Second Puberty Ver 1 12

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Jayne’s life continues.
3.1k words

Part 12 of the 19 part series

Updated 05/26/2024
Created 03/26/2024
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Second Puberty V1 12


I sat there in the low light still unsure whether to yell back in defiance to Sophie still thinking my first attempt was a amazing as I got the cock to blow its wad or cry as the mixed emotions was enough to be confusing.

I know if I were still a guy I more than likely would have chewed out Sophie for the disrespect....and for expecting me to actually blow another guy.

But seeing how this was my new job I wasn't sure what I should do.

I sat there long enough as another dick lowered into the hole and was relieved when the red light on the outline of the phallus remained red so I could continue my internal turmoil.

Then an idea hit me.....I lightly knocked on the door and waited as I heard an audible sigh from Sophie before she opened the door and whispered growled, "WHAT?"

I pointed to the cock and whispered, "Can I still practice on ones that are red?"

Sophie rolled her eyes and closed the door before audibly apologizing to her patron.

Guess that's a no.

I sat there looking at the penis hanging before figuring maybe a little bit of light teasing wouldn't hurt.

Might convince the person to pay the extra for the happy ending.

I don't know why I thought this but from some odd reason it brought a smile to my face and I committed.

Maybe it was the fact this specimen was much much smaller than king kong from earlier but this size seemed more fun to play with.

I lightly grasped the deflated limp object causing the own to flinch as he probably wasn't expecting it.

I heard Sophie speak, "Is everything ok sir?"

The man grunted, "Everything is fine."

I knew Sophie knew something was up as her customer probably froze but I didn't care. Well I did after my little incident but at this moment I didn't.

I lightly kissed the tip as the limpness of the appendage quickly evaporated as it grew in my hand. I watched in fascination as the penis slowly lengthened out before looking angry as its veined popped out. Though it was much smaller than king kong it was still impressive.

I kissed the tip again causing the owner to audibly groan as Sophie spoke, "Did that hurt?"

I lightly dragged my teeth along the tip thinking, 'Yes, does that hurt?'

Instead the owner shuddered before grunting, "It's ok."

I stuck out my tongue and dragged every inch of it across the tip before giving it a soft kiss and letting go.

Then I simply laid back and waited.

And waited.

Then I heard the owner grunt, "So how much will it cost again."

Sophie sounded confused as she spoke, "How much for what sir?"

The owner spoke, "To get the whole package?"

Sophie was silent for a moment before I think she got what was going on. She answered, "Normally, it's 400 for the massage and 800 for the full massage sir."

Bitch! She told me it's $1500!

Sophie spoke sweetly, "But for elite members such as yourself sir. It's $500 cash for the upgrade and an extra $250 for the full package."

Sounds like she was using fancy terms to make it sound like a deal.

I decided to up the ante and help suede over the owner as I flicked my tongue on his head that was leaking pre-cum that I accidentally licked not noticing.

I instantly spat the salty tasting liquid and wiped my tongue along my arm to get the salty taste out of my mouth.

The owner grunted, "Do you accept card?"

Sophie spoke sweetly, "We sure do sir."

The man grunted, "Done."

I watched as the light around the owners junk turned from red to green.

I rolled my eyes but happy I made a sale.

I pulled on one of the bottles and continued with the vanilla tasting oil as I lathered up the appendage, and again oiling up my tits with the excess, before I started to work the flesh tube of its creamy center.

I used my hands this time not using the toy as I slowly and lightly massaged the phallic object causing the owner the groan in a happy way.

This time I lightly kissed both the head and shaft as my hands lightly glided along the semi long object before I internally made my decision as I opened my mouth and accepted the oversize straw into my mouth.

Over the next few moments I struggled to find a rhythm that both I and the owner accepted until I found one that worked for me as I allowed the object to glide along my mouth. Then I would pull out the object lightly kissing and licking the underside of the tip causing the owner's dick to start bouncing.

I smiled once I saw that thinking this was easy as I opened my mouth and quickly stated jacking off the flesh steak. Once the object started pulsing in my mouth I knew the owner was about nut.

Well that and the long groan from the owner was a clear indicator he was orgasming.

This time knowing the warning I was mentally prepared as the hot fluid shot into my mouth. I tried to not freak out that I was letting a guy cum in my mouth and also tried to not freak out that for the first time I was letting cum into my mouth.

Instead I rose my head up more forcing the tip further into my mouth as it continued to pulse as it sprayed against my tonsils before falling down my throat.....without ever touching my tastebuds.

I waited until the phallic object stopped pulsing as I flexed my lips around the object as slowly backed off until my lips were stopped by the fat tip. Then using my thumb I pinched the undercarriage of the dick and slowly, but steadily, milked the remaining fluid out of the dick letting the remaining cum onto my tongue (big mistake!).

Between the salt content of the semen and the vanilla undertones of the oil this guy's cum was almost tolerable.

I relaxed back onto the cushions letting the dick deflate and slowly leak it's contents.

I waited until the deflating member left the cutout and there was silence before I yelled out, "WAS THAT BETTER???"

Sophie spoke into the cutout, "Don't make it so quick."

