Shirley's Dilemma


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"Oh, not forever, I expect. Just till I find some man who's good enough for me. And you're gonna help me with that too. You and me... we have a bond now. Friends with benefits for life."

"Can I at least have a copy of the key?"

"Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. No chance, lover. I don't know what Shirley thinks that tattoo is gonna do, but it ain't stopping me from what I want. Now go. Go home and dream of me. I'll be dreaming of you, and the next time we get together. But before you go, come here and give me a big kiss, lover." And he did.

"Before I go, though, please tell me where in the world you got that key."

"That's for me to know and you to find out. Either way, it won't do you much good." She put the chain, with the key, back around her neck and wrapped only in a towel, walked him to the door. "Don't forget, I've always got my insurance policy."


Shirley was on the last night of her four-day shift. During a break in the action, she gave Bud a call at home. He'd just arrived home after his session with Francee and was able to answer the phone in two rings. She had no idea how he had spent his evening, but was more interested in how they would spend the one to follow.

"So," she said, "I was thinking... how about date night tonight? I'm sure you're ready. I know I am."

"Oh, I'm ready alright, but not chained to a fuckin' bed. It's time to set me free. I'll definitely make it worth your while. And I'll be a good boy. What say?"

"Let me think about it. I do miss you being on top and being able to function at full capacity. It would be nice to have the freedom to just let go and enjoy myself and let you do the work for a change."

"I'm able if you are willing, darlin'"

"See you in the morning. I'll make breakfast."

"Works for me."

Shirley ended the call with an "I love you" which he returned in kind and then returned to the floor to continue what was a pretty average but busy shift. Until Mary called.

"What's up, Mare? I can't talk long. We have a fairly full floor tonight, and I have to get back to a couple of patients soon."

"Well, Shirl, I don't know what it means, but my neighbor across the street called me this evening and she saw a locksmith's truck parked at my house the other night while Al and I were out for date night. I don't know why. Francee has my key, and she said nothing about getting locked out."

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"That's why I'm calling. And it is Francee. I'm sorry, Shirl, I just never thought she would do something like this."

"I'd like to know how she got a locksmith so quickly. Why would she want a key she couldn't possibly know the purpose of? And what does she plan to do with that key?"

"Why didn't you call me sooner?"

"I didn't know until two hours ago, and I wanted to get the kids to bed before I called."

When two call buttons went off within a minute, Shirley said goodbye to Mary and off she went to take care of Mr. Ruggerio in 414.

Having already spoken to him, she wouldn't call Bud again tonight. She would just have to talk to him about the Francee situation tomorrow night when he gets home from work.

Shirley couldn't get her mind off Francee for the rest of the shift and couldn't imagine what that bitch might have in mind. She couldn't get her mind off of the fact that she and Bud had history and how appealing he could be to a lonely woman with few prospects. Someone like Francine Blunt, who spent her free nights babysitting instead of dating. She asked herself, "Do they have a present as well as a past? Has Francee been sleeping with Bud like the others? How many more are out there?" Worst of all, has Francee figured out their secret and is she fucking Bud now?

Near tears, Shirley steeled herself and tried to focus on her patients. But every time she would pass Birdie, it reminded her of Bud's indiscretions; now seemingly mounting every day. Her emotions were not lessened by her nearly eight week long pregnancy. She felt an almost continuous adrenaline rush until the end of her shift. Four o'clock could not come soon enough, but eventually Robin, her shift relief, showed up, and she was out the door at a bit past four.

During the dark, quiet drive home, she could not help brainstorming the ramifications of Francine Blunt having the key to her husband's chastity device. Should she just unlock him to prevent Francee from having the upper hand on Bud, or should she maybe try to change the lock while he was sleeping one night? "Fuck that bitch. Fuck both of them." She knew she had to take a stand and make a move.

She decided, for now, she would move in another direction and awaken him with the smell of coffee and the promise that she would retrieve the key later today and set him free when he gets home from work. She would also promise him dinner and, not being fully aware of his dalliance with Francee, the best dessert he'd had in weeks.

