Silvertree Chronicles Bk. 10


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She nodded, "I do, Lady of Dream."

The Lady of Dreams smiled, "'I do' works for a wedding. For next time."

She just nodded.

She looked at them, "I was asked to shorten this part. Answer in order, ladies first. Do you all renew your vow to each other with the inclusion of Fayoni Storm Blade into your marriage?"

They all said, "I do." In order.

She smiled, "Place the ring." She put the ring on.

She looked at Lerian, "I will shorten this part. All wives in order, kiss and welcome the new bride to the family. The groom goes last."

They cycled through kissing and some grouping. He gave her a slow and sensual kiss and she took it straight to passionately aggressive. Nobody noticed the Lady of Dreams departure.

They walked back in the room and the ladies were all over getting her out of her gear. He thought, "Varus'Nor add Nirra and Fayoni to the safe to handle list."

He responded, "Very well oh virile one."

Lerian chuckled at that. He drew his blade out which caused all the women to stop. He looked at Fayoni, "Hold out your hands."

She looked at him. "Trust me."

She held them out and he laid his blade in her hands.

"Those of you who read the journal know, I can set a safe list of who can handle but not wield the blade. You will soon have one of these. You need to know this fact for the safety of everyone in this room.

For the safety of all of the young children in the house. Let the children know they are removed from the list when they turn 50 and it is dangerous to them. Old enough to know better but not adults who think they know it all."

She nodded, "Thank you for letting me know."

He smiled, "I only have wives, my grandmothers, and my children on that list. That protection disappears when you die. The blade is deadly to everyone. Find the scabbard if possible if not a thick blanket and fold it over and then use a sword or something like that. Get it to the center; fold over and roll it up. They had 2 who died in the field when 3 blade wielders died.

For not treating these blades with respect and finding out the hard way simply touching them could kill you."

He summoned the sword to his hand and sheathed it. "All blades have that ability thanks to Eldar."

He took the hand of his bride, "Chamber pot. Better go now."

She nodded. He stepped out with the other ladies. He pulled out the journal and showed a small section called an addendum which had Jazzia's notes and he pointed to one entry added from Mercian's journal about 'fucking the shit' out of his bride. Chamber pot before you start.

Nirra nodded, "I could see that happening. That experience had to be sad and funny at the same time."

He put the book into Nirra's hands, "I know you had a rough day. Participate as little or as much as you wish. You can start reading that. The story of Eldar's first time is in there. It is in there for a very specific reason. He did not want that woman to be forgotten. She was kidnapped and killed days after that. That is documented in the historical part of the journal."

She nodded, "Big Book."

He nodded, "Charlus copied the original into new pages. He then bound that book and put a volume one on it.

His life's accomplishments are larger than any other wielder. That is why volume two will have to be started when I pass. I already have it and a blank volume three in storage where the book is located normally. It is in a secret compartment in this room that is accessible with this sword. There are over a dozen throughout this home."

He turned as she came out and Fayoni announced "Done." Lerian took her into the shower and flipped her over.

He washed her backside and crotch. He rinsed her off. He put her legs on his shoulder and her back against the wall. Lerian ravaged Fayoni's clit, cunt, ass, and inner legs for 40 minutes. He smiled, "Now you are done in here for now."

Fayoni nodded as Lerian got her to her feet. Fayoni grabbed his head and sucked and licked his face and mouth. He grabbed her ass and picked her up and carried her onto the bed.

Lerian spread her legs measured off and popped through her hymen. She wailed. Hers seemed thicker. Lerian looked at her, "Tell me when I can continue. That was the hard part for the cunt."

She nodded, "Go ahead."

Lerian slowly worked his way deeper. She climaxed left and right. He got fully seated in her cunt. Lerian started slow and then added speed to it varying the distance.

Fayoni nodded. He fucked her slowly and she was in a constant state of orgasm.

Lerian sped up on her and it changed. Fayoni looked at him, "Harder."

He sped up on her and until Lerian was close and sped it up even more and blasted his first loaded into here and Fayoni sighed out, "I can feel it spreading around."

He started up again and kept it up through 7. He looked over, "IF you want to kiss her and her tits now is a good time Nirra. She smiled and crawled onto the bed as he backed out and Cresena attacked the spurting cunt.