I scowled at the hole but yelled, "I WAS BETTER? RIGHT???"

Sophie laughed and that was all the answer I got.

This time I did make my final opinion of Sophie.....she was a bitch.


I exited the massage parlor just as the sun was setting feeling completely and utterly disgusting after having ingesting I don't know how much semen but it was enough to where I definitely was not hungry.

Heaven forbid I look at a pudding cup the same ever again after the day I had.

I don't know what irritated me more. Sophie. The fact there wasn't a shower after all the oil and cum dried on me. Or the fact I was sure if I burped it would taste like cum and vanilla flavored oil.

At least mom made me pack wet wipes in my bag so with those I felt somewhat clean....ish.

Still the simple fact is I needed a shower before I did anything else was a high priority on my to-do list.

One thing that brought up my mood was the fact Melissa paid me almost $5k for all the happy endings I did today. So at least there was that.

I sighed as I lightly thought about the invitation from Jenny for some much needed shopping therapy. Or I could call Art and see what he was up to.

I smirked knowing that Art would more than likely try to get into my pants and as intrigued I was about that I still promised my mom I wouldn't have sex until after my first cycle....whenever that was.

And knowing Jenny she would be happy to spend my cash.

I shrugged on that thought thinking at Jenny would help me get some cute clothes, probably better than what mom helped me get.

I decided to call up Jenny to get some shopping done with the mental note that I would call Art tomorrow before work and set up a time where we can hang out.

I met Jenny at the mall already dreading that I didn't go home to shower as I could literally feel the dried cum on my chest begin to flake off.

Jenny saw me, as I probably looked like a heap compared to when I first saw her, with a smile as she approached, "Hey freaky!"

I rolled my eyes with a smirk, "I'm not freaky."

Jenny laughed, "Honey, you have done more freaky stuff at work than I even dared to do."

I blushed wanting to argue that I wasn't freaky.

Jenny lightly slapped my arm, "It's all good. You made us a butt load of tips with your antics." She tilted her head and smirked, "So you want some cute clothes?"

I nodded still blushing, "Yeah I was hoping I could get some outfits for work," I looked down, "and maybe some cute clothes for school."

Jenny laughed, "Hey that's why I'm here."

She looked around at the possible stores, "What are you in the mood for? Sexy? Slutty? Or just all around cute?"

I blushed more but answered, "I was thinking maybe some more fishnet stuff for work and maybe some cuter clothes for school."

Jenny nodded, "Well we can get the cute clothes at any store," she looked at me, "but the fishnet stuff we're gonna have to go to a different store."

I sighed already knowing where she was thinking for the fishnet stuff....I had to go to an adult store. Or at least an adult clothing store.

Jenny smirked, "So what type of cute clothing are you hoping for? Preppy? Goth? Low Key?"

I shrugged, "Honestly, I have no clue. I know when mom was getting me clothes she went for the sexy and slutty. I was kind of hoping for something more casual."

Jenny nodded, "I got you." She looked in the direction, "Well let's hit the stores that cater to guys. Sure we can find some cute guy clothes to help with the casual."

I blinked, "How would wearing guys clothes be cute?"

Jenny smiled, "Trust me. If you want to surprise a guy, hide it in his clothes so it's an extra surprise."

I thought about it before nodding, "Alright let's go!"

Jenny let me into a store that as a guy I had been in multiple times and bought from.

We walked in as Jenny spoke, "First things first, do you know your size?"

I nodded, "Size 4."

Jenny eyed me for a moment before musing out loud, "Sounds like a size 26 or 28 might work for you." She looked around before bobbing her chin in the children's section, "Looks like over there might work for you."

I blinked as I looked in the children's section before looking at her, "Really?"

Jenny nodded, "Yep."

Then she mused something, "Unless....." then she had a wide smile on her face, "you looking to hide something under your casual?"

I blinked, "I'm not following."

Jenny smiled as she leaned in and whispered, "You want to hide some knock out lingerie."

I blushed but blurted out, "What's that got to do with anything?"

Jenny laughed, "Everything!," she grabbed my hand and literally dragged me, "come on!"

Jenny wasted no time as she dragged me to the boys section as she immediately started grabbing boys pants and tossing them at me to catch as she focused on jeans with the 10 clearly labelled on them before she pushed me into the dressing room with five different jeans to try on.

I sighed before I stripped out of my dress and got into one of the size 10's finding it was a little snug around the thigh but everything else was almost perfect except the inseam was a little high as the pants stopped almost at the beginning of my calf.

After I got the third pair I found the same thing that it and the one before was like the first. Almost perfect.

Jenny stuck her head in with a smirk, "How's it going?"

I looked over at my shoulder, "The 10's are almost perfect."

Jenny looked at me, "Give a twirl so I can see."

I sighed but slowly turned around allowing her to see before she spoke, "Hmmmm....maybe a 12. Or a 10 relaxed." She smiled at me, "I'll be right back." And she was gone.

I sighed but tugged off the pants before I sat on the small bench in the dressing room lightly waiting.

Jenny burst in, "Here try these!" As she tossed a pair of pants at me causing me to flinch before reflexively catching the pants tossed towards me.