Bud kissed Shirley and left for work with a smile. He would bear the burden of his locked cock for one more day, knowing that at the end of the day, he'd be free. He still had to deal with Norma, who, undoubtedly, would be all over him after giving him a bit of slack over the past couple of days. Working toward freeing himself from her hooks and those of the other women who were determined to get a piece of him would have to be his first priority.

But Norma was not at work today. Unknown to Bud or any of her coworkers, she had a job interview at a rival company and had no intention of letting being workmates with him impede pursuing him. She was not going to let Shirley get her over a barrel. Norma wanted him and was going all in until she succeeded.

Meanwhile, Shirley discussing her concerns about Francee Blunt with her sister, Mary.

"What do you think she knows, Mare? We know she had the opportunity to have that key made; we know there was a locksmith's truck outside your house when she had that key available and we have to expect she had that key made intending to pursue Bud. What do you think she plans to do with it and when does she plan to do it?"

"The thing is, what are you going to do about it?" Mary replied.

"I'm gonna set him free, Mare. That ought to keep her from getting her damned claws on him." She showed her sister the picture of the tattoo that now adorned Bud's chest. "This ought to help as well."

"Francee is a great babysitter, but I wouldn't trust her alone with Al, let alone a dog like Bud. And if you think that tattoo will stop her, you've got another thing coming to you. You know she and Bud had a thing back in the day and she has already confided to me about how lonely she has been."

"She knows I'm pregnant. That oughta keep her away. She respects family, doesn't she?"

"I wouldn't count on it. Again, it's Bud and we know what a chick magnet he is. Just his recent history is proof of that. You really ought to think about life after him. You're probably better off without him. He will not stop. Especially after that cage is off him."

"Don't worry about the cage, Mare. I'm going to pick up a new lock today and have it ready if I have to knock him out and put the cock lock back on him. I'll know when the time is right and I'll be ready."

"Well, good luck, sis. I still think you should kick him to the curb and move on with your life. Take the house, the car and him for all he is worth and move the fuck on. You're a young, good-looking woman with a good job. You can always find another man."

"I still love him, Mare. I don't want to replace him, I want to improve him. And life's no piece of cake for a single mother in her thirties these days."

"Good fuckin' luck."

"Gotta go, Mare. Shopping to do and a lock to buy. Give me that key so I can get on with the next chapter with Bud. Date night tonight. For the first time in a long time, a real date night."

When Bud got home, Shirley was in the kitchen making the entire house smell delicious. He noticed the crock pot was going and raised the lid to get a closer whiff. "Ah, Beef Stroganoff." He was too distracted to notice the chain around her neck with the key attached. He'd thought about it all day, but being so close to it, he still couldn't imagine she'd make it so available.

"Let me throw the noodles in," she said, "and I'll come up with you for a minute. If you had any plans to go out tonight, I'm going to give you a good reason not to."

"You know the best reason I can think of."

She grasped the key chain and rattled the key in front of him. "You go up and get yourself comfortable. I'll come up and free you up, then after dinner we can do something about it."

He was up the stairs in record time. Once the noodles were in the pot and the water brought back to a boil, Shirley followed him in kind.

With nothing more than a ZZ Top tee shirt from the 1983-84 Eliminator tour on, he sat on the bed and awaited the good news. With one movement, she took the chain from around her neck and had the key in her hand. On her knees, she opened the lock with a click and removed the device from his cock and balls. Immediately, she got up to her feet and bolted downstairs. She grabbed her keys from her handbag and out the door she went. She opened the glove compartment and threw the device in and locked the car.

Back in the house she attended to the noodles and gave the Stroganoff a stir. She threw some green beans in a bag into the microwave, set it and called up to Bud. "Dinner in five minutes."

Shirley had taken a little catnap in the afternoon, after visiting her sister, once she had the Stroganoff in the slow cooker, so she was plenty energetic and ready for both dinner and dessert. She would supply the former and Bud the latter. She was already damp and ready to go.

Although she wanted to bring up the subject of Francee at dinner, Shirley avoided it. She didn't want it to interfere with date night tonight. Tomorrow is another day, and she would broach the subject then. One more night of romance would be worth it. They talked mostly about the baby and what they had to do to prepare for its arrival. But she couldn't keep Francee out of her thoughts indefinitely. Hopefully, her husband would provide enough of a distraction. Little did she know Francee was as much of a distraction for him as she was for her.

