Secretary - Day after Day


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Fraturday – payback

Trying to get any rest while in stocks is difficult. She was naked, but he was right, the temperature was not uncomfortable. She was facing the open door into the hallway and could see a little light, but was relying mostly on her eyes to adjust to see her surroundings in more detail. He made little noise as he got ready for bed. She could only ascertain that his bedroom was across the hall, on the left.

She was bored and knew that sleep would not come, but she was positive her muscles would be sore. Out of the corner of her eye she could see a wall with paddles, chains, leather things she didn't know their names and floggers. Things she had never seen in person but was quite familiar with during her fantasies that brought her to cum. Her heart and stomach fluttered a bit. She had a twinge of anticipation realizing that she was in the perfect position for the implements to be used on her. She felt the hum and tingle in her vagina, a sign that she was aroused. Quickly she scanned the room again, looking for other clues as to her future.

And then she saw it. It scared her so bad she physically shuddered, naked breasts swaying. Two eyes staring at her from the door way. They were piercing and glowing. It was her cat, coming by to see her. She forgot this was her new home and was happy to see her. She made a clicking noise, the normal signal to come and get petted. The cat came hurriedly, seemingly happy to see her old owner. She realized that this was torture for the cat. There was no way to pet her properly with her hands near her ears. The cat kept circling her ankles, exclaiming with little mews, wanting the attention her old owner usually gave with the clicking noise.

Trying to appease the cat, keeping the meowing to a minimum, she tried using her toes to scratch anywhere. The ears, body, but this was not the quality the cat was used to. The cat started making more noise. She was trying to balance on one leg, but was getting tired. She started talking to the cat, thinking it would help, but it just made it worse. An angry dialogue between feline and locked up secretary.

With all of her attention on the cat and preventing unnecessary noise, she didn't notice that her boss was now in the doorway, arms crossed. He did not turn on any lights, just stared at the awkward woman, naked, bent at the waist, head and hands sticking out from a specially made board. He did not say a word, just approached her. He lifted her hair out of her face, and put an elastic around it, easier for her to try and see. "You're not sleeping well", he asked. She said no, it was too uncomfortable. He asked why she was bothering the cat. She said that she wanted to give the cat attention but did not think it through all the way. She said she felt sorry for the cat. He asked if she considered it was the other way around? That the cat feels sorry for her, and is trying to comfort her.

He explained that she was not in any trouble when he left her there, alone in the room, but she woke him up and she was tormenting the cat, so yes, she was in trouble now. He walked behind her. She could not see the wooden spoon he selected off of the wall. He continued to explain that the cat is free to move around the house at anytime and doesn't need to have the problems of a secretary put on it. The cat was now sitting in her pile of clothes by the door watching, perhaps with a grin. Payback is, well, a bitch.

Her mind was racing. She could sense movement behind her and could not rationalize quickly enough to agree with her boss. Was he saying that the cat she once owned, that he took, had more rights than her? That is crazy talk. Her boss is crazy, and then there it was. A quick hard burning thwack to her right ass cheek. She stopped thinking about the cat, but how to get away. Then she felt his open palm over the burning part. It just stayed there, feeling the heat grow. She didn't know it, but he was gauging the force required to properly show her he was serious. Satisfied that a little more force would be tolerable for this minor offense, he hit the left cheek. She responded with little noise, more a grhuhhhh. It was more fun for him to see her wiggle her ass, changing her weight from leg to leg, the red ovals slowly showing exactly where she was disciplined.

That was all she needed, but he was confident her views of her relationship with the cat and her boss, were evolving. He put the spoon back and finally walked where she could see him. She was not crying, but looked confused. He sat on the floor in front of her, letting her see that he was there. The cat was just visible over his shoulder, it felt like a meeting. He reached up and touched her hands, sliding his fingers from her wrists to the tips of her fingers. This got her excited and also focused on the burning on her ass, the last place he had touched her.

