Showing Myself Ch. 11


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The girls looked at Kyle with some curiosity, and Kyle just kind of shrugged and said, "You know, I'm not really a beer guy and I read a lot. Might as well do it right, right?"

"So then I asked him what food he would suggest for the wine we were just opening, and he said he just made the perfect thing the other day- a poached salmon with a wine reduction sauce and white asparagus on the side. He said it would balance the acidity perfectly."

Oh boy, they were impressed, and asked him how he learned to cook like that.

"Well, it's no big deal, just some recipes, some youtube videos, and shazam, dinner."

"Oh, he is just being modest. When I pressed him about it, he said he didn't want to be identified by his job, and wanted to be creative outside of computer science. How mature is that?? He is adorable!"

They really started talking now, and were linking up facebook pages. It's working! So, I continued.

"You know what? I live alone, and I let the neighbor stay there with his girlfriend Kari all the time because she's not comfortable staying at his parent's house, and it's so nice to have people around. Kyle, I'm just throwing this out there, but if you ever wanted to make dinner for these lovely ladies, you are more than welcome to use my place. I mean that. And now you're all linked up, so feel free! Or maybe their boyfriends wouldn't want them having some guy make dinner for them."

"Oh, we're not dating!"

Perfect! They didn't even hesitate.

"Well, then there is no excuse not to do it. I like going out as much as anyone, but sometimes a classy night at home is nice too. But I know that's hard to do in dorms and tiny apartments. Anyway, please excuse me, I'll be right back, I have to thank Andrew for sticking his neck out like that and intruding on you. I've enjoyed talking so much!

I walked out to Andrew and said, "Andrew, thank you. Also, put everything on my tab. Here's my card so there're no arguments, and add 25%. Those two girls are just too sweet."

I looked outside and the three of them were chatting up a storm. Nice!

We had our lunches and drinks and it was really fun, even if we never saw them again. They then said they had to leave and motioned for the waiter to come over.

He came over and said, "It's fine, everything is taken care of. Enjoy the rest of your day."

Of course, they protested, and I said their company made my day and they could have said no when Andrew asked, but they didn't. And, they are more than welcome to pay it forward someday.

After they left, Kyle glared at me and whispered, "Poached salmon and wine reduction sauce? Really?"

"Shazam, really? I was afraid you were going to talk about your comic book collection!"

"I can't cook anything! You're crazy!"

"Kyle, it's easy, especially for girls. Just find some simple, healthy and light, and try them out on me. I'll help you. But never mind that. Did you like them?"

"Yeah, they're cool."

"Cool, great, you said I'm cool. Anything else? Please, more detail."

"Uh, they are both attractive and really nice, and Carla likes sports, and Kate is tall with beautiful eyes."

"So, neither of them is out of the question?"

"No, not at all. How did you arrange that?"

"You just have to go to the right places and you'll meet the right people. And they felt safe with you because of me. Just how it goes."

"You'll really help me with cooking?"

"Yes, I will. Even if you never hear from them, it's a good skill to have. But I'm pretty sure you're going to hear from them. Maybe there's a threesome in your future. You could dribble white wine on Carla's plump breasts and lick it off."

"I don't think a threesome is going to happen."

"I'm imagining you taking Kate from behind while her face is buried in Carla's pussy. Darn, I should have asked them what they thought about that."

Kyle just shook his head.

"You actually did pretty well. I bought some sexy lingerie that I have right here in this bag, and I was going to drag that out to stimulate conversation if I had to. And you know I would have."

"I have no doubt. But anyway, thank you. It's been great getting to know you."

"Well, you can thank me tonight. Spending the night?"

"Yes, I would love to."

"Great, I want to play with that cock as much as I can before Carla or Kate claims it as their own. But now, I'm going to buy you a nice pair of jeans so you'll be prepared if they really do come over. Come on."

We went across the street to the same place that Kari and I went, and we picked out a few pair to try on and I led him to the dressing room.

"You know what? The last time I was here, Kari and I got naked. God, I wanted to touch her so bad."

I looked down, and continued, "I'm not sure if these jeans will go on over that."