Once dinner was finished, and the dishes were done, the focus turned to the bedroom.

"I'm going to freshen up," she said. "Why don't you watch a little tube and I'll call down shortly."

She took her time refreshing her makeup, applying lipstick and eye liner with care, wanting to look her best, hoping to get the most out of him tonight. There was a lot of competition out there and, with his newfound freedom, she didn't want him straying again.

Her pregnancy breasts were already a little tender tonight, and she hoped he would be gentle. Gentle but fierce. She would suck it up as she sucked him off, and hoped he would return the favor in kind. Unlike so many men, he was good down there. Real good. In the bedroom, his gifts were many and not restricted to his oral skills. She shuddered, thinking of his prodigious organ bringing her to the place she'd hoped to go. He, more often than not, brought her to the big O. And that magnificently long tongue of his. He was truly gifted, and she felt the need to fight for him even harder.

She jumped out of her leggings and tee shirt and into a sexy black satin and lace chemise. No panties. No need to slow things down at the wrong time. She considered accessorizing with thigh high hose but didn't want the distraction. She checked herself out in the floor-length mirror. The chemise would be enough. She looked good, real good.

Other than tender breasts, Shirley was not feeling any repercussions of her pregnancy and her doctor said that she was healthy enough to have sex at any time she felt the desire. And, as long as she wasn't feeling the need to heave up her guts, she felt that sex was something she was ready, even eager for. Not to mention how eager Bud was - for her or for whoever would satisfy him in her stead. And there's no knowing how many others are out there waiting in the wings for her hot, rugged stud. Least of all Francee Blunt. Or so she was led to believe.

While he awaited word from Shirley, Bud received a text from Francee. Call me when you can. In the mood. Attached to the text was a photo of him chowing down on Francee. At the sight of this, he could feel every nerve in his body respond. And not in a good way. Just as he got his freedom, he could feel it being taken away. He knew what he had to do. He had to tell Shirley about Francee. But when would he do it? As she descended the stairs, he knew it would not be now. Not with how she looked. Especially with that come hither look in her eyes. She was ready, and he was not one to say no.

As he turned to look at her, she approached him, and shimmied out of her chemise, straddled his lap, and rested her breasts on his chest. Her hungry lips reached out to his awaiting mouth. The kiss was soft, followed by another less casual, closed-eyed kiss. As their tongues met when they next kissed, she thought about how he did not disappoint. She was ready for this and happy about the decision she made to free him of his penile bondage. Sharing her joy, he lifted her up and carried her up the stairs to the boudoir. He had something to say to her, but first he had something to show her.

As he gently lowered her on to the bed, he caressed her lips with his. His eyes never left hers. He nuzzled her neck and nibbled on her shoulder. Then back to her hungry lips. Aware of the soreness of her breasts, he stroked them gently, leaving her slightly enlarged nipples to signal her increasing desire. Her low groan caused him to pull his hand away, but she grabbed it and kissed his palm.

"Take me, lover." She said, "Take me like nobody else can. Give me what I need. Give me all of you."

Like she was the only woman on earth he possessed her. Like she was the only woman in his life, he took her to new heights. Holding on for dear life, she went with him as if they were one person. His reputation in college brought him the name "Long timer." And he was as good as his nick name professed. Not all the girls liked this, but enough of them did. Especially Francee, who could go all night if he would. If Shirley was ready to ride all night long tonight, so was Bud.

"Oh God, oh God, oh God," she called out. "Fill me up, that's it, more, more, more. There, right there."

He lifted her up as he pumped away at her, pulsing as he pummeled her sopping wet pussy. With her arms around his neck and his hands on her thighs, she rode him as he lifted her from the bed. With her legs now wrapped around his back, he sat on the bed and kissed her some more, resting between the sessions of hard, rapid pounding. Then, as he had with Francee the other night, he brought them both to a resounding conclusion by taking her from behind in a rapid, steady motion. He came hard, and she came often in long, flowing orgasmic waves.

