Rough Draft: Twisted Ink


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"You're sure?" He nodded a response. "Ok."

Ben 7

"I'm sorry, Anya. I couldn't understand your screeching!" Jack shouted at his girlfriend.

"Maybe if you had been listening, Jackson Campbell, you would have heard the cops in the background," she hissed.

"Jesus, woman! Who could hear anything over your high pitched squeals?" He boomed.

"Now, my Jen-Jen is all alone in jail. With bread and water for food, and prostitutes as friends," Anya wailed.

"Anya, baby? You have 'got' to stop watching so much TV," Jack smiled and grabbed her waist. I would have laughed at her dramatic imagining if I wasn't pacing and checking my phone every five seconds.

"Ben? Dude. Calm down. He'll get her and she'll be fine. It takes time," Raine said helpfully.

"It's been four goddamned hours," I muttered. Colt was going to call as soon as he got Jen home. "At least 'she' should've called someone by now. I mean she gets a phone call." A terrible thought played in my head. "Oh my God, what if something happened to her? What if one of the other girls beat her up?"

Anya wailed again. "Smooth move, dickhead," Jack said. And tried to calm his girlfriend down.

"Dude, she's got to be processed. It takes a while. They'll let her call as soon as the paperwork is finished," Deak explained. "This isn't Shawshank, man. They probably put her in the drunk tank and they're probably to capacity."

"How do you fuckin' know this shit," I asked him annoyed.

"I was a bad kid," he shrugged.

There was a knock on the door. My whole body went tense. Oh God. She was dead. Colt came to tell me in person. She was dead. I couldn't move, if I ignored the door, it wasn't real. Raine passed me and headed to open it.

"No!" I breathed. Too late. I heard Colt's voice. Oh no. I felt the blood drain from my face. I closed my eyes against the nausea. I heard screeching and bellowing around me. She was dead and they were falling apart.

"Sorry man, I thought you might wanna see that she's ok for yourself," I heard Colt say. I opened my eyes, confused. I blinked. Blinked again. Jen? Jen!

I ran to her and picked her up in a bear hug. I laughed with relief. My angel. She looked ridiculous. Prison flip flops, pink flannel pajamas, ratty hair and ink smudges on her cheeks and fingers. She was gorgeous.

"Ben," she gasped. "Can't breath." She patted my back. Oh right. Too tight. I put her down and just stared. Just. Stared.

"You ok?" I asked.

"Once my lungs inflate back to capacity I'll be fine," she giggled. God, I'd missed her giggle.

"Not what I meant," I said and cupped her cheek.

"I know," she replied and smirked.

"What do you know?" I said softly.

"I am a worldly woman, Mr. Allen. I've been to jail. I am a part of a notorious crew now," she deadpanned.

"I've missed you so, so much, angel," I whispered. Her eyes watered and she turned away. No. No. No.

"We need to talk later, ok?" She said softly. I nodded and grabbed her hand. I pulled her to the couch and sat her down beside me. She didn't seem to be pulling away totally, so I chanced putting my arm around her. She brought her feet up under her and snuggled into my ribs. That was good right? I lightly traced my finger tips up and down her arm.

"Well. I'm going to head out. Ben. I'll be in touch. Jen, love, I'm glad you're ok," Colt said and headed for the door.

"Thank you for everything, Colt," Jen said with a small smile.

"Bitch, I cannot believe you fucking scared me like that," Anya trilled at Jen. I narrowed my eyes at her, but Jen laughed.

"Me? Bitch, a real friend would've been in that cell with me!" Jen retorted.

"What was I supposed to do attack the cop?" Anya giggled.

"Hey! At least then I'd a been the bitch that came in with the crazy cop beatin' muhfucker, instead of the bitch with an RO violation," Jen snapped and bobbed her head. They were officially crazy asses.

"Whatever," Anya scoffed.

"Yeah. Whatever, bitch. You owe me a diabetes cake to make up for the crack you caused in our friendship," Jen bargained. Oh yeah. Yummy.

"Um, I agree with Jen. Might even take a full dinner. I mean that's some pretty rough damage you've caused, Anya. I think veal stuffed peppers and garlic potatoes is in order," I said salaciously. My favorite Anya meal. Girl could flat out cook and I like food. Probably best Jack saw her first, otherwise I'd swell up.

"Um, excuse you. We are 'not' discussing your favorite, here," Jen spouted. "'I' want beef tenderloin and red wine reduction glaze, 'with' purple rosemary and garlic roasted potatoes. 'And' homemade basil bread," Jen demanded.

"Agreed," Raine said.

"I vote yes," Deak offered.

Everyone looked at Jack expectantly. "What? Of course I agree," he gave the duh face.

"Ugh, fine. But 'you' have to make key lime pie," Anya haggled.

