Seeing Her Pt. 01


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Later back at the house, Madeline was in the shower when Louie finally got home. After embracing her sister, she burst into the bathroom to say hi to her Mom. Standing at the entrance to the walk-in shower she proclaimed, "I'm coming right in there if you don't come over here now and give me a kiss."

Madeline complied, dripping, kissed her and smiled. "Hi baby. I'm glad you made it."

Lou called for her older sister. "Jenny, come in here." When she did, Lou gestured from Madeline's head to her feet and said, "Mom's got it going, wouldn't you say?"

Madeline's blush was visible even as she retreated into the falling water. She'd never get used to how comfortable her daughters were with their bodies and sexuality. They didn't get that from me.

Jenn agreed, "You're a MILF Mom! You should flaunt it."

"Enough from you two. Out!" Then she called after them as they left the room laughing. "Wait 'til you see the dress I'm wearing tonight."

On their way through the master bedroom the girls saw the undergarments their mom laid out on her bed. Louie looked at Jenn questioningly and her sister said, "She always wears sexy bits when she performs."

"They're to show off for someone but Mom keeps them hidden." Louie said, "It's a shame because she's really got a great figure."

"Maybe someday." Jenn said.

Thirty minutes later the girls were sitting on Jenn's bed, laughing and catching up when their Mom stepped into the doorway. They instantly stopped talking to take in the sight. She wore a figure hugging black dress that hung to just below her knees. The halter style top covered her full breasts and accentuated her bare shoulders. It was open on the sides almost to her waist and when she turned they saw the back was cut almost to the top of her perfectly framed butt. She looked over her shoulder at her girls to see their reaction.

"Oh're gorgeous!" Jenn exclaimed.

Louie simply said, "Wow."

"Sexy," Jenn said, "I love that back!"

Louie added, "Daring."

Madeline was thrilled. She felt sexy. Ready to perform. She could almost taste the freedom of becoming her music. "This low-cut back was at Isla's insistence when she helped me pick it out. She said it's very sexy to watch my back when I play."

"She's right Mom."

"OK, I've got to go now. Remember the car is picking you up in an hour."

"I'll make sure Louie is ready." Jenn said about her always late sister.

"Oh, I'll be ready." Louie defended. "I'd never miss this!"


Ever conscious of appearances in public, when Allie and Tim reached her door in the hotel hallway, he said, "I've got to call home. See you in a bit." He entered the adjoining room and walked to the window as he hit the home tab on his cell.

Louie answered. "Hi Dad!" He was glad it was his younger daughter who picked up. Lately he'd been aware of disapproval from his older daughter, Jenn. He wrote it off as a stage she was going through.

"Hi kiddo. How's school?"

"Dad, I can't believe you're not here for this. It's a really big deal."

He heard the depth of her disappointment. "I know Lulu. I wish I could be."

"You should see Mom," Louie bragged, "she's ravishing."

"Put her on."

"She left twenty minutes ago so you can get her on her cell if you call right away. Sorry Dad, but I've got to go get ready for Mom's big night."

"OK Louie. If I can't reach her, tell her I called to wish her luck?"

"Sure Dad but I won't see her again until after the concert."

They clicked off. He was looking at the door to the adjoining room.

Tim had expected Madeline to be gone by the time he called home and decided not to call her cell. They'd talk later. He always felt guilty if he talked to her just before he... well, like right now.

He threw his suit jacket on a chair and loosened his tie as he opened the door to the adjoining room. Allie smiled at him from the bed. Naked. She was resting against the pillows with one arm draped over her head and the other between her legs. They were open enough to show him fingers playing in folds that already glistened.

Tim barely restrained a growl.

"I had to start without you." She purred, then gasped as she impulsively plunged two fingers inside and curled them to the front of her vaginal wall. Her eyes glowed in a way that made him wish it was his fingers inside her. He loved to feel her sexy heat just that way, finding that spot and making her gasp before his tongue followed, and his cock.

