Sex Patents


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"You should be nude too, you keep me naked, but you keep getting dressed. Don't you know that 'turn-about is fair play?" When are you going to let me play with you? I don't know if I can bring you to as high of an orgasm as you can give to me, but I would love to try. Doesn't it sound like fun to try?" I asked her.

"I will let you play with me soon, I just have so many different ideas I need to try out on you. Remember that I have had 9 years of not being able to practice on a penis. So let me catch up on playing. I have been penis deprived. I have several new inventions that need testing and refinement. Just relax and enjoy." She was still stroking my body, running her hands up and down.

"For someone that is out of practice, you sure can keep me from cumming, even when I am trying to cum. How do you do that so well? Every time I feel that I am about to cum, you stop. Then when I start to relax my penis, you start playing again. Am I that easy to predict?"

"You don't have much of a poker face, you get a look of ecstasy on your face when you start getting close. I also watch your balls; I learned that male balls start up into the body when you are ready to come. So I watch them as well, when they start to tighten up I know its time to slow or stop for a few minutes." She was feeling my testicles while she was explaining.

"Now let's go find something to eat." She was leading me out of the bedroom. I tried to grab a bathrobe, but she took it out of my hands and hung it back up leaving me nude. "This is one of mine, it would not fit you, it would look like a t-shirt on you."

"I am going to demand a rule; you can not wear more than I am allowed to wear. If I am nude, then you need to be nude also." I wanted to see her sexy body again.

She obliged by taking off the robe she had been wearing. "I had to put this on when I went into the garage. I don't mind having you look at me, but I did not want the neighbors staring. Maybe if I am naked it will help you recharge quicker."

She took my hand and turned around so that my hand was now over her shoulder; she placed my hand on her breast and held it there as we walked towards the kitchen. "Will you promise to stay here with me all weekend?" She asked as we walked down the hall.

"I would promise you just about anything, but you already know that. I certainly will promise to stay here all weekend. Why do you ask?"

"I just wanted to make sure you were all right with what I have been putting you through. I moved pretty fast, I do not want to scare you away. It's probably a little late to worry about that now, but I do want you to stay. I am having a lot of fun giving you a good time." She looked up at me with concern on her face. "You don't really want to go back to that dismal apartment of yours, do you? Think of how hard it would be to stay there alone after what we have enjoyed together."

"The last 24 hours have been incredible. I would not change it for the world. I did not want to ask if I could stay, but I would love to hang around as long as you will allow me to." I was relieved to find out that I was still welcome. "The thought of leaving had not entered my mind till just now, but it frightened me. I am sure glad that you are not going to throw me out." We were coming out of the hall way towards the kitchen and I could smell dinner cooking, she had started something earlier and she was right, it was time, the stove timer was buzzing away.

9) Friday Evening, a late night

She sat me down at the kitchen table. It had a glass top, it did not provide very much concealment. "When we milk cows, we also feed them. There is a trough of grain or hay in the milking barn and the cow gets to eat while she is being milked, that's where we get contented cows. I wonder if we could sit you down at the table with the milk cup hooked up to milk you while you try and concentrate on eating? Could you eat without spilling food all over? It would be fun to watch you eat peas with a fork while the machine was sucking on your penis. I wonder if you could drink a glass of wine without spilling it? There are lots of things we can try, we just need some time, so relax and enjoy dinner." She was laughing at me as she served dinner.

We had strawberries for dessert. "Sex and cooking, what can get better? You are talented. Now what do I have to do before I can go to sleep?" It was 9:30 before we were done with the food, and had the kitchen cleaned up. Loading a dish washer with everything hanging out was a new experience.

"I think I will tie you up again and surprise you with an assortment of feelings. Come on, its time to go to work."

She had me tightly tied to the post in just a few minutes. Then she went to the toy drawer. When she returned she had a sleep mask, she stood on tiptoes and slid it over my head. "I don't want you peeking and finding out what I am about to do, I want to surprise you and if you can see what is about to happen it won't be a surprise."

My penis was alone for a few minutes, what was she up to now? I felt her working my penis, rubbing it with oil or lubricant. Then I felt the milking cup being pushed on my penis. She turned the switch on and the cup yanked itself hard onto my penis and began pulsing hard.