"You make key lime pie?" I asked. Lust creeping into my brain. Yes ladies, finding out a woman can cook really can and usually does turn a man on.

"Ha! This bitch cooks as well as I do! Hell fifty percent of my recipes are hers or her mom's," Anya scoffed and waved her hand toward Jen.

"Oh? Holding out on me I see," I teased. But really. What the hell? I could've been eating better than grilled food and take out?

"Difference. Anya loves to cook. Me? Not so much," Jen said. "Unless of course it includes kitchen sex," she said with a look that went straight to my dick.

"Hmm. I could live with that," I replied flirtatiously.

"Hey! No fucking on the kitchen counter. I eat cereal there, man," Raine laughed.

"Who said we haven't?" Jen retorted.

"Damn, I thought that was just dried milk," Raine said amidst a roar of gagging sounds and ews.

"Uncalled for, man," Deak said, grimacing. "I am never going to be able to eat there again."

Jen just cackled. She was so perfect. Funny. God, she was funny. I looked at her smiling face and fell in love with her all over again. I was aware that it happened every time I looked at her.

"On that rather disgusting note, we're leaving," Jack called out and stood. He led his girlfriend to the door. They made their goodbyes and drove off.

Jen stifled a little kitten yawn and her eyes drooped heavily.

"You tired, angel?" I whispered to her. She gave me a sleepy nod. She was so cute.

"I should probably head home, too. Can you borrow one of their cars?" She said in a voice thick with sleep. Poor thing, she had had a hell of a day.

"You don't have to go, angel. You can sleep in my bed and I will sleep on the couch," I offered.

"I need to change my clothes and take a shower," she argued. Nope. Not good enough. I wanted her here with me tonight. I didn't care if she was in a different room. Ok. Not true. I wanted her in my bed, with me in it, but in the same house would do.

"I'll let you borrow some clothes and you can shower here. Please, angel, I was so worried about you. I need you close, tonight," I pled. Cue puppy dog eyes. She was a sucker for that.

She frowned at me. "Not fair," she mumbled. Then she let out a heavy sigh. "Fine. I'll stay here." I smirked at her and winked.

"Now go take a shower, woman. You're ripe," I teased and pushed her away. She gave the cutest growl and stomped off to the bathroom.

I worked very hard on keeping my mind off of the fact that her curvy body was naked in my shower at that moment. It didn't work. Just thinking about it made me remember the glass wall and the hotel. Aaaand yep, I was hard.

"Ben!" I heard her shout from the bathroom. I hit a full run to get to her. Deak and Raine on my heels until I turned and growled at them. What? She was naked in there.

I opened the door and stared. Just. Stared. She was naked. And wet. She was naked and wet in my bathroom. Dick meet granite.

"What's wrong?" Why did I sound like Vito Corleone? I cleared my throat.

"I forgot a towel," she said sheepishly. I nodded and stared. Didn't move. Just. Stared. "Ben?"

"Yeah?" I still sounded like sandpaper.

"Towel? I'm kinda puddling here," she smiled. Right. I went to the hall closet and grabbed her a towel. I handed it to her and walked back into the living room. My thoughts lingered in the bathroom though. Now I needed a shower, a cold one. I caught a glimpse of her towel clad ass running to my room.

"I'm going to shower," I told Raine an Deak.

I let the steam rise and got in. My dick was at full attention after the little shower incident.

I grabbed the base and squeezed as I pulled forward. Precum beaded at the tip and I swirled it over the tip. "God yes," I whispered to my memories. I thought of her sweet whimpers when I entered her tight pussy. "Just like that, baby," I said to mental Jen. I started stroking faster. Thoughts of her moans and cries filled me. I could smell her sweet scent. I held my hand still and started pumping my hips into my fist. Thoughts of Jen's beautiful face when she came consumed my brain. "Fuck," I muttered and pumped faster. "God, Jen. Fuck, Jen!" I called as my seed spurted out and washed away. I put my hand on the wall, breathing quickly. I looked down at my still hard dick. "Yeah, I miss her, too," I said and laughed at myself.

I was laying awake in the darkness of Ben's room. His scent surrounded me. God, I missed him. I wanted him back, but this was a delicate situation. I didn't want to make too many waves. Lana still had the upper hand. What Carla said to me still echoed. 'Do right by him.' he had to be spotless. A girlfriend that had an RO for his kid and went to jail for violating it, was probably not the best thing for him right now.

"Hey, angel," Ben called from the doorjamb, pulling me from my musings. "I'm about to hit the sack. You need anything?" He asked. He looked so sexy, leaned against the doorframe, legs and arms crossed. Chest, bare. Tattoos covering a fair percentage of visible skin. Hair, damp from a shower. Green eyes glowing like distant lanterns. Beautiful. Perfect.

