School Spirit Mandate


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"Ok. When you get your girlfriend in the back seat, try not to look too eager, too sure she's going to put out for you. Take it slow, let her body language dictate what she'll let you do, what she'll want you to do," she said as the boy lay on top of her, his cock pressing against her entrance. She broke the kiss, "Fuck it, just do what you want to me." She panted as the boy reached back to close the car door.

He chuckled, "Who needs body language?" He happily complied and was able to keep his legs bent he plowed into the girl. He was struck by how wet she still was and how hard his cock was after cumming twice already.

Any thought she had that this would be a good teaching moment was driven out by his pistoning cock inside her. 'What a slut I am,' she thought, not with disgust or embarrassment but excitement. She doubted too many high school girls would be this slutty as she lay back, her hands on his ass encouraging him to fuck the shit out of her. "Oh damn! Fuck me, fuck my wet cunt," she groaned.

The windows had steamed up as had both of the naked bodies. The car reeked of hot steamy sex and the confined space echoed with sloshing slapping sounds of their bodies meeting. Susan idly thought she should take the car in to check the suspension hearing a rhythmic groan from the rear of the SUV. She held onto the boy as he stabbed her again and again, hitting her perfectly. She cried out she was cumming just as the boy grunted the same thing. She gripped his ass hard pulling him inside her as they ground their connected midsections against each other. She swore she could feel the boy's cum spurting inside her.

Susan stroked the boy's smooth wet back and sighed, "I know women will be telling you these things, and while they might mean it, a few will be saying that because...I don't know, they want you to feel good, but you're the best lover I've ever had and I'm telling you that because it's true," she said softly. "You do everything just right, hit me just right, and you last a long time," she stroked his face.

The boy felt a surge of pride. He never imagined this event, this night of losing his virginity would be everything it had been so far. He looked down at the beautiful woman, her breasts splayed out on her heaving chest, the flushed skin thinking he did that.

Susan looked around, "Perhaps another word of advice, at least crack the windows," she sighed. "I'll need to air this out before Monday," she chuckled, "I'm taking my boss and the director of sales out to lunch, and," she sniffed the air, "that might be awkward to explain." She slapped the boy's butt, "Ok, get off of me, we need to think about bed. It's," she looked at the clock on the dashboard, "12:30."

The couple climbed out of the car, Susan noticing the pool of cum and the rear seat, "Good thing I ordered leather, that would never come out of fabric," she sighed. "Another piece of motherly advice," she smiled, "perhaps have towels to lay down handy."

After cleaning the car and rolling down the windows, they went back inside. Neither bothered getting dressed and Jason kissed the woman, tenderly stroked her face, and sighed. "Thanks. I'll see you in the morning," he said outside the guest bedroom.

Susan laughed, "And how long before you decide to check in on me? You know, make sure I was tucked in and all that?" She pulled the boy into the bedroom, "Let's clean up, brush our teeth, and perhaps you could control yourself enough that I can get at least an hour of sleep tonight?"

* * *

Susan looked at the clock and groaned. She'd gotten barely two hours of sleep. She'd forgotten how 18-year-old boys not only recover quickly but lose none of their horniness for a tight cunt. What surprised her the most was when he played with her ass, then pressed his cock against her bud and she'd told him to grab lube. She might have fucked dozens of boys before marriage and done just about everything with Jeff, that was

the one off-limits thing. Her orgasm was something else as he filled her ass and played with her was deeper and ripped through her whole body.

Jason opened his eyes seeing those beautiful breasts jutting from her chest and reached out to stroke them. "Morning beautiful," he sighed.

Susan laughed, "Wow, you must be in love. I look like I was fucked all night...wait, I was," she tried to run her hands through her long hair but failed. "Let's shower, get breakfast, and look like mother and son before Jeff gets home. I'd prefer he doesn't find out about this," she sighed.

"Please, no telling him. I mean, it's up to you but he'll hate me and never look at me the same again," the boy sighed. He held up the covers showing his full erection, "Are you sure we don't have time?" he asked.

"Another piece of motherly advice, never fuck a girl's ass then stick your cock anywhere else without a thorough cleaning or a fresh condom," she sighed. She pulled the covers off, "Come on. We can shower together and perhaps you'll get lucky."

After the shower and all the hot water was used up, Jason looked sadly at the naked form of his fantasy woman, "I guess this is it," he sighed.

"This is it," Susan said looking at the boy, his cock finally flaccid. "We can never do this again, I know you understand but I'm not about to have an affair and cheat even more of Jeff."

"I know. I like Mr. Jackson. I hope he never finds out." the boy sighed as he left to go get his clothes from the living room.

* * *

Jeff pulled his car into the garage, his head still throbbing from the massive amount of alcohol he'd consumed. That wouldn't stop him from hoping Susan was feeling intimate. He knew what she was doing when he'd called last night and when he'd crawled into the hotel bed he'd imagined her talking to him on the phone with the blue dildo buried in her tight pussy. She tried to hide it and would never admit she used it, but it changed places in her bottom drawer so she'd had to have played with herself.

