Secret Canyon


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Josiah held him close and tight, but he couldn't stay long. He explained the situation to Billy making sure he understood; If, he didn't hear the three shots after any gunfire, he was to take all the horses and go home. There would be no reason to take risks, Scarface is on foot now no matter how this plays out...just go slow and easy and let Jasper pick the pace. Before he went back to the fight, Josiah turned and said, "One way or another, you ain't ever going to need to worry about them two again."

Billy watched though tears of worry as the man he loved disappeared into the forest...

Arriving back at the cabin, Josie took up his first position under the low branches and watched...and listened. Finally he heard him again call out, "Johnny!"

Josiah had a thought. Nothing to loose he figured. Doing his best imitation of what a wounded Johnny might sound like he called out through the sleeve of his coat, "I'm me...they took off..."

Josiah had the Spencer up and aimed at the only door out of the cabin. The door was still ajar from earlier, and the hand reaching out was the first he had seen of mister Scarface.

"Come on big boy, you're the brave one...remember," Josiah said softly as he sighted down the barrel of the carbine.

And there it was, the face just peeking around the edge of the door frame. Josiah was steady against the trunk of the tree, and he sharpened his aim to the white spot that was Scarface. The roar of the big gun sounded like a cannon in the quiet of this winter wilderness...and a fine mist of snow filtered down from the limbs above him. Josiah was confident his shot had hit the mark...he could see the torn chunk of wood out of the edge of the door frame. No doubt, the impact would have thrown the man backwards...but he could see no blood evidence of the hit. He sat and waited.

'If he's wounded, I could walk into a trap. I could leave...but would never know for sure. One thing for certain, he's trapped in there and he won't be fooled into coming out again. If Billy did as I told him, he should be getting ready to hit the trail... I'll let mister Scarface's fear keep watch, but I'll gamble he sits tight.' He took out his pistol, aimed it at the cabin door just outa meanness and fired off the three shots he had told Billy to listen for. He had envisioned a fierce gun battle where either him or Scarface lay dead in the snow. It had all unfolded slower than he had figured, sitting here wondering if the bastard was dead in there. He hoped he had signaled soon enough, but all he could do was hope Billy would still be there waiting...nothing I can do about that now, he told himself.

Josiah eased back into the shelter of the woods, to once again enter the clearing on the trail behind the outhouse. Following the same path through the snow to the back of the house, he eased his way back to the lean-to stable. There was abundant dry straw and the leavings of all those who had been here. Josie quietly...ever so quietly... began to pile them up against the wall of the cabin the lean-to was attached to. With every scrap of dry tender and any bigger pieces of wood he could find, the pile built up about waist high. He squatted and struck a fire...leaning low, he gently blew it into life. Satisfied, he hurried back to his post under the trees as quietly as he could.

When he got there, he could already see the smoke rising behind the cabin. It was just a matter of another five minutes before he saw the first tongues of flames breaking through the dry roof. He had worried the snow might keep the fire from taking off, but that was a misplaced worry. All the while, the Spencer was aimed at the door...waiting.

The man inside must know by now that the place is on fire, he thought as he watched for any sign of movement. After awhile he realized that Scarface wasn't coming out. He probably died never knowing he was dead. When the roof collapsed, Josie lowered the hammer on the carbine, got up and walked to the other dead man laying in the snow. Grabbing the back of the collar of the tattered coat, he drug Ole Skinny to join his partner in the cabin. The flames were hot as Josiah got close enough to heave the carcass far enough in to be consumed by the fire.

With the only emotion being one of relief, Josiah turned and walked the bloody trail one last was only then he realized how weary he was. But, it was over...and Billy awaited him.

When he finally reemerged from the woods where Billy had last seen him, the lad jumped up and ran to hug his hero! With his face buried into the coat of the man he loved more than life itself, Billy said, "I only heard the one shot...and waited to hear the three others...I was about to leave...but couldn't...I just couldn't leave."

Josiah not only comforted Billy, he took in his own comfort from Billy. The shakes that come after the fight were comforted by this fresh pure life all around him. The puppy was out of his sack and exploring the new surroundings. Jasper was standing on three legs catching a little nap...with one eye on the excited humans. The sun had found it's way into the sky, and it too shone new life down onto the world hoping for a better day.

"Let's get out of here Billy, them two will never bother us again," Josiah said softly.


After the storms do rage, they offer their pity...all life lifts up, renewed in hope...the seasons of eternity do unfold...each page of the story that must be told...

When Josiah and Billy got back to the ranch, they were surprised to see smoke coming from the chimney.

"You stay here with the horses," Josiah told Billy as he stepped down to the ground. Once again taking the carbine from it's leather scabbard, he walked around the barn and up to the house. From a safe place behind the pile of firewood he called out, "You in the house, come on out!"

The door opened and a voice called out, "That you Josiah?"

