Seeing Her Pt. 01


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Silence prevailed again on the ride to Frank's condo, and in the elevator. In his penthouse she walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows to look out over the city. Reflected in the window, she watched him pour scotch from a bottle of Talisker into two glasses. Does he have it because of me? Watching his reflection approach, she saw him looking at her exposed back and felt her skin warm in his gaze. Then she turned to accept the glass he extended and took a deep unladylike drink. It burned going down her throat, burned into her belly. The harsh liquor added to heat already pooling inside her.

He started to speak, "That night... in Isla's condo..."

She stopped him with two fingers pressed to his lips. Two graceful, talented, middle aged, pianist's fingers that lingered there. But when she saw in his eyes that he was going to kiss them, Madeline drew her hand back without understanding why.

She turned back to the window and saw his face reflected above her head. Their eyes met in the glass and held. At Isla's, at the concert, at Smitty's...the way he looks at me. Without breaking eye contact he reached to take her glass before setting it down with his. His gaze reached into her soul. His hands rose to her shoulders and when he touched her skin, she shivered. She knew he saw her hunger, and felt it. In the way he touched her, Madeline knew he shared her need.

She couldn't encourage him, yet when he moved her long hair over her left shoulder and bent to kiss the exposed side of her neck she also couldn't help but tilt her head to offer him better access. She reacted to his kiss with a whimper that became a soft moan when his mouth moved behind her ear. Madeline felt his nose in her hair, inhaling, and let her head fall forward when his lips moved to the back of her neck. He pushed the ends of her halter-style dress together to loosen the hooks and paused... not because he wasn't certain. He was beyond certain. Frank Church paused to demonstrate he was in control of what was about to happen. He knew that despite the intensity of her desire, she couldn't give herself. She needed to be taken...and he wanted to take her in every way he could.

He wanted to experience all of her.

Frank finally pushed the ends together, leaned forward and unhooked them with his mouth. Madeline inhaled sharply when the straps fell and his mouth stayed, kissing and licking her neck, then moving lower while his hands chased the straps and dress down the front of her, sliding between fabric and skin, peeling the dress open, revealing her, pushing between the supporting undergarment and her breasts, holding her, kneading and needing her. On her back his mouth explored the artistry of her shoulder blades, remembering how they moved when she played. His mouth wandered lower, keeping pace with his hands on her front. Naked now to the curve of her womanly hips, Madeline felt Frank's mouth return to her neck as his hands pushed the last of her dress past her ass. He noticed she was bare underneath. "Did you forget something tonight, Madeline," he softly asked, "or take them off when we stopped at your home?"

He knows.

Her dress fell to the floor and pooled around her heels, then his hands slid up the front of her thighs and pelvis and stomach before claiming her tits. He squeezed with force that made her gasp in fear and excitement. Then he pulled her back until his mouth touched her ear before hoarsely whispering, "I can't resist you."

Madeline swooned with her eyes closed. A married, middle aged mother of grown daughters, with a successful husband who provided everything she could want, swooned like the heroine in a drugstore romance novel.

She opened her eyes when she felt him step back and watched his reflection with alarm when he moved to the couch. He sat down with the drink he'd retrieved. Oh God...don't stop. Don't stop now.

"Step from your dress and turn around." He wasn't asking. "Show me your body."

She stepped free of the garment and turned to face him and the pleasure that washed through her from this simple act of obedience excited her in unexpected ways.

He drank of her from head to toe. Consumed her. When she stopped turning, he said, "Keep going, slowly, all the way around." When she obeyed he muttered "Fuck..." under his breath. Madeline heated in his excitement over her, and stopped when she was facing him again.

"Put your hands on top of your head Madeline."

She hesitated for a heartbeat, and complied.

"Open your stance."

When she moved her feet apart Madeline became more aware of the increasing squishiness between her legs and her inability to conceal it. Then she realized she didn't want to conceal it. She wanted him to see her invitation. She wanted to seduce him with her naked body alone, without speaking or doing anything else.

"Lower your arms and face the window."

She did. She'd resolved to do whatever he asked, for once in her life to live without limits.

