Silvertree Chronicles Bk. 10


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She did not even talk with you after that. Except to say, 'Go away.' I am not talking about marriage to me, but to me and 4 or 5 other women who enjoy the company of other women. I also have access to the most intense training ground for Blade Singers."

She looked at Lerian, "You have a training ground?"

Lerian nodded, "Completely secure. I have one wife who is training 3 paladins currently."

She looked at Lerian, "This I have to see."

Lerian nodded as they left the shield and the horses turned back. He teleported them to the main gate of the city.

They rode inside to the 2 twin sisters who looked over at him and one spoke, "We want to know more?"

Lerian nodded, "Once we go in you ladies will be spending a few days as guests on my estate regardless of what you decide. I am pulling you out of harm's way. Agreed?"

Fayoni looked at Lerian, "You are going to keep us on your estate for a few days?"

Lerian nodded, "Yes, consider yourselves conscripted if you like. For a few days of relaxation and the company of as many Silvertree house members as you wish to talk with. Including my grandmother Melody Silvertree who lives in the same home that I do."

All three of them nodded at that point. Lerian pulled out a crystal, "I am knocking."

The voice answered, "The door is open."

Lerian teleported them all into the outer home. They looked puzzled. He stuck his hand over and rode inside and they followed.

Lerian opened the one to his home and they followed in he took them around to the stable and unsaddled Drakon'Sira and brushed him down. She looked at Lerian, "You have a stable in your home."

Lerian smiled, "Let me show you what I added."

Lerian walked over and opened the portal to the pasture. The two horses joined the others. She shook her head, "You have a small herd here!"

Lerian nodded, "He will let me know when he needs to go back to Quatarsia for some quality time with the herd."

She nodded. Goldia looked around, "This place is how large?"

Lerian sighed, "There are 30 interconnected in the main house there are six other houses that have some of these amenities. Not nearly as large, The King's secure shelter is like this. Different layout but a secure place to raise the children."

Goldia asked, "You have seen his shelter?"

Lerian shook his head, "No, but I could access it as the sword has been tied in as the creator of the shelter. As such I can take over all the security controls if needed."

Fayoni looked at him, "What keeps you from becoming power hungry and overthrowing the King?"

Lerian smiled, "The same sword. It would kill me if I attempted that."

She nodded, "What keeps it from getting corrupted?"

Lerian smiled, "That plays into the larger discussion."

Lerian walked into the bedroom and they had a face to face sitting double penetration going on Millia Lerian looked over, "Grandmothers. You will want to sit in on this discussion."

Lerian went to the table in the back by the falls. The three of them stared at the falls and the image of the sky. Gildia who had been quiet this whole time, "This place is wondrous."

Lerian smiled, "It can feed over 200 in each section."

He went and sat at the table as Melia finally peaked at being watched by so many. The ladies sat across from the falls facing the bedroom. The wives came out sans clothing or strap-ons.

Lerian called out, "Security wall up. Seal portal. There will be an attack conducted against an enemy location with strong necromancy. During that strike, the Silversong blade holder will die. The blade will end up with Nirra Silversong. She will inherit the blade. The reason she kept her house name and the children will be split between houses.

She will have 3 every time. 20 pregnancies in order to rebuild her house. It will be destroyed, except for her. As will House Silverbar, except it will be destroyed in totality. The gods informed the wielder that his house had hired assassins to kill him.

His will calls out there are no worthy heirs. He has a key to a storage box at the bank. It contains all the records he stored necessary to bring down the house. Including all the children who will be executed. The blade will become unassigned at that point, if the children are killed or not they would still be disowned in the eys of the Gods.

He left the Blade to his love Fayoni Storm Blade to become a blade for her house. We would work out a similar agreement if we went that way. That brings me to twins. This one is harder. The entire major branch you are a part of will be destroyed, including the children. Except for one. The new Blade Holder Goldia Goldeagle. That would include your sister if she has not married.

Goldia you are destined to marry me or one of my sons. The same goes for Fayoni. Those 2 sons of mine are destined to return to the Snow-elves. If they marry either, it would be changing their destinies. That is something very concerning to us but especially Cresena.