Her fingers emerged shiny with arousal. The hand that was draped over her head dropped to her tit and squeezed to present a pointy nipple. She looked down and watched herself paint it with her slipperiness. Then she met his eyes and held them while she reinserted her fingers to coat them again before painting her other nipple the same way. Tim was transfixed. Allie agilely rose to her knees and moved to the edge of the bed before presenting her youthfully firm tits in squeezing hands and pouting, "I'm all messy, Sir."

"Fuck..." He moved to the bed and bent to take her head in his hands, kissed her deeply, then bent lower to clean up her mess with his mouth. Her nipples felt hard as erasers against his lips and tongue when he suckled, then she gasped and used her hands to pull him in tighter when he nipped the turgid nubs with his teeth.

When Tim finally stepped back and stood tall, Allie flowed from the bed like warm oil and moved to him, turning to rub her naked bum against the hard-on bulging his pants. His arms went around her slim body as she moved her hands to the top of her head and then she gasped again when his fingers rolled and tugged her nipples. He pinched them in response to her gasp, eliciting an exhaled, "Oh..."

Her turgid nubs were still throbbing when he pulled the silk tie from his collar and let it slide down her front. She took a step and turned to face him before breathing, "What are you going to do with that?" A coquettish smile played at the corners of her mouth as she moved her arms to her back and held her wrists together. When Tim moved into her, she relished the harshness of his starched shirt brushing her nipples when he reached behind to bind her wrists in silk. Once she was tied, Allie dropped to her knees with athletic grace and made sure her eyes sparkled with apprehension when she looked up at him.

She opened her mouth like she was about to take a cock inside it...

Tim unbuttoned his shirt while Allie watched.

She was clear on the power dynamic at play. This whole scene was strictly forbidden by company policy but he was a senior partner in the firm and she was still considered new. Very highly recruited, and the shining star of the firm, but new just the same. He was her fast track to advancement and her immediate supervisor. The assumption was that if he said the word, she'd be fired. And he was married.

She on the other hand was the best deal negotiator in the firm. Not one of the best, the best. It so happened she was also a physically stunning young woman - face, hair and killer bod - who considered this job a stop on her way to greater things. She loved sex and there wasn't a safer place to get all she wanted than with this man in this firm. Once he'd fucked her, repeatedly, much less the other things they'd done, she knew she couldn't be fired. Fired - hell. They'd keep the promotions and raises coming out of fear I'll play the sex discrimination card. His marriage was only extra insurance.

On her knees, she was the power player.

She wanted to smirk as he took his socks off. No man does that gracefully but it's worse if they keep them on. But Allie didn't smirk because she didn't want to change the mood in the room. She truly loved sex, especially risky, kinky sex, and Tim was up for anything, coming to her from a vanilla wife who didn't like sex anymore.


Although Madeline was a featured musician throughout the concert, she truly became the focus following intermission. The other musicians were already seated when she came back out in that eye-catching black dress and heels. The applause that greeted her was unusually spirited and enlivened her gait and graceful bow. Her daughters beamed from the box they shared with Isla, Frank Church and his partner Eva Strong...and an empty seat.

When Madeline sat and adjusted her feet on the pedals, she secured herself within her performance persona. She was ready, looked to the conductor, and on his cue she played. The first piece was classical and included much of the orchestra. The second piece was also classical and almost solely Madeline's play, with occasional accompaniment by other instruments. The third piece was her - a piece never performed in public before, written by her, played as a solo performance by her. It defied categorization, blurring the lines between classical and new age. After tapping the final ivory, Madeline's hands floated up from the keyboard and her head bowed. Her long hair hid her face while that last note faded into the silence of the large hall. In that moment she could hear her heart beat...

Then the audience erupted. Their enthusiasm was more like a crowd at a sporting event than a musical audience. Madeline's head came up and she turned smiling to the crowd. When the applause and calls showed no sign of abating, she stood and bowed. She mouthed "Thank you" and bowed again. She saw her daughter's animation in their box and smiled broader. Everyone was standing. She saw Isla, Frank Church with a woman she didn't know and an empty space. Everyone finally resumed their seats when she sat at her bench.

The final piece was performed by the entire symphony, a lively medley arranged by the conductor that was perfect for the end of the concert. Afterwards, all the musicians stood and bowed for the audience's appreciative applause. The concert was wonderful in the way that makes everyone smile and created a genuine bond between the audience and the musicians. That bond was especially evident when they all came together in the lobby before spilling outside.

