Shipping Clerk Ch. 03


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"No, sweetie, you're tired. I'm taking you back to the office. You've already had a tough day and you still need to meet with Mr. Davis this afternoon. You can nap in the car on the way back. Also, your clothes have arrived and I want you to dress in something more appropriate, you must be terribly uncomfortable in those ill-fitting clothes."

"Hmhm," the sleepy, precious girl murmured. Ms. Stotts always had the best plans.

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MCJOHN11708MCJOHN11708about 2 years ago

Awesome chapter. Really hope ''boy Andy'' isn't dead and forgotten and based on what was said, it doesn't seem to be the case, other than that, I loved it! Katheryn is an amazing character, so happy she's taking care of Andy/Andi. Poor girl deserves it after the hell those two harpies put her through.

chris2kchris2kabout 2 years ago

Loving the story

MrSmith27MrSmith27about 2 years ago

Lovely story. Really enjoying watching the author develop his shifter universe and the characters that exist within it. Looking forward to the next installment.

VeronicaTSVeronicaTSabout 2 years ago

Such a refreshing change over the usual.... I love the dynamic and perfect lvl of excitement and kept on edge... leaving me like where's my Netflix binge worth of chapters

msspnnrmsspnnrabout 2 years ago

Loved the clearly established precedent concerning sexual harassment set by the Supreme Court in "Lewinsky vs. Rodham". Interesting personality change with the gender shifts. Still waiting for Andi to describe getting shafted in both holes by a man for the first time.

DvkjrDvkjrabout 2 years ago

Thoroughly loved it. Enjoy your writing

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Much better can hardly wait for the next part keep it going its getting exciting to read

Joann69Joann69about 2 years ago

Wow what a wonderful romantic and powerful shift.

She's comforted and being guided instead of forced. Now to get her own power she was born with.

Candy wait for the next chapter!!!!!

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