Rose Faded


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"Why the fuck are you taking her side? You never even thought we'd marry."

Jason snorted. "Of course, I'm on your side, but also on my nephew's side. I'd sure as hell expect the same with you if anything, God forbid, happened between Lisa and me."

Troy rolled his eyes. "Yup, you are in my corner for sure, bro. Any more in my corner and you'd be doing the Eiffel tower with Baxter and my soon-to-be-ex-wife."

"Shut the fuck up with those stupid jokes for once and listen," Jason said sternly, "Firstly, what you tried to pull, going public with that video, was a huge mistake -- and you'd know it if you were thinking clearly. You think all that would do is humiliate your wife -- give you some payback? Once it's viral, it's permanent and you can't undo it. That's the fucking mother of your son. You want him to have to live with everyone and their dog seeing his mom like that? What about Baxter's kids? That's not to mention that it would absolutely ruin Rose's life. Yeah, you're mad as fuck, but don't bullshit that you don't still give a shit about her. You think she knew she was being filmed? Fine she cheated, but you really think she'd ever want you to see her like that? This is Rose -- the fact she's responsible for hurting you is killing her -- almost as much as knowing you two are probably done."

"So you agree, we're done," Troy said.

"Keep with that attitude and you are," Jason said, "Let's say you divorce and go your separate ways. There's still Brady who will need both of you in his life. How the fuck could you co-exist as parents after putting that video out? You might hate her after this, but you still need to respect her as the mother of your son."

"Fine, the video was stupid idea, but I don't have to give her any time other than discussing Brady," Troy said and muttered before finishing his whiskey, "I'm no one's bitch."

"Is this is what this is about?" Jason said shaking his head, "You're an adult not some high school punk. Why are you falling for stupid taunts like that? Okay, let me say this: you allowing a one-time mistake -- and until you have more proof that's all it is -- to completely end your marriage and, sorry, make you miserable because you'll never find another Rose, then yeah. You were his bitch because he played you and won. Sorry, but it takes more balls to face the pain of what your wife did and give her a chance to explain than just walking away."

"How do you expect me to share the same bed with her after watching that video without feeling humiliated and thinking I'm the consolation prize? I could never fuck her like that -- the noises she made, how she enjoyed it. Ending our marriage wasn't Baxter making me a bitch; it was proving that he could fuck my wife just because he wanted to and she'd love it better than having sex with me. That's why I'm walking away. I'm no coward. Fuck you for accusing me of that. I just know I lost and see no point in doing anything but accepting that."

Jason sighed, shook his head and left Troy with the rest of the bottle.

Troy made no attempt to contact Rose or Brady for the rest of the weekend. At work Monday, Dan had a new cockiness as he was ordering Troy to cover some insignificant winter festival out of town. A shit assignment that Martha as the most junior sports writer would usually get -- it didn't really have anything to do with sports. Dan was making a point, showing Troy he was the boss. Troy accepted it without much fuss, but made a point to have words if the next assignment wasn't worthy of his caliber.

The good news was Troy was going to be out of town for four days with no way of Rose knowing where he was. The bad news was he was left alone in a hotel room to really do nothing but reflect on all the bad in his marriage, and all the other times he was now certain Rose could have cheated.

On the fourth day of the festival was a big dance and the drinks were flowing. Troy decided to say, 'fuck it,' and made sure to have a really good time. He ended up not remembering how much of a good time he had, but he woke up early in the morning with a really young woman naked in his hotel bed with all the evidence pointing to unprotected sex.

Troy thanked God in his head when he found out the girl was actually nineteen. She wasn't ugly, but was nowhere in the league of Rose. She was having morning after regrets too, mostly about possibly getting pregnant. Troy let her take a close look at his scars on his nut sack to prove he was fixed. The girl was so relieved that she started giving him a blowjob, which Troy accepted. It wasn't bad, but wasn't spectacular. At least, it was an extra-marital encounter that he would remember.

While showering after she left, Troy started feeling the guilt. He'd cheated for the first time in his life. Yes, his marriage was on the rocks, but it wasn't over. It wasn't some payback -- at least from what he could remember. He was drunk and horny, and she shoved her hands down his pants. He just decided to fuck her. In the morning fully sober, he let her give him head because he could, and now felt sick to his stomach about being that type of guy. He knew that he needed to go get tested for STD's and decided to never let Rose know. As sure as he was at that moment that he didn't want to be married to her, Troy also knew he still loved her and no longer wanted to hurt her out of spite.