"I have it set to a slower pulse rate to make you last longer, but I have turned the suction power up so that it will be more erotic. I am going to make you want to cum so badly that you will be begging me to let you cum. It will be more like a strong hand slowly squeezing your shaft while the suction takes your pre-cum out of you and dries your balls out. The additional suction will make each pulse rack your whole body, but they will be slow enough that you have to wait for the next one. I can slow it down so that your penis can soften between pulls if you get too close. You won't get sore, there is lots of lubricant on you, and the smooth rubber inside the milk cup won't cause any friction. A cow's teat is really quite tender, and that is the mode we are set on now, very slow, powerful and sensual."

I was being driven mad, the milk cup had only been on for a few minutes and already I was feeling the slow throbs through my whole body. Each time the pulse sucked on my penis, my hips jerked and I took a sharp breath as the sensations shocked my body. It was like the ticking of a grandfather clock. It was shaking my whole body as the machine slowly pulsed. With one hand she was lightly licking and playing with my nipples, pulling them and stroking them between shocks. She was pulling on my balls with the other hand, rolling them in her hand, pulling on them, stroking them, teasing me to the absolute peak. She was pulling my testicles down, holding them tight, teasing them with her finger, and then releasing them. She was watching my response closely; when I was slipping farther away from a climax she would speed up the pulse rate of the machine. When I was getting closer and could begin feeling it in my balls she would suddenly turn it way down.

"How long can you stand this before you begin begging? How long can I make you last after you begin begging before I finally let you cum? How high do you think I can make you go before I bring you down? I like this, it's like playing a fine musical instrument, I can hit high notes, I can hit low notes, I can play a simple melody, or I can do what I am doing now, play a whole symphony." She was obviously having fun teasing me beyond any limits. She pulled my head down and gave me a very long and lingering kiss on the lips. "I hope you are enjoying this, I want to make you cum harder and more than you have ever cum before. When I am ready to make you cum, I will turn the machine up so that you can cum with all the intensity possible, it will suck you dry, and then suck you some more. But not yet!" She laughed at me and went back to caressing my balls and tweaking my nipples. "It's only been one hour since I turned the machine on. I have a longer goal than that for you tonight."

With that she left me for a moment. I discovered what she was doing; she turned the machine down even slower and turned the suction down as well. I was determined not to beg, I wanted to badly. Oh how badly I needed to cum.

"For almost two hours you have been attached to the milking machine. Can you believe that you can be that close to a climax for that long? Now I have a decision to make. I wanted to let you go at midnight, I wanted to leave you hooked up for a full two and one half hours, I can either make you suffer another ½ hour before I let you climax, or I can make you cum sooner, but leave the machine milking you for a half hour after you cum. Which do you think would drive you mad, rather which one will drive you maddest, which one will drive you out of your mind?"

"Both will drive me mad. I haven't experienced either yet; all I know is that I need to ejaculate terribly badly. Let me ejaculate, make it a strong one, let me shoot as hard as I can. I have always wondered what it would be like to have my penis forced to be milked after I climax. It should be a wild feeling, but it will be a different feeling. It will probably be kind of a love/hate thing. If not stopping is the price I have to pay to climax, then let me climax."

"That is good thinking on your part, you convinced me to do both. I will keep you on the edge of a climax, I will work a little harder to keep you just on the edge for another half of an hour, and then I will let it keep sucking you dry for another half hour. We will find out how you will respond to being played with after you cum."

"Oh, what have I done?" I still could not get relief and now she was working the controls with one hand and my balls with her other hand, keeping me just short of the peak. She would take me to the point that I would begin tightening up, feeling the start of a climax, then she would stop the machine for a minute. She would start it up again, faster, to bring me back to the edge, then slow it even more so she could keep me close without letting me climax, then if I began enjoying it too much she would stop it again.

"Let me cum, I need it badly, you are driving me mad, and I need it now." It seemed like eternity had already passed. "I am begging, make me cum, please!"

"Not quite yet, you will know when I decide to put you out of your misery." After several cycles of taking me close, then stopping the machine again, she stopped it for several minutes. She spent the time tugging on my balls; she was working them well, pulling them down so that I could not climax yet, stretching my ball sac. My penis was even starting to soften.

