Second Puberty Ver 1 15

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Jayne learns about her 401k.
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Part 15 of the 20 part series

Updated 06/15/2024
Created 03/26/2024
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SP V1 15


I waited holding my fury all damn day until I went to the gym and decided to take out some MAJOR frustration on some weights before I went to work.

I did so many crunches, butt exercises, leg exercises, and calf raises as today was a core and leg day until a lot of my frustration was gone.

Granted I was still pissed but both Shaye and Jenny told me they were going to explain why my images and videos were on the world wide web for anyone to see.....for $19.99 a month of course.

At first when Art showed me the site I pretty much freaked out not recognizing that the site cost a membership. The first time I was beyond pissed about the site but once I calmed down...sort of, I accessed the site when I got home and found I couldn't access ALL the material without a membership.

Yet, another thing I yelled at Art for. One for not telling me about the site and two that he was a fucking member.

Art promised me he wasn't a member just had access from a 'friend'.

Knowing Art his 'friend' was probably his father or someone because Art doesn't have many friends beyond me and maybe a few others.

So I let the matter drop....for now.

After my workout, I went to work in my now usual outfit which consisted of fishnet crotchless thongs, fishnet elastic top, a nice pair of flats (I learned my lesson of wearing heels), my usual nipple clamps, and my wireless vibrator. Sometimes I put my hair up and other times I let my long hair down (depending on how hard I work out).

Today I had my sweat soaked long hair up in a ponytail.

I banged on the door letting both Shaye and Jenny know I was there and by hard I was banging that I was still pissed.

Jenny opened the door and smiled upon seeing me, "Hey there Jayne."

I moved passed her not saying a word letting my frown say everything.

Jenny spoke, "Still pissed about the site, huh?"

I put my backpack up before looking at Jenny flatly, "You think?"

Jenny sighed and waved at me, "Come on, let's get this over with."

Jenny turned and walked to the front. The moment she made it to the small alcove where everything happens she stopped letting me see Shaye was working on the till looking over the paperwork.

Jenny spoke, "Jayne is here."

Shaye didn't look back as she spoke, "Still pissed new girl?"

My nostrils flared.

Jenny spoke, "Ummm, Shaye not a good approach."

Shaye looked over her shoulder at me before returning to her paperwork, "Alright, let's get this over with."

Shaye turned to face me, "Yes I know about the site. So does most of the girls who work here."

I was ready to yell at Shaye because of her no nonsense demeanor.

Shaye continued, "Which you would have known when Sarah does her quarterly review." She looked at Jenny before returning to me, "Sarah would also explain why the site is there."

I glared at Shaye, "Explain."

Shaye held up her hand, "I'm getting there." Shaye sighed before continuing, "As you may be well aware of is that we survive on tips?"

I nodded.

Shaye nodded, "Well the 'contributions' we have been going towards is not what you thought it was for. It's for our own independent 401k."

I blinked.

Jenny spoke, "Yeah the company we work for doesn't give a insurance plan let alone a 401k."

I vaguely remember the paperwork but could have sworn there was a 401k plan. I spoke, "I thought there was a 401k plan and an insurance plan?"

Shaye shook her head, "Nope."

Jenny spoke, "Apparently Sarah found that little tidbit when the company was bought out a few years back. So she took it upon herself to create a unique 401k plan."

I looked at Jenny who was trying to be kind whereas Shaye kept her nonsense demeanor.

Shaye spoke, "So Sarah created that plan. What she does with our contributions is invests it for us. She invests in bonds, stocks, and crypto." She looked at me, "Seeing how most of live off our tips as the wage pay we receive is crap."

She shrugged, "Between the investments and insurance that she gets us it's more than what the company gives us. So to offset the costs she created the site where our images are sold to the lonely."

She pointed to spots around the place, "And installed the mini camera system."

She looked at me, "So that's why the site. Between the site and our contributions Sarah is actually looking out for us where the company we work for doesn't give two shits about us."

I looked around and tried to reason out what they just told me.