They collapsed on the bed and he spooned her without ever removing his spent cock from her throbbing vagina. There would be no second time tonight. There would be no need.


Bud could avoid the phone calls of the other women, but if he wanted to go to the office, he could not avoid Norma. It didn't look like she was giving up, when at a little after ten she strode into his office and shut the door. The scent of Tom Ford's Lavender Extreme filled the room.

"You and me, lunch today. I have some news for you that you're gonna want to hear. One O'clock, The Palm at the Bellevue. I've made the reservation. Lunch is on you."

"But.." he said.

"No buts and no cop outs. Be there. In fact, I'll meet you here and we can walk together."

Bud wanted to call Shirley as soon as Norma left his office, but she was on her four-day shift and would be sleeping, at least until noon. That would not give them much time before lunch to strategize. Until then, he obsessed over what Norma had in mind. She had been pretty hands off for the past several days and he thought that the lunch meeting he'd had with her at the deli worked out in his favor. Lunch today would tell the tale of her motivation.

At noon, Bud called Shirley, who shook the sleep off and answered the phone. "I didn't expect a call from you this early, lover. What's up?" she said.

"It's Norma. I think she's gone off the rails. I thought she was over with, but she wants to talk."

"What does that bitch want to talk about?"

"I don't know yet. I can't imagine she wants to continue a relationship after I dumped her at the deli. She's been pretty distant since then, and I thought it was over, at least with her."

"Do you have any idea what she has in mind?"

"I'm clueless, but I will let you know after lunch."

"Well, I'm going to jump into the shower now. Call me after lunch."

"Will do. Love you."

"Yeah, we'll see."

At 12:45, Norma showed up at his office door and crooked her finger, directing him to come with her. The walk to the Bellevue was several blocks and was mostly silent.

"Why did she choose the Palm to talk? It's always so loud in there," he thought.

When they arrived at the Bellevue, she excused herself and walked over to the hotel front desk. Moments later, she returned, key in hand. She took his hand and led him to the elevator bank. Stunned, he followed as she pulled him into the elevator and pushed the button. She never took her eyes off of his the entire ride up.

"Norm," he said as she dragged him into the room and tried to kiss him. "I thought we brought this to an end the other day."

"Maybe you did, but I didn't. Do you really think you can kick me to the curb that easily? I'm not looking to give you up so quickly and I'm planning to fight for you if I have to. That little wifey of yours doesn't have a monopoly on you. I know about your other women too, and I don't care. This is a game I intend to win, and I'm here to take the first step."

At that, she unzipped her short burgundy dress and let it fall to the floor. "The first thing you should know is that I have an appointment with Harriet Shorn in HR right after lunch. I will be giving her my notice, so you and I will have no further work related conflicts. I've accepted an offer from Concord and I will start there in two weeks. Go and ask your little wifey who's got the power now. Take it off now, Bud, take it all off and let's celebrate my good news."

"What if I don't?"

"Well, Mr. Huff, we shall see how my resignation interview goes. If I decide to include a sexual harassment element to the reason I'm leaving, it won't look very good for you. How's the wifey gonna take it when you come home jobless and the target of a harassment claim? Now strip down, Buddy boy, time's a wasting and I have an appointment with HR."

Reluctantly, Bud stripped down to his boxers, pleading the whole time. Norma was having none of it. She was already naked and looking very impatient.

"Come on, Bud, let's get to business. And you'd better make it good. I want sex and sincerity, and I want it like it used to be. I want today to be one of Bud's greatest hits."

Bud stripped off his boxers, and, grabbing her by the arms, lifted her up to him. He grabbed her with his lips and kissed her with apparent passion. Enough to make her believe he meant it.

Norma stood there, a bit stunned in only her bra and lace thong panties. When she recovered, she insisted he remove them for her. He put his arms around her and held her close to him as she unclipped the see-through demi bra and dropped it to the floor. He then hooked his thumbs into the waistband of her panties and drew them down to her knees, where they proceeded to fall to the floor. She kicked them off and wrapped her arms around his neck, drawing him close to her. They kissed again, this time showing a genuine passion.