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Putting her hand up to block the sun from blinding her. "It's more than watering you've done. Come on get changed we'll go and see your dad."

When we got to the hospital yesterday, we didn't get the chance to talk to him as he was asleep. The nurse on duty told us that he was in deep thought all day.

When we got to the hospital, he was sitting up having some jelly with ice cream. When he saw us walk into the ward his face lit up. He wouldn't stop talking. He wanted to know everything I did when I was away. He sat there listening closely. You could see on his face how proud he was of my achievements. When the doctor made her round, that is Helen. He wanted to introduce me to her. No one said anything until Helen had left the ward, then dear aunty spilt the beans.

"Oh, don't worry dear brother, they already know each other," aunty said as quickly as possible. Just in case someone else told him first.

"We are just friends." I attacked back.

"It didn't look like that last night. The way she kissed you," she said at the same time fixing the pillow for dad to be more comfortable.

Pulling himself up to sit straighter, he said to me, "That didn't take you long."

"I said the same thing, Costa," my aunt said while simpering at me.

The next few weeks went by quickly. I visited my father twice a day. We would sit and converse for hours. The years that we lost. We were making up for now. The doctors told us, it would be more likely that he will spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair. It didn't put him down. He was happy I was there, and I was well.

Helen and I were getting closer, getting to know each other better. I saw her on a daily basis at the hospital. Being together when we had the chance after she finished work. On her day off we drove to Paphos, to check on my vineyards. Everyone loved her in Stelio's family.

Life was good. It was almost a month since I went to Avgorou. I hadn't seen Savvas in that time. I saw his son Mario on a few occasions. He tried to provoke me every time. But I just turned and walked away, ignoring him. My concern was my father. For him to get better and come home. Until one Friday night.

I had a long day at the hospital. My father was going to be released to come home on Monday. We spent all morning seeing his doctors, to give him the go-ahead for Monday. I had dinner at Helen's before coming back to the village. It was almost midnight when I got home.

Jumping in the shower, I stood there letting the cooling water run over me. Suddenly the doorbell rang. Charlie started barking outside the bathroom door, as the doorbell kept ringing. Wrapping a towel around my waist, I rushed to the door to see who it was. Standing there was uncle Sotiris with a teenager. I hadn't seen my cousin George, for the entire month I was here,, and I was sure this wasn't him.

"Uncle, everything ok?"

"This is George's best friend, Peter. He came to tell me George is at the bar and he's drunk. Mario and some others are trying to make him drive them to Ayia Napa. I don't know what to do Michael. He won't listen." My uncle was shaking with worry.

"Go home, leave it to me," I said to my uncle. Turning to the teenager, I ordered him. "Peter go to the bar, try and stall him for me."

"OK." Running to get into his car.

Throwing on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt, I ran out the house, pulling the door shut behind me. Slamming my foot on the accelerator, I was outside the bar within minutes. Bringing the Wrangler to a halt, Causing a white cloud from the tyre skid.

The lighting in the bar was low, making it difficult to spot anyone. Scanning the tables for George or Peter. I located Peter, next to him a young man. It was George, I recognised him at once. He looked the same as I remembered him. I sat at the bar, looking at my cousin from the reflection on the large mirror opposite me. At that moment the main door to the bar opened. Four guys walked in, sitting a few tables away from my cousin. That is when I notice Mario and Lucas, along with two others. "Eight of them against one, odds not too good," I whispered.

The barman was a big man. He walked over to me, wiping the bar in front of me. "What can I get you." His voice was deep. It matched his massive body.

"Give me a shot of your best whisky."

"Any particular brand?"

"What would your choice be?"

Pulling out two whisky glasses from under the counter. The barman poured two doubles. "How long has it been since you had a drink?" the barman asked.

"Seven years."

Nodding his head, he picked up one of the whisky glasses while I took the other. "To our health," he said. We both tapped our drinks, at the same time tossing back the spirit.

"Nice place you got here." I complimented the barman.

"It needs a facelift. A fresh coat of paint and new furniture. Also, I need to get rid of some customers from coming here." His eyes on the four guys who walked in after me. They were sitting there with their shoes on the table.

My cousin got up, spinning the car key ring on his finger. At the same time, Mario and two of his henchmen got up.