Sarah sounded like a bitch when I first found out she was the one who created the site. But now that I knew the site was covering our insurance and 401k I was now thinking different.

Shaye turned and returned to her paperwork as she spoke, "Think about it girlie." She looked over her shoulder, "For today you're cleaning."

I pleaded, "Come on! I have my nipple clamps on and everything. I don't want to clean!"

Shaye spoke, "Too bad. I don't want your pissed off look scaring the customers." She turned her head, "Jenn, think you can be sweet to the customers?"

Jenny smiled as she nodded, "Sure can."

Shaye nodded, "Jayne give Jenny your nipple clamps."

Jenny spoke, "What?"

Shaye looked at Jenny, "You heard me."


Huh? Wasn't Jenny already pierced in her nipples?

Shaye looked at Jenny, "Show me."

Jenny sighed as she pulled off her top to show her pierced nipples as Jenny added, "I just had the vertical ones added so they're still healing," before pleading, "please don't make me put the clamps on."

Shaye smirked, "Ok but you're still doing the window."

Jenny nodded, "I'll get my fishnet top out of my bag real quick."

Jenny walked passed me as she whispered, "Sorry Jayne."

Jenny was gone a moment before she walked back in with her top changed out.

Shaye put the till on the register and without looking at me spoke, "Make sure to clean between each drink."

I grumbled, "I know I know."

And I started getting ready as customers started coming in.

When a customer drove up to the speaker Shaye would take the order and quickly write the drink order up. I would look at the order and make the drink with Shaye's assistance. Then as soon as the drink was made I cleaned the equipment as Shaye took the drink order over to Jenny with an amount. Jenny would greet the customer, repeat their order to confirm, tell them their total, take the money and give them the drink. If there was any change she would give it back....that or put the change and whatever else the customer wanted to give into the tip jar.

Rinse and repeat while I thought of everything that I had learned.

I mean it was nice that Sarah cared enough to create something like this so we could have a 401k and insurance. But how she was doing it was shitty.

I mean it would have been nice if Sarah told me upon hiring me that the cameras were there and what they were there for. Would have made the site less of a blow if I knew it's full purpose.

Still grind me that it was there without being told by the person that set it up.

Though Shaye did say during her quarterly review she would tell EVERYONE.

About half way into the shift I spoke, "Hey Shaye?"

Shaye quickly spoke, "Not now."

Jenny spoke, "What is it Jayne?"

I spoke, "What does Sarah usually share during her quarterly's?"

Jenny spoke fast, "She usually hands out a packet with our individual 401k that she has created. That's about it. With new girl's like yourself she explains the video system and website before handing you your 401k."

Shaye spoke, "She's a no nonsense gal."

Jenny spoke, "Coming from the ice queen that says something."

Shaye spoke, "I'm not an ice queen. Just don't see the point of putting on a face when I don't have to."

Jenny laughed, "Coming from the girl who told me and I quote 'Smiling hurts my face.'"

Shaye spoke, "I do too smile." She shrugged, "Just not all the time."

Jenny spoke, "That's it I'm going to ask your boyfriend if you smile because I think you haven't smiled since elementary."

Shaye spoke, "I was a happy baby."

Jenny laughed, "Please!"

Shaye spoke, "Try hanging around me when I'm not working."

Jenny barked out a laugh, "When you actually invite me to something I will."

Jenny spoke towards me, "During the next quarterly, I'm sure Sarah will tell you all about it."

I spoke, "I was thinking of confronting Sarah about it this weekend."

Shaye spoke, "Or that could work too."

Shaye added, "Just call her a bitch when you do it too."

Jenny spoke, "Don't do that. Just talk to Sarah let her know you know about the site and what she's doing for us."

Shaye spoke, "That sounds too reasonable."

Jenny laughed, "You wanted drama."

Shaye spoke, "So."

Jenny looked at me, "Just tell Sarah you know about the 401k. And if you want you can contribute more if you want."

I blinked, "Wait what?'

Shaye spoke, "Yeah she usually does that too."

