Shadows of Resentment Ch. 05


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Laughing Cameron asked, "How many gifts are you buying them this time, Auntie Sierra?" he joked.

"Ha ha, funny!" Sierra replied. "How many stuffed bears do they have from Uncle Cameron? I would say at least fifteen each."

Sierra spent the next twenty minutes taking about her adorable nieces.

Sierra laughed and playfully shoved him. Cameron became serious and pulled her close. "I want kids one day." he whispered. "And I want them with you."

Sierra's heart hammered in her chest. He had voiced her most secret desire.

Eventually, Nick and Rosa returned to the hotel, bringing Cameron and Sierra something to eat. They all stayed up late playing board games until Rosa became sleepy and Sierra told her to come to their room and go to bed. Rosa hugged her Dad and brother goodnight.

Sierra and Cameron shared a brief goodnight kiss.

The next morning the family went out for breakfast at Hardee's as they planned to enjoy their day together. The family left Hardee's and went to the aquarium.

After spending hours in the park, Cameron and Sierra wandered away from Rosa and Nick for a moment alone. Sierra pushed Cameron in his wheelchair over to the tank that house rainbow fish which she found fascinating and enjoyed watching.

Cameron and Sierra quietly enjoyed each other's company until it was time to leave. "Cameron, Sierra! Where are you?" Rosa called as her sweet voice ended their solitude.

"We're over here Squirt." Cameron answered. "We're over here by the rainbow aquarium."

Rosa darted around the corner in search of her brother and his friend. "Daddy's waiting. Let's go!"

Cameron and Sierra laughed and followed Rosa to Nick's vehicle. It was time to take Cameron back to Parkview and head home.

All four passengers chatted all the way back to the center.

They visited for another hour before heading home. This was the hardest part of the visits for them because Rosa never wanted to leave her brother there.

Cameron took his little sister aside and assured her that he would be fine. She hugged her brother tightly and wished he would hurry up and heal so he could come home.

As Cameron watched the three most important people in his life drive away he thought, Two more months, and I'll get to go home with you, and I'll never leave your side again.

He stood on his walker and headed to the gym. He wanted to practice standing and making steps on the bars before retiring later.

When Cameron entered the gym, Dawn looked up at him from where she was giving one of her other patients a massage. She saw Cameron walk over to the bar, stand, and practice making small steps.

Dawn was assigned as Cameron's therapist the first month that he came to the facility. He wanted to walk again and didn't mind working hard to reach his goals. She loved working with him.

Even though Cameron was in a chair, he was still a gorgeous man. Many of the nurses as well as patients flirted with him daily. Most of them did it in harmless fun because they knew his heart belonged to the lovely young woman that was a regular visitor to the facility.

Dawn never flirted with him because she saw him as just a nice guy and a friend. As his physical therapist, she kept their relationship strictly professional. She thought of Derrick and wondered. Will I ever find a man that would care about me the way Cameron cares for Sierra?

She shook her head to shake away those thought.

"Good evening, young man. What do you think you're doing?" Dawn joked at Cameron. She called him young man because she was actually only six years older than him at twenty-six.

Cameron smiled, "Working out, old lady. What does it look like?"

"What brought this on? Did your girlfriend just leave? You always overdo it when she leaves." Dawn teased.

"I'm gonna marry that girl one day and I want to be man enough to stand and walk on my own." Cameron explained as his eyes glazed over as he thought about Sierra.

"You will be. I promise you that. Guess what, we're getting rid of the walker. Tomorrow, you start walking on your own." Dawn informed him. "Only thing is, you may have to have a cane, but I think you're ready. Besides, your doctors gave me the go ahead today. So Cameron congratulations." She smiled.

Cameron was speechless. He knew Dawn wanted to keep their relationship professional, but at this point he wanted to hug his friend. So he grabbed her in a tight embrace which caught Dawn completely off guard. However, she did hug him back.

What a Woman! Over the next few weeks Cameron practiced walking on his own. After a few initial falls, he finally got the hang of it. He had a limp, but that was to be expected. One day while he was in session with Dawn, Derrick drove up for a short visit.

Derrick missed hanging out with his friend and wanted to catch up. He also wanted to see Dawn Marcolini again. When he entered the residential hall, one of the nurses informed him that Cameron was in the gym working out and gave him directions to the gym.

Derrick stopped at the door when he made it to the gym to watch. Dawn was helping Cameron with some stretches, so Cameron was laid out with his right leg extended and Dawn was straddling him helping him stretch his muscle. Derrick did not like the position he saw his woman and best friend in.

My woman? Derrick thought. When did Dawn become my woman? He stopped himself from entering the gym until he heard Cameron moan, "Oh God Dawn, that feels so good."

"What the fuck is going on in here?" Derrick demanded storming into the gym.

Dawn turned to a furious Derrick, and for a moment she paused, but she quickly recovered. "Wait a minute, you can't come in here. This is a session with a patient." She looked around. "What are you doing in here?"