Josie relaxed, figuring if they knew him they probably meant no harm. Stepping around the woodpile he called back, "Yeah, it's Josiah! Who am I talking to?"

A young man walked out the door with his hands in clear sight and said, "Clive sent me up here to keep an eye on the place...said you'd be gone a few days. I'm Robert, we spoke at the livery a couple of times."

Josiah had already recognized Robert and was walking to greet him, "Well, I'm surprised to see you here, but thank you for looking out for things. I'll make it worth your time Robert."

"No need for that, Clive said I'd be on the payroll."

"Still, I'm much obliged Robert," and with a loud shout back to Billy, "Come on in Billy!"

It was a little after midday, and Robert was eager to get back to town. So with just a brief update of events he could tell Clive, Robert said his farewells, glowing with the heartfelt words of thanks.

While taking care of Jasper and the other horses, Josiah took note of the good care Robert had given in his brief absence. The fact that these animals were, no doubt, a shackle that kept him tied to this place didn't bother Josiah. He was a simple man, and this life suited him. He was just so glad to be back home...doing the routines of life...knowing he didn't need to go searching ever again.

Billy helped him with the outside chores, but after checking the feed and water for all of them, it was clear that Robert had not slacked in his care. He went in the house and started sorting out all the gear, putting away what needed. The place was neat and clean, which left him free to begin to prepare a real meal...they both needed one, that's for sure.

Josiah came in shortly and sat in his chair with a weary sigh in front of the fire. He realized just how cold he was as the warmth began to soak into his tired body. Billy brought him a cup of hot tea and sat it on the small table. Looking down on him and how wore out he was, he stroked his hand over Josiah's hair and bent to kiss the top of his head.

"Supper'll be ready soon. I'll put some bath water on," he told him.

When he turned to get back to the stove, Josiah took a gentle hold of his wrist and pulled him down on his lap. Billy leaned into him, laying his head on a shoulder. The two just sat there watching the fire. No words were needed anymore. Their love needed no words. This was the moment when the dance of courtship and uncertainties passed into a shared commitment to love and to hold until death parted them.

"I'm gonna make some better chairs," Josiah said out of the blue. Then went on to say, "I want to sit here like this more often...I'll make 'em bigger too, so we can sit and watch the fire and sip warm tea..."

Billy didn't need to say a word, the soft kiss on his man's neck was all Josiah needed to hear.

They sat quietly again after that, just tasting the joy of simple things. The memories of the past few days tried to intrude, but each in his own way imagined tossing those harsh memories onto the fire and watching the smoke of their memory drift upward into the night. Finally, Billy noticed the little brown package on the ledge above the fireplace and asked, "What's that up there Josie?"

"I ain't real sure of the date, but I figure it's still a few days until'll have to wait till then to find out," Josiah teased.

"But I didn't get you nothin', Billy said.

"Sure you did, the only gift I ever wanted is you safe with me here for ever," he said softly and kissed Billy on the forehead.

After supper, their baths took on a more intimate freedom. They bathed together, sharing the basin and the soapy cloth. Soap slickened hands explored the places that only eyes had ventured before. And oh what ecstasy it was to both explore and be explored! The courtship was over, the lovers had made their choices. Life is too short to dance alone. Having these bodies...these lives now entwined, were too fine a gift to ignore! They each considered that one or both could have been killed a dozen times in these last couple of days...perhaps it was that that added urgency to their desires. But just now, the reasons didn't was the hands on hungry sensitive flesh, the urgent kisses of love...and the warmth inside the hearts that pushed them forward.

The warm wash water gone, now but cold drops drying on the floor, forced the lovers back for a moment. But only the briefest of moments as, the warm towels became their expression of desire and care. Each one in turns worshipped the other in a ministry of commitment to forever wipe away every tear...each drop of water on wet flesh was another opportunity to show that care. Billy, delicate and precise...and Josiah bold and assured...they each dried the other in their own special way.

But once the ritual of union had come to it's end, it was Josiah who picked up his beloved and carried him to his bed. He stood above him, boldly possessing him with his eyes. Billy felt so safe under that gaze he could not look away from it. He watched as Josiah looked at every inch of his flesh...and Billy lay there giving his gift of himself to his hero...his man...his savior! He had never known such a feeling of eager surrender and bliss.

He watched the hand as it reached to his most private place...and closed his eyes waiting to be taken. The rough, work hardened, hand took all of his gift, squeezing and exploring every detail. Then he knew a frisson of tingles as lips and tongue teased pink nipples to life! First one, then the other was taken into Josiah's mouth and suckled until it was hard and plump...the hand becoming more urgent as it explored below. Billy had never known...he had never known it could be like this! He was free...finally to love and to show his love and accept love in return. When he spilt his seed, Josiah's lips were on his...and he knew he had begun to live, and love, as was intended for all of mankind to experience.

