Show Me


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She shifted to use both hands, heard him sigh as his sipper purled down and his cock came free. The warmth of him in her hands felt right and she stroked him lightly, taking her time and letting him suffer as she turned slightly, getting ready for what they both knew was next. She glanced up at him and he was watching her, not the movie. The smile was gone, and she felt a sudden flush of excitement as she made eye contact with him and then he leaned down to kiss her, their mouths working against one another and tongues tangling.

God she felt so good... how did she feel this way after being seen the way she was, after showing off her body and strutting around with so little on. How was she in public, her skirt rucked up and her shirt open, no panties and her pussy wet, her breasts all but bared and his cock in her hands, about to be in her mouth, a plug in her ass and his hand sliding down across her back, over the swell of her bared ass and his fingers...

"Ah!" She cried out and buried her face against him, panting and gasping as his fingers moved the plug in her rear and the jolt of sensation rocketed through her body. She was shuddering all over and so very aware of her arousal right then that he could have pulled her into his lap and onto his cock and she wouldn't have cared even as people turned to look and see and stare and...

She sobbed into his shirt and gripped his shaft with both hands, her head turning and drawing in his scent, her breath washing over him and her lips just barely touching his flesh as realization dawned on her. This had been what he had been waiting for; for her to instigate things. And she had done just what he wanted. But there was no turning back now, and she knew it as she caressed him with her slim fingers, feeling the warmth of him in her hand and then smelling his sweat and the uniquely male scent of him in her nose. She licked her lips again and placed a soft kiss on the smooth head of his cock. She didn't think at all about where they were or who was nearby. Her whole body was on fire with need and desire and she was going to do something about it.

She kissed him again, her lips parting slightly and her tongue caressing his skin, wetting him for the next kiss, which parted a bit more and allowed her to suckle at the head of his cock and she moaned as the taste of him filled her mouth. Her head bobbed over him and she caressed him with her lips and tongue, her eyes closed and her entire being feeling like it was under tension as she took a bit more into her mouth and suckled, savouring the feel of him in her mouth.

She actually enjoyed doing this just as much as he enjoyed eating her out. It felt good... not in the same way an orgasm did, but there was still a feeling of strength there, of power that she could render him all but helpless with just her mouth, and the way he looked when she was done made her smile even days later when she thought about it again. And the fact that he would usually return the favour was a nice bonus too. She moaned and suckled as all of this went through her head and she felt his hand caressing her back and her ass and when his fingers pressed and shifted the plug again she whimpered and moaned around his shaft, loving the way it felt and knowing that it would progress to something else given a bit of time and she had no problem with that either.

She moved over him, her head bobbing up and down, his cock slipping through her lips to the back of her throat and she relaxed a bit and felt him slide deeper, into her throat now. It was a little thing she had learned to do that he loved and the groan that escaped him at the feeling made her heart race and her lips curl into a smile before she lifted again and bobbed over him. She could hear his breathing, feel his hand resting on her head casually, not forcing or guiding her, just keeping her hair out of the way, and she slipped a hand down to rub at her pussy. She was soaking wet and even the light touch of it was enough to make her body tremble. She rubbed at her entrance and her clit, loving the feel of everything that they were doing, squirming and writhing and forgetting completely where they were, not caring anymore if they were heard as she suckled him and masturbated herself at the same time, bringing her hand from her pussy up to his cock, smearing her nectar on his skin and tasting herself on him as her other hand moved down to pick up where the first had left off.

She felt her arousal grow and grow and by the sounds that were escaping him he was getting close to a release. So she slowed down a bit and rubbed herself a bit more, needing something for herself before she went crazy. But when his fingers pressed at the plug again she trembled all over and quickly swallowed his cock as her orgasm suddenly tore through her. The vibrations of her throat as she tried not to scream and only succeeded because his cock gagged her were enough to push him over the top and she felt him shoot his load right down her throat as her whole body flushed with pleasure and shook. Her eyes rolled back in her head and when he released the pressure on the plug, it was all she could do to lift her head and let his cock slide from her throat before she rested her head in his lap and caught her breath.

