Sexual Secrets Ch. 08


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It was then that Aidan heard Logan scream again, causing him to refocus his attention. Having no idea which way to go, Aidan simply took off further up the beach hoping to see something -- anything -- that would tell him where his friend was.

Panic quickly replaced anger as Aidan desperately tried to locate Logan. His heart was beating so fast he could feel it pumping rapidly in his chest while it thumped in his ears. Just then a loud cry echoed across the open beach and Aidan knew exactly where to go.

He raced up the beach a little more, as fast as anyone can run barefoot through warm sand, and looked to his left where a tiny little entrance to an alcove was almost hidden from view. Aidan's anger returned at once as he ran into the opening. He could barely believe his eyes.

Logan was on his hands and knees with David behind him shoving his cock deep inside Logan's asshole while Chase was on the other end fucking Logan's mouth as Kevin stood by jerking off waiting his turn. From his angle Aidan could tell Logan was crying and in serious pain, and once again Aidan's anger penetrated every inch of his body. He reacted instinctively and without reservation, reaching down to grab an enormous handful of sand.

As Kevin tugged on his cock, Aidan ran up behind and yanked him over backwards by the hair. When Kevin opened his mouth to scream, Aidan dumped the handful of sand down his throat. Kevin dropped sharply to the ground gagging and choking while Aidan kicked him in the dick and quickly moved on to the next guy.

While David forcefully thrusted his hips forward, Aidan reached out and grabbed the older boy by the shoulders with such force that David fell backwards onto the ground. With his front fully expose, his dick smeared with blood, Aidan repeatedly slammed his bare heel down on David's stomach. After every hit David shrieked in pain while feebly trying to block the assault, but Aidan didn't stop. There was no stopping him now.

Dropping down to kneel over David's body, Aidan continually slammed fist after fist into the guy's face. Aidan punched David so fast and so hard that he broke the other guy's nose and jaw with two rapid punches as blood oozed everywhere. As the older boy attempted to cover himself and move away, Aidan kept locking his fists on the boy. He punched at anything he could find, including a quick jab at David's throat that caused the guy to momentarily stop breathing while retching for air.

As Aidan started beating on David's chest he was yanked up from behind by Chase, who apparently had stopped face-fucking Logan long enough to get involved. But as Aidan rose and spun around he landed a punch on the left side of Chase's face while his foot collided with Chase's ball sack. Like something out of a cartoon, Chase's body spun around as he collapsed to the ground. Trying to slither away, Aidan was having none of it. There would be no surrenders today as Aidan proceeded to kick Chase. When the older boy landed on his back, Aidan slammed his right foot down on Chase's crotch as the boy gasped, then screamed in pain. Giving Chase one final kick in the gut, Aidan turned around to find his friend.

Logan was sitting with his back against the rough surface inside the tiny cave, his knees up to his face where tears were clearly visible. Aidan rushed over and pulled his friend up. "Let's go," he instructed angrily. "We're getting out of here." When Logan failed to move, Aidan yanked hard on his arm, "Move, dammit! I don't want any of these fuckers to snap out of it."

"What did you do?" Logan asked, a look of confusion evident on his face as Kevin gagged in the distance as another mouthful of vomit and sand flew out to land on the cool ground.

"Don't worry about it. Let's go," said Aidan roughly, and this seemed to satisfy Logan. He moved quickly behind his friend as Aidan pulled him along. Once outside, the two boys made their way as quickly and as inconspicuously as they could back to the parking lot and some measure of safety.

Along the way, Aidan could see Tony passed out in the soft sand covered in blood and puke but there was no site of Brandon which concerned him. "Where the fuck did that asshole go?" he spoke out loud to nobody.

"What's that?" asked Logan meekly, shuffling along as best he could trying to keep up with Aidan who was moving at a rather brisk pace.

Before Aidan could answer him, someone from the distance shouted. It was Brandon and he was awkwardly limping toward them. Aidan turned and shoved Logan toward the parking lot which was still about a hundred yards away. "Go. Get back to the car. I'll be there in a minute." When Logan attempted to speak, Aidan grabbed him by the shoulders and looked him in the eyes. "Listen to me. Go back to the car and wait for me. Understand?"

Logan nodded his head and proceeded to walk by himself toward the parking lot as Aidan turned and marched right toward Brandon, rage pervading his body once again.

