Shafted Ch. 01

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Jack goes to a party with his friends.
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Author's Message: This is a work of pure fiction. All characters in it are over 18. The story, and eventual series, will contain far larger than realistic penis sizes, attached exclusively to women, and going exclusively in very feminine men. If that isn't your thing, sorry, but it won't be changing.

Disclaimer: This chapter contains scenes of dubious consent.

Shafted Ch. 01: At the Rave

"Ugh, where the fuck did everyone go?"

Jack cursed out loud, not even the slightest bit worried about anyone hearing him. In truth, with the music blasting as hard as it was, he could barely hear the words himself. Why he'd agreed to come to this party was wildly escaping him at that moment, just like his friends had somehow escaped him after he'd turned around for just a moment to apologize to a girl for stepping on her toes on the way to the front of the crowd.

Okay, maybe he'd taken a bit more than a second to voice his apology, and maybe he hadn't really finished saying it but come on! It wasn't his fault he'd spun right into a pair of jiggly breasts covered by nothing more than fluorescent glowing pasties, basically dragging his eyesight to move with their shaking. He'd never really understood how people could call bouncing up and down dancing, but at that point he hadn't been about to complain. That was, of course, until the wild swaying of said hypnotizing tits suddenly stopped, and a blush flared on Jack's cheeks, bright enough that it too might have been mistaken for fluorescent in the dark night. He hadn't even looked up to meet the girl's gaze, stuttering out an apology before quickly walking away to get lost in the crowd. But in his mind, he could perfectly picture the annoyed, or maybe freaked out eyes staring down at him.

Fucking perv...

That's what she probably thought. And not only her. Everywhere Jack turned he could swear he saw people looking at him disapprovingly, as if that one incident had already spread like a wildfire and he had been forever marred by it. The crowd was suddenly feeling very overwhelming, as if the scores of people at the rave were walls closing in on him, squeezing him shut in between.

Jack couldn't take it, screw looking for his friends, he needed out of there right in that instant. But in the darkness he could barely see his own two feet, getting out would be no simple task. Curse his short stature, and curse all those bigger, sweaty, bouncing bodies all around him. Out of the corner of one eye he managed to eye the large lightshow of what could only be the stage, and immediately spun around to walk the opposite way. A little trek later, filled with pushing uncomfortably close past people he'd never know, and getting parts of their bodies rubbed up against him by the sheer closeness, Jack, in all his 5 foot 4 glory popped up from the back of the dancing crowd like a person lost in the wilderness finally finding their way back to civilization.

Taking a deep breath, only to immediately regret it as his nostrils were hit with the strange mixture of sweat, stuffy air and sickly sweet smoke. He may have been out of the jungle, but he had not yet gotten to safety. Air, he needed fresh air. With a quick pace he walked over in the direction he vaguely recalled he and his friends had entered from earlier in the night, taking care to not step on any spilled drinks, or worse fluids, that seemed to coat the ground. He didn't envy the cleaners that would have to come in early in the morning only to be greeted with such a mess, but at the very least he could save them a bit of work by not adding to it.

As he turned around a very familiar corner, he finally reached the entrance, where hours earlier he'd had a fight with his friends about really not wanting to go inside. Alex in particular had been vehement, quickly countering any and all excuses Jack had tried to make, eventually basically forcing Jack inside when he'd brought up that the ticket was already paid for, and Jack had yet to pay him back for it. With all eyes staring at them, there had been nothing else to do but go in, with the now obviously false promise that they'd stick together.

Yet something was different about the place this time around. A certain quality that had irritated Jack's sensitive nose earlier was strangely absent - cigarette smoke. Whereas upon arrival there were just as many people smoking in groups outside as there were in line to get in, there was practically no one there but bored looking security guards and the occasional person trying their best to have a phone call. As he neared the entrance even more, and the music fell quieter behind several concrete walls, Jack found out exactly why that was.

At first he heard it, hoping it was maybe some weird song intro or something like that, but when he finally peaked past the corner of the warehouse door, his suspicions were confirmed - the breezy but calm spring night had been completely taken over by a massive downpour. Countless drops battered the ground at frightening speeds, their impacts on the concrete audible even above the dampened music. A river of unknown depth had formed from the unceasing rainwater, making the venue seem more like a dock than a warehouse on dry land.