When Madeline entered the lobby from the stage door, Frank Church and Eva Strong held back when Isla and Maddie's daughters rushed to embrace her. "What did you think?" He asked Eva. His voice was all business.

"Yes." She answered in the same tone.

The decision having been made, they turned to watch the others and were moved by the depth of affection they witnessed. Eva, who'd forgone having a family to concentrate on her career experienced a rare moment of doubt about that choice. Frank on the other hand had always wanted a family, but didn't. He never decided to place career first, but that's what happened until the time to have a family passed him by. Madeline and her daughters were entwined in a hug with Isla's arms around them all. Frank and Eva heard their excitement while not making out the words, and waited.

When they finally joined the tight little group, Isla introduced Frank and he introduced Eva, who started right in after pleasantries. "We'd like to take you on as a client Madeline. We'll represent you and promote you. The works. An album, I think there will end up being several, a concert tour of twelve or fifteen cities and guest appearances on talk shows. You have the talent and we bring the means, know-how and the right connections."

Madeline was stunned. "Well...I..." She paused. The pause lengthened.

Jenn broke in while her Mom considered. "Well nothing. You say yes, Mom." Then she added a very spirited performance of Meg Ryan's fake orgasm scene in When Harry Met Sally, crying out, "Yes... YES... YES!" She did it so well that people in the lobby turned to stare.

"Well..." Madeline still looked doubtful.

Louisa joined in Jenn's encouragement, pleading, "You have to, Mom." She tugged on her mother's arm. "What would you tell us to do?"

Madeline looked at Jenn and then her younger daughter while she thought it over and finally said, "I'd say go for it." Her daughters hugged her excitedly and once again Isla joined their hug.

"Wonderful." Eva stated. "I'll contact you tomorrow to go over details and start mapping out an approach."

"Tonight is for celebrating." Frank declared. "I've arranged a limo to take us to Smitty's on Third. They're holding a table."

Eva had other plans so it was the five of them for dinner at Smitty's. Madeline felt girlishly giddy throughout the celebratory meal, content to listen to her companions carry on and allowing her gaze to wander from one to another. She was surprised how quickly her daughters took to Frank Church, they were normally reserved with strangers, and was equally surprised how interested he was to hear about their lives. He drew them out beautifully. Several times through the course of the celebration Isla reached for Madeline's hand and gave it a squeeze. A few times when Isla and the girls were talking, Madeline turned to look at Frank and found him watching her. More than watching. God, that look. Each time, she warmed in his gaze and blushed like a schoolgirl before smiling and looking away.

After the meal, the girls decided to go clubbing while their mother and the others lingered over after-dinner cocktails. In classic mother fashion, Madeline decided to walk them out to their Uber and Isla took that opportunity to ask Frank a question. "I thought you were going to take Maddie as one of your own clients?"

"I have that rule about getting involved with someone professionally and personally." Then he addressed the question he saw written on her face. "No... but I want to be. Eva is probably the better choice anyway for how we want to promote her."

They broke off their conversation when Madeline returned with a face literally sore from smiling so much, and resumed it when she excused herself to visit the Ladies room. He said, "I really want this to go well for her. I want everyone to see her and hear her and I want her to bask in their excitement."

Walking to the Ladies, Madeline was surprised to see Bill Evans and his wife at a table. He was the IT lead at Tim's firm and always ran the technical stuff for their Management Presentations. She approached and said, "Bill, I thought you'd be in Chicago?"

"Hey Maddie," he replied amicably, "You've met Linda, haven't you?" He gestured to his wife. Madeline nodded to Linda but her surprise over seeing him was so apparent he asked, "Chicago?"

"For the Management Presentations. With Tim and Allie Sanders."

"Those are months away. They're there working up the background on Smithson before we put the presentations together." He took in her dress and said, "Wow, what's the occasion?"

"Sorry for interrupting your meal." Madeline said, then quickly walked away without answering. They could do background anytime. He chose to miss the concert.