As Aidan approached, Brandon stopped abruptly. He saw the anger and hatred in the other boy's face and it terrified him. But before he could even begin to back up Aidan was on him.

"Oh, please don't," pleaded Brandon, quickly covering his nuts as Aidan unleashed a torrent of blows to his unprotected face. Brandon fell backward on the beach trying his best to shield himself, and that's when Aidan stepped on the older boy's balls with all his force.

A deafening scream pierced the air as Aidan put the full weight of his body upon Brandon's scrotum. At once something burst under his foot as Brandon's eyes flew wide and he gasped for air. Then he yelled louder than anything Aidan had ever heard. The older boy turned his head and coughed as a few people nearby scanned the area for the source of commotion. Brandon vomited profusely in the sand as Aidan knelt down beside him.

"If you ever touch me or my friend again, I'll fucking kill you," whispered Aidan into the ear of the half-conscious Brandon. "You hear me, you sick mother-fucker? I'll find you and I'll kill you. That's a promise." Aidan stood up and gave a final kick to Brandon's bare ass. Then he walked off to retrieve his and Logan's belongings still cluttered in a pile where they had sat with a group of guys they mistook for normal people.

Brandon was still crying loudly in the distance as Aidan made his way to Logan's car. Once there, he tossed the keys to Logan and they both got in.

It wasn't until they were almost back to Logan's house that either one of them realized they were still naked, and Logan pulled over into an elementary school parking lot so they could get dressed. When both of them were clothed, Logan sat in the driver's seat and looked blankly out across the steering wheel.

"Are you okay?" asked Aidan cautiously. He didn't want to press his friend but felt compelled to ask.

Logan's bottom lip began to quiver as he quietly sobbed, then bit down hard on it to stop himself while turning to look at his best friend. Eyes brimming with tears, Logan slowly shook his head as he started to cry.

Not knowing what else to do, Aidan reached over and pulled Logan into his arms. "Go ahead, cry. Let it out," he told his friend as Logan wept into his chest. Simultaneously, Aidan was filled with hatred for what those guys had done and overwhelming love for his best friend. It was a bizarre contradiction of emotions to deal with at the same moment. Hatred and love -- the yin and yang of passion. For the first time, but not the last, Aidan knew what was meant by the saying, "There's a fine line between love and hate." There was indeed!

Slowly, Logan seemed to get control of himself and pulled away. "I need to get out. Get some air and just think for a bit. Collect myself and my thoughts." He opened the car door and hopped out, while Aidan followed his lead and did the same thing.

The two of them leaned against the back of the car and just stood next to each other for a long time, neither of them really knowing what to say or do. Aidan decided to keep quiet and let his friend sort things out without having to talk. He figured Logan would speak when he was ready. However, without even thinking about it, Aidan reached over and took hold of Logan's hand.

After many minutes passed, Logan said the only thing he could think of. "What the hell happened?"

Aidan thought this was a great question to ask, but he certainly had no answer. "I don't know. I just...don't know."

Anger flashed across Logan's face. "Those guys are despicable. Fucking animals, every one of them."

On this, Aidan completely agreed. "No doubt about it. They are rotten. Those are the kind of people that give gay people a bad name."

"They're not gay. You have to be human first, and they're not human," Logan concluded. He turned to look at his roommate. "How did you even find me? I was so scared." His bottom lip began to tremble again as he averted his gaze.

"I'm not sure," Aidan answered honestly, then tried to explain everything he could. "I lost sight of you, and then...well, the two guys with me started getting rough. Next thing I know I heard you scream. I knew it was you immediately and that's when...well...I guess I just lost my damn mind."

For the first time since his ordeal Logan smiled. "You kicked the shit out of five older guys!"

Raising his head in obvious satisfaction as a wide smile lit up his face, Aidan said, "Yes I did! Goddammit, I did!" Another minute passed in silence before he added, "I had to."

The boys looked at each other and smiled. "I thought for sure I was trapped," Logan said more to himself than to Aidan.

"I was so frightened," Aidan admitted, all at once explaining everything he had thought and felt at the time. "I've never been so scared in my life Logan. I didn't know what to do. I just knew I had to get to you, especially when you screamed again." He paused and shook his head, as if amazed at his own recollections. "I've never been that mad before either. It was like I stepped outside my body. I had no control over what I was doing and I didn't even care. I wanted them to pay. I wanted them to hurt. Honestly, I think if I had a gun I would've shot them."