"With our milk cows we could watch the cows bag to see if her milk was ready and she was in need of milking. I want to make sure you are really ready, do your balls feel full?" She was pulling on them, holding each one in a hand.

"I am ready, I need it badly, let me cum this time, please!"

"Guess, will I let you come this time, or will I play some more?" She started the machine off slow again, teasing me some more. It was several more cycles before she suddenly turned it up to high suction and fast speed. She wrapped her fingers around under the base of my testicles and held on tightly, squeezing my testicles tightly right at the base of my body, pulling the sack tight, then she wrapped a soft rubber band around them, pulling it tight, holding my testicles tight, and protruding out from my body in their tight sack.

It took only seconds and I was at my peak. I began to ejaculate, I twitched, and then twitched again, almost nothing came out. Her hands still had a tight grip around under my testicles, milking them while the rubber band kept the tension tight. I was climaxing, but only a little bit of cum came out. Again I came, but only a slight bit spurted out. I was having climaxes, they went on and on but I was only losing a tiny bit of cum with each eruption. I was in heaven; I think I climaxed twenty times. Then she suddenly let go with her hands and she must have released the rubber band at the same time. I erupted, it was explosive, and I felt my juice spurt again. I was having full climaxes; they went on and on as well. Then I was over. But the suction continued, the squeezing of the machine continued. The milk cup continued pulling my penis into it and then releasing it. My penis head was super sensitive, but the machine would not stop. I wanted out, but it would not let my penis out. There was no way I could even squirm, I could not move, I was tied tightly, I wanted to escape but I could not do anything to stop the intense massage of my penis. I was having dry ejaculations, I had no cream to shoot, but my penis was still being massaged at high speed.

"That's enough; let me go, turn the machine off. I am done, I need to relax. Please, I have been sucked dry. Let me go, my penis is super sensitive." I was trying to squirm, trying to escape, but I was tied too tightly to even move, let a lone get away. I was trying to stop the over-stimulation of my penis, but it kept going on and on.

"This is where even more fun comes in, I call it 'come and come again'. I told you that you could have more than one climax, I proved that by holding your balls very tightly, that minimized the amount of cum you could lose with each spasm, letting you have ten or more climaxes instead of the five or six that you would normally have, many small eruptions instead of a couple huge eruptions, I clamped around the base of your balls with a small rubber band and held tight with my hands, that allowed a tiny bit to escape each time, so it was spread out for several minutes instead of just a couple of seconds. Now you are going to learn about a new threshold that is available to you, all you have to do is just let it happen. It's going to happen, whether you want it or not. There is nothing you can do about it, just enjoy and focus on the feelings. I am going to prove to you that after you climax there is a second threshold that you will learn to enjoy, a second chance to get hard and feel the same thing you felt before. It only comes when there is no pause or slow down after the initial climax, it keeps going and you end up having an entire second series of erection and enjoyment. After a few tries, you will even climax a second time, you may not ejaculate much, but you will have the full intense feelings. But the first few dozen times you will only get hard again and begin to feel the same intense feeling that brought you to the climax in the first place. It will take a few times before you have a full continuous climax that goes on and on."

The machine continued to milk me, it was still set to high speed, and my penis was being worked beyond anything I had ever felt before. I tried to relax my penis but the suction would not allow it to shrink. My penis was staying hard against my will, and my penis was beginning to enjoy it again.

"I think you are right, I am staying hard and I am feeling some of the same sensual feelings I had before I came. It is part unpleasant, I want it to stop, but it is also part pleasant as my penis is still terribly sensitive. It is not quite as intense as the first time, but almost enjoyable just the same. It is still too intense, stop it and let me relax."

"Just enjoy, you will feel it stronger for a while, it will take quite a few more sessions before you can get to the point that the second plateau is as strong as the first one. It's a learned response. Just enjoy the massage you are getting. You only have another 15 minutes to go before I will turn you loose. When I first did this to my husband I chickened out and let him go before we got this far, but as we both learned about it, I kept him tied up longer and longer, he finally became multi-orgasmic. He enjoyed being played with when his penis was soft; he said it felt as if he had not climaxed yet. I could play with him for as long as I wanted after he came, he enjoyed it just as much as he did when we started. I could make him come for several minutes; he would ejaculate over and over again, even though nothing came out."

