Sam Spade 21: The Incident of the Lost Love Pt. 02


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Lady was about to refute but then she heard Samantha say never lie, never hold back and millions of voices took up the first law. "While I wouldn't mind either one, you are right on your assessment about my keep." Suddenly Midnight was on her lap.

"Say yes, momma loves Lady... Lady loves momma. It will work out." Kitten said mentally to her.

"Midnight, I have to discuss it with Arianna first. I am responsible for her and the rest. I can't just up and leave to live with the goddess. It wouldn't be right or fair to them." Lady said while stroking the cat.

"Arianna will marry momma too. You wait and see. The first night they are alone momma will give her a black rose." Kitten said transforming into a cat woman.

"How do you know?" Lady asked.

"Lady, Samantha loves you. She loves Arianna." Kitten paused and tried to explain it better. She knew humans thought fuzzy and needed to be led. "Each of you have fallen in love with the woman behind the title. Samantha needs people who can keep her grounded. Those she trusts without fail are the ones she turns to for help. Those are the ones she marries." Mentally she said, "Fayla, guide me."

"Bring them to me," Fayla replied.

"Lady come," Kitten said and pulled the surprised vampires with her to Fayla's pond. She returned and began searching for Arianna. She had to claw the younger vampire to get her to wake up and then dragged her to Fayla like she had with Lady. Next she went to Maradith and Jason. "Come, Fayla need you. Need to talk about momma." She didn't need to drag them. They came on their own.

"Come soak in my pool, you will find it refreshing," Fayla said with a smile. Once they entered she pulled the pool and them to a different time line where the outside world seemed to stop. "Nothing is wrong with the goddess. However, Samantha is falling apart. She loves each of you as deeply as she loves us, her wives. Rather than going through this four times let me do it once. Wearing her rose, it much more than a simple life mating symbol. It shows to her that there is someone who loves the woman, even with all her faults instead of the goddess." She looked at Maradith, "Did you ever talk to Jesus when he was alive?"

"No," Maradith replied. "Did you?"

"Yes we spent many hours talking about the world and how his followers lost sight of his message. Why do you think the thirteen followed him? It wasn't his message; it was simply because they loved the man behind the title. Like us, they kept him grounded."

"Until one betrayed him," Jason said sourly.

"It wasn't like that. He did it himself. Judas was just the messenger and did as he was told because of his love for Jesus. I was there." Fayla said. "I knew what was coming but like the rest I followed his wishes." She paused, "But we are getting far off the topic. Like the thirteen, we keep Samantha grounded." She looked at Lady, "Lady, you love her deeply. Lie to others but not family. Arianne, you too love her. Would it be better if Molly came and talked to you two?" She looked at Jason and Maradith, "Would Lilith be better suited for you two?"

"Only if you want to watch the pair fight," Jason said.

No sooner then he said that did Lilith show up. She looked at him and said, "No... no fight this time." She turned to Maradith, "Daughter, she loves you more than you can imagine." Looking back at Jason she said simply, "I know your fear and it is groundless." Without waiting for a reply she disappeared.

Meanwhile Molly was talking in soft tones to Lady Darkness and Arianna. She looked around and then said, "Follow your heart. It will work out." With a quick hug to the pair she smiled at Fayla and disappeared.

"While Kitten is in a rush, we her wives are willing to wait until you see. But in the end all four of you will marry Samantha because your love for her will consume your waking mind." Fayla said.

"As I asked Midnight, how do you know?" Lady asked.

"Because Ann has worked it out. In the end, you four and a few others will marry Samantha. She is a supercomputer who can predict further into the future than the rest of us. She sees what is coming and what we must do to stop it."

"What is coming," Arianna asked softly. Marrying Samantha didn't bother her a bit. If she was offered, it she would accept.

"The end of everything. The war will be lost; Samantha will be forced into removing all manner of land based humanoids. She will give up and die. Then Jane, the current chairman of the Milky Way Galaxy will follow her and the universe will go poof." Fayla paused and then said, "The magic number is currently shy of 17% of the population that we must convert to stop the war overtaking the world and destroying everything." She looked at them and then added, "According to Ann, as each of you and the others marry Samantha, the percentage drops."