Derrick took a deep breath and really looked at Dawn. She was even more beautiful when she was sweaty. Her form fitting sports bra did little to hide her erect nipples that were peeking through the fabric. She had on a tight pair of workout pants that accentuated her slim waist, thick muscular thighs, and firm bottom.

Her upper torso was very well developed and he could tell she spent time lifting. Maybe that was something else they could do together. He realized that he wanted this woman and he didn't share. Cameron might need to get a new therapist.

Derrick smiled when he heard Dawn's sharp intake of breath. He knew she was just as affected by him as he was her. "Listen Dawn, I was out of line. Please let me apologize." he said calmly. "We need to talk. What time do you get off work? I'll be here for a while so, maybe we can go get something to eat together."

"Excuse me, Derrick. I don't date-" Dawn started to state.

"Good, I'm glad to hear that. I would hate for you to have to break some poor guy's heart when you tell him you're taken." He smiled again, "Right."

Dawn blushed. She realized that he knew how he affected her.

What is wrong with me? Dawn thought. How is he able to make me feel like this?

"Um, like I tried to explain earlier, I don't date-" Derrick cut her off again and finished her sentence.

"Anyone else but me right, Dawn." He then took her right hand brought it to his lips and kissed it.

Cameron who had finally stood on his mat, watched as his best friend Derrick made his move. He was impressed. Everyone knew Darius was smooth, but it seemed that Derrick had some moves of his own. Cameron gathered his mat and towel, quietly exiting the gym to give the couple some privacy.

Cameron went to his room and took a quick shower. He walked to the visitors lounge when he finished and saw Derrick waiting for him.

"Man that was smooth." He said to his friend. "I've never seen you pull a woman like that. Where the hell did that come from?" Cameron teased his buddy pushing his shoulder.

Derrick blushed and explained. "Man, I don't know. There is something about that girl. Ever since I saw her the first time, I think about her."

Cameron nodded. He knew exactly how Derrick felt because that's how he felt about Sierra. "She's good people man." Cameron stated. "Just don't hurt her, alright."

"Has she ever dated a brother?" Derrick asked.

"I don't know who she dates. She's very private. I just know she's been hurt, so be careful." Cameron replied.

Derrick nodded. "I hear you. I just want to get to know her." Derrick said. He was thinking, I would never hurt her, because I'd rather die first than cause her an ounce of pain.

The two young men spent a few hours talking and catching up on old times. They talked about the family, especially the two adorable little girls.

Cameron had survived a lot of stuff during his twenty years on this earth. He believed that stuff happened for a reason and that negative emotions slowly killed you. He had to forgive Darius, not for Darius or Sierra, but for himself. Cameron knew his friend, and he knew Darius would never truly forgive himself for the crimes he'd committed. The guys talked a little longer and Dawn's shift ended.

It was at that moment Dawn walked into the room and asked him if he was ready to go.

Derrick and Dawn left the center and drove to a Woo Huang Chinese Restaurant in the city for dinner. Derrick, for the first time since arriving at the center, was nervous. He really liked Dawn and wanted to get to know her better.

Dawn, dressed in scrubs from work, felt guilty because she should have at least tried to look nice for him. He was stunningly handsome, even in jeans and a simple dress shirt, she could not take hers eyes off of him.

Derrick noticed her staring and he looked around blushing. The waiter came and took their orders. After he left, Derrick decided to break the ice.

"So, Dawn, what type of guy do you usually date?" Derrick asked curiously.

Dawn leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms. "Why did you ask me out?" she asked suspicious of his intention. "Guys like you don't date girls like, I mean girls who look like..."Dawn mumbled.

That last phrase peaked Derrick's interest. "What do you mean, Dawn? Girls that look like what?"

"Never mind," Dawn replied looking down. "Let's just enjoy dinner."

"Dawn, look at me." Derrick whispered softly. "You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. I really want to get to know you."

Dawn was stunned. She was not some petite, little, girl that most guys found attractive. She was thick and bulky. Most guys felt she was to manly because of her build. She started lifting with her brother when she was sixteen. At eighteen, she was a semi-professional female weight lifter. With the prize money she earned from competition, she paid her way through PT school.

But Derrick surprised her. He genuinely seemed to like her and this was a new experience for her. Even at her age, she rarely dated. The one time she did finally accept a date with a fellow weight lifter. The night was so horrible, she would never forget it. Her brother was furious and lost his best friend over what happened that night. The next day, he assured her that no guy would ever hurt her again.

Her brother protected her, but she also learned that normal guys didn't date girls that looked like her. So she focused on going to school and left dating to normal looking girls.

Derrick stopped talking and asked her one question. "Dawn, tell me the name of the bastard that caused the pain I just saw in your eyes?"

"No, I'm sorry. It was nothing, besides it was so long ago. Ancient history." She explained.

She decided to change the subject. "So, you're in college. What are you majoring in?"

Derrick was not about to let the subject drop completely, but he'd play along. Even if he never found out who caused the pain he saw in her eyes, it was his mission to make sure no one hurt her again. He truly understood how Darius felt about Deidre now and how Cameron felt about Sierra.

