Shirley's Dilemma


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She called her cousin Marty, the locksmith, and asked if he could make a house call. He did and made her a copy of the key on the spot. "This is just between you and me, cuz. Nobody knows about this but us."

"You ain't doin' nothin' illegal now, are you?" he asked. "I could get into some real trouble if you do."

"Nah," she said, "just doing a favor for a friend."

Francine was a snoop, and a gossip, but she was no dummy. She knew if Mary was holding a key for Shirley, it must have something to do with Bud, with whom she'd had a very brief history and a longtime crush. Having had the Bud experience and no decent romantic prospects, she thought of the possibilities. It's hard to find a man with his attributes and talent. She was no prize herself, and she knew it.

She never particularly liked Shirley and knew that Bud's wife resented the past she had with him. She didn't know what the key unlocked, but she knew she held a valuable commodity in her hand. Valuable to Bud Huff. Potentially invaluable to her.


Francee didn't have Bud's cell number, but she knew where he worked and called him there.

"Bud, it's Francine Blunt. How have you been?"

"Hey Francee, I'm doing okay and you? What can I do you for?"

"Bud, I have something you may be looking for and I would like to arrange to return it to you. Maybe we can set something up."

"Oh? What could that be? You know I'm married now and I'm totally locked in to a satisfying marriage with Shirley."

"Well, Mr. Huff, maybe I can offer you the key to greater freedom. We should meet in person. My place. I'll bring the key to a more free and open life."

Bud was intrigued. In the course of a split second, he was blitzed with questions. Could she have actually obtained the key to his emancipation? She couldn't possibly be the one holding the key for Shirley, who truly disliked her. Why does it have to be fuckin' Francee? And what does she know about the key and what it unlocks? How and where did she get it? And what does she really want? Most of all, should he take the chance of her learning the truth about what the key unlocks?

"Francee, what can I offer you for the key? What's it gonna cost me?"

"More than money, Buddy-boy. Things have been pretty quiet in my life and I may be looking to pick up where we left off all those years ago."

"I don't think Shirley will take too kindly to that, and we are pretty committed to each other. Didn't you hear we're having a baby?"

"Bud, I'm not looking for a husband, just maybe a 'friends with benefits' relationship. Right now I'm really feeling the need for some benefits. Especially from a friend with talents like yours."

"France, how about if I just fix you up with a friend of mine? I know guys at least as talented as I am, and better looking. If you give it a chance, you might just find a long-term relationship with the kind of strings I cannot provide you with."

"I'm not interested in an imitator when I can have the real thing. It's my understanding that little wife of yours works long shifts that will make you available. I promise you won't be disappointed. C'mon, give it a shot once and I promise you will want to come back for more."

"You sound pretty confident, Francee."

"I'm counting on it. I've learned a trick or two since the old days."

"That's pretty obvious. Okay - we meet, but that's it. A short meeting to discuss your terms."

"Deal. For now. How about Thursday?"

"Thursday's good. Shirley will be on her shift. Say eight o'clock."

"Eight it is - my place. See you then, my man."

"My man, my ass," Bud thought. "Of all the women who are trying to fuck me right now, she is the one who can fuck me over the worst. I should call her back and just call this off. If Shirley hadn't given it to her, how could she have gotten that key, anyway? If she really has it, does she truly know what she's got? She certainly appears to. If I can manage to get rid of this damned cage, it could be worth it."


Norma did not let Bud, or anyone else in the office, know that she was actively seeking other employment. She wouldn't let go of the notion that he could be available if they were not workmates. The thought of Shirley being a single mother was never part of the equation, as it was no concern of hers, and she had no love and little respect for her lover's wife.

Bud spent Thursday at the office avoiding Norma, who continued to dress seductively and give him provocative looks every time she was in his presence. Focused on her job search, she did not actively pursue him or try anything too risky. For now, she would be patient, playing the long game against what she considered a herd of short-term losers.

He could not divorce himself from the idea of calling Francee and calling off tonight. However, his constant reminder, exacerbated by Norma's not too subtle advances, kept him on track. He would go to Francine's apartment tonight and confront her about the key. Before work, he hit the ATM and pulled out a thousand bucks to see if that would be incentive enough to pry it from her grasp. He knew it would be just a down payment, especially if she knew what the key represented.