Susan was in the kitchen when he came in, "Sorry I wasn't here last night. Did Jason like the movie?" he asked.

"He did. It was fun, we had pizza and popcorn. It reminded me of movie dates back in high school," she smiled. "You look like crap," she looked at his bloodshot eyes.

"I know. I should have listened to you, but Ed and the clients are bottomless. I never should have tried to keep up." He pulled her close, "I may look like crap but all I could think of last night and all the way home was what you were doing when I called you," he grabbed her ass.

Susan felt herself go pale. 'How does he know?' she wondered. She was about to stammer out an apology, but Jeff continued.

"I know you'll never admit it, but I know you had that dildo buried deep inside your pussy when I called. You tried to sound normal, but tell me, you were just about to cum when I called, weren't you?

Susan tried to blush, "You caught me. I was close, really close. Your timing sucked," she sighed, "but I recovered quickly," she smiled. "I missed you last night, "she stroked the front of his pants, grinning, "but it was waking up and not having you there that really sucked," she smiled, "I know how you get that morning-wood after a night of drinking. You poor baby," she said. "Oh well, you better get ready. You made the noon tee time," she sighed. "You need to get changed."

* * *

Cheryl hugged her friend, "Thank you," she said.

"For what?" Susan asked, looking confused.

"I know," the woman said, "I know what you did for our boy. He didn't say anything but the last week he's been more upbeat, almost strutting," she looked at her friend, "I am guessing you didn't have to make the bed in the guest room last weekend when he stayed over."

Susan blushed furiously, "I'm sorry. I didn't want to tell you, but it bothered me that he..."

"...was still a virgin," the woman sighed, "me too. I was going to ask you, at least I was trying to go through that conversation in my head," she sighed. "I was hoping you'd..."

"Really?" Susan asked, "Wow! I thought you'd be pissed at know, preying on the innocent boy," she looked at her friend.

Cheryl laughed, "Hell! If you'd turned me down I was considering it. I just wanted my boy to feel the joy, intimacy before he graduated." She paused and looked at her friend, "Can I ask?" she said softly, "Was he any good? Or was it over fast?"

"I need a drink," Susan sighed, "Let's grab some wine and have a seat in the living room," she said.

Susan took a sip and sighed, "He was great, and please, please, please tell no one, but he was the best lover ever. He's a fucking natural," she said softly.

" mean, did he get you off?" Cheryl asked.

The younger woman laughed, "You have no idea. We had sex...fucked 9 times that night and I came at least once every time...a few times twice," she said, "You must think I'm a slut but your boy is insatiable. He kept...getting hard, and I mean really hard," she blushed.

"Holy shit!" Cheryl laughed, "Tom and I don't have sex that many times in a month...hell! In two months," she sighed. "Did know, go down on you?"

"Damn! This is really personal. Yes, he did and I didn't have to tell him what to do. It was as if he already knew exactly what I liked," she said blushing.

Cheryl sighed, "Now I wish you'd not taken care of that. I felt there was a line a mother shouldn't cross but now I'm envious."

Susan chuckled, "Don't be. That night has been on my mind ever since. I find myself comparing...I want to slap myself. I know it can never be repeated and that's frustrating," she sighed. "Just so you know, I let him do whatever he wanted so...To be blunt, the boy is no longer unfamiliar with any of the ways to fuck. Look, please don't tell Tom or Jeff, or for that matter, anyone. I feel bad enough about what I let happen," she said softly.

"Anal? My son's done something I've been wanting Tom to do and now he's more experienced than I am?" Cheryl groaned.

Susan hugged her friend, "Get him to try it. You'll never have an orgasm quite as powerful with a cock stuffed up your ass while you play with your pussy."

* * *

Jeff saw the boy walking on the sidewalk, "Jason, have a moment?" he asked.

The young boy had a flash of dread and hoped the man he admired so much wasn't going to confront him about sleeping with his wife. He'd been walking on air ever since last weekend and even though it was a one-time thing, he felt what he'd learned would open doors in college with other girls. It seemed as though the girls at his school sensed something different about him. Even Stacy Ryan smiled and said hello to him when he saw her in Calculus class. None of the girls were as beautiful as Sue, but just the same, he now had confidence he could score and make her happy. His thoughts were dashed hearing his name. "Sure, what's up Mr. Jackson?"

"Come on in, grab a coke," the man said. He was unsure how to bring the topic up but decided to bite the bullet. He sat down on the chair across from the couch as the boy came back plopping down looking expectant.

Jason hadn't sat in this spot since Sue had lowered herself onto his cock and he officially lost his virginity. He forced the memories out of his head and looked expectantly at the man.

"Sorry to grab you off the street like this but I have a favor to ask," he started. "Have you asked anyone to prom yet?"

Jason shook his head wondering where this was going, "No sir, there're very few girls left who..."

Jeff nodded, "Yeah, that was like my prom. You needed to ask early and ask often," he chuckled. "Anyhow, Susan never got to go to her prom as she was in the hospital due to a car accident. I've seen her pull out this incredible dress she'd gotten. She stands and looks at it with a sad look on her face. Say no if you think this is weird...I know Susan is like a second mom to you, but if you wanted...could..."