All of this came from Corellon Larethian or the Lady of Dreams. A storm of visions of the future or possible futures in some cases. Here is the catch for you Goldia. When you marry you will be dead within 2 years.

Your first child, a girl, will be born and you will die. That girl will become the next blade wielder and she will marry the future King. Bringing the last of your branch to an end as she married back into the main family.

She will be a gestalt much like myself. I am a mage and a magus. I have skills and abilities from both. I have access to two sections of spells. I can be a walking arsenal. Every child from my line is a gestalt.

The Gods want gestalts to be future blade wielders. Gildia you will either die in the purge or find love here and marry into my family. There is a conspiracy going on to bring down the kingdom and attempt to corrupt Moon Blades.

To allow the corrupted wielders to become chosen by those corrupted in the house. That whole branch of Goldeagle is involved; including assassinating the current wielder. Same for Silversong, and Silverbar. The other 10 are males and will eventually marry my daughters or granddaughters.

That will put gestalts into those lines and others. In short, all fourteen blade holders will follow a line of being gestalts. That way when they put 2 champions on the field the second is not handicapped. The reason for gestalts is the enemy escalated to all of their champions to being gestalts.

The Gods are matching these moves. The other 2 houses will be taken down to the blade wielder, Including the children. Now you know why I brought you here and told you that you would be my guests for a few days. You are all out of the line of fire. Goldia, you will lose your life in less than 77 years or less than 2. Your sister could have a long life."

Lerian thought, "How many pregnancies for her?"

Lerian heard back, "Fifteen and she lives a few centuries beyond that."

Lerian thought, "I need to tell them about the sword. My sister's sacrifice."

He heard her sigh, "Very well, I will send the images of that discussion to you all."

He waited for it to finish. Lerian looked up, "She gave up 5 centuries to give me time to start my family and bring power back to the blade. You will have 15 pregnancies and live a few centuries beyond that. There are rooms off to the right outside of this room.

If you want to take some time to process it and talk. Nothing has to be decided tonight but tomorrow night is another matter. If you have questions follow me, stay, and talk with my wives or grandmothers."

Lerian got up and walked out. Lerian had one following on his heels. Lerian looked over, "Security wall up."

Fayoni looked at him, "That is the only way in or out of here?!"

He nodded, "Yes. I knew your first instinct would be to run to his side and die with him but that is not what he wants for you. He wants a woman who is noble at heart, not a title to take over his sword.

Someone who is a protector of all the elven people, to take the blade and wash it clean. To bring it a good home with strong and capable children. They will assume the blade one day."

Lerian walked over and opened the portal to the training area. 3 female paladin candidates were running their drills. She looked at him, "This is the training area?"

Lerian smiled, "Part of it."

Lerian took her hand, "House Silvertree dropped to 1 when the wielder got the remaining 49 house members disowned for corruption. He left all the documentation. Sound familiar? He left the blade for his children. He only had 1 child before he died. This house has been there so I know how you feel."

She nodded. Lerian showed her around all the training areas including the functional sparring arena. She shook her head, "The previous champions were geniuses."

Lerian nodded, "Charlus is our Revered Champion. The Collector. The one who had a stand-off with the Lady of Dreams for 10 years."

Lerian took her to the area with more than a thousand dummies in them. "He only had one wife. The Lady messed with her fertility so she had too many the first time. The Lady had to watch over her to ensure she did not die or lose the champion forever. She did not save or restore her fertility.

Not until 10 years later when the Queen of the time sat down and mediated the dispute. He took on 2 more wives, she restored his first wife's fertility to normal. He wanted answers. He wanted her to admit what she had done and why. Then he set up a bizarre penalty if she interfered in the love lives of another Silvertree.

She did with me and Silversong. She made a promise to the destined to die champion that I would marry her. I only asked for a small fraction of the agreed-upon punishment and extended how long she is supposed to behave herself in the champion's life especially."

She asked, "What was the bizarre punishment?"

Lerian smiled, "To be tickled to death for 10,000 years."