When he arrived at Francee's apartment, she was loaded for bear and dressed to kill, in a revealing top and short skirt. Around her neck was a key on a chain. It appeared to be the right type and size to fit the lock, securing the cage, imprisoning his genitals. But it was silver, not gold in color, like the key that Shirley used.

Despite his standoffishness, when she greeted him with a hug, she was met by a hard bulge in Bud's crotch. With that she grabbed at it and was met with a metallic structure where she had hoped something else hard would be. She grasped the key and backed away from him.

He chased her as she ran into the bathroom and locked herself in. "Get away from me, Bud, or I'll flush this thing down the toilet."

Bud slid a short stack of twenties under the door. "There's more where that came from if you give me that key."

"It's gonna take more than that, Buddy boy." Thinking fast, she said, "I have a copy of the key being held by a friend so you are not out of the woods yet."

She then took the key off the chain and squeezed it into an opaque bottle of her body lotion. When Bud heard the toilet flush, he panicked and pushed hard on the door. The lock, not meant to hold back a strong shoulder, opened easily. He stumbled into the bathroom and she immediately grabbed him by the caged crotch.

"Looks like you're missing a hell of an opportunity tonight. But there will be other opportunities, won't there, Buddy boy? But something is in the way tonight. At least until I can get that other copy of the key. And this paltry hundred bucks doesn't tempt me one iota. But I do have an idea for a down payment you can make for me. And you can do it with that mighty dick of yours all locked up. Let's just say I'm looking for some service with a smile. Let's see what you've got, besides a few dollar bills."

Bud knew exactly what she was referring to, as she had some experience with his oral talents in the past. And like riding a bike, it's a skill that only gets better with practice and time. At least, that was what Francee was counting on. But he wasn't buying the flush and inspected every square inch of the bathroom. He opened the toilet bowl, examined the tub and the medicine cabinet. He checked every square inch, but he didn't open any of her soap or lotion bottles. Francee gave herself a mental high five.

She kicked off her spiked sandals and unzipped her skirt. As it fell to the floor, she said to him, "Assume the position, Buddy boy. The down payment starts now. And I'm not asking twice."

As he dropped to his knees and she moved closer to him, he could smell the raw sexuality and feel the heat of a woman ready for action. She slipped off her panties and fell to the couch. Spreading her legs wide, she again said, "I'm not asking twice."

Bud could feel the pressure in his pants, made more uncomfortable than usual by the steel contraption holding his genitals in bondage. He knew he could not allow it to hold him back from his ultimate mission. Before she could scold him further, he was down on her like a hungry fisherman on a fish taco. He licked and slurped and sucked and prodded, using his mouth and fingers to achieve the goal.

Francee squirmed and wiggled and held onto his head like she was riding a bucking horse with wild abandonment. She could barely hold on to the cell phone as she snapped away at Bud, further enhancing her opportunities to keep him in her grasp. Once she had taken what she deemed to be enough photos of him, she slipped her phone under the pillows of the sofa and concentrated on attaining a Bud quality orgasm.

Waves and waves of heat and electricity shot through her body as she came in a wet and wonderful sea of orgasmic pleasure. It had been a while since she'd been with a real man and she relished it.

The poor man couldn't get out of Francee's apartment quickly enough once she found herself satisfied. He'd never even taken any of his clothes off, just got down, did his duty and left, and, as was his habit, left her with a smile.

Bud, on the other hand, was miserable. Even more so when he received a text from her with an attachment. It was a picture she had taken while he was down there and unbeknownst to him; she took a photo of him attached to her pussy by the lips. "Shit," he thought. "No more. I knew this was a bad idea. Shirley's gonna find out, and she is gonna kill me."

Before he even got home, his cell phone rang. It was Gloria. "Shit, what now?"

"Hey baby, hubby's bowling night is tomorrow. How about a meet and greet? I could use a little something sweet."

"Hey, Glor. I'm really busy this week. Can we put it off for now?"