"You want me to ask Mrs. Jackson to the prom?" he asked, taken aback.

"Look, never mind. I'm sure you'll find a girl..." he said quickly as he took in the look of shock on the boy's face. "I know she's a lot older than you and..."

"I'd like that," the boy said smiling, "She's very beautiful and I'd be honored if she'd go with me," Jason finished. "She's not old...not old at all. You think she'd say yes?"

Jeff smiled and nodded, "I think she will. I suspect it's the biggest regret in her life not having experienced prom. I'm so glad you said yes. I owe you. I know you don't have a lot of money, but here," he reached into his pocket and pulled out a credit card, "I want her experience to be the best. Don't worry about how much, just get the best limo, find the best restaurant, hotel, you know. Whatever you need put in on this," he said handing the boy the AmEx card.

"Hotel?" the boy blushed, "I mean...are you suggesting I...we...?"

"Sorry, it's important to her and to you to at least fake it. I know Susan. She'll play along but I think your classmates might wonder if you don't take your date to a hotel afterward. Just play along," he smiled at the boy who was like a son. "I'm sure she'll say and do all the right things to make your classmates jealous. Hell, book the room for the weekend, and make it look real. I remember how tough it was in school and you pull this off and you'll be amazed at how much more you'll be included."

Jason felt his head swimming and Mr. Jackson must have noticed.

"You look doubtful, just play along. I know she's like a mother to you and kissing her would be like kissing your sister, but she deserves it and I'm sure you'll be the envy of all your classmates," Jeff said.

"It's not that, but this might not work. Between prom and graduation, there'll be the senior parties and I'll need a date...the same date. Then I guess my head is swimming trying to think of all the plans I'll need to make," he sighed.

Jeff laughed, "Let's not get ahead of ourselves, do you want to do this?" The large smile and the quick nod ensured him, "I thought so, I'm sure Susan would play along if there are parties, but right now I'd like her to finally go to prom," Jeff said, "To the best prom ever. If there are after parties I'm sure she'd be delighted to pull out some of her party know women."

Jason held up the credit card, "I won't let you down...Mrs. Jackson either," he smiled.

Jeff laughed, "You'd better start calling her Sue or Susan. I'd hate for you to screw up at the dance. Call me Jeff also, You're a man now." He stood and shook the boy's hand as he felt satisfied that Susan would be well taken care of. She'd finally be able to put on that dress and show off her incredible figure at a dance. A small voice in his head added that she'd be taking off that dress after the prom but he dismissed it.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
Dobie5408Dobie540811 months ago

please forgive me if I sent feedback to your email multiple times. Sorry.

Dobie5408Dobie540811 months ago

Mandate is a very special story. As a college senior, my friends and I helped many virgin freshman in such a way. I don't remember any of this experiences being as good as that which Jason provided.

I just noticed you wrote a story about the Prom. I will be reading that tonight.

I hope you will follow the thread you suggested about Cheryl sampling her son. Also, I think it would be wonderful if Jeff guessed what was going to happen and that is why he stayed in the hotel. I story exploring his response and encouragement would be amazing.

You are marked as a favorite author. Thanks for you work on behalf of my aging libido.

Best regards,


Whome1578Whome157812 months ago

Great job 👍 n you his story love to read a follow up on prom events like I said great story and good ending.

blackknight314blackknight314about 1 year ago

Good job, thanks for sharing your work!

BufoAmericanusBufoAmericanusover 2 years ago

Thanks for the excellent story!

DublosDublosalmost 3 years ago


The person you painted Susan to be doesn't do that to Jeff.

Especially not the part in the kitchen. You already gave her guilty "I've never done that for Jeff" thoughts over the blowjob finish. Even if she resumed after the phone call she wouldn't disrespect her husband by having sex with another man while talking to him. The person you painted Jason to be doesn't interrupt her phone call with her husband to disrespect her husband like that.

The whole story took a dive for me at that point and I sped through the rest of the story looking for the crash.

fritz51fritz51about 3 years ago

I see from a lot of the comments that it is popular to have a woman heroine cheat on her husband and then be rewarded for it, by him seeing to it that she gets to experience a missed opportunity, including a hotel room no less, paid for by the hapless husband. Of course she'll suck the young lad and swallow again, never doing that for her husband of course... then fuck Jason's brains out until Sunday. Of course they'll stay the entire weekend - hubby is paying for it.

So the poor bastard never finds out? No karma? I'm glad y'all enjoy it.

UAlbanyGirl518UAlbanyGirl518about 3 years ago

I don’t usually read first time stories, but I’m glad I read this one. Well written, somewhat plausible, and wicked hot!

Edward1970Edward1970about 3 years ago

One of the best stories I've read in a while. I loved the phone scene. I hope this turns into a series.

Monagamous_NowMonagamous_Nowabout 3 years ago

Wow. I really enjoyed this one.

I hope there is a part 2 - and maybe a part 3.

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