Satan's Slaves MC 04

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Loose and high, what could go wrong?
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Warning : This fictional, fantasy, story, involves HEAVY drug use.

Satan's Slaves MC 04

The next 6 weeks we were both conflicted and confused. We had discussions, we had arguments, we had lots of sex. The club gave us space but kept in touch. It was clever really, they'd thrown the grenade, it had gone off and they waited for the fire to be put out and the rebuilding to be done.

Neither of us was angry we just didn't know if we wanted that life. No that wasn't true, Emily did want that life but was scared as to what it would really entail. I didn't know what I wanted.

Our 19 year old daughter Claire was involved in some of the discussions in a round about way. I mean, we couldn't do the "Yer Claire remember that biker club from that restaurant, well your mum's going to join them as one of their sluts. Yer she'll be doing a load of extra marital fucking. It's all cool.". However that's precisely what I wanted to say.

I wanted the real conversations but we actually didn't know half of what was involved. Also Claire was still impressionable and I wasn't sure this new life for her mum would be good news for her.

And that right there is the real problem. Our society right now has so many rules and regulations. All over the world there's a version of "Do what I say.", be it don't drive your car down this empty quiet road at more than 20 miles per hour. Or you will have that bunch of cells that's growing inside of you. Our choices and our happiness is being controlled more and more tightly. Rules were getting stricter and in my belief more pointless. We are more robots following the rules than free spirited mammals enjoying our brief single existence.

It felt like the club was a way of saying, nope don't care what anyone says you should, or shouldn't do, you do what you want. I liked that a lot. However, that wasn't the world that we lived in. So how did that fit in, how did it survive, how did we allow ourself to get reprogrammed to it and did we actually want that?

In the end our age is what did it. We're both in our mid 40s, we were enjoying life, sort of but the prospect of the MC was where the real excitement came from. And that found Emily and I sitting with Roma in our front room. Emily was dressed in her usual gear, a long skirt and jumper, she was cuddling Romas new baby daughter. We'd been talking for some 30 minutes, asking all sorts of questions, trying to better understand.

When I'd text them and setup this meeting, it was all anonymous replies from them. After we'd said "Emily is ready" we had expected, Ruth, Charlie or even Hose to come by for this. When Roma turned up with two bags and a baby we were surprised to say the least.

"So are you ready to sign?" Roma asked us looking at the ipad on the table. There was a contract on it and apparently a statement that Emily was going to read whilst being recorded. We both looked at each other and Emily nodded first, I smiled at her. Roma saw it "Firstly Emily, take the bag" she tapped it with her foot "it has your uniform in." It was a big bag, there had to be a few versions of her uniform. "Go put one on right now and come back down here. Be quick please."

Ok here it was challenge number one. Claire was here, she was upstairs. She'd already walked through and saw this woman sitting on our sofa with her baby in a car seat dressed in biker gear. She'd nodded at us but walked past. I could only imagine what was going through her head.

Emily stood swiftly, without saying anything she put the baby in the car seat and marched up stairs with the heavy bag. Roma and I made small talk, it was polite and my heart was racing. This was really it, I couldn't get over the fact that Emily would be down here in a few minutes and our lives would start the change.

Roma smirked at me as we heard footsteps on the stairs, we both looked over and yup here came my wifes legs, then her naked thighs, then the jeans mini-skirt, and a finally a jeans vest with interestingly a white t-shirt underneath. She had re-done her hair in a ponytail. Umm she looked good.

She stood between us and looked at Roma.

Roma picked up her mobile and took a picture of my wife standing there. "Spread your legs." she did, she took another picture. "Part of today is some before pictures. We chart the life of everyone that joins, it helps create the family bond." I guess that made sense. "Sit next to Chris and get ready to sign." Emily sat next to me and picked the iPad up. Roma then asked us "So who will be your Mentor, remember that this has to be a two-way agreement?"

We didn't actually know many people yet so the choice was Charlie, Roma or Ruth. The obvious choice was Charlie, we'd already discussed it. Roma fucked that up "Charlie and I have both said no." and she almost burst out laughing.

Emily and I looked at each other, we'd discussed this eventuality also. So were half prepared. "Ruth it is then." and Emily picked her from a drop down list on the document trying to look like it was her decision.