It had been an almost painfully intense orgasm and she was still shaking all over as his hand caressed her skin, just his fingertips gliding across her and making her shiver as he sent sparks across her synapses and coaxed little sobs from her.

"That's just cruel." She said, her mouth nevertheless smiling as she licked her lips, the taste of him still strong in her mouth.

"Yeah, I know..." He said with a smile, looking around to see if anyone had overheard them. But they were far enough back and away from everyone else that they hadn't really garnered any attention and he relaxed there with her, her head in his lap and her body almost completely bared and he watched her, more interested in her than what was on the screen as she recovered.

"You better be able to fuck me when we get home." She murmured as she looked up at him and he smiled.

"Shall we go now and find out?" He asked and she laughed a little.

"If I could move, I would say yes." She said and he smiled down at her.

"Then just lie still and close your eyes." He said and she felt a sudden rush of fresh anxiety.


She curled in against his chest feigning sleep, her heart racing and her mind going a mile a minute as he carried her out, explaining that she had fallen asleep when an usher came over to check on them. He hadn't let her button up her shirt and she could still feel the plug in her rear as he walked through the theatre and out into the mall. Several minutes passed until she felt the cooler air of the early evening on her bare skin and she opened one eye and glanced around. It was dusk and the warmth of the day was already fading in the teeth of a stiff breeze blowing up off of the lake. She looked up at him and smiled, content if not exactly sated just yet and she relaxed a bit more and let him carry her. It was the least he could do after a day like today.

She had to hold onto his neck as he opened the door and when he got her situated in her seat, she lay still and watched as he opened her shirt and ran a hand across her breasts, feeling the hard points of her nipples against his palm before he leaned in and placed a line of soft kisses across her skin. She sighed in contentment and brought a hand up to slide her fingers through his hair as she smiled in pleasure at the feeling.

"That feels so good." She said, squirming as her weight settled on the plug and made her acutely aware of it once again. She felt herself clenching down on the bulb of it involuntarily and a little whimper escaped her which did not escape his notice and his smile made her fidget all over again, which only added to the feeling that the plug caused.

"Can't I take this out?" She asked, fidgeting, and pouting, knowing it wouldn't work on him but feeling the need to try anyway.

"Is it making you uncomfortable?" he asked and she could tell by his tone and smile that he knew damn well how it was making her feel.

"Yeah... and I don't know if I can ride like this all the way home." She said, fidgeting again.

"Then how does this sound," he began. "I'll switch it for the princess plug, but you have to do something in return." He said and she looked at him with sudden trepidation. As he told her what he wanted her to do she felt her heart race again. But when they left the parking lot a few minutes later she was sitting with the princess plug in her rear and his instructions turning over and over in her head.

It was the next natural thing she could think of after how they had spent the day, but the idea of it and the reality of it were two different things. She relaxed as they drove north out of Oshawa, taking the long way around to get home to Mississauga, on the other side of Toronto. Normally it would have taken about an hour or so to get there if they had stayed on the expressway, but they had other plans. They went north to Port Perry and then went west until they reached Uxbridge, where he stopped to put gas in the car and get them some water before they moved on.

The golf courses per capita out this way was higher than anywhere else in the world, she was sure, and they passed at least ten as they drove. The blacktop stretched out before them and the day faded away and night took over. She saw a lot of big houses, some in little clusters but most of them by themselves on far more land than the entire neighbourhood where she and Lucas rented their little one-bedroom suite. The hills rose and fell and the air was clean and fresh and she saw more stars than she had ever seen in her life, and every minute that passed brought her closer and closer to what she had never once considered doing in her entire life.