I looked down seeing a 10 relaxed before trying them on. The relaxed was a little bit better on the thighs but the inseam was still a little short as it stopped just below the calf.

Jenny eyed me, "Well?"

I twirled before speaking, "I don't know. They stop a little short."

Jenny smiled, "That's ok."

I looked at her, "Don't you think that's approaching high waters?"

Jenny waved at me, "Nonsense! You can always wear boots or heels to cover up if that's your concern."

I grumbled as I didn't mention that I thought heels were a cruel trick played on women kind to think heels were cute.

Jenny tossed, "Well if the high waters are a problem try these." I fumbled for a moment before catching the tossed jeans as I looked at a 12 relaxed.

I sighed and removed the 10's before donning the 12's. Now that was perfection....almost. The bottom of the jeans hit just at my ankle which was perfect in my mind but now the waist and thighs were almost too large.

Jenny saw my smile as she spoke, "Guess that's your size."

I nodded with a smirk, "Just need a belt."

Jenny's eyes twinkled, "Ooooo accessories. I like it."

I sighed as I rolled my eyes before I spoke, "No, a regular belt is fine for this."

Jenny frowned before shrugging, "Ok." She tossed a shirt my way, "Here, to complete your casual fit."

I caught the simple shirt before putting it on as Jenny smiled, "And Viola your casual look is complete!"

I looked at myself in the mirror finding the pants and shirt combo did look good and almost felt like my old self....if my old self had long ass hair and a huge set of tits. Still I felt a resemblance of my old self.

I smiled as I turned to Jenny, "I like it."

Jenny nodded, "Alright let's grab a few different colors before we move onto what to hide underneath."

I blinked, "Underneath?"

Jenny smiled widely at me as she nodded, "Yes."

I sighed but changed from the shirt and pants back to my dress as I exited the changing room as I purchased four different pairs as I got a dark blue, light blue, black, and grey pair of jeans that were 12 relaxed. I also grabbed a few decorated t-shirts making a mental note that some of my old guy shirts would be perfect.....if I didn't throw them away.

I sighed as I made a mental note to repurchase some of my old guy shirts for my casual days.

We walked out of the first store as Jenny spoke loudly, "And now off to the lingerie!" As she dragged me towards the more established lingerie store and we began finding sets that I could hide under my new set of clothes as a surprise while I lightly wondered what was the point of wearing a lingerie set under comfy clothing as I obviously missed the purpose.

After an hour, and nearly $500 dollars, later I had walked out of the lingerie store with a few sets that I had to admit looked good on me.

Then I followed Jenny to an actual adult store for further clothing as we found a cute set of fishnet bikinis, a really nice sling, and a few other choice items that Jenny said would make me more desirable during work hours.

After everything was said and done I had spent a little over a thousand of my 5k before I parted with Jenny and headed home.

As I walked into the house I was greeted by my mother calmly sitting and waiting for me.

I walked in semi surprised she was sitting there.

I looked at mom, "What are you doing up?"

Mom smiled at me, "Your father is doing a card night with some buddies." She shrugged, "And I wanted to talk to you."

I cautiously spoke, "About?"

She smirked almost evilly, "Your brother."

I squinted but before I could ask mom spoke, "Michael could you please come to the kitchen!"

Michael came into the kitchen as he exclaimed, "Yeah mom!" Then he saw me and stopped dead in his tracks quickly looking down.

Mom spoke sweetly, "What do you have to say to your sister?"

Michael almost muttered as he spoke, "I'm sorry I jerked off to your body. It won't happen again."

I barely heard him as Mom spoke, "Clearly dear, or else."

Michael flinched but spoke clearer, "I'm sorry Jayne!"

Mom spoke, "Sorry for what?"

Michael almost yelled, "I'M SORRY FOR JACKING OFF ON YOU! OK!!!"

Mom looked at Michael, making him quickly look down as he started to cry. Mom spoke, "You can go now."

The moment he heard that Michael bolted towards his room his sobbing became audible.

I blinked and was shocked watching the scene before I looked at mom, "What did you do?"

Mom smiled, "I may hold told him if he can't control himself around you or your sister I was going to lock his dick in a cage," she shrugged trying to sound innocent, "and I may have made him believe I would feed him erection pills until his dick breaks in the cage if he didn't start treating you and your sister with respect."

My mouth hung open in shock, "You wouldn't!" I tilted my head, "Would you?"

Mom lightly chuckled, "Of course not sweetie," she shrugged, "but a small threat when looking mad will make you rethink it."

I blinked before I spoke, "Remind me to not have you pissed at me."

Mom smiled, "I'm just happy for the most part you all have been good," she shrugged, "so making a small threat was simple."

She smiled evilly, "Plus it helps you all are scared of your father."

I sighed but nodded, "Yeah."

I walked past her, "Well I guess I'm gonna go shower."

Mom turned as she spoke, "How was work?"

I didn't hesitate, "If I burp I'll taste cum."

Mom simply laughed as I sighed and headed upstairs to shower.

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AnonymousAnonymous9 days ago

I don't get the need for the message parlor job.

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