"Put it off? Sorry, sport, I'm not buying it. I know your wife's on shift tomorrow and you have no more damned excuses. Meet me at the Red Roof. The room's on me. Call when you get there. Make it seven o'clock. See you then."

"Shit, shit, shit. What now? I'm a dead man."

As soon as she got off the phone with Bud, Gloria called Shirley on shift. "Shirley, it's Gloria. I've got a date set up with your husband for tomorrow night. Now what do I do?"


When Bud awoke to go to work, Shirley was sound asleep beside him and in the buff. She looked good and smelled better. Mornings had become the most difficult for him, especially when his wife was there and looking so available. Looks like another cold shower today, he thought. First, though, peeing without making a mess. He was getting used to doing it while sitting down, like a woman.

Adding to his misery, before even leaving the house for work, he received a text from Francee. This one with another attachment; a video this time. It started with her face with a great big smile. As the camera switched to rear camera mode, there was Bud, doing his best to satisfy her. It was short but telling. The text read: Thanks. See u soon for a repeat performance.

All he could see was his fragile marriage coming to an end. And what of the baby? How could he keep his family together now that Francee was in the mix and had the most compelling evidence of his recent infidelity? He had to get that key and somehow destroy the photo and video in her possession.

It's not that Francine Blunt was unattractive, but she was pretty plain and a well-known gossip with a reputation for being cheap and easy, despite being a respected elementary school teacher. In past years, she had tarnished the reputation of more than one man and was set to tear him apart if he did not bend to her will. She would do anything to get what she wanted with no regard for his character or reputation.

He would blow off Gloria for tonight and take one more shot at Francee. Then he would come clean to Shirley about everything and let the chips fall where they may. Tonight was Shirley's last shift of this four and he would lay it all out for her; whether or not he was successful with Francee and no matter the consequences over the weekend.

As soon as he got to work, he brushed off a somewhat aggressive Norma and locked himself in his office. He immediately called Gloria, but got her voicemail. He did not leave a message but made several attempts to speak with her before dialing Francee.

"Hey, lover. When are we getting together? I'm available and I have the key to your heart ready to go."

"How about tonight? You bring the key and I will bring more of me."

"Deal. Come right after work. My place again." Click.

Bud's phone rang, and it was Gloria.

"So, do we have a date tonight? I didn't think I would hear from you till then."

"Sorry, Glor, but I can't. It's a work thing. How about maybe next week?"

"Well, if it's got to be, it's got to be. Ring me up then and we can do something during your wife's next shift."

Bud was almost frightened at how reasonable Gloria was being. Maybe it's something with her husband. Nah, it has to be something else. But what? Before then, he will have come clean with Shirley and will dispatch Gloria at that time. For now, his chief concern had to be Francee.

He had appointments outside the office most of the day, so he was able to avoid Norma. She continued to be sure to look good; professional but provocative. He gave her a smile when he left the office, but it was a quick one. She gave him a sly smile right back. She knew what she wanted, but was willing to bide her time to work around his wife and the other women who would be driving him crazy.

By six-thirty Bud was at Francee's place and, as before, she was ready. Only more so. Her night gown was long, flowing, and slit to the hip and tight to the skin with a deep V-neck. It was obvious that there was nothing underneath. Around her neck was a chain with a key attached. It appeared to be the same key as before. In her left hand she held a wine glass and, as he entered her apartment, she placed her right hand around the back of his neck and drew him toward her for a kiss. He obliged, not wanting to upset the applecart at this juncture.

After a long kiss, she backed away from him and said, "Before we get started, I want you to know I've got an insurance policy to assure no funny business from you. We can discuss it in bed, after we've made love. And, I'll tell you, we will make love. And it will be good. Right?"

"Right. If that key fits what I think it does, it will be great."

"A lot of things are gonna fit tonight, lover."

She poured him a glass of wine, handed it to him and they clinked them and each took a drink. Bud swigged his down in one shot.

"Easy Bud, I don't want you getting shit faced tonight. I want you ready, willing, and sober."

Bud put down his glass and took hers and placed it next to his on the table. He then took her in his arms, pulled her to him, and kissed her deeply. Her lush lips were all over his and her tongue darted in and out of his willing mouth. She was wet with desire.