Staring at him in disbelief and gratitude, Logan told him, "You saved me, Aidan. may have actually saved my life."

Looking into his friend's eyes, Aidan smiled as he took Logan into his arms. "Of course I did. I love you." He said it without any conscious thought -- it just spilled out of his mouth as naturally as anything.

Logan pulled back a bit and looked at Aidan in astonishment. "You...what? What did you say?"

Recognizing what he had said for the first time, a grin slowly spread across Aidan's face as a look of mischievous sparkled in his eyes. "I said I love you Logan. And I do." He brought his right hand up to caress Logan's beautiful face as tears brimmed his friend's eyes again but for completely different reasons this time. "I really do. I'm in love with you too."

Exhaling loudly as tears ran down his face, Logan asked, "Are you sure? I mean...really sure?"

Without hesitation, Aidan looked at his friend -- the best friend he had ever had -- and said clearly and confidently, "Yes. I am absolutely and positively in love with you Logan. I've never felt this way about anybody. Not even close. You make me so happy. Just the thought of you being, it affected me. I don't want anything to happen to you. Not now, not ever."

Despite everything that had happened to Logan that afternoon, everything he had been through, it was all a faded memory now. All he could see and all he could think about was Aidan. The two boys embraced tightly and kissed passionately for the next five minutes without stopping.

Finally, after all this time, after all they had done with each other, after everything they had been through and experienced together, Logan and Aidan were now committed to one another in a way few people -- and especially few young adults -- ever are.

When they finished, Logan rested his head on Aidan's shoulder. "Thank you...for everything."

"No," Aidan replied. "Thank you for everything. For being the best friend I've ever had. For being the best roommate a guy could ever ask for. And for giving me more love than I ever expected to find in my life. I'm never gonna let you go." They kissed again.

As the sun slid majestically down toward the horizon, the two boys stood in each other's embrace. They had shared an unforgettable experience. Yet, regardless of that -- and also because of it -- they were comfortable in one another's arms in a way they had never been before. More importantly, they were comfortable and secure in the love they shared together, and for each other. At that precise moment, nothing else mattered. Nothing else even came close. In later years, Logan would reflect on this moment as being the happiest of his life.

To be continued...

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nono007nono007over 2 years ago

"In later years, Logan would reflect on this moment as being the happiest of his life."

I have a feeling that this story will not end well.

Damn, the real-life is hard enough. I don't know if I can take it.

JC4SC87JC4SC87about 3 years ago

I agree that a Trigger Warning would’ve been helpful, but I disagree that their trauma ruined the story. The reality of the world is that young gay men are more susceptible to SA than even women and it often has a significant impact on relationships. Not everyone gets an HEA.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I’m very disappointed in the events that happened in this chapter, I usually go for stronger guys, but Aiden sure has a poor way of proving that he loves Logan, first fucks a girl, then gets hard looking at the guys at the beach when he had Logan right by his side. It’s my opinion he uses Logan more than cares about him, and I blame him for the rape happening..

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Hi, DickSwett, I hope the mild backlash hadn't disheartened you. This story has so much quality, don't give up on it!

Wish you the best, inside and outside literotica. ^^

Ginger630Ginger630over 3 years ago

I hope their love story continues

Fucko922Fucko922over 3 years ago

No offense taken. Loved the chapter and the results

HartlesslyHartlesslyover 3 years ago

Thank you for responding. It’s because readers have become so invested in your characters that this chapter was upsetting. I will continue to read because I’m still invested, and you’re a good writer. Hoping for a hallmark ending still, but I know life sometimes has other plans.

JRSONJRSONover 3 years ago


If it had, I would have spared myself reading this very sad and traumatizing chapter! Such a complete disappointment! I'm sorry now that I wasted my time becoming invested in what appeared to be a well written progressive love story!

There has been no indication so far that this is a true story, which would have a pre determined conclusion and ending! So I guess it is the writers choice to destroy what could have been a very nice love story! I fail to understand what is to be gained by turning the possibility of such a great story by making it something dark and violent! After reading the comments from DickSwett about this story not having a happy ending... "If you didn't care for this particular chapter, then you're going to hate the ending" Thanks for the warning! Seems we have another writer that enjoys playing with the readers emotions by making us feel depressed and heartbroken! This will be the last chapter I will be reading!

