Sequel to Goa Resort


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"We don't have much time or else I would not have insisted that you strip fully the very first time. This is cathartic. You will certainly benefit from the exposure. The sex that you have will be better, more intense. Believe me. These guys glancing up from behind their glasses are not looking at your tummy. Your tits yes, that little bush of yours, yes, and don't worry, they are not rating you. They are just thinking how fun it would be to fuck you. And mind you it is not as if all the men and women are without their boyfriends/husbands. Most of them in fact are accompanied by their spouses and they know that their spouses are nude so it is not really necessary that your husband would throw a fit. For all you know he might actually enjoy seeing the erections that your pussy would compel."

As they walked toward the water, Pooja glanced down the beach and saw a few men in nearby chairs followed Rina with their eyes. The girls found our way into the waves and waded in. As they got deeper, Rina's nipples were tight and erect from the cold water. Pooja deliberately did not get in and ensured that the water level did not cross the level of her knees. As Rina in chest deep, she seemed to relax a bit. She was mostly concealed by the water – just an occasional flash of her bare breasts as a wave passed. After a while they left the water and as they walked back to their stuff, the water ran from Rina's hair down her naked body. Pooja could see a couple of eyes follow Rina as we waked toward them from the surf. Rina felt it too, and she quickly lay down on her front again when we reached our towels.

"You're going to get burned" Pooja said. "Turn over and I'll help you with your sun screen." I smiled. "I think I can manage," she said. But she turned over and started to rub the sun screen over her still wet body. She lay back and closed her eyes. Rina's creamy breasts, newly coated with lotion looked beautiful in the sun and drops of water glistened on her bush.

Rina's eyes were partially closed but she spotted a couple of tourists who looked like they were from Japan. The man wore shorts and nothing else. A big Nikon camera was hanging from his neck. He was accompanied by a young woman presumably his wife who, like Pooja was topless but instead of shorts, had on a bikini bottom. Her breasts were on the smaller side, certainly not bigger than 34. His wife was moving and though apparently he was focusing on her, it was quite obvious that he wanted to click Rina. Rina turned over...better that he click a picture of her bare ass than face and pussy. To Rina's amazement Pooja said hi in Japanese – she said that she had picked up a smattering of Japanese from the various tourists. He smiled back and paused. In sign language he pointed to his camera, to Rina, to him and his wife, making the universal – "I'll take a picture of both the girls" sign and smiled again. Rina looked at Pooja with a quizzical look on her face.

"I... I am sorry, Rina but you have to help me out." Pooja said apologetically.

"Whats the matter?" Rina asked.

"Actually this man wanted to click three of himself with his wife on one side and me on the other, other of his wife and me and the third of himself with me. I had promised him that I would pose the next time we met." Pooja said.

"So go ahead. I'll click the snap if the three of you are in the frame." Rina replied.

"You kidding? He wants me to be nude and you know I can't so please be a good girl and help me out." Pooja pleaded.

"Pooja, how can I.....?" Rina protested. You've got to be kidding. You know I don't do photos."

"Come on, this guy is from Japan, lets make this a story for their Friends in Tokyo. Those people will have no idea who we are. Come on, loosen up and have some fun. "Pleeeeease." Pooja insisted.

Rina shrugged. " Okay."

She stood off to the side, arms crossed, obviously feeling uncomfortable with a what that heck are you doing look on her face. Meanwhile his wife pulled down her panties revealing a downy bush of pubic hair.

"Okay. Now" Pooja said to Rina who was standing off to the side. and motioned to her – " Get in the photo with them."

Rina looked at Pooja and rolled her eyes. She blushed but got in the photo, standing to one side of the couple.

"No not to the side of them, between them," Pooja motioned as she talked. "There, put an arm on each of them." Rina complied.

"Now put your arm around his shoulder." Rina did this with another roll of the eyes. The woman, looked a bit unsure, but smiled. The man was clearly pleased. Since Pooja could not convey the meaning with gestures so she stepped forward and placed the man's arm around Rina's waist with his hand on her hip, her left breast pressed against him. The friction caused her thick brown nipple to start becoming erect much to Rina's embarrassment. His fingers were at her pelvic bone, barely two inches from her pussy. Pooja stepped back and snapped one photo, and then another.