Jenny spoke, "Once Sarah tells you about the site and the unique 401k is when she allows you to contribute more to your 401k."

I blinked as Jenny added, "At the end of every pay period I just hand my check back to Sarah and have her invest my paycheck into my 401k plus 50% of my tips." Jenny shrugged, "Granted I go cash my paycheck before I hand her the paycheck plus the 50%"

Shaye spoke, "I do about the same but it's more like 60%."

Well fuck!

Then I started thinking how much my 401K was now that I knew about everything. Was it a lot?

I spoke, "How much was your 401K the first quarter you were around?"

Both girls were quiet for a moment as customer's came and went before Shaye answered, "I think mine was 90k or something like that."

Jenny answered, "Mine was about the same, 90 something."

I put that into context though I had no reference how much a 401k should be.

Was $90,000 a good starting point for a 401K? In three months?

Was it too low? Too high?

I honestly had no idea what a 401k should look like.

If this place was offering a 401K, was my other job?

It was too much of a headache to actually think about because I was beginning to drive myself crazy.

I sighed and simply went back to work as I let the idea plague my mind. By the end of the night most of my frustration was gone.

I barely said good bye to Shaye and Jenny as I left.


Saturday finally came and I was still numb to the news of how Sarah was creating a 401k for all us girls.

I parked in the parking lot and easily found Sarah sitting at the bench doing paperwork.

I breathed in and out before I got out of my car and walked up to Sarah.

Sarah barely looked up at me before sliding an envelope, "Here's your first check." Then she pushed a paper forward, "And here's your schedule."

I accepted the enveloped and briefly looked in to see a check with my name on it before blinking at the absurd amount I was being paid....$562.12.

I thought when Sarah hired me I would be paid $12/hr. I did the math and it should be almost a grand.

Then I remembered things like taxes and what not causing me to sigh.

I now understood why Shaye and Jenny gave Sarah their paycheck plus a percentage to put into their 401k because if they were being paid the same as me $500 every two weeks was a fucking joke. Hell my tips in one night dwarfed that easily.

I remained standing there causing Sarah to look up at me, "Something wrong?"

I nodded as I spoke, "I know about the site."

Sarah looked at me for a moment before smirking, "And I take it the girls have told you everything and why I'm doing it?"

I nodded, "Yeah something about how this company pays us shit."

Sarah smirked, "About sums it up nicely." She nodded, "Yeah I put those up so I can ensure you all have insurance and a decent 401k."

I nodded but semi angrily spoke, "Still you could have told me in the beginning!"

Sarah shrugged, "If I told every NEW employee they were being recorded and on a site making money they would flat quit on the spot." She looked at me, "If I wait until a quarter and give them a 401k it usually softens the blow." She smiled, "And usually makes them work harder for that 401k when I offer that I can add to it."

I sighed as I nodded, "Yeah hearing that did kind of ease my irritation at you." I looked at her, "Made the whole 'This company is shit and you're trying to look out for us' easier to swallow."

Sarah nodded, "Yeah well it's how things work these days." She shrugged, "Not exactly a great way to do it," she looked at me seriously, "but I'd do it again if it meant keeping you all safe seeing how the assholes that own the company don't care about anything but fattening their bank accounts by cutting costs like insurance and 401k's."

I suddenly felt a shiver go up my spine as I didn't want to meant that I was pissed because her look was intense.

She leaned forward with a smile sounding sweetly, "So I imagine you want to put towards your 401k?"

I nodded though I tilted my head, "I'm curious though, how much is my 401k?"

Sarah sighed, "I honestly don't know. Seeing how you first started, I usually wait three months to pull that information."

I blinked at her, "So you don't know how much is there?"

Sarah shook her head, "Usually takes about three months to be established and look good enough to avoid confrontations."

I frowned, "Oh."

Sarah looked at me, "But if you want I can pull that information and have it ready for you next week."

I nodded with a smile, "That would be great."

Sarah nodded, "Alright, I'm make a note of it." She looked at me, "Would you like to add more to it?"