Still, a bit up the street Jack could just about make out the various bright yellow taxis parked in waiting, doubtlessly hoping to catch the leaving partygoers early in the morning. He could make that trek, sure, even though his feet would be invariably and uncomfortably wet from the get go. Why he'd worn sandals to this party he couldn't remember, but was just another choice for the night to curse himself for. But even discounting that, he had no chance of making it all the way there without freezing twice over dressed as he was - he needed his coat.

Taking in one last whiff of damp but nevertheless fresh air, Jack ducked back inside, making his way past the various staff on duty towards the clothes racks. He was so close, he could practically feel the warmth of his slightly oversized winter coat. How his friends could go to these things in nothing but T-shirts and tank tops was beyond him, even if he admittedly did find the inside of the warehouse rather hot, especially with his absolute refusal to part with his hoodie, no matter how much Veronica tried to yank it off him at any opportunity.

Alex' girlfriend had always been handsy like that with Jack, and it was part of the reason he usually tried being on the other end of the group from her, she just didn't know her place. None of his other friends ever brought it up however, and so neither did he, preferring to avoid any unnecessary drama.

Lost in his thoughts as he was, Jack was suddenly brought back to reality as he turned the final corner and beheld the clothes keeping area. The sight almost felt like a punch to the gut. Why the fucking hell were there so many people there?! Had the DJ suddenly decided to move the stage or what? Jack couldn't even see the counter! But what he could see was the mixture of frustration and boredom on the huge gathering's faces, quickly figuring out that they'd been there quite a while.

Half an hour, according to a pink haired girl leaning against a wall and complaining to someone over the phone. Her shoulders were firmly planted on the cold granite, but the rest of her body jutted forward, her massive breasts sticking out even further than they normally would, barely contained in just a flimsy sports bra. Once again, Jack was staring beyond his senses, and doing so obviously enough that the girl must have noticed, as she swiftly turned to one side, her back now filling out Jack's field of view. Luckily for his few remaining shreds of decency and self-respect, she had tied a shirt around her waist, and it flung down to cover her ass, though even with it there it was obvious it was more than ample.

With an annoyed grunt someone shoved past Jack, making him finally realize what he had been doing. He quickly turned around to apologize to the person, but they were long gone by then. Pulling out his phone from one of the pockets on his hoodie, Jack realized, much to his shame, that he had been staring for well over five minutes.

And what's worse, in that time the line for clothes had only gotten bigger! No way he'd get his coat any time soon, and just standing there would just bore him out of his mind, especially after he'd forgotten to charge his phone during the day, and was walking around with a bare 8% battery. Ugh, and he still couldn't find any of his frie-


Speak of the devil... Jack's phone buzzed in his pocket. There was a ringtone accompanying it, but it got drowned out in the surrounding bass. Quickly shoving his hand in his hoodie pocket, Jack was actually relieved when he noticed it was Alex calling.


"Dude, whe-" Came a blasting voice from the other side of the call, barely audible past the loud thumping. "You?"

"Alex, I can't hear you, what was that?" Jack spoke back, looking around to find an empty area that he could huddle in and hear his friend out.

"I sai-" Damn it, wherever Alex was, the music was just too loud and drowning him out... "are you?"

"Did you ask where I am?"

"Ye-" More music. It was becoming obvious Alex wouldn't manage to get more than a couple words across.

"Uhh, I'm at..." Jack looked around. He didn't want for his friend to find out that he had just been about to leave. He quickly realized he had no idea where anything in this place was, except for one thing. He sighed as he resigned himself to the lie. "I'm at the bar."

For a moment, only music could be heard from the other side of the call, before Alex' voice finally broke through.

"Perfe-" More music. With how loud it was, Jack figured they had to be pretty close to the stage. "-ay there, some-" The sound just got drowned out in a loud cheer as the song that had been playing reached its drop. No matter how much Jack tried to shut one ear tight or stare at his phone, he couldn't hear Alex' voice at all any longer. The call was suddenly cut from the other side, Jack barely managing to blink a couple times before receiving a text back.