His phone was off for most of the night, so Troy turned it on to check for any messages before the forty-minute drive back to town. He had twenty texts from Rose's sister, Rose's mom, Jason, and Lisa, and a number of voice messages.

He checked the first one from his brother, and then rushed to pack to leave. The text said:

Rose is at hospital. Going to have surgery. It is serious. You need to get there. St. Mary's.

Troy made the drive to the hospital in thirty-minutes, but it felt a lot longer. Jason's text came eleven at night, so eight hours prior. He practically ran to the reception, where he asked where his wife was. She was in recovery in the Women's Health Centre.

Walking past the waiting room, he saw Lily, Rose's sister, Lisa and Petunia, Rose's mother. Just Lisa noticed him, but she made no attempt to say anything.

The nurse stopped him when he approached Rose's room. Troy said he was her husband, and she said that he must wait before entering. Seconds later, Troy was relieved to see Dr. Patel, who was her doctor for many years -- including during the complications of Brady's birth.

"Troy, can we go talk for a moment," Dr. Patel said in his usual calm, quiet voice.

Troy nodded and they went into an examination room beside the nurse's station.

Dr. Patel closed the door and took a breath. "Troy, I think you remember after Rose gave birth I explained the seriousness of her situation. I gave you two options to prevent further complications."

Troy nodded. "Of course, I had my procedure almost right away."

"Now, Rose gave me permission to discuss this with you -- and you are technically still her medical proxy."


Dr. Patel frowned. "Her mother started putting forth the paperwork to switch her as Rose's proxy. Claiming mental cruelty and abandonment. She also asked nurses to not let you see your wife until a restraining order was in place."

"What the fuck?"

Dr. Patel smiled. "I think that she doesn't fully understand what is going on, and is being protective of her daughter. Rose did support changing medical proxy, but I believe the expression is blowing smoke about the talk of a restraining order. You are of course permitted to see her.

"Now remember what I was saying about the two options: from what Rose told me, I know that you are already aware that your wife engaged in unprotected sexual activities with a virile man. She recognized the following day that her life was potentially at risk and got what is called, 'the abortion pill,' from a pharmacy. In majority of women, it is relatively risk free, but with your wife's ureteral issues there were complications. There was excessive bleeding that wouldn't stop. Probably out of risk of disclosing her indiscretion, Rose kept quiet and hoped it would stop on its own.

"Eventually, her sister noticed how bad it was yesterday and by the time we examined her, there were clots as well as a bad infection, which has already spread to other organs. We had to perform a hysterectomy, and give her a transfusion. While we are quite optimistic she will make a full recovery, her life is still at risk due to the infection spreading to her kidneys. She will be here for a while and needs a lot of rest."

"Okay," said Troy hoarsely, "So, I can see her?"

"Yes, she's been asking for you. Tell the head nurse if any of the others are taking her mothers restraining order comments too seriously."

Troy felt sick when he walked into her hospital room, knowing he was having sex with another woman while his wife was having life-saving surgery. There were noisy machines and hoses connected to her, and Rose looked paler than Troy had ever seen her.

Rose saw him, and her face lit up for a second before her lip curled in and trembled as she started crying in a hoarse voice, "I'm sorry, so sorry."

"Shhh," Troy said sitting behind her and taking a hand, which was bandaged up, "Just relax and get better. The other stuff can wait."

"Please go back home and stay with Brady," Rose said as tears continued to flow, "Your brother is watching him now. Just go home and be with him. Once I'm out, I'm going to stay with mom. I know you don't want to be married to me anymore."

"Rose, just relax and we'll talk about it later," Troy said.

"Mom is here for me. Your son needs you, please Troy just go."

Troy almost felt pity by the look in her face, like she already accepted it was over. For some strange reason, it made him feel even guiltier with what happened in the hotel room. Troy nodded and left the room, mouthing he loved her before leaving. Rose just frowned and nodded as she continued to cry.

"You get the fuck out of here, you asshole, you did this," Petunia snarled as he walked down the hall past the waiting area.

Lisa jumped up and faced Rose's larger mother head-on, "Don't talk to Troy like that. Rose got herself into this mess; he did nothing wrong."