"Okay, that was good. Now Rina face his wife. Yes, in a way that your nipples touch. If you are not uncomfortable you can even kiss her." Pooja said.

God, what was all this. First nudity and now this photography session. Anyway, to get over it quickly, Rina faced the man's wife. Pooja intervened and placed Rina's hands on the girl's buttocks and vice verca. Rina could feel the prick of the girl's pubic hair just as she could perhaps feel Rina's thick, brown and erect nipple pressing into hers.

"Pooja, for the snap with this guy...I won't stand the way his wife was standing." Rina protested.

"Fair enough. You don't want his cock right at the entrance of your pussy." Pooja smiled. "So stand with your arm around his back and his around yours."

Pooja clicked two snaps and handed the Nikon back to its owner. "I think it has been a long time. I should go." Rina said.

"Yes, but you still have not met Aryan." Pooja said.

"Its not all that necessary. I just happened to mention it casually." Rina laughed.

"Okay. As you wish. Your bikini is lying right there. Just walk to that building. There is a swimming pool plus showers. You can change there. Don't look at me like that. You can wear your stuff here too but you have sand and salty water on your body. That would be a better idea." Pooja said.

Rina picked up the bikini and started walking to the building pointed out by Pooja. It had been more than two hours since she had been nude and now she was not feeling all that uncomfortable.

She opened the door to her changing room and exhaled, feeling safe in a closed place; not naked in front of all those people. The scene inside took a moment to register. The room was bare except for a bench, the tiles on the floor were white and clean except for the fact that there was a man, sitting on the bench. The floor felt cold on her bare feet which were warm after having been in the sand. So this was a common room. She had been stupid to suppose that this would be only for ladies. Why should it be when they were all nude together on the beach? It was dark inside... she had come from outside so it took her a while to register to the darkness. The man's legs were apart and his cock was sticking straight up. She made a futile attempt to look somewhere else, at his dark eyes, at the floor, at the towels piled on the end of the bench. But his cock kept drawing her gaze, fully visible and unnaturally long in the absence of any pubic hair to hide its base. Its crown wasround and symmetrical – uncircumcised? Pooja was right. She had confirmed this from her!

His cock was getting larger as she watched it. No, not larger, it was closer – he had stood up and was moving towards her. She made herself look up. He was right in front of her, staring into her eyes with his haunted, intense look. She remained paralyzed in the doorway, her hand still on the doorknob, eyes wide like saucers. He leaned over slightly – they were almost the same height – and touched her lips lightly with his. This was too sudden. She did not really know how to react. His face seemed somewhat familiar. Aryan? Here? So Pooja's suggestion was not all that innocent. She had told Aryan what Rina had told Pooja. She was uncertain as to what she really wanted. Another intercourse? What would they think? That she was always ready for a good fuck?

Before she could think further, he put his arms around her and his damp body melted into her. Rina raised her arms tentatively and put them around his broad shoulders. She ran her hands over the smooth muscles of his back and neck and up to his head. His tongue moved sinuously into her mouth, merging wetly with hers.

She closed her eyes, pulling him closer, losing herself in the warmth of his bare skin and the completeness of the kiss. She made a small disappointed sound when he broke their embrace. She opened her eyes and found him looking at her totally, consumingly. His eyes were fixed on her deep cleavage and smooth stomach and her belly-button ring and, lower, her trimmed pubic hair lost in shadow. Rina stood motionless in front of him, her arms at her sides.

His eyes never wavered from hers, never let her go. She could feel his stillness. He moved back against her, and the muscles of his chest mashed her breasts flat, and made her rigid nipples throb unbearably. His cock lay flat between them, long and hard and pushing against a spot just above her pussy. Now his mouth was exploring her neck, kissing its hollows and indentations. Every bit of her seemed to be in contact with him. Rina gasped as his hands slid down to cover her buttocks. She found the contact felt unbearably arousing. She held his shoulders tightly, knowing that she'd sink helplessly to the floor if she let go.