"I'm fine," I responded weakly. "Night, Ben."

He stood there a moment longer, then said, "Night," and walked away.

I tossed and turned. Knowing Ben was less than fifty feet away in just his boxers was causing a deep ache in me. Not just in my nether regions, but also in my chest. I wanted to feel him. I wanted his arms around me holding me close. And yeah. I wanted his penis. I mean it was a wonderful one.

I huffed out a breath. I was achingly aroused and sleep was not going to come in my state. I thought about taking care of myself, but I knew that would leave me just as frustrated and unsatisfied.

"Fuck this," I muttered to the darkness and rolled off of the bed. I crept into the living room and heard Ben's soft snoring. He was laying there, arms tossed over his head, feet hanging off of the edge of the couch, afghan bunched around his waist, tattooed chest rising and falling with each breath. He looked like a Greek demigod. Part man, part heavenly being.

I snuck to couch and slowly dipped my hand into his boxers. He was hard. Really hard. I stroked his length lightly. He mumbled and dropped one of his arms. I froze. His breathing turned even again. I pulled his boxers low enough to free his beautiful, decorated cock. I dropped to my knees and ran my tongue on the underside of his thick shaft.

He moaned loudly. I place my lips around his bulbous head and suckled. I felt his hand in my hair and looked up at him from under my lashes. The soft lamp light making his gorgeous face seem soft and ethereal.

"Hey," he rasped, voice heavy with sleep.

I released his head with a pop. "Hey. Sorry I woke you up, I couldn't help myself," I whispered. "I can stop." I didn't want to, but I didn't know if he wanted this. I needed him so badly I physically ached, everywhere.

"You better fuckin' not," he rasped and sat up so quickly I jumped. He grabbed me under my arms and pulled me to his lap, like I was light as a feather. It was really sexy, how strong and virile he was.

He pulled off the T-shirt I was wearing and kissed the swells and undersides of my breasts. I gasped when he lightly nipped and sucked a spot underneath one. I let out a frustrated groan every time he would pass over my nipples. He would get close then back away.

"Tell me, angel. Tell me what you want," he whispered, huskily against my chest. His goatee doing sensual things to my over sensitive skin.

"Please, Ben. Please, suck on me," I whimpered. He took a nipple in hard and I cried out. His hand came to cover my mouth. My nipple was released and his lips were resting on mine.

"Shh, angel. We have to be quiet or we'll get caught," he whispered against my lips. The thought made me moan and squirm against him. "You like that, angel? You want someone to watch?" I shook my head, but my body betrayed me by heating and gushing. "I think you do, baby," he murmured right before thrusting his hand into the boxers I wore. "So wet," he said while running his fingers through my folds. He laid me back on the couch and pulled the boxers off of me. Then he stood an divested himself of his.

He came back over me and thrusts two fingers inside me. I couldn't stop the loud keening cry that left my lips. He crooked his fingers and began rubbing my rough, interior flesh.

"Is everything...whoa, sorry," I heard Raine's voice and froze.

"Stay," Ben growled. Was he talking to me?

"Come again?" I heard Raine ask.

"Stay. My girl gets off on being watched. Scoot up, angel. Make room," he whispered to me.

I felt the end of the couch dip. "Ben!" I hissed. "What the fuck!"

"Its ok, angel," he said soothingly. "I felt how much it turned you on." He moved so I could see Raine. He was looking at me tenderly, but also with lust. His dark, hooded eyes seemed black in the soft glow from the lamp. His shoulder length black hair was pulled back in a messy ponytail. Raine had a long, muscular torso. It reminded me of a runner's body. He had well toned, tattooed arms. He was a fine piece of man candy. And he was looking at me like he was starving.

"Look at him, angel. Do you want him to watch me fuck you? Do you want him to touch you while I touch you? Do you want him in your mouth while I'm in that sweet pussy?" Ben said against my ear. I was so turned on I couldn't think. My body wasn't even my own. Ben verbally and physically seducing me, with his low, raspy voice and god like body. Raine looking at me like he wanted to devour me. Knowing these two men were gaining pleasure in some form from me was so erotic.

"Do you mind if he joins us, baby?" Ben asked. Did I? God, was I a whore for wanting it? If I said no would Ben be disappointed? Would Raine? "You can say no, baby," Ben said as if reading my mind. His face nuzzling me the whole time.

I looked at Raine, he was still looking at me with pure lust.

"Ok," I whispered.

"Not her pussy," Ben said gruffly to Raine. Raine nodded and stood to remove his pants. Oh. My. God. I gasped. Raine chuckled and Ben scowled. Raine. Was. Huge. Not just long, but thick. He grabbed his angry looking cock and stroked himself. I watched, mesmerized and so turned on I whined.

