Secrets Pt. 07


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This time, Kathy started creating Daphne on Friday evening. She worked on him for a couple of hours, before declaring her complete. Daphne was again astonished on how good she looked; how believably feminine Kathy was able to make her.

After Kathy had herself dressed, looking as beautiful and desirable as ever, they headed out to a destination that Kathy refused to name.

After an hour's drive she pulled up in front of The Kitty Club on the other side of town. Based on a short survey of the clientele, it was a lesbian bar, with food and live music.

Daphne immediately reverted to her usual nervous state. "Kathy are you sure I'll be able to pull this off? I'd hate to get my ass kicked by some dyke who figures out that I'm a guy."

Kathy laughed. "Relax lover. As I keep telling you, no one will ever think you're not a girl. And the only thing that will happen to your lovely ass, is that it will get pinched and spanked."

"But my ass isn't real. It's padded," she wined.

"Never mind. It feels just fine. This will be fun. Just you wait. And there will be plenty of pretty girls in here, to make your cock strain in its little prison. Just you wait."

Daphne sure hoped she was right, on both counts.

Inside, it was loud and crowded. After working their way around and through large numbers of women, they finally settled into chairs at a table with a couple of other girls, who were nice enough to share.

Clare and Holly were neither pretty, nor ugly, but they were well and sexily dressed and fully made-up. They were, importantly friendly, intelligent and funny. Clare seemed to be the more dominant of the two but it was obvious that they were a well-matched pair.

The four of them ate and drank, and chatted as they listened to the music and got acquainted. Kathy did most of the talking for the two of them, while Clare and Holly joined in equally.

Daphne was fascinated as she observed and learned about a true same-sex relationship. It seemed that Clare and Holly were perfect examples of two women who were happy with who they were. When the subject of men came up, there was no negativity, just a lack of interest.

Kathy, trying to stir things up, mentioned that she was actually bi, because she liked the occasional cock.

Clare laughed. "That's why we invented the vibrator," she said. "I don't need some smelly guy on top of me. And I certainly don't miss sucking on those things." Holly added, giggling. She had already admitted that she'd sampled a few men in her teen years.

Clare then put Daphne on the spot. "What do you think, Daphne? Do you mind that Kathy likes cocks?"

Kathy chuckled, but waited for her lover to answer.

"Um, I'm actually happy that Kathy likes cocks, on occasion. I know that she loves me, more than anyone else."

Kathy smiled. "She's right. I very much prefer Daphne to some guy. Some dude named Mike or Dave."

Daphne smiled back. But Kathy's comment made her wonder about Dave's future.

A while later, having finished their dinner, Clare and Holly headed for the dance floor, leaving Kathy and Daphne alone.

"Do you really prefer Daphne?" she asked Kathy.

"Well, I have to admit that as long as Daphne has a cock, I prefer her to Dave."

"But why?" Daphne asked, upset. She didn't like the idea that Kathy would want more of Daphne than Dave. He admitted to himself that he did enjoy playing his role as Daphne, but he'd never considered any long-term commitment to cross-dressing.

"Lover, I guess it's just who I am. What I like. My fantasies and fetishes. I've always liked both men and women for their different traits. I love Dave and his cock. But I also love Daphne and her looks. And when you're Daphne, you're much more feminine and loving, and, um, softer. I guess that's the best way to describe it."


Kathy looked at her, lovingly, and reached up to caress her cheek. "I like that word better than 'submissive', which would also work."

Daphne, actually Dave, was really surprised and confused by that description. He'd never considered himself to be some dominant macho man, but had also never considered himself actually submissive. Of course, he'd never considered himself to be a cross-dresser or feminine, either.

But there, surrounded by women, and looking like one, he understood that he just might heading in that direction. Becoming something like a submissive fem-boy.

He was still lost in that revelation when Clare and Holly returned.

Clare asked Daphne to dance, but she didn't get a response. Kathy though spoke up and volunteered, so the two of them headed off, happily.

After a moment Holly looked at Daphne. "Are you okay? You look kind of out of it," she asked, concerned.

Daphne, realizing that she had been ignoring everything around her as she came to terms with her present situation, looked over and smiled, weakly, "I'm sorry. I'm just tired. It has been a long week and I think I'm ready for bed."