He moved over while Millia cleaned off his cock and balls. She smiled, "She tastes good."

Lerian looked at Nirra, "Ritual, as the last wife in you are the first to prepare her ass. Remember your hand placement. We will check your work."

He heard them laughing as he grabbed Fayoni and rolled her over. Lerian moved off and grabbed something quick to eat. Lerian heard the sounds of a flood. It looked like she sprayed and peed at the same time.

She was still spraying as the wives took their turn checking her preparation. Lerian applied a couple of drops of lube on his cock and spread it out on my hands. He spent 5 minutes getting her opened up again. Lerian slid them in and twisted them both and gave a few short thrusts until she locked down.

She came again and sprayed the floor. Lerian extracted his hand and slid his cock into her nether hole. He rotated her leg so she was on her back again and her legs, "Your job to hold them, Cresena can get them behind her head."

She put her arms up and put them behind her shoulders.

Lerian smiled, "Better for masturbating I bet."

She turned red and then nodded. Lerian started pumping slowly and steadily increasing the pace until he filled her up. He started again without stopping. Lerian used a free hand to rub her clit, her sides and tweaked her nipples.

He got close on the last one and he put both hands on her breasts, tweaked them both, and blew across her clit. She hit a banshee wail as she locked down. He slammed forward and blasted her with the sixth load of seed. It was pushing back at him. He looked over, "CHAMBERPOT!"

Millia got to it first and set it on the bed next to him. Lerian picked her up, "Release your legs."

She let them both go and they smacked me on either side of my head. Hard enough for the others to take notice. Lerian sat her down, got one leg off of my shoulder, and pulled as she wailed out again and filled the pot. He let her other leg down.

He looked at her, "That was close."

She nodded, "I did not need to do that earlier. After your efforts, you broke it free."

Lerian chuckled, "Cleaned you out."

She nodded. Lerian walked up and slid his cock between her lips. He looked over, "Cresena, time for instructions before she bites it off."

She hurried over and gave instructions. Soon he had Millia and Nirra sucking on his balls while massaging his ass. Another five minutes. Lerian looked over, "Swallow it or wear it as the ladies will clean you up." He released and she swallowed the first one and shot the rest across her tits and stomach. Lerian looked at her, "Again." She went to town as she was getting the hang of it. Nirra moved up behind him.

About ten minutes into it and spread his cheeks she stuck her tongue into his nether-hole. He lost it. No warning. He just soaked her with a quart of seed."

Lerian laid her back and took the chamber pot off to the side, "Ladies she is yours. 30 minutes in each hole for all of you to welcome her home. Lerian left the ladies and got into the shower which he had left running. He washed off and walked out and slid his pants on.

He walked out to the grandmothers eating a morning meal.

He looked at them, "Do you know Jennasi Goldeagle?"

Kazzara nodded, "I met her a few times. She is talen..."

She stopped in mid-sentence. "She is on that branch, isn't she?"

He nodded, "Because the twins decided to die together and not take up the sword, she is next on the list to be saved. Could you bring her back here and explain what is going on while I get a few hours of sleep?"

She nodded, "I am normally off from there today but I will tell them I am interviewing students for my home training program on mythic magic. Something new. I want to see if she qualifies.

I will get her here and secure this place and tell her what you told me. Because the twins turned down the offer it will come to her. It is the only thing to save her life. Will she live longer than one pregnancy?"

He smiled, "Yes, nothing decided on how long. But significantly longer than a couple of days. Let her know your offer to teach her is real too."

She nodded and smiled. She left in a hurry. He went back into the room as the two ladies sent her wailing off again.

He looked over, "All done?"

Nirra looked over, "I will do it another time. My energy is flagging at the moment."

He nodded. He set his internal self to wake up in 4 hours. Lerian got into the center of the bed, picked her up and slid Fayoni down his cock and laid her on his chest. He whispered, "Can you handle me alone?"

He heard her sigh, "Not bloody likely. Not and be able to get out of bed. You never went soft."

He sighed, "I noticed."

Cresena looked at him, "What does that mean?"

He pointed, "Get my boot dagger. She grabbed it. He cut across his hand and wiped it off.