He asked if she understood what she did wrong. She was honest and said no. He explained again that she woke him up. That the cat did not need attention from her and that contributed to him being disturbed. She asked if she could sleep on his couch instead. He said no, that this was a good lesson for a secretary to learn and to stick with it. Not all tasks or situations are fun, but when morning comes, she will have a new sense of accomplishment. At that moment, she was very leery and doubtful of that, but was not in a position to counter his points. He reiterated that he could watch her from anywhere on his phone and that she was not in danger.

He stood up, walked behind her again, but did not choose an implement from the wall. He walked up to her exposed ass with blush colored marks smiling back. She was afraid for what was next. He bent over her, his cheek and bare chest on her back. He exchanged some warmth. His hands found her dangling breasts and gingerly massaged them. He lightly fingered the nipples, enjoying the firmness. She quite enjoyed this, a nice surprise after he had smacked her ass. A few minutes of this, he stood up and she immediately missed his warmth and closeness.

He left her there, still in the dark, but this time with red marks on her ass, and many thoughts to get her through the night.

Saturday – marathon

She purple sky was trying to peak through the blinds in the bedroom where she had been kept all night. She had no sleep as she was locked into stocks. The dream of sleep was lost long ago as her boss left her there, giving her a challenge to hold out for the night. Like she had a choice, really.

The cat she used to own was in and out, checking up on her. The only sound was of the cat using the litter box and a faint hum from the refrigerator downstairs as it cycled. Her thoughts traveled from how helpless she felt, and how she got herself in this position. She wondered if his other secretary had been put in this position. How had she handled it? Did he put all of his secretaries in this position, or did he know something about her, deep in side? He did have a knack, while challenging her and making her do odd tasks, she was consistently aroused by them.

Her mind went to his explanation last week. That he wanted a healthy secretary, he would mandate her exercise and diet. She didn't really have issues with that. She was learning to walk pretty naturally in the 5" patent leather shoes. Except for the occasional hunger, she didn't mind the diet. The mayonnaise incident was not pleasant, but she got through it. She then remembered when he made her eat rice grain by grain. It took forever, and her knees were sore, but in the end her belly was full. An aha moment as she recalled she could signal her hunger by getting on her knees, ass in the air and essentially her nose to the floor. She wondered if that would work in the morning as her stomach was making noise. She got a smile thinking of the wonderful dinner they had assembled the night before.

The birds were up, so she knew the sun would be soon too. The sounds were her only clue to the time. She knew he was going to sleep in as it was Saturday, but had no idea how long that would be.

It seemed like an eternity and her whole body was sore. Her back from supporting her head and torso, bent at the waist. Her arms as they had been dangling, testing muscles she never knew she had. Her ass was not sore from the smacks he gave them, but there was still a bit of warmth. If there was one thing she was thankful for was that she was barefoot. All night in her shoes would not have resulted in her actually surviving the night.

The first glimpse she saw of her boss, walking down the hall, rubbing his eyes, she knew what he meant by sticking with it for the whole night. She was glowing at her accomplishment. That excitement turned to confusion as he simply walked by, did not even look at her naked body in the empty room.

She heard him go down the stairs and started banging around the kitchen. Probably coffee she thought. Ah yes, the smell was wafting to her nose, only making her think more of what was for breakfast.

She heard him coming up the stairs, talking with the cat as he did. There he was, looking at her. He greeted her, asked how she was feeling. The excitement returned, her face was red with the attention he was giving her. He asked if she was proud that she stuck through it and she nearly jumped out of her skin describing the feelings.

He walked behind her and started fiddling with the stocks. She felt herself be released. He told her to stay like that as her muscles may not hold her. He gently put his arms around her upper body, letting her arms swing to her sides. The sensation to stand was overwhelmingly painful, but also invigorating to have him pretty much support all of her weight. She had no idea she'd be that weak. He gently helped her to the floor, where she laid on her back, knees bent. In this position she had a full view of the implements on the wall and felt vulnerable. He followed her gaze and let her absorb the striking view of all of his toys.