"Bend over Madeline." When she did he said, "Further."

Madeline placed her hands on the back of her thighs for balance and complied with Frank's order. She heard his breathing deepen from this indecent display of sphincter and labia and knew her aroused folds were visible in the gap between her thighs and almost gave in to a sudden urge to increase the exposure with her hands.

"Madeline..." his voice was strained, "you are the sexiest woman I've ever seen." He placed his drink on the end table and approached until he was behind her. He took her waist in his hands. "Stand up."

She did.

She waited.

He measured her waist, then his hands rode the swell of her hips. When he spoke his voice was soft, and amazed. "" The blend of soft voice and rough language thrummed the taut string of her arousal, and she was savoring the sensation resonating through her when he moved her hands to the window above her head. He pressed them against the glass.

She knew not to move them.

Then Frank dragged his hands down her arms and began exploring her body like he owned her. He started with her back, her shoulder blades and spine, the narrow of her waist and curve of her hips and ass. "It was almost too much, when you played." The strain in his voice revealed he was struggling for control. "I wanted to close my eyes and listen but I couldn't close my eyes with you playing on that stage in that dress, and then I couldn't see enough of you. Your face and head, your intense expression and the way you moved and your hair. Your arms, the muscles moving fingers faster than I could follow while they created music that possessed me." He was feeling her shoulder blades with his palms. "Your back...God, your sexy back." His hands moved to her sides. "Your body became the music you played, seen in the flesh. Beautiful and sensual." He reached to her full breasts, cupped and moved them side to side as if they swayed with her playing. "I pictured you naked Madeline...playing for me."

When his hands moved lower, across her abdomen and onto her pelvic bones Frank leaned into her. She felt the crisp fabric of his shirt against her back, felt the hard bulge of his cock against her bum and felt his hands spread apart over her mons to slide down the front of her legs without quite touching her folds. She wanted him to touch her there, yearned to have him discover how wet she was. Madeline's breathing became rapid as Frank's grew deep and controlled. After reaching her knees, he brought his hands back up the smooth insides of her thighs. Madeline wasn't aware she'd begun to push herself backwards into him - but he felt the change. He purposely slowed his movement to nudge her further onto the edge and when his fingers finally arrived between her legs she squirmed hoping to wiggle them inside her.

She hadn't decided she wanted his fingers in her. She hadn't decided anything. She'd stopped making choices as a middle aged wife and mother of grown daughters or an accomplished musician. She'd stopped thinking at all, and wasn't conflicted or confused. Not anymore. Madeline had become woman without trappings. Naked, standing in heels with her hands against a plate glass window on the 33rd floor of a condo building, wet with desire that this man she barely knew use her as a man can use a woman.

Frank pushed her further onto the edge. His fingers slowly teased the glistening outer fringe of her labia from taint to where her clit waited in its nest of petals. Then he ran his fingers along the edge of her lips again, in exactly the same way. She opened where she craved him. She wanted him in her body but instead he gently pushed her slippery folds together and caressed her clit with the velvety flesh covering it. Delicately. Perfectly. Madeline was rendered mindless in exquisite agony, unaware she was now pushing into him with such force she'd fall back but for his controlling strength, uncaring that she was indecently displayed to nighttime's high rise voyeurs, beyond the language of words, or stopping, beyond shame, her universe pulling into an ever shrinking core just from the unhurried touch of fingers that weren't even inside her, skilled fingers playing her body giving life to notes never heard, lovely notes of her, everything contracting into the turgid nub nestled wet and shiny in need so intense that pleasure edged towards pain until he deftly took her over that edge and her eyes squeezed shut in a climax that shuddered her body and pulsed milky jizz into her hot mess.

He'd felt her orgasm coming with his fingertips, holding her he felt it growing against the front of his body. He heard it. He felt it with his soul when she jerked in his arms and he pulled the last few orgasmic

pulses from her with his fingers.

"So beautiful." He breathed, holding her upright in his arms. "I've imagined the first time, but I never imagined you would cum so...easily."

She was going to say "I don't." But instead she whispered in surprise, "I think... I ejaculated?"

His fingers were in her folds. "Yes."