She was playing with my balls, they were still trying to hide from her, she was trying to work them out where she could hold them easier. I was beginning to feel sexy again. It was feeling very pleasant now, I was responding a little. If she was right that it would get better after more repeat sessions, I would probably learn to like it, if I could stand it. The milk cup was trying to pull my testicles out through the end of my penis, the suction would not let my penis relax. I would have fallen down if I was not tied up. I was totally relaxed; my whole body was ready to collapse. But the pulsing and sucking on my penis continued. She was still chasing my balls, trying to get them in her hand, they kept trying to run away and hide inside. Then it stopped. She removed the milk cup from my penis, I felt her take the head of my penis in her mouth. She played with my softening penis for a few minutes as I relaxed, sucking on me and running her tongue over my penis head. My balls were relaxing as well; she had them in one hand, pulling them down.

"That's enough; I just wanted you to have a warm and very personal welcome back from the world of wild mechanical sex. Did it work?"

"I have never felt anything even close to what I just experienced. It is beyond just sex, it is a world of its own. I will never be able to thank you for what I just experienced.

She began untying me, starting from my feet. "Be careful, you will probably collapse as soon as I finish untying you." She loosened my arms, pulled my blindfold up to my forehead and then took the loop from around my shoulders and under my arms. "Just turn around and lie on the bed, don't try and walk".

I tried to move and found that nothing worked. I just moved to the side and fell backwards onto the bed. As I took inventory of myself I realized my penis was throbbing, my balls were aching and my legs and arms felt numb from being tied for over three hours. I tried to move my legs; they did not want to respond. My arms worked, but only slowly.

"Do I have to move or can you just throw a blanket over me? I feel totally spent."

"Just relax, you need to recover. That was a long session, but it was sure fun to watch you struggle to escape and then ejaculate so strongly. I am always amazed that I can control a man and drive him to such peaks. I hope you enjoyed it as well." She lay down beside me, wrapped her arms and legs over me and kissed me repeatedly.

That is the last thing I remember until morning.


I will have to stop writing for a few weeks, I am pretty busy in the evenings. Let me know if you enjoy this, vote on my writing, if you like it I will tell you some more of her story. Like how we modified the milking machine to suck on Sharon's clit and nipples, then added a vibrator to drive her mad. We made a sex toy powered with a small hand held kitchen mixer. The best is yet to come!

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Definitely like the milker concept. Forced ejaculations are amazing. Too bad so few understand it.

Privates1stClassPrivates1stClassover 8 years ago
Dairy boy

A special milking machine for your penis, run by a woman who knows how to run it. Wow, is that a treat or torture? Depends on how long you run it, I suppose.

Anyway, you've written an interesting story. Where's the next chapter?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

I'm surprised that there are no comments here. This is a good story. I'm going looking for writer-biker to see if you have anything else here. The only thing I can see wrong is that most people talk with contractions as I've done here. It makes for a little less formality. Also, "please let me ejaculate". That would be "please let me cum", or, come, if you please. I think it makes for easier reading. I can imagine at least four more chapters to this story. She has untested items for him. They need to be adapted for her. The daughter needs to be involved and the daughter needs to come up with ideas of her own. Have fun. Take these ideas and fly.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Great tease and toy story

I really enjoyed the long teasing and multiple male orgasm ideas. I hope you continue writing as I would very much like to read about a long fucking session after getting the begging. I was a bit surprised there isn't more focus on her getting satisfaction, either orally from him to urge him higher while reaping benefits, or from another toy while she watches him going crazy.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

Excellent - such imagination put to such good use

egon14egon14almost 15 years ago

PLEASE write more for this story! The slow way that you tell it is as much of a tease as Sharon is in the story. I want to read about more of her inventions!

I love stories where men are teased by their women!

(See my story, titled "Helpless" in the BDSM section.)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago

Fantastic story amazing great not enough words to describe how good this story was. As for annon USA before me would love to run into you so that you could try something similiar to this to me.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
If only I had the nerve

I would love to have the nerve to do this to a man. So many times I've wanted to be able to keep playing with him after he has cum the first time, but guys squirm away.

I would love to be able to wander through all the toys you knew were there in the story.

hugs, bobbi

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

WOW!! I have never spent so long on the brink of climax as I orgasmed again and again reading this.........cant wait for more - now - please!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

MMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmm good!

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