He stayed with her on the floor, waiting for the blood to redistribute. He asked her more questions about what she thought about while she was up all night. She tried to recall all that happened. When she was able, she sat up, arms on knees. He asked if her ass hurt and she shrugged no.

Eventually she looked able to stand with help. They made their way down to the kitchen. He had her sit on the floor, back to the refrigerator, explaining, if she fell off a chair, she could get hurt. She was tired and still wobbly. She was thinking how silly she must look, but was enjoying the sensation in all of her muscles, feeling the cool fridge on her back, tile on her bare ass, her legs wide open showing the wetness formed on her labia and not caring. She smiled at herself, she'd never run a marathon but thought this is what it must feel like.

He already had ingredients out and was assembling something with eggs, the left over feta, some carrot, odd she thought. He was making a fritata, egg scramble omelet thing. Her mind went to her stomach and the position she should be in to tell her boss she was hungry. She slowly pulled away from the fridge, flipped over so her ass was toward him, head down facing the fridge. She hoped he would notice. She sat like that until she heard him plating. She turned her head to see the bowl that said "secretary" on the side. He swiftly put the bowl on the floor next the fridge and said she was a good secretary for remembering the signal. She was to eat slow as her body needed time. He then put a bowl of milk out. She started with the milk and then slowly enjoyed the fabulous meal from her knees, tight asshole on display for her boss.

She took her time and was done in 30 minutes. Feeling much better. He was sitting at the kitchen table eating his coffee, still in his boxers. She returned to her sitting position, giving her knees a break. He started with his concerns for her driving herself home. She had little sleep and her muscles were still recovering. He asked if there was anything she required from her apartment aside from clean clothes. She couldn't think of anything, and then asked when he thought she would be able to go home. He said he didn't know, they'd have to play it by ear. That's when he asked if she was ready to sleep. She forgot how tired she was, but then her eyelids seemed very heavy. He helped her up and they went to the garage, where he helped her into his car, easing her onto the dildo. He found no need to fasten the straps, but put his hand on her forehead and she was asleep.

He took pleasure in most of the day, standing in the doorway to the garage, sipping his coffee, admiring his secretary through the windshield.

When she awoke, he led her to the living room where he showed her a movie about a secretary. This got her very turned on. By the time the movie was over, she was asleep again, but now on the couch, naked, but feeling very satisfied, mind and body. The thoughts of the future rambled around in her dreams, very nice dreams...

Sunday – 6 foot chain

She woke up confused, lost. She was on a couch, not familiar, but she felt refreshed! She looked around, memories coming back. She felt weird and looked under her blanket, she was naked! A flood of memories now, the bowl of food and milk she ate from her hands and knees. The all night stay in the stocks, her exhausted muscles and the sharing of a moments watching a movie.

She was not eager to get up as her muscles were screaming at her. She merely turned from her back, to facing the back of the couch, ass covered, but out in to the room, slightly overhanging the cushions. She tried to close her eyes, and not necessarily sleep but quietly recap, visualizing the experiences. The smell of his leather couch was nice, it held her body temperature. The blanket was soft. The pillows were firm, but perfect for an impromptu nap.

She had some weird sensations. The pressure in her ass was more than usual. The urge to have a bowel movement was not something she was used to waking up to. It usually took her first glass of water or hit of caffeine. She tried to just move it out of her mind, she did not want to find the restroom naked. The blanket and couch were warm and she could sense the chance to sleep some more.

After a half an hour of re-creating the last 48 hours in her head, the trials and triumphs, she was too excited to just lay there. She got up, throwing the blanket over the back of the couch and searched for the restroom. She couldn't believe she hadn't gone in her bosses house yet, but was ready to go! She went upstairs, two bedroom doors were open, three doors were closed. She figured one was his and bypassed it. The other was very small, meaning a linen closet. She chose the one between the rooms. It was locked. She jiggled the handle over and over. Frustrated she went to the main level. Only closet doors. The basement door was locked also. It was too early to wake her boss. She had been disciplined for waking him before.