In the Ladies room she examined her reflection in the mirror like she was seeing a stranger. Dressed to the nines in the most expensive dress she'd ever worn, the most daring with exposed shoulders and back. On top of the world. But I'm just another clueless, middle aged woman. He's with a younger woman on my big night, a talented, professional woman.

She felt ashamed?


Madeline was grateful no one could see her at that moment. She struggled with her emotions, then lost the struggle and burst into a stall. She knelt on the tile floor and puked until she was empty and the heaving finally stopped, then rose on shaky legs and stumbled to the sink where she rinsed her mouth. She used the mouthwash from one of the personal sized bottles on the counter and wondered if they were there for betrayed women like her. Despite all the signs that had been in front of her, Madeline never really believed she'd be one of them.

By the time she returned to the table Frank had settled the tab and they were ready to go. They both looked at her, sensing something was wrong but Madeline had taken the time and strength she needed to pull herself together. Her emotions were a kaleidoscope of pain, anger, betrayal and other unidentified feelings that she was able to portray as exhaustion.

"Madeline, do you mind if we drop Isla at the club before we run you home?" Frank asked.

"No, that's fine. I'm too tired to sleep anyway." At Isla's they got out of the limo to hug her goodbye and sensing the women wanted a private moment, Frank turned to check his cell.

"Maddie, something's wrong." Isla said. Madeline's façade started to crumble but she held herself together with visible effort. "What is it?" Isla softly pressed.

Madeline shook her head and said, "I'm exhausted."

"Will you come to the club in the morning, have coffee with me?"

Madeline shook her head again. "The girls are only here for two days."

"Ok." Isla searched her friend's face, then hugged her again. "We're all so proud of you Maddie."

"Thanks." Her reply was listless.

When Frank pocketed his cell and turned back to them, he exchanged a glance with Isla when he saw her concern. They said goodnight and Madeline and Frank got back in the limo.

While not knowing what, Frank knew something had gone wrong for Madeline on her big night, seriously wrong. Her emotion filled the limo as they rolled wordlessly through the night, then he saw a single tear emerge from the corner of her eye and run down a cheek. He wanted to reach out and touch it with his finger. He wanted to kiss her tear, and her lips, and everywhere. He wanted her, but knew he couldn't have her this night. "Madeline," he spoke softly, "what's..."

She raised her hand to stop him, silently struggled to keep from sobbing and finally whispered, "I can't stay at home tonight." She squeezed her eyes shut, then whispered more quietly, "I can't."

Frank absorbed what she said and thought he knew what was going on. Before his firm committed to the expense of promoting Madeline, they'd vetted her. So he knew about her husband's suspected relationship with his associate. And where was he now? He guessed what she learned tonight. Her obvious pain broke his heart and for the life of him, he couldn't understand how any man could want anything other than her. Madeline. Just... as... she... is. He said, "Do you want to go back to Isla's?"

"No. I want to be alone?" Her voice was uncertain.

"A hotel?"

Madeline quickly said, "No."

Her face was illuminated by passing lights as they rode, and he saw confusion in her features. She looked lost. Then he saw realization and she said, "Not alone, I don't want to be alone. But I don't want to talk..."

"I understand." He opened the slider separating them from the driver. "Rick, please head back to my condo." After closing the window he said, "I've got extra rooms Madeline. You don't have to talk."

She looked at him. He does understand. She flooded with relief. I'll be safe there. But then she remembered her girls and said, "Wait. I have to stop at home to change and leave the girls a note."

Frank gave the driver the new destination.

She was embarrassed and said, "I'm sorry to be so difficult... it's just that..." She stopped talking and thought, It's just what Madeline?

Frank quickly said, "Nonsense. This is your night, and I love being part of it."

She asked him to wait in the limo when she went in, wrote a note that said she was staying with Isla and would see them in the morning, then began gathering casual clothes to change into. Madeline stopped when she saw her reflection in the bedroom mirror. All dressed up for my special night. She studied her image and wondered what door she was about to go through and looked for answers that weren't there. Finally, instead of changing, she threw the casual things in a small bag to take along. Then, surrendering to an unexpected impulse she pulled her dress up and slid her panties down her legs. She threw the small garment onto her matrimonial bed and returned to the limo in determined strides, still clothed in her formal dress and heels.