But she wasn't nervous, oddly enough. She relaxed in her seat, the wind blowing through her hair and her face lifted to take it in and feel the cool relaxation of the evening and her heart was slow and steady as they drove on, turning here and there and taking their time. And when they passed through a cluster of businesses and buildings along their way she knew that it was almost time. She sat up a bit and looked out the windshield as he slowed, the click of the turn signal almost thunderous in the silence of the car and she saw the sign for the gas station even as he pulled off the road and into the empty lot, steering toward the front doors and not the pumps.

"Alright... you know what to do?" He asked and she nodded, her heart slow and steady but her mind somehow apart from her body as she took the cash in hand and reached to open the door, stepping out and standing, the wind blowing her hair for a moment before she walked toward the entrance of the little convenience store.


Big Mike was carefully slouched behind the counter to keep his weight off of his feet. The owner didn't like it when anyone sat down or leaned on shift. He was a firm believer of the 'if you've got time to lean, you've got time to clean' philosophy of workplace management and he had chewed Mike's ass several times for leaning or resting on shift. But at that point he still needed Mike more than Mike needed him. Few people wanted to work the late shift at the mostly deserted station on the outskirts of Newmarket, which was open twenty-four-seven all year round. The fact that the owner was an asshole didn't help matters much and few staff members would stay on after a month or two of being constantly on their feet.

Big Mike had stuck it out because he had no other ideas for what to do with his life just yet, but all it would take was one good excuse for him to just walk away without a backward glance. He hated this place and he hated his boss and he had the personal philosophy that since his boss paid him just enough not to quit, he would work just hard enough not to get fired. The only thing he didn't hate about it all was the time alone that he had out here. Time when no one was badgering him or laughing at him or making him feel like he was two inches tall. This job was almost perfect for that, even if it sucked for everything else. But it was only mostly perfect, the late shift brought in the least revenue, but it also ran into the morning rush, when all of the people working at the waste management yards and the police training center and the storage places and other businesses to the east of the city started their shifts and needed to gas up or get one more cup of coffee before they faced the day. He would sell more litres of coffee than he would of gas most days during the last hour or two of his shift, but the rest of the night he had mostly to himself.

He had already completed the nightly inventory and made a show of running a broom here and there for the security cameras, which he knew his boss checked on his frequent 'Spot Checks', but that had killed less than an hour and now he was bored. He would have preferred a book in his hand or his phone to pass the time but any sort of distraction to make the night go quicker fell under the same restrictions as sitting or leaning, so he stood and he waited, dozing on his feet and waking when headlights washed across this eyelids. He sighed heavily and opened his eyes as the doors opened. Customers at this hour were rare but not unheard of. Sometimes the security guards that patrolled the eastern lots would stop by for coffee or gas or snacks or just to talk to someone who wasn't their patrol partner. He started to smile and say the greeting that had been ingrained into the very fibre of his being but he nearly choked on his tongue when the customer came into his focus and then he stared, shocked breathless at what he was seeing... at what he couldn't possibly be seeing...

She stepped into the store and paused just inside the doors to look around and Big Mike couldn't even breathe at the sight of her. She had long red hair, a thick mane of it almost to her waist. It hung over her shoulders and down her back in waves like loose silk. She was pale in the way that only redheads could be pale. That and her pretty face would have been enough to attract his eye by itself, but the fact that her loose hair was all that was covering her was what nailed him in place as completely as if his feet had been glued to the floor. Time seemed to slow for Big Mike and he stared at her with lust-filled intensity and she just stood there and let him. She had slim hips and legs, a flat tummy and breasts that were nothing short of magnificent. He couldn't have looked away right then if someone had lit the pumps on fire... Hell, he couldn't have taken his eyes off of her if someone had lit his hair on fire. She drew his eyes like a magnet and he turned to watch her as she turned and started moving through the store.

There was no way this was really happening... he had to be asleep and dreaming this. He would wake up when he hit the floor and it would all be just a dream... But he didn't even try to wake himself up as he watched her move around the store, going to the cooler at the back and then diverting down an aisle and then another before she came to the counter and stood there across from him as he stared at her, barely able to breathe let alone move. He could see her skin flush, see her nipples stiffen and her lips part as a little gasp escaped her. She looked up at him with huge green eyes and set her selections on the counter and Big Mike still didn't move.