"How far down did she get it to?" Samantha asked.

Fayla was shocked and looked over towards the tree where she saw Samantha leaning against it. "Can I just send you to her and ask?"

"No and you know it. Please tell me Fayla," Samantha replied.

"Five percent," Fayla replied.

"Then we are nearly there assuming I figure who to ask and if they say yes," Samantha replied.

Fayla was about to agree when she realized the others weren't moving and Samantha was gone. Switching back, she said, "So we are doing all we can to help Samantha because frankly she needs all the love and support she can get."

"Let me guess, she caught you playing match maker," Jason replied.

"Yes and I expect we will get a talking to when I return to the normal timeline," Fayla said. She looked down at her hands, "Even if it meant my death, I will do all I can to help the woman I love." She raised her head and looked at Lady, "Even if she is too scared to take the first step herself." Turning to Kitten who was sitting off to one side and listening silently she asked, "Could you take Lady and her daughter home Kitten?"

I waited until the others had left and returned to Fayla, "Love, I know you and my other wives mean well, but that is not the path to take." I looked away, "Guilt is never the way to go." Looking back at her I said, "Remember when we first met? I created a pair of happy goldfish to swim with you?"

"Yes," Fayla smiled. The joy in the two fish still resonated with her.

"How would you have felt if I said, there is a war coming and I am going to be forced into wiping everything out unless you marry me." I paused and then said, "That is basically what you told them. Granted you put it nicer but the message was the same. Marry us or the world will burn. Better to lose than that." I said finally. I was getting upset and had to get away before I said something I couldn't take back. Turning I took a step and ended up in Stonehenge.

Ignoring the people walking around the outside of the circle I sat down cross legged and closed my eyes. It felt really weird sitting like this but somehow this way felt right. Somewhere off in the distance I heard violin music. It sounded Irish but not. The music got louder and I opened my eyes. All around me young women danced nude to the music. Standing I noticed a girl, standing off to the side playing the violin with her eyes closed. In addition, I realized the ruins had somehow been transformed back into what they looked like when new. The only other thing I noticed was off to one side several men and women dressed in robes stood nodding their heads to the music.

"Come join us Miss Spade," a woman's voice said into my mind. Of all, only one woman dressed in robes was looking at me.

Making my way through the dancers I walked up to the woman. Without her speaking I realized she, and the others were old gods who had given up without a fight and now lived in peace with the changes the world had gone through. Dipping my head, I said, "Forgive me, I was not aware there were any old ones left on this world. If I had known, I would have come visited."

The woman's laugh was like music to my ears. "We normally sit back and watch the world go by and discuss the old times when life was simpler. Now and then our musician and her dancer preforms for our entrainment." She gestured to the woman playing and dancers before turning back to me, "Younger gods come and go each fighting against the other believers until they finally turn their backs on the human race in disgust." She paused a moment and looked at me, "But you are different. You are doing all you can to keep the battle with nonbelievers from happening. Why?"

"If the war happens, I will lose and give up. When I go, Madam Chairman will lose the will to live and follow me. When that happens, not only will this solar system go poof, but the universe as well." I looked at her and the others, "My sense of duty keeps me fighting for the humanoids' on this planet because while there is evil, there is much that is good about it." I looked at the girl playing and the others dancing, "Just as your musician and her dancers are good. I would be a shame to lose them to a war I do not want to fight."

A man in chainmail and holding the biggest axe I had ever seen asked, "Why would the creator of all things near and far lose the will to live?"

"Because she is my half-sister. I only found out I had a half-sister and it was she after I had ascended to our respective positions." I replied looking at him.

"I would speak to her if you can get her to come," he rumbled.

"Jane, Amy could you both come to me. I'm not sure when I am but I really need you both," I said mentally. Aloud I said, "I have asked her to come. However, I don't know how long it will take for them to arrive." Turning back to the woman I asked, "Did you rule in the time of the fae? Or was that before you?"

"They died out in the great wars that consumed the lands and seas," the man said.