His lips were back on hers, pushing them gently apart. Where their bodies touched, their moisture mingled, making him slippery against her. She could feel his heartbeat, deep and steady as her own raced. In the center of everything she felt the overwhelming pressure of his erection just inches from her pussy. Her hand moved down, by itself, without her meaning to move it, until it lay on the smooth curve of his hip. She kept it there for a moment, enjoying the firmness and the warmth of his skin. His lips pressed harder against hers and his hands were everywhere, tracing a shoulder blade, leaving damp trails on her back, caressing her outer thighs. Then her own hand was suddenly in contact with his cock. She wasn't sure how it had happened, and she started to pull away, but then the man's hand was on her own, wrapping her fingers around the shaft.

For a minute she just held it gently, hypnotized by the pulse of blood beneath the silken skin. She was holding Aryan's cock! She couldn't quite get her mind to absorb the fact. Her thoughts were scattering, darting away from her in every direction. Should she stroke it? It seemed to be the logical thing to do. He didn't offer any hints. He simply stood there, totally focused on their kiss, his hands continuing to explore her bare skin.

Rina pulled her head back, away from his, and took a deep breath. She looked down at her hand. The cock had grown; she was sure of it. And even in the dim light of the changing room she could see a big vein throbbing on one side. She slid her hand up towards the tip and felt him shudder in response. She moved her hand again and heard him make a soft groan. She was completely transfixed. She couldn't look anywhere else. And she needed to be closer, to see it better. Unsteadily, Rina sank to her knees. After all, that is what she had told Pooja; that she regretted not having pleasured Aryan orally.

The room was so silent Rina could hear her own heartbeat despite the fact that the beach outside was a theatre of hectic activity. She felt lightheaded, her vision narrowing until all she could see were Aryan's slim hips and his rigid cock sticking out towards her at eye-level. His scent was intoxicating, a mixture of his arousal and a faint aroma of chlorine. His cock quivered slightly; everything else about him was perfectly still. She reached out again and touched the tip with one finger. It jumped in response, and a tiny bead of liquid oozed out. She leaned forward, fascinated. The little slit in the tip opened and closed. She held on to one lean thigh for support and stuck out her tongue. Before she was quite ready, it made contact with the tip, and she tasted a salty sweetness, barely enough to register on her tongue. Aryan drew in his breath but didn't move.

She kissed the warm skin of his hip and rubbed her cheek against the shaft of his cock. She heard his indrawn breath. Encouraged, she followed the same path along the side of the shaft with her tongue. When she reached the crown she opened her mouth just a little and took some of the tip inside. It felt so soft, so smooth. She couldn't get over how warm it was, how much life there was in that little bit of flesh. She licked around the tip then had to lean back to catch her breath. She used the time to touch the skin of his thighs, and then, coming closer again, reached around to dig her fingers into his butt. She tried taking more of his cock into her mouth – and inch, then two – before pulling back again and gasping for breath. But she couldn't bear to be without him in her mouth for long. She licked around the glans, feeling the texture, tasting more of the salty pre-cum. The feel of the blood pulsing underneath his flesh made her dizzy. She looked up. The olive skin of his stomach and chest tapered upwards; his nostrils flared. She could feel a flush starting in her cheeks. She put one hand on his scrotum and felt the wrinkled sac pulled tight around his balls. Oh god, she thought, I can't believe I'm really doing this.

But she was; and she didn't want to stop. She slid her lips forward, trying to get all of him inside. She had to pull free half way down, needing to breathe before she passed out. His hands moved down to rest on her bare shoulders. Were those strong, dark hands going to push her down onto her back, touch her breasts, stroke her burning pussy? Perhaps fuck her again.

But instead he put his palm on the back of her head and nudged her face towards his cock. She wanted to ask him to stop, to touch her just a little, but she didn't know how. Maybe after she'd licked him some more. She took him gently in one hand and slid her tongue all the way from the tip down to the base of the shaft, then sucked one of his balls into her mouth. The different texture of the skin around his scrotum was intoxicating. She held it there for a moment, then went back to the tip, swallowing it as far down as she could go.