Eye to eye, she said, "lead me into the bedroom and take me. By the time you get your shirt off, your cock will have achieved its freedom and I am looking to return the favor from the other night. At least to begin with. Let's get this coming out party started."

He lifted her up in his arms and carried her to her bedroom, and gently placed her on the bed. She sat up and grabbed him by the belt and pulled him toward her, unbuckling it along the way. She zipped him down and pawed at his underpants.

As his pants and undies dropped to his knees, she cackled when she saw the cage. "What did you do to earn this? Has Bud been a bad boy, or is Shirley just hedging her bets? C'mere lover, let me get you unlocked. I've got intentions."

She pulled the chain from around her neck and, approaching the moment of truth, slipped the key into the lock. It fit. She turned the key and, "click" it opened. Both heaved a sigh of relief and, as she removed the lock, a broad smile crossed her lips.

Bud pushed her back on the bed and pulled the cage and retaining loop from his cock and balls. He was free. For now. He placed the device on the night table and undressed. Francee got up from the bed and went to her dresser. "I have a condom, lover, so get ready to get rocked."

As he undressed, she set her phone up to record the event that was about to take place. He had no idea of this as she returned to the bed with a wrapped condom in her hand. Before he could remove his shirt, she had his cock in her mouth. For the first time since Shirley had chained him to the bed and taken him, he had an erection. And a big smile on his face.

She detached herself from him, stood up, and dropped her negligee to the floor. She was curvy, with smaller breasts than he was used to. Her bleach blonde hair fell to her shoulders when she undid her school teacher's bun. Pushing him down on the bed in a sitting position and straddling him, she brought her lips to his and again they kissed. It was long, and it was hard. Not the only thing that was hard. As he fell back on the bed, she grabbed for the condom, opened the package and dressed him for what was coming. And what was coming would be both of them.

With Bud on his back, she took his sheathed cock into her mouth and smiled as it grew more and more erect. She felt perfectly in control as she licked and sucked his eager dick. She felt herself below to test the waters and was unsurprised that she was already wet with desire. Her finger slid in easily, signaling that it was time to mount her stud and get on with it.

She rode him gently until he could no longer stand it, and he grabbed her at the waist and rolled over on top of her. He grimaced as he thrust deeper with each stroke. As he pounded her, she called out, "Harder, harder, harder. Fuck me harder." Instinctively, he knew how to fuck her harder and he pulled out of her and rolled her over. Lifting her hips, he rammed her from behind and took her doggy style. Her face buried in the pillow, she screamed as he weighed into her at an ever-increasing velocity.

Breathing heavily, he called out, "Agggghh" as he came. He pulled out, and she fell flat on the bed and turned her head to look at him. As she caught her breath she smiled and said, "Haven't lost your touch, lover. You've still got it."

When she turned around and sat back on the bed, for the first time, she looked at his chest, clearly, and saw the tattoo. "Ah ha, ha, ha. Marked for life, eh, Buddy boy? When did she do that to you? It looks pretty recent. Caged and tattooed. You are pussy whipped, aren't you? And now you're in big trouble."

She extricated herself from the bed and walked over to her dresser and stopped the camera on her phone from rolling. She saved the video to the cloud and handed her phone to him. "Look what I've got now?"

"What the hell have you got now?"

"You by the balls. Time to take a nice shower. Let's go."

Before heading to the shower, Bud watched the video and there it all was. The most incriminating evidence of his infidelity yet - time stamped and all. Now there was nothing she asked that he would not do. Trying to reason with her would be impossible. And being reasonable was not her strong suit. He had gone too far and now would pay.

After they took a shower and were clean and dried, Francee made her first demand. "Okay, Bud, put it back on. Time to prepare you for the next step."

"Put what on? Next step?"

"Yep. I want you back in the chastity device. Nobody but me and Shirley get a piece of you. Come here, I'll put it on for you." It took a while, but she figured it out and got him locked back up. He was pretty soft by now and his balls were drained to the point where getting the elements of the device installed were fairly easy.

"What will you do to me now? Blackmail me forever?"