"You are so bad. Is that all you think about?"

"Oh, should I be thinking about the latest reality TV show?"

I pushed him inside and waited for him. God, I wished I could be in there with him, but mixed couples attract attention.

Am I a bad person? I don't think I am. I put everyone ahead of myself, and I helped Jim, and Kari, and now I helped Kyle, right? I will admit I'm naughty, but define naughty? OK, I love to feel a guy's cock in my mouth, so sue me. I'm picky, and have had far fewer partners than many women. Am I shallow because I like hot young guys? Sure, if you want to think that. But all of these guys are so sweet and considerate and polite. That is so hot! And, I wouldn't even look at them if my ex hadn't dumped me! But he's in the past and I'm having fun.

We left the store, and we went our separate ways, and agreed that he would come over later.

Around seven, he knocked on the door, and was wearing the jeans I bought for him, and looked so handsome. I was wearing a cute skirt and blouse, and let him in.

"So, did you hear from the girls?"

"Yeah, about an hour ago. They asked when I'm cooking dinner."

"See, I told you that would work. Girls like that stuff, and tonight I'll show you what else girls like. Have you decided which one you like most? Kate is tall like you wanted, but Carla is so cute and the way her breasts wobbled around was really sexy."

"Nothing gets by you. I don't even know them, and they're probably more intrigued about you than me. But when could I invite them?"

"How about next Saturday? Mike and Kari will be here too, and you'll be such a stud catering to all of us girls."

"I'll ask them, but they're probably busy on weekends."

"Yeah, like today, right? They aren't dating, and they've already asked when you're making dinner. They're probably lounging around in their panties and eating popcorn eyeing each other's boobs and wishing your cock was there. I guarantee they've already thought about it."

Right then his phone lit up and one of them was calling. I told him to put it on speaker.

"Hey Kyle, we're just hanging out and thought we'd call. We're not interrupting a big date are we?"

I looked right at him and whispered, "See?? I told you!"

"No, not at all. I'm just prepping for a project I have to turn in on Monday."

"By the way, you really don't have to make us dinner. That was super nice to offer though."

"No, I really want to. What does next Saturday look like?"

By now I had knelt down in front of Kyle and started unzipping his jeans. He tried to wave me off, but I whispered that these are technically my jeans since I paid for them, so I can do what I want.

I gently slid his cock out and slipped it in my mouth, and it grew hard almost instantly. I took it nice and slow, wanting him to last a long time.

I looked up and whispered that I bet Carla had the same technique as me. She just seems the type.

They were making small talk, and they agreed that Saturday would be great, and Kate even said they would probably be at the mall again on Wednesday if he was around. When I heard that, I took his whole cock in my mouth and held it there, and then let it go, saying, "You are definitely going to have sex with one of them within a week."

I grabbed the bottle of wine and dragged Kyle into the bedroom. I stood in front of him and said, "Strip my clothes off. Don't be rough, but be assertive, like you desire me."

We made amazing love. Now I know how Monika and her husband felt when they were tutoring me! But I was sad too. I wanted a man beside me every night, one that looks at me like Jim and Mike and Kyle look at me. My stupid ex! He is such an idiot!

The next afternoon I texted Kyle and Mike and told them that Kyle had to practice a trial run for dinner, and they should come over on Tuesday evening, and I would have everything ready. I was so excited to be Kyle's matchmaker! So fun! Finally Tuesday arrived.

"Ok, here is your task. I have the ingredients in these bags, and you have to make dinner for the three of us. Just assume you want to get in my pants, and go from there. It's going to be like one of those cooking shows, and you have exactly one hour."

"What's in the bag? What are we supposed to cook?"

"That's your problem. You do google, right? Just assume you are trying to impress Kari, Carla, and Kate. Oh, and bring me a glass of wine please. I'm going to take a shower and get dressed for dinner."

They were so cute, and I left them alone. I jumped in the shower, and when I came out I went through my sexy lingerie drawer. I chose some stockings and garter belt and a really sexy pushup bra. But then I went conservative with a simple button up sundress.