Aryan watched as his cock disappeared into her mouth, her red lips wrapped around her. Her lips slid up and down the length, leaving smudges of red lipstick behind. She sucked him deeper into her mouth, sending waves of pleasure through his body. Her hand reached up to cup and squeeze the balls, her other hand stroking up and down his cock.

As the pressure built, and his cum started to rise, she stopped. Easing his cock out of her mouth, she held it up against his body. She licked slowly along the cock, from the very base up to the tip. And then back down again, along the cock, onto his balls, and as deep as her probing tongue could reach. She lapped and sucked at his balls, sucking them into her warm mouth.

Aryan moaned out loud, and – reaching for her head – pulled her back onto his cock, pushing himself back into her mouth. She reached around to his bum, and pulled him tighter to her, her fingers probing. He held her head and fucked her wet mouth. She sucked on him, drawing himself deeper into her with each thrust of his hips. He felt his balls tighten as his cum built up inside them, demanding release. He fucked her mouth harder, her hand now stroking his balls, moving faster to match his rhythm. She felt his buttocks contract powerfully. For a moment she wasn't sure what was happening; then there was a spurt of hot liquid hitting the back of her throat.

With a loud cry he came, his cum pumping into her mouth. She held him tight, her lips firmly pressed around his cock. She reached for his balls again, squeezing them as if to force more cum out of them. Despite her attempts to swallow all one blob hit her on the shoulder, another landed on her chest and ran down between her heaving breasts. His cock, now only a few inches in front of her, continued to spurt prodigiously.

Looking up at Aryan, she swallowed the cum that was in her mouth, her eyes bright, a wicked smile across her face. As the bursts of cum subsided, Aryan sighed deeply, then collected himself.

Rina stood up slowly. He took her into his arms and kissed her, tasting his cum on her lips and in her mouth. He led her to the bench and laid her down. He knelt on the floor, between her out stretched legs and leaning forward he kissed her pussy.

"Thank you, Rina. That was wonderful. Thanks again." He said as he licked her pussy. "You are the epitome of female sexuality."

Rina shuddered as powerful waves of pleasure ran through her body but shook her head.

"No, Aryan. Not today."

"As you wish." He said disengaging his tongue from her pussy. " But remember I am always there for you and there is no formality. "

Straightening up, he left the small room and closed the door quietly behind him.

Rina was still on her knees, breathing raggedly, her chest dripping with a mixture of semen and sweat. Her hard nipples and aching pussy made it impossible to think. Almost unconsciously, she put her hand between her legs and moved her fingers between her dripping folds until they found her clit. She cried out as an orgasm hit her almost immediately. She herself did not know why she had refused to let him fuck her.

A long time later, when the feelings had subsided, Rina stood up groggily and found a towel to wipe herself off. The pool house seemed unnaturally quiet in the early morning chill. So that was what Pooja had planned. Not bad, Rina thought and smiled in the semi darkness at her own reflection. She stuck her tongue out and licked her lips of whatever little of his cum remained. The ring of her cell phone broke her reverie. It was her husband wanting to know where she was. She replied that she was at the beach, had a wonderful time and would be with him soon.

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

4+ (4.4 = 88%, ☆☆☆☆+)!

SweetNothingsAndBeyondSweetNothingsAndBeyondalmost 3 years ago

Dear 26thNC and ANONYMOUS,

You two are deadly combos! An idle mind is a devil's workshop. Apt for you two. How can GOA be boring? Unless you have a pre-conceived mind set? And how the hell on earth you ANONYMOUS - CAN CALL A COUNTRY'S MEN AND WOMEN AS PIMPS AND WHORES? Unless you are a lunatic! For sure! The only place you can take shelter is in an ASYLUM!

26thNC26thNCalmost 5 years ago

Goa way, bore us no more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Seems thaat all .

Indians Women are WHORES< and most women and men are pimps.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
I like when you come back......

it is good to see you back on my request. Why don't you come back in every 15 days. Get some more erotic ideas.... if you need any help in that let us know.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Pretty good

A good followup to the previous story. There were some continuity errors, but once you get past those, the story and characterisations do fit well with the previous one.

Perhaps you should collaborate with the original author and turn this into a series.

- JT

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
welcome back

welcome back rupanita.

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