He watched the wound finish closing and she looked at him "Gods, like Eldar?"

He shrugged, "I have to have some answer." He laid back and started fucking her slowly until he fell asleep.


Lerian ended up at the falls and he saw who he assumed was Charlus approaching. He looked at Lerian, "Good work on negotiating on behalf of Varus'Nor. The measured response was a nice touch. She is getting 10 years' worth of being tickled half a day at a time. Spread over 20 years."

Lerian smiled, "You tasked with that task?"

He laughed and smiled. No other answer, "Something happened when your amulet activated. You got the constitution boost but it more than doubled. They are still trying to figure out how to fix that."

He looked at Charlus, "A cursed item that drains your constitution; built into the amulet to try and counteract it for the next wielder."

He sighed, "Been dismissed as too risky. The good news is it won't affect your aggression. The bad news is you will be uncomfortable walking around beautiful women. Unfortunately, you have work to do. They hope it does not carry forward, we will see."

He woke up just as he filled her cunt again. He sat up, spun her around, and laid her in his spot. Lerian slid out of her sopping wet cunt and hit the shower again. He got dressed in clothes but with his blade.

He studied the missing spells he needed and swapped a few around. He walked over to the table. "Where is she?"

Melody looked at Lerian, "Bedroom over there filling a chamber pot from puking and crying."

He walked over and knocked on the door. He heard a weak, "Come in."

He opened the door and walked in, "She told you what she knows. I will tell you what I know. The Gods want me to marry you when you are of age. Keep your family name for your daughter.

While the two boys and all the other children would be born to my house. One day your daughter will be Queen as she marries the son of the current King. The only question you have to answer right now is that you will take up the sword. IF you want to live."

Jennasi looked at him and nodded, "I want to live."

He looked at Jennasi, "You attracted to women?"

She nodded, "Very much so. I never thought of having a husband."

He looked at Jennasi, "I have 4 wives who enjoy my company and each other. I ravished my fourth bride last night. Over 9 hours of sex on my new bride. I am a champion with a champion's constitution. Follow me."

Lerian walked over to the table, "Silvertree grilled beef steak standard sides for two. With mead."

Jennasi looked at Lerian, "I am not very hungry." Lerian took the steak knife and cut his hand with it.

Melody looked at him, "What are you doing?!"

He took a napkin and wiped away the blood just as the last of it closed up, "Kazzara, we can thank my genetics and the amulet you put together."

She sighed, "Also the last champions amulet that was supposed to fix some of this. Yours changed nothing like that."

He nodded, "I do not have the aggression but I could stay hard in this room all day long because of all the beautiful women living here."

She smiled and shook her head. He pointed to a seat on the other side, "You can order up anything you liked. Add bananas for two."

He peeled one back, "Not a local fruit but try it. It should be easy on the stomach." Jennasi took it and he devoured both steaks with all the sides and then one of the banana. All before she finished one banana. Jennasi shook her head, "That was a lot of food."

He nodded, "Expended a lot of energy."

Lerian took his shirt off so she could see his physique of hard muscle and the amulet. He looked at her, "You will find next to no fat on this body. I was replenishing what I expended over the last couple of days."

The door opened. Lerian called out, "If you are not dressed do not come out, we have an underage woman here."

Cresena glided over naked, "I am sure she has seen a naked woman before. You are needed in the bedroom for a few minutes."

Lerian looked at her, "True, but you are probably the first snow-elf she has seen. Let alone naked."

She turned slightly blue. He walked by and smacked one of Cresena's ass cheeks. She called out, "What was that for?"

He looked at her, "Either for walking out naked or for getting embarrassed about it now after being warned. Take your pick."

The ladies at the table chuckled. He went into the bedroom and Fayoni looked at Lerian, "You fucked me nice and slow the entire time. I came and came. Gods it was a constant series of orgasms. You do me slow and I keep climaxing left and right. You shot off once every hour. That was nineteen times!"

He nodded and helped her to her feet. She grabbed his shoulders. He grabbed her hips as she started to fall sideways. He looked at her, "Into the shower unassisted. She sighed and almost fell twice. 40 minutes later she was in the shower. Lerian kissed her. He turned on the water. I flipped her over and filled up both holes. I carried her like that to the chamber pot and sat her down.