"Oh, I understand." Holly said, consolingly. But then she giggled. "Friday night is always our party night, so I'm looking forward to some more dancing and booze and then a fun night with Clare. She has the most marvelous strap on, and she's really good with it!" She giggled, delightedly.

Daphne perked up a bit and smiled back. "I'm looking forward to that with Kathy, too."

"Oh, does she have a one too?"

Daphne shook her head. "No, I'm the one with the cock."

Holly just laughed.

After that they sat quietly and just watched their partners dance.

When the two of them returned to the table, Daphne asked Kathy if they could head home, explaining that she was tired.

"Oh, I bet you just want to get home for a sex nightcap before sleep." Kathy said, playfully.

Holly laughed, "Oh, she said that she had a cock to use on you."

And Daphne, not to be outdone, turned to Claire. "And she said that you have a great strap-on that you use on her."

Kathy watched the exchange, surprised and initially concerned that Daphne had somehow let the cat out of the bag, but she finally concluded that it was all in jest, and that whatever Daphne had confessed to, it wasn't to her being a guy.

Relieved, she stood up and took Daphne's hand in hers as the four of them began to exchange goodbyes.

On the way home, Kathy brought it up. "For a moment there, you scared the crap out of me, admitting that you had a cock!"

Daphne chuckled. Holly started it, while you were dancing with Clare, she was telling me about their strap-on and how Claire was good at getting her off with it. I just told her that I had a cock I used on you. She assumed that it was a rubber one."

Kathy laughed. "I'm glad it's not."

They had their traditional sex, that night with Daphne fully dressed, and Kathy fully naked. And it was as good as ever. Daphne gave Kathy several wonderful orgasms using her mouth, tongue and fingers, and a short while later Kathy warmed her lover up with her mouth before unlocking her and riding her to a mutual orgasm.

After Daphne had cum, Kathy continued to sit on her. "I absolutely love this!" she said, as she looked down at her girlfriend. "You look so good. Daphne looks so good, and you feel good too." She said giggling as she reached down and massaged her pussy, still holding the shrinking cock inside her.

Daphne just laid there, smiling up at her lover. She too enjoyed the sight. Kathy, naked, was a beautiful woman, and her new breasts were a sight to behold. She reached up and cupped them and tweaked her nipples. Kathy squirmed and moaned.

"I love you, too." Daphne said, sighing.

Kathy smiled, happily. "Are you happy with this?"

"With what? I'm very happy with you, and with making love to you."

"What about being Daphne, for me?" Kathy said as she leaned over and kissed her. Her breasts brushing against Daphne's chest.

Daphne thought for a few minutes after Kathy sat back up. She felt her shrinking cock sliding out of Kathy's wet pussy, and even that felt good.

"Well, when we first started these games, the dress-up sessions, I wasn't comfortable with it, at all. But I went along because I loved you and the sex was really good."

"It was, and still is." Kathy interrupted, laughing.

Daphne smiled and nodded. "But I have to admit, now that I've gotten used to it, I have been enjoying being Daphne. What do they say? I've gotten in touch with my feminine side, and I kind of like it. I never would have guessed that I'd be happy like this." She said, her voice trailing off.

"I'm so glad!" Kathy said, happily. "I hoped you'd enjoy it. I sure love it."

"It still has me confused, though. I'm not sure what I'm becoming."

"My dream lover!" Kathy said, as she slipped down to lay squarely on top of her.

It felt really good and Daphne was happy to be Kathy's dream lover.

"Your hair is getting nice and long," Kathy said as they were cleaning up after sex and before going to sleep late Sunday night.

"Yes, I need a haircut."

"No don't. Please, let it grow out. Wouldn't' it be nice if Daphne didn't have to wear a wig?"

"I suppose, but what about when I'm back to being Dave?"

"Hey, a lot of guys have long hair. Man-buns or pony tails are all the rage." She said as she ran her fingers through her hair.

"Oh, I don't know about that. I've seen it on some guys, but not that many."

"Well, there you have it. You can be like them. And I'll love it. Please." And she kissed him.

So, from that point on, Dave let his hair grow.

The two of them spent the rest of their weekend in the same manor. As two feminine lovers. They had fun getting out and about, and cuddling and making love at home.

Kathy took control a couple of times, on Saturday afternoon and again on Sunday, conducting training sessions, showing Daphne how to do her own make-up, and making her practice, over and over again. Until she had it right, and they could go out.