Ben moved me into a sitting position on his lap. I was facing Raine, Ben behind me.

Raine knelt down in front of me and looked questioningly at Ben. He must have received an affirmative answer, because he lowered his head to my breasts and sucked in a nipple. Oh, God. I whined and writhed.

"Shh, baby. Deak's still asleep and I don't think you're ready for him to join in," Ben said, nipping my earlobe. Oh, Jesus. Deacon? I shook my head quickly.

One of Ben's hands kneaded my free breast, while his other slid down to my pussy. He cupped it and used his palm to alternate adding and releasing pressure.

"Oh, God," I whispered. Like a perfectly timed dance Ben's hand on my breast and Raine's mouth traded places.

"Jesus, her tits," Raine murmured around a mouthful of nipple.

"I know," Ben agreed, ducking his head to nip at my nape. I was nothing but a writhing, wanton mess of sensation.

"Make her come," Raine demanded. Ben chuckled and thrusts his index and middle fingers inside of me. I grunted and thrusts my chest further into Raines face. Ben used his thumb on my clit and scissored and closed his fingers inside of me.

I was so close. "Please, harder," I whined out.

Ben's low laughter made my pussy clench. "Who, angel?"

"Both of you, dammit," I growled. In perfect unison Ben pinched my clit and Raine sucked my nipple in deep. I exploded. My body shook, my breath stopped and my orgasm shot from my hair to my toes. Ben's hand covered my screams. His fingers guided me through the sensation until I was left limp.

Ben withdrew his fingers and caught one of my hands. He guided it to my weeping pussy and stuck two of my fingers inside. Aftershocks wracked my body.

He withdrew my fingers and whispered, "Let him taste you." I held my wet fingers to Raine. He stared into my eyes and sucked them into his mouth. His melodic moan was erotic and sent more wetness between my thighs. He pulled his lips slowly from my fingers and raised an eyebrow at Ben. Ben laughed and said, "If it's ok with her?"

"Can I kiss you, sweetheart?" Raine asked hoarsely. I leaned to look at Ben. He nodded to me once. I looked back at Raine and nodded. He leaned in and took my lips gently. His lips weren't as soft as Ben's, but they weren't dry or hard. I opened for him and he licked in. I faintly tasted myself on him. He gentled and pulled back.

"Thank you, sweetheart," he said and smiled. Ben turned my head and reclaimed my lips. His were the lips I wanted. I opened to him on a moan and he ran his tongue along mine. We made love with our mouths. I was vaguely aware of Raine stroking his huge cock and it made me kiss Ben with more fervor. Knowing it was arousing Raine, made me grind my ass on Ben's cock.

"You ready, angel?" Ben asked against my lips when he pulled away.

"Please, yes, now," I breathed.

"I think she needs to be fucked, man," Ben said to Raine.

"Thank God," Raine chuckled. Oh, God I was going to do this. Raine stood up and Ben lifted me to my knees.

"Stay just like this, baby," he commanded. I nodded and whimpered. I felt Ben's cock at my entrance. "Open your mouth for him, baby."

I looked at Raine's hand stroking his dick and licked my lips. His low chuckle had me whimpering. "You're one lucky, bastard," he said to Ben.

"Oh yeah, I am," Ben agreed. Raine traced his head over my lips. I opened and sucked him in hard.

"Holy shit," he hissed. "Slow down, darlin'," he chuckled. He cupped my cheek so tenderly. I noticed Raine didn't make me feel embarrassed or slutty, he was sweet and tender. I licked down his shaft and back up. I swirled my tongue around the tip. "There you go, sweetie."

Ben rubbed his hand down my arm and slowly pushed into me. "If you need to stop, angel, just tap twice on my thigh," he said and continued his slow thrust inward.

I couldn't fit but the first third of Raine in my mouth, so I used my hands, yes both of them, to pump him, while my mouth sucked him back to my throat. "Fuck," he muttered.

Ben started withdrawing as slowly as he pushed in. His apa was causing havoc on me. Raine nodded at him, and in that same strangely perfect timing they had, they started moving in unison. Ben would thrust in and Raine would withdraw. All I could do was feel. The fire burning in my pussy roared back to life, threatening to consume me. Raine fucked my mouth and Ben my pussy. My muscles ached and tightened. I clamped on Ben's cock. He hit my g-spot with every thrust. My breathing got erratic. If my first orgasm had me screaming this one was sure to kill me.

"Fuck she's gonna come," Ben gritted out at Raine. Raine pulled out with a slobbery pop. And Ben pounded me in earnest. White light filled my vision and sensation shot outward, drew back in to that one spot, before hitting nuclear blast. Raine bent down and kissed me violently. Swallowing my screams. His tongue fucked my mouth like his cock had.