"The fuck he didn't," said Petunia, "And I thought you were her friend? Taking his side."

"Mom..." Lily said acting like the mediator, "This isn't the time."

"I know he hurt my baby. Fucked around and brought some disease home to her and now she's here while he's going off again with some slut."

At this, Lisa tried to shove Rose's mother. "How dare you talk about my brother like that! Your daughter is who couldn't keep her legs crossed."

At that point, it looked like security would need to be involved. Troy debated on helping to keep the two women apart, but instead texted Jason to warn him he was coming over -- and Lisa was probably getting kicked out of the hospital. Hearing her defend him, and referring to him as 'brother' instead of 'brother-in-law,' did feel good. He didn't blame Petunia -- it was obvious Rose hadn't bother telling her why she was really there and why he left.

Troy booked time off work and spent majority of the next week making up for lost time with Brady. Things were rocky at first, but kids don't hold grudges like adults. Lily dropped by to take Brady to visit his mom on Tuesday. She was rather cool towards Troy and said that Rose didn't want him there. She did at least tell him that her body was fighting the infection and she was hopefully getting released the following week. He also found out Lisa, Jason, and any other members of his family were also not welcomed to visit Rose.

When Brady was dropped off, Lily had a funny look on her face. Brady was so excited and told Troy that some football players visited his mom with flowers. He got to meet her favorite player.

Once Brady ran inside towards his room, Lily came close and spoke to Troy in a lowered voice, "Look, it was just bad timing and not planned. He was just leaving just as we got there. He feels really bad and never would want to hurt her. And, look, Rose just told me what really happened. I'm sorry; I knew she was so pissed at you before she went out to the party. I assumed it was because you cheated and that Cam was just payback."

"Well, nice of you to think that of me," Troy said coldly.

"I know it's no excuse, but you using that lame game excuse to just get out of the night when it meant so much to her..." Lily shook her head. "She was tipped off she was getting awarded employee of the year and you blew it off because you hate hanging around her co-workers."

"She thinks that? I told her my boss was pissed at me for smearing Baxter and forced me to cover a shitty hockey game as punishment -- told me I would be fired on the spot if I didn't." Troy rolled his eyes, tired of doing his job being an excuse for what happened.

"After what she did, there's no point continuing with that lie," Lily said, "Rose called your boss after you got home and tried to explain how special the night was. He told her the truth: that you requested to work that night. You talked him into taking the assignment from someone else. The fact that you lied and deliberately stood her up was why she was so angry."

"What? Dan, that asshole, said the same thing to the guy supposed to cover the game -- except he told me the guy was sick. Lily, I have witnesses in the office who heard Dan tell me to take the game pass or be escorted out of the building."

She crossed her arms, looking skeptical. "Why would he do something like that?"

"To mess with me. Come on, I'm telling the truth. What could I possibly gain by lying about something like that? As you said it doesn't matter now after what she did. Can you please tell Rose we'll talk when she's ready and that I really had no choice but to work that game?"

Lily shrugged and nodded.

Troy didn't receive any more news the next day. He debated on calling Rose's room, but decided that he put out the invitation to talk and would wait for her. He was cleaning up while Brady was playing trucks in the backyard when he heard a knock on the door. He looked and saw a Porsche in the driveway.

Troy took a breath and saw Cameron Baxter standing in front of his door. Troy opened the door and without saying anything let out a punch right on the linebacker's chin, which caused his hand to immediately burn in pain.

Baxter went a step back, down to his knee as he rubbed his face. "Shit, you're tougher than you look. I'll give you that one because of Rosy, but hit me again, Picker, and I will hit back."

"What the fuck do you want?" Troy snarled.

Baxter held out his hands defensively. "Just to say a few things. First, to really apologize for what I did. I kinda lost it and went on pure emotion -- not unlike I was in that game. I do want to say, I went after Rose that night -- not vice versa. I knew she was there without you, and you were writing another article about me and... Fine, I didn't give two shits about your marriage, but I never would deliberately put her health at risk. I'm sorry and already told Rose if she charges me for voyeurism, I won't fight it so her name's out of the press. It was my fault not Rosy's, okay? That's why I'm also covering her medical expenses."