"But I don't..." She stopped speaking when she felt him coating his fingers in her jizzy mess. They were shiny when he lifted his hand past her face and slipped them into his mouth. He groaned in satisfaction, then coated them again and brought them to her mouth. She'd read women's descriptions of the taste of their own cum on Literotica, but she had no words for it...other than as delicious as the moment it happened.

She turned in his arms while he held her upright and put her arms around his neck for support. When she tucked her head below his chin he held it there with his hand and stroked her hair. After a time, she spoke into his chest. "What do you see," her voice was soft, "when you look at me?"

He thought long enough that she grew anxious, before saying, "A beautiful woman...mother...a musician," he paused, "who burns with hidden passion that's revealed when you play. You want to continue being who you are now, but also want to explore forbidden things, things that others in your life wouldn't guess." When she remained silent, he continued. "It aroused you when I ordered you to show me your body. The commands I gave you were indecent, yet you obeyed and it excited you."

It did. She thought. A lot.

"You yearn for new sexual experiences. Daring things, dirty things you've only read about."

She surprised herself by nodding her head against his chest.

"When I look at you, I see your need." He held Madeline out from his chest and their eyes met. He looked inside her. "When I look at you, I know I'm going to explore your untouched passions." Then he twisted his fingers in her hair, pulled her head back and kissed her with a hungry plundering tongue. Ending the kiss, he said, "I'm going to use you in ways that stretch you physically, and emotionally." A matter of fact statement, with no maybe.

Madeline's legs felt shaky. Her sex felt unguarded and exposed.

He said, "When I kiss you, imagine my tongue...other places. On you, in you, in your cunt, and dirty places no man's mouth has ever been." With his fingers still twined in her hair he kissed her again. This time his tongue explored her mouth differently than she'd ever been kissed, slowly, caressingly, his tongue probed her before finally twisting with hers in a way that left her reaching for more when he leaned back.

She searched his face, hoping to hear more.

Frank released her hair but still supported her with one arm when he brought two fingers to her mouth. She responded by opening it and he slowly pushed them inside. His voice had more steel in it when he said, "When you take my cock into your mouth...imagine it other places inside you. Places you expect..." he was watching her reaction "and places nature never intended."

She was surprised to realize she'd begun to suck on his fingers but didn't stop when she heard what he said. She didn't stop until he removed them.

Her actions were more eloquent than words.

Frank kissed Madeline as he backed her to the couch and lowered her onto it. He positioned her with her back flat on the cushion, her ass perched on the edge, her legs straight out and knees bent with her feet flat on the floor. Her head and shoulders were upright against the back cushion. He stepped back to look at her and saw a woman naked but for a look of hopeful apprehension, wet sex between immodestly opened legs, and heels. The heels that seemed incongruous when she played - but so revealed the woman wearing them. Fuck. Frank fought for control, then said, "And restraints, Madeline. You've fantasized about being restrained, haven't you?"

She didn't answer. She didn't need to. He knows I have.

"I'm going to give you a taste." He said.

Now? She stayed silent and again her silence was eloquent beyond words.

Frank produced a heavy rope with loops at each end. Moving behind the couch he said, "Spread your arms."

She did.

He put one of the loops in her right hand and told her to hang on to it before he worked the rope around the back of the couch and brought the other end to her other extended hand. She took it wordlessly with her arms spread out like she was on a cross.

Frank said, "Try it. Pull."

Madeline pulled to test the rope and it had no give.

She tried again to no avail.

"A lesson in trust. Tonight, Madeline, you are defenseless... unless... you let go."

She was aroused in an exotic new way and knew she was exposing more than her physical body to him. Hidden yearnings were being laid bare.

"I decide." Frank paused, "All you do... is feel."

He examined her like a wolf waiting for prey to show itself - and she did. Her pussy moistened and gaped just enough to show her slippery pink inside. A shiny drop of arousal emerged, hung on the edge of a puffy fold, and then slowly trickled down it.