She laughed at that.

Lerian smiled, "I made it 10 years. The same amount of time she had the standoff with Charlus who set the agreement. She was working to fulfill the dying wish of Silversong's brother. She did not ask me or talk to her.

She just made the promise. We found an attraction; we reached an agreement on children. She will have 3 every time. One will come to my house while the other two will remain with her house. Then I found out she was rebuilding it earlier, they just don't know it yet."

Lerian thought, "She capable of the same agreement?"

He heard back, "No, only twins and she will need them. She will have 20 pregnancies. She will die a century or so after."

Lerian thought, "One of four then and let her have twenty-four to offset."

He heard the Lady of Dreams reply, "One of every five and it stays at 20, including one of the first 2."

Lerian looked at her, "The goddess said you cannot handle triplets and they want the majority going to your house. Those coming to my house will have blue eyes. The trait of the Knight Paladin. You would have twenty pregnancies, all twins.

I would have one of every 5 coming to my house born with blue eyes. The eyes of Knight Paladin. She said you would live over a century after that. Enough time to see them all grow up."

She looked at Lerian, "40 children, with 32 to my house. IF we do this then those numbers are acceptable."

Lerian turned her and kissed her. He did so until her knees started to buckle. He steadied her. "No pressure."

She looked at Lerian, "What would pressure look like?"

Lerian smiled, "You naked sitting on my shoulder with your back against a wall while I do that to your pussy and nether-hole."

Her knees started to buckle again and Fayoni asked, "If I do this, that is what you would start with?"

Lerian nodded, "Yes, then I would break that pussy in really good for at least a couple of hours. Then your nether-hole after the wives prepare it. The ladies all wanted to be ravaged on their wedding night. That took about four and a half hours in the cunt with another three in the nether hole and two blow jobs.

If that is what you wanted and it is only you going. Talk with Nirra as she is a cleric and went through that last night. It was based on the tribal ritual Cresena was required to go through."

Lerian gave her a walkthrough of the ritual and the next morning. She shook her head, "The other two wanted that as well?"

Lerian nodded, "Then slept on my chest with my cock impaled in then slowly fucking them in my sleep all night long."

She smiled, "You fuck in your sleep?"

Lerian nodded, "Yes, was not told about that until the second wife went through it; Millia the paladin."

Lerian walked her out of the room and Millia worked with her charges. She looked at him, "It does not look like it is going well with the twins."

Lerian nodded and they walked back out to the falls area.

Cresena looked at him, "They want to die together."

Lerian thought, "What do I do with that?"

He heard her sigh, "Tell them if they wish to do that then I would allow Gildia to live as long as Goldia. Her complication she would have from having four would surface and the two of them would die together. Secure your home and set them up in a room together. Let them think that over."

Lerian thought, "What happens if she refuses the blade? Do you have an alternate anywhere in that family?"

Lerian heard back, "There is one she is two years away from being of age. She would have one for her house and the rest in your house if it comes to that."

Lerian walked over to them, "Goldia, would you take up the blade if you had your one, your sister would have four but the 2 of you would die together?"

Gildia looked at Lerian, "She will not take up the blade. She would rather see it die."

Lerian shook his head, "No an alternate would be selected instead and you would both die in the purge."

She nodded, "That is what we would do. Let the alternate take up the blade."

He nodded, "You will stay here, and then I will take you to the King together. There is food at the tables, ask for what you want. If you want any toys for your time together the ladies can help you in that department. You will be left alone to spend these days in each other's arms."

They nodded and both came over and hugged him. Goldia looked at him, "It was not you or your ladies. It was being forced into this. We knew enough that this would come someday."

Lerian nodded, "I know what you mean and I am sorry to bear the news but you know enough not to spend the time in the shop but with each other."

Goldia asked, "Is there another place with a waterfall in it?"

He thought, "Is that a good idea?"

She sighed, "They wish to go out on their own terms. Neither knows how to swim. You know there is a vacant room you could lock them. Let them know that they will have 2 days before you will return."