Roma then helped with the next question we were about to ask "You'll notice that permanent allegiance to the club has been set to 90 days." Emily scrolled to find it. "Usually you start with that to so commitment but we've made an exception. So, just sign the document we'll then record the testimony."

Emily took a deep breath, picked the pen off the top and quickly scribbled her name. She then handed it to me and I did the same. We'd seen the document before, they sent it after we'd said the 'ok'. It was a little noddy if I'm honest, data protection, medical, life commitment stuff. I was pretty sure the clauses were either innocent as hell or would never stand up in a court. It was more symbolic than anything else. And that symbolism wasn't lost on either of us, my heart was racing and Emily's hand was shaking. I handed the tablet to Roma, she then signed as a witness.

She was very business like at this stage, and after fiddling a little handed the tablet back to Emily "The front camera is on, you should be able to see yourself. Keep your face in view, press the red button and ready the statement as it scrolls. Take your time we have hours if needed."

Emily then shook her head a little as if looking in a mirror, which I guess it was. She held the tablet a little higher and pressed the screen and read "Hi I'm Emily Hammer, today is the seconds of April 2022." she took a breath "I am of sound mind and body and from this day forth will serve Satans Slaves Motor Cycle club as one of their sluts." god this was hotter than I thought it would be.

I watched Emilys chest rise and fall as she continued "I will report to the Nottingham and Birmingham chapters but available to any club member whilst the club deems me worthy." another quick breather, she was starting to shake a little, I think she'd just pre-read what was next.

"I understand that as a slut for the Motor Cycle club I will be expected to surrender my body to their control and use, whilst the club deem me worthy." another quick breather and she pre-read the next bit. She put the tablet down. "Oh god really, oh god." I didn't know what it was she'd read.

Roma leaned forward, she put her hand on Emily's bare knee and smiled at her. "It's ok Emily we've all read it ourselves. It's a shock, no one goes through it first time. Take your time, you need to start from the beginning we much have it as one take. Just hit the stop button and then start again. When you're ready." And she sat back in the chair.

Emily steeled herself and tried again.

She failed at the same part.

Roma leaded in again, "I know how to help with this if you want?"

"Yes please" Emily responded without even asking asking how.

Roma took the tablet from my wife putting it next to her and picked up her mobile phone. "Do you remember this." she turned the screen to us it was one of the pictures of my wife orgasming on the bike. We'd both looked at it a lot recently.

"Yes" Emily nodded.

"Well was it fun, did you enjoy that?"

"Ummm yes"

"Sit back in the chair Emily and part your legs wide. I want to see your thong. I assume you have it on as part of your uniform."

Emily took a moment and then slid back in the chair, she then slowly spread her legs, wide.

"Oh you do, good girl." Roma took a picture she then turned the phone landscape "Chris put your hand on her knee. I did "Both of you smile." so she how had a picture of me and Emily together with her sat like this. "Emily stand up and give Chris your slut thong." She did, looking at the stairs as she did, our daughter in her mind. "Now sit back down at pose like you did just now."

Oh god that was different, she was about to expose herself to this woman. This stranger. Quicker than I thought she would, she did. Her legs nearly as wide as before.

"Umm Emily you have a beautiful pussy. All neat and plump. You keep your pussy trimmed well." it was weird to hear her talking to us like this. And she took the picture. "Now Emily stay like that and read it again." and she handed me the tablet to hand to my wife.

Sitting there with her pussy on display my wife tried again.

From the top she got to "I understand that as a slut for the Motor Cycle club I will be expected to surrender my body to their control and use, whilst the club deem me worthy." but this time she continued straight away and I instantly understood the problem she'd had.

"The club may augment my body and mind as they require. I fully understand that this may mean a breast enlargement or lift" I noticed that there was nothing about a decrease ", this may mean vaginoplasty, this may mean piercings or other modifications." she took a deep breath and continued.

"I understand that I will be expected to perform sexually on demand. I full support whatever the club requires me do to as one of their sluts." A smaller breather this time.

"I will be loyal and do my best to excite and please all members of the club. I am Emily Hammer a Motor Cycle club slut." And she pressed the screen and put the tablet down.