I went back out, and they were working up a storm in the kitchen. That will definitely be a turn on for the girls! I didn't hover, and took a place in the living room where I could watch from a distance. You know, I'm really enjoying having young people around, and not just for the sex. They are so much fun and like to try new things!

In a few minutes Kyle called out that dinner was served. I was actually very impressed! I didn't get too crazy with the ingredients, but they didn't just come up with something boring with what they had to work with either. They braised some strawberries in balsamic vinegar and served them with scallops and baby spinach leaves, and roasted baby potatoes on the side. Yummy! They agreed that it was amazingly simple and didn't expect they could pull it off, and I told them they would get into any woman's pants if they continue to cook like that.

God, I was feeling so horny now. Two hot guys just made me dinner, not to mention I've been able to make them do whatever I want. Between Jim and Kyle and Mike, I've gotten more sex lately than I have for a long time.

We went to the living room, and I told them to take seats next to me while I got something in the bedroom. I came back with a photo album and the box of more explicit photos.

"Would you guys like to see what I used to look like?"

Of course they said yes, and I opened the album with normal pictures. Even Mike said he saw a resemblance to Kari, and we had a lot of fun paging through the album.

Then I opened the box, saying, "I'm warning you, these are more explicit. I hope I don't shock you."

They looked through the pictures in awe. I explained that the couple that took the pictures and was in the pictures with me were so nice to me, and we had so much fun. I also said that I had some 16mm movies of me and that Kyle was going to help me convert them, so we could have a movie night.

I was really starting to get hot. Here I was, two hot guys sitting next to me while looking at naked pictures of me from years ago, and my mind was reeling. I started telling them about my times from back then.

"You know, I have to confess that I have a very weird exhibitionist streak in me. Obviously you can tell that from the pictures, right?"

I explained about the first time I went into the adult theater the first time with friends, but then how I went back alone a couple of days later. I was still nervous, but that didn't stop me from playing with myself all alone in the theater while guys watched.

"Look, I'll show you what I did. It was a regular movie theater, but had adult movies playing. I sat in the middle towards the front by myself and was wearing a button up sundress very similar to this, and I very discreetly unbuttoned it"

I started unbuttoning my dress very slowly, and I could tell they were getting exited. And they weren't saying a word. I opened the last button, and my dress was still laying there closed like normal.

"I used to wear dresses like this often. When I went shopping or was just walking down the street, I imagined that some hot guy would walk up to me and just start opening my dress and look at me, or that I would walk down the street with my dress wide open so everyone could see me in just my bra and panties."

Now they were definitely excited. We were reaching the point of no return.

"Would you mind if I opened my dress a little bit so you can peek? It would really make me happy."

I wanted to make it clear that I was an exhibitionist for my own excitement, not to please guys, but it's ok if they are pleased too, and of course they didn't protest. I slowly pulled my dress open and slid down a little bit, and they could see me in my sexy bra, stockings, and garters.

"The first time I went there I was only nineteen, and I didn't know anything about sexy lingerie, but my friend helped me with that. That's why I wear this stuff all the time. Mike, I'm going shopping with Kari again and we're going to take it up a notch, ok?"

I ran my hands over my body and was really getting excited.

"You're probably wondering how far I took things. Well, I already knew about masturbation, and was kind of a pro at that already, but I was so nervous that first time! But a young guy did come down where I was and I said he could sit a few seats away. I couldn't help touching myself, but after I came, I buttoned up and quickly left, swearing never to do that again!"

I slid my hand inside my panties and looked at them and asked, "Do you mind? It just reminds me of old times."

The said no, and although my panties were still on, it was obvious from my hand movements that I was really starting to enjoy myself.

"Anyway, I broke my promise to myself and went back there two days later. This time I was a little braver, and took my clothes completely off. I still rushed out when I was finished, but this time I knew I'd be back."

I looked at them and asked if my little tale excited them or if they thought I was awful. They said I wasn't awful at all, and to go on.