Stay there, someone's coming soon.

Well, at least they hadn't forgotten about him. Jack hurriedly made his way to the long bar section running along one of the walls. Multiple bartenders had to work behind it, splitting the area between themselves to properly cover the whole bar, but the set up seemed to work, as there weren't really any lines at all. Either that or the people just cared more for the music instead of the drinks.

There was however one small problem - the venue promoters had rather smartly selected only the most top heavy female bartenders to serve drinks, girls stacked enough to make Hooters employees look underdeveloped. And their choice of "uniform" consisted of, at best, a tube top and at worst pasties not unlike the girl Jack had bumped into earlier in the crowd. To say Jack was having a hard time trying not to stare slack jawed was an understatement, and he spent over a minute trying to find one that he wouldn't have to struggle with base instincts just to talk to.

Unfortunately, in his attempts at it, he had invariably been pushed around by other passers by, and soon found himself hitting the bar counter butt first, right in front of one such girl, turning in surprise to meet her gaze. The light coming from the various fridges and shelves lined with all kinds of bottles illuminated her face enough for Jack to see her lips move, but much to his disappointment, the music was far too loud for him to hear a single word. The tender seemed to quickly notice, repeating herself, again to no effect, before leaning forward, her bra-covered, melon-sized breasts squishing against the bar top. Jack was quickly failing at keeping his gaze focused on her, though he did manage to spot her curling a finger at him, beckoning him closer.

"I said, what'll it be, babe?" Her sweet, surly voice finally hit Jack's ear as he leaned in close to her, close enough to smell her perfume above all other scents in the area.

"N-nothing, just waiting for a friend." He immediately heard a giggle in reply, followed by yet more of her alluring tone, this time accompanied by her hot breath as the bartender got closer to his ear.

"A friend, huh? I could be your friend if you want." At that point Jack was certain he was talking to a succubus, especially when she blew a small warm jet of air in his ear, making his knees feel weak. "Oh, and you might wanna look down before your neck starts hurting."

'Wh-what?" Jack pulled back in surprise, just in time to catch the girl's wink, followed by her looking down.

"At my tits. I can see you struggling there." She let out a hearty giggle as Jack felt his cheeks turn bright red once more. "It's sweet of you to do that, but if I didn't want guys to stare I wouldn't have gotten these babies done."

Much to Jack's surprise, but in no way to his disappointment, the bartender hooked the same finger she had beckoned him over with over the edge of her bra and pulled it to the side, revealing a pointed, stiff nipple under it. The telltale scar tissue of recent surgery was visible a bit further down, though Jack didn't have long to look before the bra returned to its rightful place.

"Mmm, looks like your friend's arri-"

Jack couldn't focus on the rest of her sentence as he was suddenly taken in a deep hug from behind. A large pair of breasts, not as impressive as the bartender's, but also, to his knowledge, completely natural, pressed against his back. His hips were immediately gripped by a pair of deceptively strong for their size hands, the bright pink colored nails visible even in the dim light. Of course Alex would send-

"There you are, Jackie! I've been looking everywhere for you!"

Veronica. At this point Jack was convinced his best friend had just sent her to mess with him, like she enjoyed doing so much. Maybe this was his punishment for getting lost, a warning not to wander off on his own or he'd have Veronica sent after him to hunt him down.

"We've been so worried about you, and here you are, hitting on the staff! Naughty, naughty, naughty..."

The words coming from her mouth reached Jack's ears as barely more than a whisper. For all her assets, Jack did have one thing on Veronica, one that he rarely got to have on other people. At 5 foot 2, his best friend's girlfriend was actually shorter than Jack, though that only served to make what was right about to come all the more strange to watch.

Predictably, Veronica's hands left Jack's hips, only to wrap around his body, and without even a struggle lift him up and off the ground, spinning his entire weight around like an oversized teddy bear. At least she wasn't trying to take his top off, though much to Jack's surprise, she had actually taken off hers, running around in just her swimsuit bra, her frilly top tied up in a knot on her belt. He didn't have much time to look, nor the intention to, really, as she skipped past him, leading him by the hand through the thick crowd.