He was confronted with the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his life, and she was completely naked. He was so painfully, completely aroused that he didn't have enough blood left to operate his brain at that moment, all he could do was stare at her and pray with every bit of his being that if this was a dream he could die in it so he didn't have to wake to his sad reality.

"Hey Mike..." she said in a sweet voice and his eyes lifted from her body to her face.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"Could you... could you ring me up? I'm in a bit of a hurry here." She said and he blinked a few times and looked down at her purchases; a few bottles of tea and a tube of Pringles and a bag of beef jerky. He licked his lips and looked back to her again.

"How'd you know my name?" He asked, his brow furrowing. She smiled and reached across the counter, rising on her toes and leaning across to grasp the name tag on the lanyard around his neck. He barely saw, unable to take his eyes off of her perfect breasts; that was how he knew this was a dream, breasts like that weren't possible. She brought it up and kissed it and he nearly came in his pants watching her.

"Aren't name tags wonderful things?" She asked with a wink and he nodded and laughed a little bit. After another long moment she glanced behind her at the doors and then looked back to him. "Sooooo ummmmm... ring me up?" She asked and he seemed to wake up.

"Uhhh wha... oh! yeah... yeah, just let me..." He rang the four items through with almost comical speed, not wanting to look away from her for more than a few moments. She paid with cash, laying the folded twenty in his hand with a smile and a touch of her soft fingers on his palm and told him in her quiet, lovely voice to keep the change as she took the bag and turned to walk away.

"Hey, wait..." He said when she was almost at the door and she stopped and looked back his way. The movement showcased her body, particularly her gorgeous ass, and he nearly forgot to breathe again. "Ummm... are you ok? Do you need help?"

"I'm fine... but thank you for asking." She said with a smile and he nodded as she stood there for a long moment and let him have a good, long look at her body. He blinked and when he opened his eyes she was gone so completely that he was sure it had all been a dream.

He stood there for a long time thinking about it and about her before he recovered enough to think about anything else again. He shook his head with a sigh and stood straight to do a walk-around of the store just to get the blood flowing. He was as hard and ready as he had ever been in his life, though after how vivid his dream had been he wasn't surprised. He glanced down to adjust himself and the painful restriction of his slacks and saw his ID swinging on the lanyard and his breath caught in his throat again as he lifted it to get a closer look. There was a red kiss mark on the plastic right over his picture, the clear imprint of lipstick from the mouth of a little, naked redhead and Mike stared at the doors once again, shock ruling his life before he looked up at the camera that watched the door. He locked the doors and almost ran to the back to check the footage, to see if it had really happened.

When the owner arrived fifteen minutes later for a spot check, he found the store dark, the doors locked and the pumps off and Big Mike was nowhere to be seen. He had finally found a reason to quit and he wasn't about to waste a single second more of his life.


They rode through Newmarket in silence, Emily sitting and staring out the window, not even thinking about her nudity as they drove past shops and construction sites and apartment buildings. Her heart was still amazingly steady and she wasn't trembling or mortified or regretful. She was...


Just how did she feel after what she had just done? She had been completely naked and alone with a stranger in a strange place. Admittedly, Lucas had been right outside and ready to step in if anything happened but she knew very well how quickly something could have happened to her. But Mike had been more stunned than she was, truth be told, and he had been almost sweet. He had shown concern for her, asked if she needed help... he had stared, but then she couldn't really blame him for that; she was naked after all. And the tent she had seen in his pants had told her all that she needed to know about what he thought of her. She looked down at her body and saw her stiff nipples and that was enough for the rest of it to come flooding in. She gasped as she felt it, the tight clench in her core and the warm, slick feeling that told her just how ready she was right then. Her skin felt completely and totally alive and she could see that she was gooseflesh all over. She ran her hand along her arm and gasped again at the rush of sensations.