"I'm undecided right now. But I think I want to go into architecture or graphic design." Derrick stated.

"Well, you've got time. You're what twenty?" Dawn asked, even though she knew the answer already.

Derrick smiled and answered, "Yes, but you already knew that. I know you're older than me, but I like older women."

Dawn was speechless, and didn't understand her reaction to the man sitting in front of her. She never responded to any man the way she did him. He was an enigma that entranced her.

"Derrick, I don't do relationships. They just don't work for me." Dawn tried to explain.

"Good," said Derrick, "I don't have to worry about another man trying to steal you then. See, I'm a one woman man. So we're perfect for each other.' Derrick declared.

Dawn was speechless. He countered every argument she came up with. This man was determined to get to know the real Dawn Marcolini.

They finished their dinner and then Derrick drove her home. He escorted her to her door, and kissed her passionately. Derrick decided it was time to win the heart of Miss Dawn Marcolini and show her what a real man was made of.

After dropping Dawn off, Derrick headed home. He was enamored by the woman he'd just spent the evening with and was looking forward to seeing her again. When he kissed her good night, he could tell she wanted to invite him in, but he wasn't looking for something quick. He wanted something that would last and she was the perfect woman for him.


I want you to know I really appreciate you reading this story and hope you continue to follow it through the end. Chapter Six is in the works.

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racfguyracfguyover 9 years ago
I don't know...

I recognized Darius as a bully and an asshole, but now I see that Derrick isn't much different. Forcing himself into Dawn's life, refering to her as "my woman." What an arrogant bastard. Well, they are twins, after all.

Iread2relaxIread2relaxover 10 years agoAuthor
Anonymous Ugh

Did you read the whole chapter, or just the beginning? He didn't really blame her; he is dealing with his anger. I agree with you wholeheartedly; the victim is never to blame. But try and remember these are young people dealing with the results of serious trauma. Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts. I certainly hope you enjoyed the story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

I can not believe you wrote Cameron to blame a part of the whole situation on Sierra. Like wtf this is a classic case of victim blaming. If you forgot, she almost got raped. The only person to blame for a rape is the rapist, so the sh**ty "why did she go on the date with the creep" thing when trying to put some blame on the victim is a steaming pile of bs. UGH. It's like telling someone who got carjacked, "why did you drive your car" or telling the victim of a school shooting "why did you go to school". The excuse is illogical and it completely takes the blame away from the actual rapist and places it on the victim. Most rapes occur between people who know each other so what should we tell the rape victims and every girl out there? Don't befriend men bc they'll rape you? Don't leave your house because you'll get raped??? The only thing Sierra is to blame for is trying to live her life. THE VICTIM IS NEVER TO BLAME!! It doesn't matter if she went out naked or was drunk. THE VICTIM IS NEVER TO BLAME. Rapist cause rapes not the victims. Also, if his bi**h a** had a problem with her going to the prom with a creeper, why didn't he just ask her out himself instead of pussyfooting. UGHHH

MizTMizTalmost 12 years ago

you know when I finished this chapter I wanted to read some of the other comments. Boy the "HATERS" are after you on this one. Why? I thought this was a great chapter. You have added alot of characters to the story. And you helped to the "characters" start to heal. I liked it so much I'm going to read the next chapter now.....

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
WOW, Seriously, People Get a Grip!

I understand this is only a story, but man, some of your critics act like this is real life....I know in real life Darrius would be doing triple life for assulting a white boy in front of hundreds of people....And I know that Jake the snake would have gotten away with attempted rape, because.....let's face it....the victim was just a black girl. But Jiminy guys, let the writer have some fun, and allow her or him to use their imagination any way they see fit. I love the story, I am glad it is not so true to life or to me it would have been boring! Thank You, Ireadtorelax, for a perfectly charming stroy! KittyOh48

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

froretelling the future dad gets the shrink, but only if she is black since it seems that everyone except the parents are into the mixed race thing. while i am not against them i just dont think everyone in the town or atleast these 3 families would only be into them all of a sudden. then for the 2 brothers to basically go all caveman and CLAIM thier women like they have no choice shows a like of realism into the psyche of mature modern women.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

I second Anon 02/20/12, I found this chapter rather boring and Darius the arrogant prick needs get what he deserves. In fact both brothers are arrogant dicks.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

Thank you, seems I'm not the only one who does not believe that so called apology. This chapter does seem rushed, almost as if to just get it out of the way.

Great story though. Just wish others had made Darius really own up to his part in it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

this chapter seemed a bit too rushed

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
the sun is shining out of my asshole too

nothing changed. the crap brothers still up just for that. hey if you fall for Derrick after his show at the gym knowing what his brother did, then I guess you just one up for an abbusive marriage.

and of course everybody loves everybody and those who don't have anybody of course find somebody irresistible in this rehab facility.

I'm now just waiting for Jesus to make the lame walking again and strong enough to beat the shit out of Darius. make my day

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