"How much do I owe you, my friend."

"The drinks on me. You might need this to help you out." Showing me a baseball bat, he was holding behind the bar out of view from others.

Shaking my head, refusing the weapon. "No, then it would be too easy."

Something I forgot to mention. After I recovered from my injuries, uncle Stelios showed me a few moves to defend myself. Jimmy and I would practice on each other. Other than giving each other a few bruises, we never needed to protect ourselves from anyone.

George was walking towards me. Swinging the stall around, I snatched the car keys from his hand. "You won't be needing these tonight George," I said, my eyes glued to what was behind him. Mario's two goons were progressing towards me.

"Give me my keys back you fucking coward!" He spat at me, his face inches from mine.

I was more interested in what was happening behind him. Shifting him away with my left hand, pulling George behind me. Bringing my right fist across one of the goon's cheeks, breaking his nose at the same time. With the second one charging at me, moving to the side, he missed me. I pushed him with my shoulder, sending him crashing into some tables. With no hesitation, the other four got up to help their comrades. It didn't take them long to back off. Standing next to me was the barman, both his fists wrapped around the baseball bat handle. In a batting position facing the aggressors.

"You're pretty fast for a big guy," I said. Both my eyes still on the four goons.

"I thought you might need some help. Also, I needed some exercise," the barman replied, ready to swing at anyone or anything that came towards him.

Mario stood there, his eyes red, full of anger. With a shift of his hand, he ordered his men to leave. Walking out last, he turned, with hatred in his voice he said, "It's not over."

"You ok?" I asked George, who was standing next to me. Looking at the floor, from embarrassment.

"I'll be ok," he replied in a whisper. His friend Peter rushing to his side.

This guy next to you, he is your friend. Not those assholes! I yelled at him. "Come here." I grabbed him, hugging him. "It's good to see you, little cousin."

The barman filled up the whisky glass with another double, this time I remembered the brand from the shape of the bottle. 'Jack Daniel's'.

"What's your name, my friend?" the barman asked.


"My name is Big Joe like it says in the shop window." True to his words, his name was written across the window. Same font as the bottle of whisky sitting on the counter.

Looking at the damage I caused, from pushing the thug onto the tables, I turned to Joe "I want to pay for the damages I caused?" Putting my hand in my pocket, withdrawing my wallet.

"As I said earlier, the furniture needs changing. The place needed a little action, don't worry about it." Taking the whisky glass, he tossed back the drink.

"Thanks, Joe" Turning to my cousin, I said, "Ready to go."

Still looking at the ground, he nodded his head.

We drove to Ayia Napa, having a long talk on the way. I explained to him that his parents were worried about him. To talk to them, that they loved him. He listened, bowing his head in approval.

Parking the Wrangler besides the beach, I said to him, "let's go for a walk." Accompanying me along the beach, I stopped at a part of the beach where the golden sand sparkled from the five-star hotel's lights. Looking up, I stared at the building. "Seven years ago, my best friend drowned on this part of the beach. He tried to save his drunk brother from drowning. The same person that got you drunk tonight."

"Mario said it was you that Tony tried to save and drowned."

"That is Mario's story. Which his puppet on a string, Lucas confirmed." Turning, I commenced walking back to the Jeep, George trying to keep up.

It was after two in the morning when we got back. With a sigh of relief, both of George's parents embraced him in a hug. At the same time thanking me. He apologised to both of them, promising them, that he will change. Aunt Androulla kissed him on the forehead, releasing him she turned to me.

"Thank you, Michael." Embracing me, she then kissed me as well.

Looking at me this time, George said, "thank you for stopping me from doing something stupid. Also, I want to say sorry for calling you a coward."

"Anytime you want to talk. My door is open for you," I said to George, giving him a light punch on the shoulder.

"Maybe you could teach me some of those sleek moves you did tonight." George laughed.

Chapter 5

Looking out of the kitchen window, Charlie was lying on the grass, all four legs spread out. It was eight in the morning, and the temperature was already 30 Celsius.

I was waiting for Helen to come down, we arranged to clean the house. Get it ready, when dad comes home on Monday. While emptying the dishwasher, the doorbell rang. Charlie was at the front door before I had the chance to turn around. Barking at whoever was outside, running circles in front of the entrance.