CatRayCatRayover 3 years ago
Reply to Author’s comment

For me at least, your story was a stand out amongst many of the submissions in this forum. It included great detail, well thought out characters and the character’s growth from chapter to chapter. I also liked the sweetness of your story. I may have made different choices had this been my story to write but you are the author and you and only you gets to decide what is written. I found it interesting that you said in your comment, “It got away from you.” May I offer you some wisdom I learned from another writer: Writers make choices. The stories and the characters don’t choose the story, only the writer does.

You’re really talented! I enjoy your work. Please keep it up!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

DickSwett i really appreciate that you took your time to write such a response. I'm looking forward to read where the story will go. I'm sure you will do a great work, as you did until now.

DickSwettDickSwettover 3 years agoAuthor
Author Response

I wish there was a better way to communicate, or to connect with each of you individually. As it is, I have no choice but to leave my own comment and hope it finds its way to you.

I appreciate and value everyone's feedback - I do. And I completely understand the reaction to the dark turn in this chapter. Truthfully, the whole thing kind of got away from me. It usually does. But, I tend to let the story take me wherever it goes. However, it was important for me to have these boys experience something traumatic together. I can't just keep writing about their sexcapades. While that is fun, I needed something to bring the characters together, to bond in a more fundamental way than through mutual attraction and exploration.

For those of you who are making this journey with me, I thank you and am very appreciative. It was a story I have wanted to tell for a long time. However, please know that not every story has a happy ending - a "happily ever after" like Walt Disney would have us believe. This is one of those stories. If you didn't care for this particular chapter, then you're going to hate the ending. That's all the foreshadowing you get. But, please keep in mind these boys are young - 18-22 years - who have recently found their way into a world entirely new to them. They are young, impressionable and prone to make stupid mistakes. I'm trying to write this with that in mind, and not from the perspective of someone with years of experience and growth that helps to temper our behavior.

There it is - for whatever it's worth. Most importantly, you have given me things to consider, and I am very grateful for that. So, here's to Aidan and Logan. Let their journey continue.

CatRayCatRayover 3 years ago

I’m not sure how I feel about this one. I really liked the story and the characters but this got extremely dark. I had thought maybe one of the boys would have a scary and somewhat dangerous encounter during a casual hook up but being raped by two men is much more horrible than I imagined. The physical and emotional trauma that the character would experience after an assault such as this would be profound and overwhelming. This plot choice changes this story from “a sweet, light hearted, college romance of two likable and relatable characters” to something that is very sad and heartbreaking.

HHYagamiHHYagamiover 3 years ago

You have chose a very strong plot point here. I'm gonna agree with the anonymous that posted before me, i hadn't seen that coming and i don't think it was necessary (maybe you should have stopped at the raping intentions, that IMHO were enough to make aidan go berserk), but i don't think it ruined the story neither.

With this decision you have a big opportunity to add more depth to this story: something outrageous as anal rape cannot be washed away with a "sponge swipe", what happened must have consequences to Logan psyche and to the relationship balance. Aidan have to sustain him, and the "in-bed" dynamics in the first time will be difficult. This can be a great opportunity to make this already beautiful story even better.

Take your time, you are a wonderful writer and so far you have built a fantastic story that i really appreciate, it's normal to receive some backlash when you choose "divisive" plot points, but don't let them concern you too much, if you manage to capitalize on your investment this story will fly high.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Why does a well-written college love story about two guys, who love each other deeply but haven’t quite figured out just how to express it and deal with it, have to take such a dark and twisted turn. Before the lovers are even together in intercourse, this chapter has to (without warning) include a brutal double raping, one of which took his anal virginity in a bloody attack. Leading to a violent defense that likely resulted in Aiden exploding one or more testicles! There had to be better conflicts to introduce or ways to finally prompt Aiden’s admission of love that weren’t so savage. Very disappointing and completely pointless. Sure you may say terrible things happen in real life but that doesn’t mean they are enjoyable to read about or should happen to characters you’ve liked for many chapters up to this point. This story is quickly going downhill IMO.

HartlesslyHartlesslyover 3 years ago

Aidan is definitely from Mass. Runs on Dunkin’ and kicks ass. I love this story.

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