That was it, she had done it, we had done it.

Roma clapped her "Well done Emily. Very very well done." she took the table from her and quickly replayed the recording. It was strange listening to it being said again. I didn't like half of it but that was the whole point of this wasn't it, excitement.

"You're very turned on right now aren't you Emily?" Roma put the tablet down and picked up her mobile again.

"Ummm yes"

"I can see that your pussy looks more flush. Spread your lips for me Emily, show yourself to me." Emily paused a moment, Roma casually reminded her "I will be loyal and do my best to excite and please all member of the club." Emily reached forward and using her finger spread her pussy lips. "Umm Emily, you look wet are you wet?"


Roma then teased her "Surrender my body to their control and use. Are you surrendering now Emily?"

"Yes" and I heard her juices as her fingers started to play.

"Ummm Emily well done. You have a love fat labia, big long lips. I bet you're delicious. I'm going to take a picture of you. I'm now going to take a real close up of for pussy." and she leaned in.

"Ooohhh ggooddd"

"Move your finger away please. Oh look at you, not neat and tidy there any more. Good girl you can carry on." I just sat there listening and watching this. Unbelievably turned on and we'd only been in the club for 60 seconds.

"Ok Emily I want you to put your slut thong back on." reluctantly she did as she was told and sat back down next to me. "Do not wash or lick your fingers. I want you to go to your daughter, dressed as you are right now and chat to her. You can tell her whatever you want she is not our business. You two are."

She let that sink in a second. "You'll need to do it at some point, so go start it now." Emily stood "I'll be gone when you come back down Emily." Roma stood and hugged her "Umm I can smell you on heat my slut" and she pulled back. "Go and talk with your daughter."

My wife stepped past us and walked up the stairs. There she went dressed in a way that Claire will have never seen. I listen for the knock on the door, then heard it close and nothing.

Roma said nothing to me as she gathered her things and left. That was it, we were done, it has started.


As instructed, I quietly follow behind Hose, then Charlie and Emily walking arm in arm towards the house. It's a run down building that looks like it has no owner. The grass is long in the front lawn the windows and door are dirty. This place needs some love.

Hose opens the door, without a key and without knocking and walks through an unlit hallway and stops at a wide open door and looks in. Charlie and Emily then stop and look in too, I hear Emily gasp but I can't see in yet. They pause there a few moments then Hose leads on.

When I get to the room I look in. I'm shocked at what greats my eyes, there are maybe 5 people in the room. They are all laying on dirty mattresses and all 100% drugged out of their minds. Well I wasn't 100% sure of that, they may have all been dead for all I know. There was a little moaning from somewhere in the room but there was no movement.

I quickly caught up passing another bigger room with fewer people in it. We entered a large kitchen. It had no appliances but a long worktop, 2 tables and a few chairs scattered about. The room was actually tidy and clean and there were two women in here. One looked up at us and smiled, she had bright eyes and a fresh face. The other woman with her back to us didn't acknowledge us. I was surprised at the clothes both women were wearing. They both looked like normal suburban women. The fresh one was in jeans and t-shirt, not ripped not dirty and the other woman I think had a long skirt on and a blouse. She also had some jewellery on from what I could see.

Nothing was said but we watched a horror scene play out infront of my eyes. The woman facing us fiddled a bit with something that I didn't recognise or understand to start with. It was a small dish like thing, about the size of a spoon sitting on a frame a few inches from the table top. The woman then tipped some power into it, and squired some liquid into it from a cup on the table. The liquid and power swirled a little and she then lit something under the dish. At the same time a hypodermic syringe appeared in a packet. She took it out and started to stir the liquid with the sharp end.

That's when I 100% realised why we were here -

You must gain experience with the following items in C. Illegal substances

Oh god wow. This was a big no, no. But I don't know what I expected on that line of the rules and contract. I actually still don't really know what I expect, however here we were gaining experience. Oh god wow.

As the woman continued to stir the liquid she looked up at us. I caught her look at Hose he then nodded to his side and the woman locked eyes on Emily and smirked at her. I actually heard Emily take a sharp intake of breath. I wondered what she was thinking.

The woman then looked down at the job in hand and watching the liquid start to bubble she turned off the flame. Continuing to stir and started to draw it up. I had no idea what the 'it' was, but I very much doubted it was anything good.