"Ok, over time I got braver and braver until I would just leave my clothes in the lobby with the woman who ran the place. She was really cute and a lesbian, and she wanted me so bad! But I'm not a lesbian, but she still was very nice to me. So, I would just walk into the theater completely naked and let the men's eyes follow me. If they weren't stroking their cocks before, they were then. Sometimes I would go to the front and lean against the little stage facing them and masturbate while the movie played behind me. That was so hot!"

I could tell they were getting very uncomfortable. What kind of woman talks like me anyway, especially in central Indiana?

"This is also where I met that couple that is in the pictures with me. She was bi and also wanted me really bad, and that was probably the closest I ever got to a woman. She gave me kissing lessons before my first date with a guy, she bought me sexy lingerie and masturbated in the dressing room while I tried it on, and I often stayed at their house and slept in their bed with them. I'll just say that that is where I developed my taste for cum."

"And then I met my first boyfriend, right in the theater! We didn't speak the first time I saw him there, but the second time I told him to sit next to me, and of course I was already naked and playing with myself. He joined me, and to make a long story short, after a while I let him cum on my body, and then I asked him if he would like to be my boyfriend. How silly is that! I hadn't even been kissed before, but here I was sitting beside him while his cum was dribbling off my breasts and I asked him to go steady!"

"That started another era, and we were inseparable. Although it seemed like we were having sex constantly, we did a lot of other things too. I was always the crazier one, if you can believe that, and I'll tell you more someday. But even though I was quite shy in social settings, once we were in the theater, especially after I was on the pill, I went crazy! I loved it when I sat on his cock and guys stood around watching us. I'm sure you can imagine what they were doing."

I couldn't stop myself, and said to them, "Ok, I can't take it. Would you two do me a favor? Mike, would you move down between my legs and slide my panties off, and Kyle, would you take off my bra? I understand if that crosses the line, but I just remembered a time after I had just bought some garters and stockings just like this, and the first thing I did was go to the theater and masturbate in my new outfit while people watched. I'd love to recreate that!"

Mike moved first, and he hooked his fingers in my panties and slowly started to pull them down. I leaned forward a little bit and slid the dress off my shoulders and Kyle unsnapped my bra and it fell off. Now I was completely exposed.

"God, I feel so free! I don't want you to think I was promiscuous or slutty or anything. In fact I was a virgin until I was 21, and for several years that guy was the only man I had sex with. But I just loved to be watched, and countless men and some women watched me just like this, and I loved it."

I opened my legs and blatantly pleasured myself. My garters made a feeble attempt to conceal that, but that made it even more exciting. Those poor guys were so helpless!

"You have no idea how this makes me feel. I'd do anything to go back to that place and time again."

I opened my legs wide and showed myself completely. I asked them to kneel in front of me and watch.

"This is an amazing feeling. I wish you weren't so shy, so you'd pull out your cocks and stroke them for me, but that's ok. I still enjoy it. Just watch me. Maybe I can get Kari to do this with me next time."

My hand moved quickly over myself, and I was so wet. I never had a problem getting wet anyway, but I was dripping! Soon my body was convulsing, and I was rubbing myself even harder.

God, that felt amazing! I remember the first time I did something like this, and how I felt guilty, but now all I felt was how great it would be to do it again!

"Oh my God, I hope you don't think I'm crazy, but that felt so good. What if you guys were jacking off while a couple of hot women watched? Would you like that?"

They were so nice. They sat beside me and buttoned by dress back up, although with the bra and panties. I felt so warm next to them and I told them they were such kind friends.

Ok, that's it for now. Sorry it wasn't full of raunchy sex, but that isn't me! I'm just telling about my life! Next time it will either be about my further adventures with Rolf, or the following weekend where we all had dinner that Kyle and Mike mad for us. If you have a preference, let me know. Bye Bye!

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IndianaWomanIndianaWomanalmost 2 years agoAuthor

I just submitted a new chapter so look for it during the next few days.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Definitely the Kyle and Mike story. I’d love to read about a foursome with Kari, Kyle, Mike, and Jenn!

Troyb1012Troyb1012over 2 years ago

Thank you for sharing your fabulous exploits. They are full of vivid detail. I wish there were more women like you in the world today.

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