It was my aunt with George and Maria. Maria rushed to Charlie, rubbing his head. While the dog rolled over waiting for a rub on his stomach. George with a bag full of cleaning material, he dropped it on the kitchen table. My aunt opened one of the kitchen units, finding a pair of rubber gloves. With Helen arriving ten minutes later. By midday the house was spotless. While the ladies relaxed on the veranda, George and I washed our cars. While Maria bathed Charlie, using the hosepipe.

Maria and her mum got into a little dispute. "I don't want you getting too attached to the dog. When he leaves, you'll be upset," she told Maria.

"Get her a puppy!" I called out.

"Don't you start putting ideas into her head!" my aunt answered back. She stood on the veranda with both her hands on her hips.

"Yes, mum, can I have a puppy?" Maria started dancing around.

"Oh, God give me patience!" aunt Androulla called out. She marched into the house, gesturing Helen. "Let's make ourselves some coffee, Helen." George and I, laughing our hearts out.

By four we were on the road to see my father. Helen and I in the Wrangler and George with his mum and sister in his Beamer. Stopping at a fast-food to get dad a Doner Kebab. Maria was still debating with her mum about getting a puppy. We settled the discussion, by me promising that I would buy her the pet, but Maria would have full responsibility for it.

We spent a few hours with my father. He was recovering well. We took him to the hospital garden. Where he had his kebab, with a Keo beer, a friend of his smuggled into the hospital. Surprising all of us, as he never drinks. "Jesus, it's only a beer," he said with a smirk on his face.

It was just after nine when we left. All of us shuttered. Driving back to the village, we were both quiet in the car. While changing gear, Helen put her hand on top of mine. I looked over, smiling at her.

"I am so exhausted to drive back to Larnaca," Helen said. She sounded sleepy.

"Why don't you stay at my place tonight?"

"Are you sure." All of a sudden, her voice sounded brighter. Turning up the volume on the radio, she started singing the lyrics to a familiar song by Lana Del Rey.

A couple of miles before entering the village. Checking my rear-view mirror a car was approaching me at high speed. Once the vehicle was a few metres from my bumper, the driver commenced flicking his beam lights and furiously pressing the horn.

Slowing down to make way, for the driver to overtake. He continued to stay behind me, driving very close. Hooting his horn until I entered the residential area of the village. With the streets lights, I could see what car it was. It was a blue Audi A6. The vehicle the police use when they are undercover.

Slowing down, I pulled over. The Audi without hesitation stopped in front of me, blocking most of the road. Two officers climbed out of the car. From the driver's side, it was an officer I knew very well. The other officer was young. I didn't know him. He must have been new in the force.

"What happened Michael you weren't speeding?" Helen asked, with a worried tone in her voice.

"No, but I have a rough idea, why he stopped me." Gesturing with my head towards the older officer, I explained to Helen.

"When I told you, I was held down by an officer while Mr Savvas whipped me. That is him, officer Petrou."

In a slow walk, the officer in charge commenced making his way to the Wrangler. The younger officer following his mentor.

"Is there anything wrong Officer?" I asked him.

"Yes, there is. The police have been looking for you all day."

"I was home until four in the afternoon. I believe you know my address. Wouldn't that be the first place you would look for someone? Where they live." I was trying to be as sarcastic as possible, without overstepping the boundaries.

He was fuming. In an aggressive tone, he yelled, "I will need you to come with me to the station. I'm charging you with grievous bodily harm to two gentlemen. Last night in Big Joe's bar."

I froze, I was speechless for a moment. "Ok, officer I'll follow you to the station." Firing the engine and putting the Jeep in gear.

His hand went to his side, ready to pull out his weapon. "The car stays here; you're coming with us." He stood there waiting for my response.

Turning off the ignition, I turned to Helen, "Go to my aunt's house and find George." Then I whispered to her, what I wanted George to do.

Once I was out of the car, Officer Petrou took out his handcuffs. He was ready to use them on me. "Do you want me to come quietly or do you want to call back-up," I angrily said. Hooking the cuffs back on his belt, I accompanied him to the Audi.