The only place she had been to the bathroom before was in the garage. That door was unlocked. She found the bucket and used it! That's when she realized by the splash and uncomfortable push, that indeed she had a butt plug in. She didn't immediately remember it being in, but then she had a flash, after watching the movie with her boss, he suggested protecting herself. She agreed and did not want any ass play in her sleep. Now, as she was staring at the plug, she realized that it was silly.

She dripped and wiggled off her piss as best she could and had a realization. She turns around and sees her car. She has had enough rest, and is feeling ready to go home. She walks back into the house, and tries to remember where her clothes are. She heads up to the room she spent Friday night in, restrained in the stocks. Her clothes were covered in fur from her cat sleeping on them. She grabbed them, put them on. She still didn't have underwear. The next step was finding her purse, or at least her keys. She wasn't escaping, just going home from a long weekend. It would be nice to be in her own bed, not on a dildo sleeping and not on a couch.

She looked everywhere, and then figured it was all still in her car. Sure enough, the keys were in the ignition ready to go. She pressed the garage door button on the wall and got in her car. She had a funny mental image of how she drove to her bosses house, naked. She was now clothed, relaxed and ready to go home. She pulled out and then saw the open garage door. She put the car in neutral and tried to figure out how to close the door, and got out. The button at the door jamb, just inside the garage was easy to find, and it worked. She hoped she hadn't woken her boss.... Quickly that thought was forced from her head, and she got back in the car, ready to drive home.

As she entered her apartment, it was sad, and depressing. Not the oasis she had in her mind when she left her bosses house. The blinds were drawn. It was cleaner than normal as he had tidied up a bit, but it lacked the homeyness she thought she enjoyed. Her cat was not there to greet her, now at her bosses house, being cared for responsibly. She had a moment of panic, that she'd done the wrong thing.

Thoughts were racing in her head. She had to sit down to process all that was in her mind. She was out of control here. Her apartment was an example. The thought that it was the perfect place for her, while assumed, was false. It was trapping her in herself. She was out of control here. The sense of self was gone. She was not in control here. The longing in her heart to race back to her bosses was in her pulse. The throbbing in her ears, like she was yelling at herself. In a sort of clouded rush, she collected what, at the moment were essential items to her. Some shirts, some shoes, she had a hard time picking, a cook book, and her make up kit. That's all that could fit in her arms. She awkwardly locked her apartment door and headed back to her bosses house. She couldn't get there fast enough. She did not speed, but until she was back in his house, she was lost. The thoughts of possessions, ownership were not there. She needed his presence to feel full, to feel herself.

It was so sudden, the relief as she stepped from the garage with her arms full of silly things. She closed the door behind her, turned and saw him. He was at the base of the stairs, arms crossed. Just his facial expression took the joy in her heart and averted her eyes down. Shame.

She was told to drop everything and to get naked. She did as she was told, including the heels she had now just broken in. She stood in front of all she thought was important, mostly her boss, although he didn't seem like her friend right now. He approached her slowly, as if he thought she was a mirage. She shuddered at his coldness. He inspected her, walking around her, no regard for the items at her feet.

He had something in his hands, he clipped and locked it to her right ankle. That made her vagina shudder... nearly shoot cum down her leg. This was not a conscious action for her, she had no idea why her body was reacting that way. She felt a weight, heard the chain as he dropped it to the floor. He opened the door to the garage and disappeared, she was still staring, unmoving, naked and listening as he picked something up and returned. He had her bucket to piss in. He set it down and affixed the other end of the chain to it. He told her to sit on the floor next to the couch. She made her way there, eventually dragging the bucket by the 6' chain.

He sat next to her. But she was below him. His eyes looked relieved as he had been worried where his secretary went off to. The look of relief quickly turned to sternness, even as he was staring at her face. She was fearful, but wide open to whatever he said.

He started with the fact he had been awoken by the garage door. He worried for her well being. She had been out of sorts for days, and he did not think she should be driving. He was concerned she had not had breakfast, but needed sustenance. He was pissed she left without waiting to tell him. He was pissed she was so flippant in taking her clothes with her.