She groaned out. He looked at Nirra, "Heal her up."

She nodded and came over and threw several healing spells into her. They got her to her feet. Lerian looked at them as he walked her out, "Dressed and out to the main dining room table. She is still too young but she should meet you all; not naked like Cresena."

They chuckled as she walked back in as he said that. He walked out and sat next to the new arrival. "I am sorry about this. I do not make the prophecies. I just know there is nothing I can change about that or the 7 assassins who will try and kill me; when I return from this mission."

She looked at Lerian, "What mission?"

Lerian looked at her, "The one a guard will be contacting me about here in a minute. Necromancy stronghold 100 miles behind enemy lines. I need to change clothes and get into my armor. The ladies will keep you entertained while necromancers try and kill me."

She looked shocked as he walked back and changed. Lerian came out armed for battle. The portal opened and the patron yelled over, "The King wants to see you at the palace."

Lerian nodded and went and got Drakon'Sira. He got him saddled up. He rode out which shocked their guest. He looked over, "Please show her around including the library."

The ladies nodded. He rode out of there at double speed, "Open portal."

He rode through, "Close portal. Lower security wall."

Lerian got inside, "Raise security wall. Open portal. Close portal and open door." He nodded. Lerian had two Moon Blade wielders sitting on their horses. Lerian nodded to them, "Added another wife last night; that makes 4."

They nodded and Silversong looked at him, "Explains sleeping in."

Lerian shook his head, "Request I take your sword to your house when I return from this mission."

He nodded, "Consider it requested. Reason?"

Lerian looked at him, "Because you are going to send a message to your house patron that if you fall the sword is to be brought to her by ME until the will reading tomorrow. They want to do a nighttime strike. Best speed."

Moon Bow seemed perplexed, "Sounds like you have already been briefed."

Lerian shook his head, "Just what the Gods have told me including our friend will die in this fight. He knows already as they told him as well. There is infighting going on within his house."

They got through the palace gate and then to the front of the palace. They dismounted and walked in. The Guard Captain pointed, "War Room."

Lerian walked up 2 steps at a time. They walked into the room and the King looked over, "That took time."

Lerian nodded, "Saved every spell for this nighttime strike the dragons are wanting to do, Your Majesty."

The King looked, "How...never mind."

Lerian walked over and pulled up the map on the table. Lerian looked at the King, "Overwatch has yet to get me the crystals. I need to speak with Alliance Overwatch."

The King handed Lerian a crystal, "Which eye does this go too?"

He shook his head, "That goes to the commander."

Lerian activated the crystal, "Commander, this is General Silvertree, I need both portable displays and a set of communication crystals to you and both eyes."

He called out, "Nobody talks with them directly."

Lerian smiled, "I do or I will shut down the Silvertree property that was left to me. Meaning the Alliance Overwatch. The Kingdom does not own the equipment. The Silvertree blade wielder owns it. Now bring me those crystals and displays to the fourth floor War Room. In case you do not realize it. What you are holding is the crystal the King just handed me."

The King looked at Lerian, "That one is for you. I did not realize the Overwatch system belonged to you."

Lerian shook his head, "Overwatch was paid for by the Kingdom. Alliance Overwatch belonged to the Blade Wielder. All the way back to Charlus when he built it with his own money for use with the Knights. He left ownership of his estate to me. Check the Dragon Accords for when the systems were restored. Where it specifically calls out the ownership of the terminals to the Silvertree Blade Wielder, as well as the shelters."

The Field Marshal cleared his throat, "General Silvertree is correct. Those terminals belong to whoever wields that sword, the selected elven blade wielder. He was very specific that they have to be the wielder of that Moon Blade and not just possess the sword or be a dragon who has it in their horde.

I was here when it was demanded by the Blade Wielder to be worded that way. As part of the agreement to restore the system to full strength. To avoid this confusion in the future."

The King nodded and stepped out. He came back in, "The items you requested will be here shortly."

Lerian nodded to him, "Field Marshal can we hold until that arrives. It will drive changes to your plan."

He looked at Lerian, "How do you know my plan? I have not briefed it yet."

Lerian nodded, "Nighttime strike is fine. Attack patterns are fine. Rally points need to change."
