. Troy had a feeling Rose must have talked to her.

As he expected, as soon as Jason took Janessa to warm up from her cold wet clothes, Lisa cornered Troy to talk. "Troy, I'm so sorry for what you're going through, but you can't think this is the end of your marriage."

"What if someone sent you a video of Jay fucking some amazingly hot female athlete that you couldn't compare to physically? How would you feel?" Troy replied coldly.

Lisa paused for a moment. "Well, for one I wouldn't watch it. Just knowing is enough. I'd expect I'd want to kick her ass and castrate my husband until I cooled down. Once that happened, I'd put him through the gears and make sure he did everything he could to make up for it so we could move past it."

Troy laughed coldly.

"Troy, I work for a counseling office as you know. Infidelity is a lot more common than you think. And, a lot of couples do work things out and get past it. Whether it's the man or woman cheating, it's all the same. The key is ending the behaviors that led to the cheating and trying to rebuild the trust -- that is if both still love each other. Considering how much of a mess Rose is, I can tell you, she loves you very much. It was a one-time thing. She really doesn't want a divorce."

"She loves me, just not my cock enough to let me fuck her ass. She only saves that for her black lover -- she knew that's how he likes to finish and they called each other 'babe.' Does that sound like a one-time thing?" Troy spat out.

"Please lower your voice, Janessa doesn't need to hear that kind of talk," Lisa said sternly, "Troy, please take some time to calm down and really consider everything. You two aren't newly weds and had a lot of good times together."

"Yeah, but was it ever just the two of us?" Troy said coldly. Lisa knew there was no point arguing and left him be.

Troy tried to distract himself by watching sports on television, or chatting with his brother. He hated how Jason and Lisa looked at him like he was some wounded lamb. Fine, he was hurt by what she did, but he wasn't going to give her or Baxter any satisfaction by being all weepy. He was mad as fuck and wasn't going to put up with her actions.

As he let the anger stew, Troy started recalling every late work day, dinners with clients, or when he was off covering a game. She had so many opportunities to run off and have a tryst with her lover or lovers, and Troy didn't suspect a thing. Probably because he had equal opportunity and even had the occasional sports groupie flirting with him, yet Troy never considered even once crossing any line because of how important Rose was to him.

Of course, there was also Vegas. Rose disappeared for two weeks to Vegas with her sister after he proposed, where she came back with that damn tattoo. Was it really to sort things out like she said, or was it a major fuck fest to get it out of her system before getting married? Troy was starting to see it differently now.

After supper, Troy was doing some work on Jason's basement computer, when he had an idea. He'd blocked Rose's phone earlier that day, and saw she'd sent eight emails to his work account, and a private message to his Twitter. He deleted them all without reading them. He fully expected the clichés: 'it was just sex,' 'it didn't mean anything,' or 'I love you, but I just need black cock in me,' and didn't want any of that. Ironically, the only reason he even had a Twitter account was that Rose insisted he did to 'help his brand.' Troy rarely used it except for brief thoughts about any news around the Packers, but he still had close to a quarter of a million followers. Troy decided to give those followers a treat.

Troy saved the video on the desktop, and started a new tweet with it as an attachment. He typed:

This is why I am soon to be single. Any hotties interested in being my rebound? #ByeSlutWife #HelloDivorce #HottiesDMme

Troy looked it over, really proud of himself and was about to click "Tweet" when suddenly the computer shut down. He turned to see Jason holding the plug in one hand.

"For fuck's sake, Troy," Jason said sternly in a lower voice, "I told you not to do anything stupid."

"And I listened. That tweet was pure genius," Troy said.

"Fuck the jokes, this is serious. Rose is on Lisa's phone," Jason said.

"Tell that bitch..." Troy started gesturing with his finger.

"She wants you to talk to Brady. Kid's super upset and thinks you're mad at him." Jason crossed his arms. "Go talk to him, then come back and we'll discuss this stupid stunt."

Troy didn't like giving his older, but weaker, brother the satisfaction of bossing him around, but Jay was right that he should talk to Brady.

Upstairs, Lisa had a cold face holding the phone. "Okay, he's here. Put Brady on."

Troy had a hard time not tearing up as he talked to his seven-year-old son. What was worse was lying to him about everything being all right and he'd be home before he knew it. This was way worse than lying about Santa or the Easter Bunny.

Troy thought he calmed the boy down when Brady said, "Mommy says you went away because she hurt your feelings really bad. Talk to her and forgive her so you can come home, please Daddy. Here's Mommy."

Troy hung up, swearing on the inside and roughly handed Lisa her phone back. He stomped downstairs to where Jason was waiting with an open bottle of whiskey, a bucket of ice, and two glasses.

"Didn't go well?" Jason said as he poured two glasses.

"That bitch was just using my son to manipulate me," Troy said coldly, taking a swig from his glass and then explaining what Brady said.

"You're way off on that," Jason said, "He's a kid -- of course he's going to want his parents to make up. And what did you want Rose to tell him? I don't think she could've explained what's going on any better. You're just too bitter about the whole thing right now -- you're completely biased against everything Rose."