"Not all, I have a wife, Fayla, who is a water fae. She lived during the great wars and survived. As did Lilith, succubae, who is now also one of my wives. Would you like to have them come visit while we wait?" I crouched down and made a small pool of water. "Fayla, Lilith, please come to me if you can."

Fayla knew that dry land would hurt her but Samantha had asked. She stepped forward and found herself standing in a large puddle. Standing in it she smiled at Samantha and then looked at the others. "Great mother, I did not realize you were still around." She said seeing the woman. She knelt and touched her head to the ground before standing once more. "How may I be of assistance?"

About that time Lilith showed up with her swords out and bloodied. She too looked at the woman and then man in the chainmail, "I didn't expect to see you here." She said putting up her swords.

"Why do you follow her," the gruff man asked Lilith.

"Other than her being my granddaughter you mean?" Lilith replied with a laugh. "Because unlike the rest, she cares about all life, not just her followers. Can you say the same?"

"My brother asks a very good question. How would you answer, spirit of the waters?" the woman asked.

"I agree with my co-wife. The goddess, cares. Too much for her own good. When one fails, she takes it as her own fault for not leading better. However, she does tend to take an attack on her family personally and her restitution is swift and complete." Fayla replied. "Great mother, like your musician, she knows there are other types of music or faiths as you will. But she is willing to let those who don't care for her music to continue on their own path. All she asks it to be allowed to guide those who wish to follow. Is that too much to ask for?"

Amy showed up took one look at the old gods and mentally said, "Madam Chairman, the goddess needs you right the fuck now!" Aloud she said, "Your time has come and gone. You have no right to interfere with the goddess. I recommend you leave before the current chairwoman removes you permanently."

The green mother looked at Amy and smiled, "Neither you nor she can touch us as long as we mean no harm. You should already know to listen before you judge." She looked at the water fae, "No it is not too much to ask. That is why we wish to help. Moving over to Samantha she knelt with lowered head. Behind her the other old gods knelt also. Looking up she said, "Goddess, please accept us as followers."

I looked down at her and then Amy, "Can they do this?"

Jane showed up and took one look around and then focused on the spirit kneeling before her sister. She dove into the mind and was shocked to find a goddess in her own right who saw Samantha as her god.

Not to state the obvious... they already did," Amy replied slowly. Never in the history of the universe has something like this happened. She looked at Jane, "Madam Chairman?"

"You would cast your followers adrift?" Jane asked them.

"Madam Chairman, I would explain that the goddess follows the same ideals as we did. However, she is doing a much better job than we ever did even on our best day. With that in mind we, the old Celtic gods, kneel below her bow in hopes we can learn and help her." She paused and then smiled, "I would conclude that they should think seriously about kneeling below her bow also beside us."

"Agree with the condition that they become human and give up all god like powers. Better to teach them your way instead of working with an unknown," Jane finally said mentally to Samantha.

I looked at them and then back towards the dancers who were now kneeling with lowered heads. Returning my attention to the gods I said, "I accept your submission on two conditions. First you must make peace with your followers. Secondly once you become mine you will become human once more." In mass they stood and walked over to the girls. Looking back, I noticed the man wearing chain male shirt and holding a big axe still kneeling. "Problem?"

"Goddess, may I be allowed to keep Erin, and my armor?" he asked not looking up.

"Erin?" I asked.

"His Battle axe," Lilith replied. "Goddess, I know it is not my place to speak up. But, Cichol, the god of war has always fought with honor and carried Erin with him where ever he went." Mentally she added, "Erin was his lover until she died. It is said that her spirit is unfused within the axe and that is why he carries it at all times."

Going up to stand before him, "May I?" I asked gesturing for the axe. After a moment he handed it to me. Caressing it I felt a young woman's spirit infused in the metal head. "When you are ready to return permanently, if you will ever be, tell me and I will bring you back."

I felt her nod in my direction and then say in a musical voice, "It would be nice to someday, but not yet. Not until Cichol can finally put up his axe in your name."