He waved them on, "You will have 2 days before I return for you. Would you like any toys or lube? To allow you to make love, how you like, for as long as you like, before doing what you are going to do? I am not a fool."

Goldia nodded to Gildia, "You said 2 days?"

Lerian nodded, "Maybe longer. At least 2 full days for you. One for each of you. Leave a note. To let the King know you knew the purge was coming and you left on your own terms?"

She nodded, "That is a fair request."

He walked them out of the shelter he lived in and to the sixth home upstairs. He showed them around, "This layout is different. Closer to the main house. The falls area is 40 feet deep."

They nodded, "This is nice of you."

He left the parchment and ink. He looked at them, "You can voice whatever you want in the letter but know I will read it if you have a message for me."

He kissed both of them for a full minute. He looked at them, "I am so sorry you got caught up in this."

Gildia looked at Lerian, "We knew there were a lot of bad things happening and it would bring the house down eventually. We knew it would take us with it. We expected that to happen, but this is very thoughtful of you."

He nodded, "I will set the Security so nobody gets in here but me."

He walked out, "Security wall up, Lockout all security for 50 hours. Seal portal for 50 hours. No access but myself."

He thought, "When do I have to approach this other girl to save her life? Set it so she takes up the blade immediately if she has to carry the burden of it, she might as well be protected."

He heard her sigh, "Tomorrow, she would have one girl for her house and the others would be claimed by your house. You will have to repeat it all."

He thought, "With wives behaving? She's an enchanter as well?"

He heard a response, "Yes, level 6 by the time she is of age. She would have 4 sets of twins and the first set would be triplets. She would live after the last delivery. I cannot give you a time frame on her."

He thought, "Because it will be close to when the one daughter is of age or sometime before she marries. Do not confirm or deny. You could have her having children all the way up until she dies in childbirth.

That would be more productive for her. She leaves more of herself behind. You are complaining, the Gods are, on the deaths from this war. Having them fertile and producing longer would help in that area as well.

You could also do what you did for Eldar's father and separate her from the sword and give it to her daughter as a wedding gift. Do not answer that. I will let her know the lone daughter from the first delivery is to be claimed by her. The two males would come to my house as would all children that follow."

He heard the Lady of Dreams, "We will consider things. You have a marriage to attend to."

He walked back into the house and back to the room. Fayoni looked at him, "Yes I will marry you and keep my house name. The agreed-upon splitting of the children is fine. These ladies are beautiful and I want you to ravage me like you did your last bride.

Millia told me the reason she did it. Confirmed in her mind that she could never handle you alone. I love the training facilities and they would be training alongside paladins. I want 2 female students."

Lerian shook his head, "One of each. One from each of the villages. One wood elf and one of mixed heritage like yourself. Both are almost the same age, 46. The mixed heritage is ahead on magic and the wood-elf is stronger in melee, she will challenge him and vice versa.

They will graduate and marry. Take up training for the next war with 4 students living out of Quatarsia proper but training everywhere. After your Master Trainer finishes this next set of students the ring will come to you."

She looked at Lerian shocked, "Can I expect a lot of this."

Lerian smiled, "It just started so I do not have an answer to that question. But your first female student is the master after you. At least for now. You might be training some Silvertree, Silversong, and Goldeagle students. Time will tell."

She smiled, "When do we do this."

He walked over near the edge and kneeled. He looked at her, "Kneel."

She smiled and did so he thought, "Can we shorten up the vows for those of us who are already married?"

He heard the Lady of Dreams, "Yes. I am coming."

She appeared out on the water but just above it.

The Lady of Dreams smiled at them, "Please rise."

Fayoni stood there with her mouth open and then noticed her attire had changed; as they all had changed. She looked at Cresena, "As the ring bearer your ring will divide out if another wife is added." Cresena pulled at her ring and pulled a second identical one.

She looked at Fayoni, "Do you take Lerian, Cresena, Millia, and Nirra into your heart and bed? To take on the responsibilities of the fourth wife that the Grandmothers can explain to you. To remain faithful to them. To be caretaker of all of the children he produces regardless of which house the child is listed under?"