Troy looked closely at Baxter's face. He believed he was remorseful. At least enough that Troy wasn't going to hit him again. Troy was silent for a moment. "So Rose told you I wasn't going to be there?"

Baxter laughed. "Shit, no. Haven't talked to her for years. Not since she quit the cheering squad. Tried to keep in touch, but you know how women are with their ex's."

"Then who told you?"

"Your boss, Dan Reid, and I go way back. He warned me about your first article and then the second one you were writing about me confronting you at the station. Told me that afternoon that you were on assignment by choice and Rose was really pissed. He suggested going after her at the party after getting her drunk would be good payback. Even gave me your email if I wanted to rub it in your face, which I did. Look, truly sorry again and please give her my best." Baxter turned and headed, rubbing his chin and chuckling.

Troy was shaking his head as he closed the door. He knew he had two important calls to make.

Three hours later, Troy was waiting by Dan Reid's car in the paper's parking garage.

"Troy, how's Rose? I just heard..." Dan started when Troy grabbed him and held him roughly against the car door face first, "What the fuck?"

"What the fuck is right!" snarled Troy, "Why did you do it? Ruined my marriage and put my wife's life at risk. I know: the assignment, lying to me, lying to Rose, and lying to Baxter. You set him up to try and seduce her. Why Dan? Every lie will cost you some teeth."

"Troy, I don't'...umrph..." Troy roughly slammed his face against the car.

"Tell me Dan. Why?"

"I heard you're going to be headhunted -- rather the board did -- a media company in Chicago," Dan said with blood running down his lips, "In order to keep you, they were thinking of promoting you to sports editor and moving me to manage HR. I know shit about human resources; it was basically moving me out. I didn't know for sure Baxter would succeed; I knew they dated briefly back when she was cheerleading and he still had a thing for her. I just hoped something would happen between them that night and it would throw you off your game enough to make the argument you weren't ready to be editor."

"You stupid twat," Troy hissed, "I wouldn't have wanted your job -- even with a raise. And there's no way I'd have taken a job in another city. You fucked with my marriage for that? You put my wife's life at risk for that?"

"Yeah, guess I should've just got the cool as a cucumber Picker mad instead. You're fired and I'm charging you with assault." Dan started to laugh, wiping the blood from his chin.

"Think again," said an elderly man's voice. Duncan walked around out of the shadows where he was hiding.

"Duncan, I..." Dan started.

"When Troy told me what was happening, I thought it might have to do with the talk we had with you," Duncan said calmly, "Face it, you never were great at your job. HR might have been a better fit for you. You do realize with what you were just recorded admitting, you're opening the paper up for lawsuits."


"Papers are dying, we know it. I hope Troy will take the job as your replacement as we plan to move towards focusing more on electronic publication." Duncan smirked. "As for you, Dan. You're going to resign and remember tripping into your car door. Charge Troy and this recording goes to the police and to the press. I have a few connections."


It had been just over a month since Rose's company function, and Troy was waiting in the park on the bench where he first really made out with his wife. She smiled politely as she approached, wearing earmuffs, ski jacket, and torn jeans. Troy thought Rose looked a hundred times better than when he last saw her weeks ago, in the hospital.

"Thank you for meeting me," Rose said, "Sorry, I'm late. I was really nervous about coming."

Troy took a breath and shook his head. "That's okay. Interesting choice."

"Well, if things don't go too bad to start, we can go to the coffee shop on eleventh and finish our discussion," Rose said, "I just wanted a more wide open location in case some tempers fly. You understand?"

Troy nodded.

"Okay, again I want to say how sorry I am and that I would give anything to take back that night -- and not just because of how it ended," Rose began, "You explained in your text how Dan Reid manipulated the situation, but that isn't an excuse. Yes, I was drunk, but still knew what I was doing was wrong." Her eyes watered and she waved her hand by them. "I thought this would be easier after practicing. Troy, Cam and I dated for six months before we met. Actually, I was worried I was on the rebound from him when I first met you. I know you never liked the guy, but like you, Cam had this vulnerability that he shared with me, but no one else. We did have feelings for each other, but players and cheerleaders couldn't date, so when Packers found out about us, I either had to quit or never see him. I took a week to think about it, and picked cheerleading -- still holding out hopes it could lead to me becoming a professional model. Besides, the sex with Baxter was great but not amazing and he was a little too clingy for my liking.