Veronica's pace was unbelievable, the way she weaved through the scores of people effortlessly as if swimming in the sea, obviously comfortable at large parties. Jack was however far from similar, tripping over people, stepping on their toes, bumping into backs, shoulders and other parts, and generally struggling to keep up with her. If it wasn't for her hand firmly gripping him by the wrist, he'd have surely lost her.

And just as luck would have it, the moment that thought crossed his mind, a guy hurriedly walked right through where their hands were, barrelling between the two and making Veronica let go. It took just a moment for him to pass, but once Jack could once again see in front of him, Veronica was nowhere to be seen. He tried pushing on, weaving clumsily through a few people in the same direction they had been going, but she was still nowhere in sight. Looking quickly at his phone, Jack was faced with the unfortunate result of not charging a 4 year old battery - one call and a text, and it had completely died.

Great. Fucking great. He was once again lost in the middle of a huge crowd, at a party he didn't want to be at, with no way to find his friends, and no way to really leave before it was over. He could go back to the bar, but what were the odds his friends would bother looking for him again and again if all he did was get lost?

Jack was stumped, struggling with himself to decide what to do to make this hell bearable. Though standing still in the middle of a huge mass of dancing people in itself was a bad idea, as he soon found out, as yet another person rushed past him, followed by a couple more. They hadn't even bothered to let try and let him know they wanted to pass, and had just shoved past him with enough force to send him tumbling backwards, no doubt about to fall flat on his ass and embarrass-

Himself? Jack had closed his eyes as he prepared for the inevitable fall, yet such a fall never came. Opening his eyes, he did find that he had fallen backwards just a bit but was definitely nowhere near the floor.

That's when he felt the reason for it - the hands firmly supporting his lower back, the leg so welcomingly placed between his own for him to lean back on, and last but not definitely not least of all, the giant, soft warm breasts that his head had landed on as if collapsing on his pillows after an exhausting day at work. Fuck, could his luck be any worse? He would've preferred to have landed on the floor, at least then he wouldn't have had to awkwardly deal with people...

"S-sorry for that!" Jack quickly apologized under his breath, not even certain if whoever had just helped him could even hear his words. "Thanks for the catch, I'll just leave you to your-"

As Jack tried to walk away, he felt it difficult to take more than a step. Looking down and behind himself, he could just about make out the outline of two index fingers hooked over the band of his leggings, stretching the fabric out behind him and keeping him in place. His eyes widened in the split second he could see the fingers pull back, yanking his entire body backwards, once again pressing tightly against his mysterious savior's front.

"Mmm, what's the rush there, cutie?" The music was still loudly blasting all around them, yet somehow the stranger's words cut straight to it, reaching Jack's ears like a lucid ray of sunshine through a dark, stormy cloud. Her tone was mellow and deep, just a soft whisper coming from up above as the woman was undoubtedly much taller than Jack was. Her index fingers were soon joined by the rest of her digits until all but the thumbs were snugly fitted in Jack's leggings, the slender hands circling around to his front to grab his pelvis and pull him even further in.

"Wh-what do you mean?" Jack squirmed in her grasp, feeling like prey that had just been caught in the trap of a much larger predator. He had no hopes of overpowering the much larger woman, and escape seemed more and more unlikely with each heartbeat. He could barely believe himself when he actually hoped for Veronica to somehow appear from the crowd and get him.

"What do I mean? Why, a cutie like you falling into my lap out of nowhere doesn't just happen every day!" The woman's voice cut through the cacophonous noise once again, her words specifically chosen to make Jack feel safe and secure in the trap he'd found himself in. But despite all the honey that was dribbling in his ears, he knew full well that this was indeed a trap. "You can't blame a girl for wanting to play with you for a bit, can you?"

"W-wait! You d-don't want to do this here!" Jack knew her type well. Even though he couldn't see what she really looked like, he was close enough to her body to feel more than just the gigantic pair of boobs pillowing behind his head. His upper back was pressed against what felt like two rows of concrete pavement, the forearms cradling the sides of his body feeling like they could crush his lithe body like a vice. This was a woman who knew what she wanted, and she had the ability to take it for herself, an alpha bitch through and through, and one who didn't shy away from her role, but flaunted it for all to see.