Frank dropped to his knees between Madeline's legs and moaned when he caught that first drop on his tongue. She pulled against the ropes without letting go, feeling like the touch of his tongue would rip her open. He licked the length of her glistening lips. He licked inside her and suckled on her sensitive folds. Her juices streamed when he tongue flicked her clit and when he sucked on it she pulled the rope so desperately her biceps felt like they were tearing. Oh God. She felt like she was tearing inside and couldn't stop herself from pulling harder when he licked her with hunger, with a desire for her satisfaction she'd never imagined. Eating her out. She couldn't resist and gave in to his lust and gave herself to his mouth and for the first time in her life felt like she was coming as a gift to her lover and kept coming when she heard him moan with pleasure and felt him swallowing and knew he only wanted more of what he made her give...and gave of herself until there was no more.

Madeline eventually opened her eyes and wondered where she was. Not what room she was in - what world. She felt the rope's restraint but didn't consider letting go. When Frank rose from between her legs, she saw his mouth and cheeks were shiny with her release. He leaned forward, took her face in his hand and kissed her with the exotic flavors of her quim and cum in his mouth. Delicious flavors. Then, with her arms spread out as they were, he couldn't resist manhandling her tits. He roughly fondled her soft flesh. She gasped and didn't let go of the rope. She wouldn't let go.

She wanted more.

Frank stood upright, still fully clothed, and started unbuttoning his shirt. Madeline flushed with arousal as she watched the first man not Tim that she'd been with for decades. Despite just having her first multi-orgasmic experience she felt horny as a girl who just discovered sex. His eyes stayed on her as he tossed his shirt towards a chair, then his T. He was older than Tim and not as buff - Tim worked hard to maintain youthful trim - but at the same time there was something harder about Frank, something unmovable? He was deliberate and unhurried as he bent to pull off each sock. He opened his belt and said, "I can't believe how sexy you look like that." Then he moved aside so she could see her reflection in the window.

She looked.

She saw a naked woman indecently displayed, with long, sex-mussed hair and arms spread like she was tied that way. Her breasts heaved with every deep breath. Her ass was perched on the edge of the couch and her legs were open in shameless invitation. Shapely legs that looked fucking sexy in those heels.

He stepped back in front of her and took in the reaction to what she saw. "Have you ever looked so fuckable Madeline? Have you ever been... so fuckable?"

She shook her head just enough for him to catch the movement.

He opened his slacks and bent to push them down along with his shorts. When he straightened up, his circumcised cock sprang into view. Hard, with bulging veins snaking down the shaft. A little longer than Tim, but a lot thicker. Thicker than any she'd ever seen, much less touched - or fucked. He had porn star girth topped with an even bigger head.

When he saw her gaze fix on his head he stepped closer to position his legs astride hers. He stroked his length until a shiny drop of pre-cum appeared at the slit in his glans, then knelt on the cushion and moved to her head. Her mouth was open with her tongue visible inside her lower lip. More pre-cum seeped from him as he stroked and he knew she was fixated on it. He used a hand on the back of her head to guide her to his cock and said, "Taste me Madeline."

She did, on the tip of her tongue with its concentration of receptors. The sweet taste of a different man sent a shiver through her.

The view made him so hard he ached.

Frank spoke in a firm voice, "Lick the shaft." He slowly moved his hips to slide his cock across her mouth, then the other way because the rope restricted her movement. She licked him with her tongue and felt him against her lips. Madeline felt the surprisingly soft skin covering the bone inside and felt his distended veins. She felt his excitement. When their eyes met with her arms spread like she was on a cross, she kissed his cock.

Then he shifted higher on his knees and moved her head until his ball sack was against her lips. He whispered, "Lick, Madeline." She licked with her eyes shut and when he said, "Open your eyes." She did and Frank looked into them as she licked his balls. He was spellbound by the classy woman who had flawlessly played before a concert hall audience, pleasuring him with her mouth. A command performance for her enchanted audience of one.

Seeing the pleasure on his face she took one of his orbs into her mouth and softly sucked on it. It was warm. Then she let it fall from her lips and did the same with his other. His breathing deepened in a way that thrilled her. She was exciting this handsome, powerful man in a way she apparently no longer did her husband. Maybe more than she'd ever excited him? Madeline felt randy as a teen because she knew she was sexy and lusted after.