At the police station, Officer Petrou disappeared in one of the offices. The Officer who was with him in the car took a statement. While giving him a description of what happened, there was a loud noise caused by the door slamming open. It was Mr Savvas. He marched up to me, stopping inches away from me before speaking.

"What did you do to my men you little bastard? They went to have a drink after a hard day's work, and you attacked them," he spat at me.

I hadn't seen Mr Savvas since I came back. I feared when this moment would come. But all I saw in front of me was a man. Yes, he had money and power, but at the end of the day, he was just a man. Seven years ago, I would have said nothing. Would have most probably apologised, but not now.

"Is that what they told you?" I answered back.

"There were enough witnesses that saw you when you attacked them," Officer Petrou yelled out as he came out of his office.

At that moment Big Joe walked into the station followed by George and Helen. When he got nearer, I smiled. Seeing the videotape, in his hand. When he noticed Mr Savvas, you could tell there was tension between the two men.

"You can record on a digital video you know. It's much sharper," I joked with Joe.

"Still does the same job," he answered back. Smiling at me, as he handed me the videotape.

We all watched the video from the moment I walked into the bar until the moment Mario left. No one said a word. I broke the silence. "Can I go now, officer. It has been a long day. I would like to go home."

Mr Savvas and Officer Petrou steamed out of the station, mumbling to each other. Big Joe was standing there in victory, as he watched them walk out.

"What was all that about, Big Man?" I asked as I looked up at him.

"He thinks he can control everyone and everything that happens. Well, this battle he lost. That man has been trying to close my bar ever since I opened it," he said with anger in his voice. Still looking at the entrance of the station after they had gone.

"Maybe you intimidate him with your size. You are big and scary Joe." I smiled at him.

Curling his lip and smiling, he turned to me. "Maybe I do. You owe me a drink for this one my friend."

"That I do." Putting out my hand for a handshake with the new friend I made.

After saying our farewells with Big Joe and George. Helen and I started making our way back to my parent's house. On the drive there, we didn't talk much. Once we were there, Helen asked me if she could take a shower. Showing her where everything was in the bathroom, telling her she can get dressed in my bedroom when she finished. Going to the guest room, I prepared the bed with some fresh sheets. I could hear Helen humming to a love song that was playing on the radio, while we were driving back to the village. I even started humming it as well, as it was one of those tunes you can't get out of your head. I don't know if it was that or I was panic-stricken.

I was in the kitchen, opening and closing the cupboards as if I was looking for something I misplaced. All nerves, that's what I was. I had never been this alone with a woman before. Rampaging in one of the draws, the sound of bare feet on the ceramic tiles caught my attention.

"I didn't have anything to wear. So, I borrowed one of your shirts. I hope you don't mind?" Helen asked in an innocent voice.

She stood there in the doorway. Her hair slightly tilted to the side, she was drying the ends with a hand towel. Wearing one of my shirts, three of the buttons undone on the top. Revealing part of her chest, but not too much. Enough for the mind to wonder. Looking down, the bottom of the outfit was scarcely covering her thighs.

"It's, it's, it's ok," I stuttered, as I tried to speak. My eyes glued to Helen. Once she entered the kitchen, she sat down at the kitchen table. Continuing to dry her hair, while smiling at me.

"I pre, prepared the bed in the spare room for you," I stuttered again, something I had never done before. That is to stutter.

Rushing past her, I went straight to the bathroom. Rending my clothes off, I went straight under the shower. Letting the cold water run on my erect manhood. Standing there with both my hands holding myself up on the wall, while the water sprinkled over me. Feeling a gentle touch on my back, as Helen drew lines on my back. Feeling my scars which covered most of my back. Turning around, I was facing her. She was so close I could feel her breathing on me. Tears were running down her cheeks.

"What kind of a monster would do something like that. Do you feel any discomfort when I touch you there?" Helen asked with concern.

"No, I am ok."

Wiping her cheeks with my thump, I leaned forward kissing her passionately on the lips. Slowly unbuttoning the now soaking wet shirt, she was wearing. Our tongues tangled together like our bodies, getting to know each other inch by inch. We made love under the running water. Eventually, Helen did not get the chance to sleep in the spare room. We spent most of the night making intense love in my bedroom.