I looked at the envelope before looking at her, "I'll need to cash this and add some to it."

Sarah smiled, "Sure." She looked down at her paperwork, "Just have it here before I get done here in a couple of hours."

I nodded, "Right."

I looked at the schedule paper and quickly took a photo as I looked at it. Then I simply renewed the same schedule I had in my phone as it notified me my schedule for the next week.

Then I ran to my car and high tailed it to the bank.

Less than an hour later I slammed an envelope on the bench in front of Sarah causing her to lightly jump.

Sarah looked at me, "See you got the money to put into your 401k?"

I nodded.

Sarah sighed, "How much is there?"

I spoke without hesitation, "$25,562.12"

Sarah froze as she looked at me, "25k?"

I nodded, "Yep."

Sarah squinted, "You've made over $25,000 in the two weeks since you've started working?"

I shook my head, "Actually made more than that." I looked at her flatly, "Plus it's been about three weeks."

Sarah sighed before looking down at her paperwork and resumed, "Fine. I'll make sure it's added to your 401k."

I nervously spoke, "Ummm....could I get a receipt?"

Sarah looked up at me a moment more before sighing and grabbed a piece of paper and wrote on it. Then she handed it to me.

I looked at the note as it read:

I, Sarah Dewey, take Jayne Moore's contribution of $25,562.13 to distribute to her 401k on May 20th, 2037.

If I fail to put this amount of $25,562.13 into her specialized 401k I understand that I will be sued.

Under that was her signature and date with a P.S.

P.S. Next time just give me a cashier's check and a note with your name instead of cash. It's easier paperwork than cash.

Sarah briefly wrote on the envelope with my name and amount before putting it in her bag. Then she looked at me, "Happy?"

I gulped but nodded.

Sarah smiled and waved at me, "Go! I have paperwork to do. I'll put your money in your 401k and have it ready for you next week."

I nodded and walked away just as Jenny pulled up.

Jenny rolled down her window, "Hey Jayne!"

I smiled as I waved her, "Hey."

Jenny turned off her car and stepped out, "So did you get things squared away with Sarah?"

I nodded.

Jenny smiled, "So how much did you give her for your 401k?"

I spoke, "25k."

Jenny instantly froze as she blinked at me, "I'm sorry. How much?"

I shrugged, "$25,000." I shrugged again, "Well actually it was $25k plus my check so it was really $25,562.13."

Jenny blinked, "How'd?"

I sighed, "Well between this job and my other one I roughly saved about $38,000." I smiled at her, "And seeing how I'm still living with my parents and don't require much money I figured I might as well put all that down into my 401k." I smirked, "As my dad once said, 'Be kinder to your older self.'"

Jenny nodded, "True but holy shit Jayne. I didn't think you had that much money?"

I tilted my head, "Why? Don't you get as much money in tips?"

Jenny laughed, "No! I get about $20k in two weeks. So I usually donate about $10k to my 401k come check time. Not $25,000."

I blinked as I flatly spoke, "Oh!"

Jenny laughed more, "And I'm also not still living with my parents so I have things like rent and bills to cover."

I flatly spoke again, "Oh!"

Jenny padded my shoulder, "It's alright. If I could put that much down I would but I can only comfortably throw about 10k every two weeks."

She tilted her head at me, "Say what are you doing later?"

I blushed still afraid to mention my other job, "Ummm I think I'm hanging out with my boyfriend later this afternoon."

Jenny smiled, "How about we do a double date? Me and my beau with you and your boy?"

I blinked, "And do what?"

Jenny shrugged, "Go see a movie? Do some putt putt. Something."

I sighed but answered, "I'll have to check with Art. See if he has any plans."

Jenny nodded, "Cool. Well let me know." She reached into her purse pulling out an envelope, "Now if you shall excuse me I have to donate to my older self." She winked at me as she walked away laughing.

I momentarily looked at Jenny before I remembered I had to be somewhere else.

I quickly walked to my car and got in. Then I pulled out and headed towards my second job.

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