Josiah too had his needs...but he was a patient man, and setting this captive free was enough for this night. So, retrieving one of the damp wash rags, he took care of his angel one more time. Then, snuggled together, they drifted off into sleep.


The storms blown out...the earth takes it's rest as the cycles of life spin on...

Josiah remembered the letters from home the next day, and taking them in hand he read each one.

The one from Travis read;

Dearest Josiah,

I know if you are reading this that our letter has reached you. We all think of you every day and hope all is well with you. The trip back was easier than the one going. We had no stock and few cares to slow us down. Mary was so happy to see us, I feared she might have a fit and die. Everything here is just the way it was when we all left. I know both me and your brother have changed some, but not so much to be noticed. I will be forever thankful we could make that trip together. I remember every detail with fondness.

The fighting is getting worse. Son, I think you made a wise choice and my only regret is not seeing a way to sell out and join you. But I think I used all my energy and youth building this place, and do not think I could do it again. So we seem destined to weather this coming storm as best we can, pray for us as we do for you.

I hope there is a way for you to write. I was lucky to bump into some men going up there. They are leaving tomorrow, so I need to get this over to them hoping it makes it to you.

All our love, Mother and Pa

Josiah looked at the letter from James for a long time before opening it. He loved James and always would. But he now loved Billy too. As his thoughts played, he realized that the two loves were both real and true...but of different hues. The love of youth is precious and pure...the love of a man is deeper and more tender. He was afraid of what the letter held, but it must be read.


I pray every night for you. I worry about you up there all alone...and me so far away. I am doing better now. The pain of loss was so heavy at first that I did not know if I could carry it. But I have learned that life goes on. And I now see that mother and father need me. They are growing into age and I can see the day coming when they will not be able to keep things up.

I know you remember Mary Palmer, because you always teased me about her pining over me. You were right, and we have become friends. Josie, I have also come to see that what you and I shared was a gift. I do not have any desire to ever replace that gift, for to try would end in failure. I do think of you and how the loneliness for friends and family will go. I do know that in time friends will come along. Josie, try to not be alone. I know you, and I know how you are. I want you to find the love of friends and I especially want you to know the love of family again. Let us always remember our times in the woods and every moment we had together.

Josie, I love you as a brother, as a friend and as only a special few will ever know. My tears force me to stop. Father is waiting so he can send it along to you. God Bless and remember my love, James

Josiah read the letters twice through, and not without tears. But they were those tears of mixed sadness and joy. Bittersweet, perhaps describes it best. But there was also a loosening of something that had been holding him back. He realized that James had also sensed this and had written words that would set him free of the past they had shared. One can never go back home, he had heard the saying advise. Now he knew that was true. Places change, people change, lives change...every day the past is carved away little by little under the passage of time...until only a memory remains. "One cannot live in a memory, he said softly."


So, it was with those bittersweet lesson, that so often mean the most, that Josiah found his lasting peace...and his unbridled freedom to love again. But, as with all tales of heroes and outlaws, this tale has to end. At least it ended with the victor being Love!


Author's note: I hope you enjoyed this tale as much as I enjoyed writing it. Your comments and vote would be most appreciated, as it's the only pay we get in providing these stories ~ yukonnights

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dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbiman28 days ago

very good, well written. guess I'm crude as I was hoping for more defined sex. LOL. I have heard of gold rush miners with a "camp wife" where no females existed.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Beautiful 💖. That was so well written and real.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Gurrrllll I was bout Fught Josie over that dog!!!!!!!! Baaaabbbby!!!!! But this was cute asf

gordo12gordo12about 5 years ago
Keith Described It Well

A very well written Western romance.

Your command of the language in creating word pictures is fantastic.


KeithDKeithDabout 5 years ago

An epic, believable tale of early settlement of the West. Well written; an excellent gay romance.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Such a wonderful story

We are so fortunate in this day to be able to have the ability to travel with ease and not let distance and common mores rule our destinies. We have mail, phones, and cars. This was such a great story. I loved it. The life the old settlers of so many years ago had to lead was so difficult and heart breaking. So glad to be living today. Thank you for reminding us of how good we really have life and love today. Fewer tears. Look forward to more. Thank you again.

Reader777Reader777over 5 years ago

I think this is an excellent story and I enjoyed it very much. You portrayed a lot of emotions in the characters and I feel like I know these men. I would love to be friends with them, I feel like they’re alive and real. Great job writing. Thank you.

tim23832tim23832over 5 years ago

Thanks for your story. Expectations exceeded! Please write more.

yukonnightsyukonnightsover 5 years agoAuthor

Dear Readers, If you've read this far I want to both thank you and apologize for the many typos in this piece. I assure you it is not my normal practice and I am editing the entire mess and hope to have all corrected soon. To be frank, my haste in trying to meet the deadline led to poor proofreading on my part. For those who still saw the love and beauty of the story, I thank you and invite you to come back after awhile and hopefully find an easier read. ~ yukonnights

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