She then shuffled forward to the other woman who's arm was on the table, I noticed that she has something around her upper arm. Quickly working out that was a tourniquet. The woman we could see then smoothly took the other woman's arm and put the needle into a vein and quickly injected the liquid into her. A matter of seconds later the needle was removed and put in a box to one side. Some 15 seconds later we heard the other woman moan "Ugghhhh" and her head fell forward. She was then escorted out of the room on wobbly legs via another door at the back.

Oh god that was wild and weird. I was glad it was over, box ticked. Quick lets run.

Hose then turned to us and smiled, looking straight at Emily. "So Emily this is where you learn about drugs."

I turned to look at my wife, she didn't react. Charlie and her were still arm in arm but Charlie's eyes were fixed on the table looking at something.

Hose spoke "There are a few ways this can go my love." again clearly addressing my wife only "To be one of the club you need to understand this world." I noticed Emily nod. "This is not how the movies portray it, it's not evil and full of disease and crime. It can be don't get me wrong but it doesn't have to be." he paused for effect. "Everyone in the club has been here so this is nothing special for you. Ok?" I didn't really understand the question.

"Yes" Emily replied to him. It was strange hearing her voice in this room.

"I expect you to be here for 72 hours." oh god really, oh yuk, no way. Surely not.

Emily didn't reply they had their eyes locked. I noticed Charlie then snapped out of it and took one of Emily's hands "I can.."

But Hose cut her off and repeated "I expect you to be here for 72 hours." this time a little louder.

Charlie didn't try to speak this time but had Emily's hand in hers. Another silence for a few seconds before Emily replied with a simple "Yes."

I was about to say something when Hose's warning beforehand come into my mind "You interrupt anything that happens today and I mean anything and you'll pay for it in ways you can not imagine. I'll kick you from the room, take it out on your wife and burn your life to the ground." he really looked like he meant it. Something in Charlie's eyes told me 'Oh shit'.

"You can say here for a maximum of 7 days if you choose." why the fuck would anyone choose that? What in their right mind would make that happen? Would they nurse people back to health, a good deed? "During the minimum of 72 hours you will, eat, sleep and shit here." nice "Do you understand?"

Emily quickly nodded and answer "Yes, I understand." yuk and no. Was all I was thinking.

"You want to be part of the MC? You want to be one of our sluts?" she turned to look at me, he stopped her "Look at me Emily and tell me."

She looked back and answered "I want to be one of the sluts in the MC." she then added "I want to be a Satans Slave." Charlie, Emily and Hose all smiled.

"While you are here you will sample the trade." WHAT all the smiles vanished. Hose looked serious, "You will snort cocaine, you will be injected with heroin, cocaine and more. You will try ecstasy, fentanyl and more." they were going to kill my wife, the colour had drained from Emilys face and Charlie looked scared for her "It will all be managed carefully you will be safe." WHATEVER. "You will not be allowed to become hooked on anything here. The point is to let yourself go and understand the difference between them all. Society has been lying to us for years, you are responsible for your life and can make your own choices when you have the relevant experiences." he almost made sense.

Nothing was said for a few minutes. The other woman came back into the room and sat at the table. I think I could see Emily shaking, I know I was.

"Charlie has done this and is fine." Emily looked at her and she nodded to confirm. "She will be back and forth here during your stay to assist you as needed." another pause. "If you want to be a slut in my MC this is what you will do." the woman sitting now sniggered, he ignored it and waited again a moment before continuing. "I need you to tell me what you are going to do. Or we leave here right now and forget this whole thing." Emily bowed her head.

After a sullen 2 minutes Emily took a deep breath and looked Hose in the eyes. "I want to be a slut in the MC." she paused "I will stay here and take the drugs." and she let her deep breath out. Charlie squeezed her hand and arm, a warning or solidarity?

I opened my mouth to say something but nothing would come out, nothing worked. Emily and Hose were eyes locked. He didn't smile, he didn't need to. He turned to the woman, looking at the table of stuff. "Start her with H, medium dose, be careful with her." He then quickly turned to Charlie but was still speaking to the woman "And draw up a little coke for Charlie while you're at it."