Daphne got a kick out of how much Kathy seemed to love being the teacher, and was astounded at how much she enjoyed being her student.

On those occasions, when Dave surfaced, and thought about it, there was still a bizarre aspect to it all. He was becoming more and more comfortable, and content being Daphne.

They get up early on Monday morning, to make sure they have time to remove all outward signs of Daphne so Dave can go to work. It was a chore that neither of them liked.

Although the next weekend is all about Dave and Kathy, the following one is back to Kathy and Daphne.

But from then on, it's almost always Kathy and Daphne.

And slowly, over the next couple of months, he gets used to it, and he's surprised when realizes that, it's become normal. He's Dave during the work week and always Daphne on weekends. And he's okay with that.

By that time, too, they're spending all of their free time together, and it's no surprise when Kathy asks Daphne to move in with her.

Daphne, of course agrees that it's a good idea, but she baulks at Kathy's intent to live in her condo, and not Dave's.

"But my place is larger."

"Yes, but I'm happier here. Your place is too masculine for me. And I think Daphne will be happier here, too."

Happy about sharing a place, Daphne agrees, although Dave remains a bit skeptical.

The process takes only a couple of weekends, as most of Dave's things will remain in place. He'll hold onto his condo, at least for now. They just move his clothes and his favorite, personal items over to Kathy's. Dave's things wind up in a wardrobe they buy just for that purpose.

When he complains that there's not enough room, Kathy reminds him that all he needs are his manly work clothes, as Daphne's things are already stored in the big walk-in closet in her master bedroom.

He, resorts his things and puts quite a bit back in his condo. Finally, he's only just barely able to squeeze in his hangers. Thank heaven, he wears scrubs so much of the time.

It turned out that the food was the most cumbersome class of goods that had to be shifted. But eventually the refrigerator had been emptied and all of the perishable items had been stashed in Kathy's pantry.

Of course, as all of the transfer takes place on the weekend, Daphne, with Kathy's help is the one doing all of the hauling. Several times, other residents pass buy as they're moving between Dave's and Kathy's places.

A couple of times they get strange looks as neighbors, who knew Dave lived there, pass by. Daphne is relieved that she doesn't bump into Emily. Now that would have been really awkward!

Finally, they hugged and breathed a huge sigh of relief, standing just inside Dave's door.

"I think that's everything." Daphne said, taking one last look around.

Kathy smiled. "Good. Now you can forget all of these old, Dave, things and spend even more time with me, at my place."

"You mean our place." Daphne said, chuckling.

"Yes, Kathy and Daphne's place." Kathy replied, before she kissing her.

As Daphne still had a few items in her hands, Kathy took the keys and closing the door behind them, she locked up.

That night they celebrated with a fine bottle of wine and then very passionate sex.

As they're sharing the bathroom, cleaning up. Kathy wraps her arms around her lover from behind.

"God, I love you." she says breathlessly. "I love my Daphne, and the way she looks, and behaves. You've become my lesbian lover and you come with a wonderful cock."

She pauses for a moment then laughs, "And I love it when your wonderful cock cums."

Daphne turns around and they kiss and hold each other, tightly.

"You're everything I ever wanted in a lover." She says, and actually starts crying from happiness.

Daphne, holds her and kisses away Kathy's tears. "I love you too. More than you can know."

Kathy, resting on Daphne's shoulder, mumbles. "Even as Daphne, and not Dave?"


It's well past midnight when they finally pass out, exhausted, but happy.

Daphne is a wreck when she crawls out of bed in the morning and has to prepare for work as Dave. It's always such a chore to strip off her feminine things, her makeup and her nails, before Dave can draw in his eyebrows, tie back his hair, and replace his earrings. Only then can he hit the road.

It occurs to him that he really resents having to go through all of that transformation. And it's even more surprising when the thought occurs to him that he'd rather just stay as Daphne. Damn!

That night when he comments on his realization to Kath, she giggles. "I'd sure prefer if you stayed Daphne, all of the time."

He laughs. "Can't happen. Dave needs to make money. Daphne doesn't have a job."

"Well then, you'll just have to get used to the process. Besides, it takes a long time for me and all women to get ready for work, so I don't have a lot of sympathy for you."

The two of them settle down to a comfortable and happy life, together. Although Kathy's condo is small, it's beautifully decorated, and very feminine. They happily enjoy the comfortable intimacy of their surroundings.