"I understand," I said caressing the axe. I handed it back to him and said, "While I don't normally grant conditions, Erin is special. You and she are welcome in my house as you both are. However, you will become one of mine fully which means you will take the form I wish. That means that while at my temple, you both will become female. When you leave you can look as you are now Cichol and Erin will once more become your axe."

We went over to where the other elder gods were talking to the young women. I walked up to the girl kneeling before them and said, "You may follow me if you wish. If you do you will continue to grow spiritually and learn the art of creation. If not that is fine also. All I ask is for is people to get along."

Instead of her speaking another young woman kneeling on her left side said, "I am the musician's dancer and soul mate. Through every cycle of life, I have been beside her. Have you come to break this cycle?"

"No, why should I?" I asked surprised. "While I offer the chance to become one of the other races of man while away from the temple or temples I should say. I have never broken up any relationships that my followers have." I paused and then said, "No that's not true. I have broken up clicks where a group of sisters excluded any others from their hearts. But existing relationships? No, I have never torn those apart."

Before the girl could respond Jane said, "Human, I am the creator of this Galaxy. You may refer to me as Madam Chairman. At this point, you and these others are not ready to follow the goddess. You wish to join so you can follow the old gods where they travel." She looked at Samantha and said, "If you read them yourself you will see the same as I." Not wanting to create a scene she returned home.

"Heather?" I asked mentally.

"How may I serve you goddess?" Heather replied popping into existence off to one side. Next to her stood Leanne.

"One moment." I went to Leanne, hugged her tightly and kissed her tenderly, "I'm so glad you decided to come be my priestess in my name."

"Goddess, I live to serve you. I only hope I can prove my worth in your eyes," Leanne said softly.

"If you can help Heather, that would more than show your worth." I looked at Heather and said, "She is nearly as hard pressed for time as I am, and yet she never loses her poise." Turning back to Leanne I unlocked the abilities of the various races just as I had done long ago with Heather when she was first starting out. Aloud I said, "You are worthy, read from the book of knowledge. Before you spread your wings and try to fly as it were, let Angela teach you."

Leanne was shell shocked, not only did she feel the heart beating and emotions of every human around her, she could see into the inferred. She wondered what other skills she had and only halfway heard the goddess telling her to read from the book of knowledge. Suddenly in her mind she saw the chairwoman handing her a book and saying, "Use this to keep my little sister safe."

"Sister?" She asked with her eyes wide and wonder in her voice. "Goddess, I am not worthy of such knowledge as this."

"I think you are Leanne," I replied caressing her cheek. I turned to Heather and smiled, "Heather, is my high priestess and one of my wives. Will you, with the help of your sisters here, take the elder gods to my temple and allow them to soak in my essence. Make sure Erin also soaks, she is special."

"Yes goddess," Heather replied. She turned to the men and woman and said, "Please come with me. Between all of them they got them on their way.

I turned to the kneeling girls and said, "Let me tell you a story. But you need some background information first." I told them about me and what I what I did for a living before all this started. Then I discussed Leanne's case and what happened in the end with the succubae. When I finished I asked, "Does anyone here understand the story?"

The musician looked up finally, "You are saying, we are like Leanne. Wanting to follow our gods into the unknown. However, the gods will no longer be who they had been before. In the end we will be betrayed by them and basically screwed over."

"That is what I thought at first also. But I was wrong, at least partially. See if you can work it out." I replied with a smile.

"Her sister turned her because she thought it was the best thing for her to do," One of the girls in the mass said standing up. "Her sister loved her and wanted her to have what she had. But she didn't realize Leanne was happy as she was already."

"Very good," I said smiling at her. "Succubae, feed on strong emotions. Mainly pleasure." I looked around and then back at to girl, "Working in a cat house, she was able to feed from pleasure of others and saw how unhappy her little sister, Leanne was. By changing her, Leanne would be happy and the problem solved." I paused a moment, "Leanne on the other hand was unhappy because by her training succubae were demon spawned and evil. Every moment spent in a whore house filled with demons, she was damming herself. That my friends, is why she was unhappy." I looked down at the musician, "By her sister doing as she did, she only compounded the problem."