Dave only exists during the work week, and Daphne comes to life on weekends. But over time, on many week-day evenings, he disappears and Daphne and Kathy go out for dinner, a movie, or to do some shopping.

When his hair is long enough Kathy takes Daphne to a beauty parlor and has it shaped and styled. And to his horror dyed blond, the same color as the wig Daphne no longer needs to wear.

As they walk out of the beauty parlor, Daphne lets Kathy have it.

"I can't believe you did that to me!"

"What? Have your hair styled?"

"Well, that was bad enough, but having I dyed? How can I face my customers and friends?"

"Oh, relax. Blondes have more fun, you know. And that's what this is all about. The two of us having fun."

Daphne just groaned. "But Dave's not going to have fun, like this."

"Daphne will. You look great, and you won't have to wear a wig anymore." And she reached out and grabbed her hand. As they walked across the parking lot, Kathy pulled Daphne close, and hugged her. "I can't wait to have sex with my gorgeous blonde lover." She whispered in Daphne's ear.

When they got to the car, and separated, Kathy smiled brightly at her. "Just tell them that your girlfriend talked you into it."

That evening, Daphne is relieved to not have to worry about her wig any longer. And when Kathy runs her fingers through her hair, she gets a special chill. Their sex is great, and she feels a bit better about being a blonde.

And in the days that followed, whenever anyone asked him about his new hair color. He did explain that it was his girlfriend's idea, and he left it at that. It was no surprise that everyone seemed to understand. Although one of his male clients laughed at him, "you're really pussy whipped, aren't you?"

In response, he just smiled and nodded, thinking, I am really pussy whipped. But I like it.

One evening, as they're doing their laundry, together, Kathy held up a pair of Dave's underwear.

"You need some new panties. These things are looking pretty sad."

"I suppose you're right. But it's not like you see them often."

Kathy laughed. "Hah, I do prefer you in Daphne's things."


Dave thought that was the end of it, until about a week later when he opened his drawer, one morning and could only find Daphne's panties.

"Kathy," he called. "What happened to my underwear?"

She stepped in from the other room, with a playful smile. "I replaced them. They were nasty and unnecessary."

"What do you mean? Dave needs them for work." He said, disgruntled.

"Oh, you do not. No one at work sees them. You and Daphne can share. Only you and I will know. And I like the idea. It turns me on, thinking about you wearing your pretty panties all day long."


"Oh, come on. It's no big deal. Get moving, or you'll be late for work." And she reached into his drawer, grabbed pretty yellow pair and handed them to him.

He took them reluctantly, knowing that she was right. And the thought of wearing them all of the time did make his cock strain within its ever-present cage.

From that day on, he wore only pretty, feminine panties. Day and night, weekdays and weekends. And it was no big deal.

With the upcoming arrival of a National Holiday, they planned a three-day weekend, away. Dave made reservations at a beautiful resort hotel several miles away, on the coast. The place was expensive, but each guest cottage had its own private patio, and fantastic views of the ocean.

He pictured, romantic walks along the shore, quiet dinners in any of the resort's several restaurants, shopping in the adjacent shops and most importantly, laying around, sunning themselves, and making love outdoors, to the sounds of the ocean.

He didn't plan on going as Daphne, only Daphne.

"Why wouldn't you? It's a weekend, and you're always Daphne on weekends." Kathy scolded.

"But we'll be at the ocean. I pictured us laying on the beach, playing in the surf." He said, plaintively.

"I'd be happy doing that with Daphne."

"How? How could we do that? Daphne doesn't have a swim suit. Even if she did, I couldn't wear it out in public. I don't have the body for it."

"Well, we can buy a swim suit for you. And didn't you say that the suite has a private patio for us to have fun on?"

"Yes. It does." He admitted, understanding what she was getting at.

"And we can still take walks along the beach, we'll just wear light summer dresses. It will still be fun. Now get dressed. We have some shopping to do, and Daphne needs some new clothes."

They had a fun day, shopping, as they always do.

They bought some flimsy, cotton dresses, perfect for the seashore, strappy sandals for the both of them, although Daphne's had tall, wedgie heels, with flat soles, perfect for walking in the sand, and a couple of pairs of fashionable sun glasses for Daphne. Kathy also picked out a selection of tiny bikinis for the two of them. Daphne wasn't thrilled.