Sisters Share Ch. 03


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I laughed. Like uproariously.

"I don't care! Dude, dudette, fuckface, I don't care! I'm still me, ya knob!"

He laughed back.

"Fine, your name is fuckface now, no take backs." we both laughed at that.

"I...I wanted you to know first. I think...I think I wanna be your girlfriend, if the offer still stands?" He paused, his face frozen for a terrible moment. Then two and three and -

His face split into a huge grin.

"Couldn't hold it any longer. Duh, as if I'd want anyone else! Had a crush on you since...forever. If you're my girlfriend...should I be calling you Charles?"

I'd actually been thinking about that. A lot of the group had chosen new gender neutral names, ones similar to their old ones, or had gone completely different. It's something each individual has to decide. I had a few ideas, but...

"What name do you think I should have? What name do you think matches me?"

He frowned for a moment, then ran his hand down my face.

"I think you seem like a Charlotte. Lottie for short, if you're down for it."

I grinned, it just felt right."

Tori sighed.

"See? You even let him name you. You guys are disgustingly happy."

I snorted at her.

"Sometimes that's just how it is. I'm sorry if that bugs you, but that's just how we are."

She sighed.

"I know. I...I'm sorry sis. For everything. The drinking, the sleeping around, the...the things I said. I...I'm sorry."

I gave her a small smile.

"It's not really me you have to apologize to, though it is appreciated. The things you said them to hurt me, but they were about my fiance. You have to apologize to him. And you have to get on board with how he looks, how I am, how we are together. One hundred percent. Like you ever say something like that again, even once, and you're out. Period. And I'll never look back, you'll be as dead to me as your parents." they were my parents too, once upon a time, but I'd long ago stopped considering them as such.

"I...ok." She stood slowly and I followed suit.

"Danny and I are going out tonight and we're spending the night together. We've been at odds through this whole thing and we really need the time. Talk to him tomorrow, ok?" she nodded and left the room. Seconds later, Danny came in. Shit.

"I...hi baby?"

He just laughed and hugged me.

"I heard most of that. I love you, you dork."

I laughed and pressed my lips into his, loving that he was back.

"Baby...I know we're going out tonight, but can I ask a favour?"

I leaned back in his arm a bit, suddenly wary.

"Depends on the favour...?"

He chuckled and grabbed my hand, bringing it down to his throbbing shaft.

"It's been a few days, and you know I'm not used to that anymore."

I laughed and used my other hand to close the door. He smiled and we kissed again, and I felt his tongue slowly pushing into mine. We danced with our tongues for a bit, something we didn't do often but it was nice after so long...well not really apart, but we hadn't been fully together either. I felt his hand in my hair, and I pushed away.

"No, no, not tonight. Not like this...I want...can we just be...loving?" I asked, unsure of how to describe what I meant.

Luckily Danny had long since figured out how I spoke and he smiled back.

"Of course, Lottie. It'll be like a reunion." I kissed him hard then, grabbing his face and pushing against him. I love this man so fucking much.

His work uniform slowly came off, as did my dress though it wasn't as...graceful as it normally was. We were awkward and bumping into each other; leaning in to kiss when the other was pulling clothes above their head, but we just laughed about it. The moment his pants were open, I had both hands stroking it. I couldn't help it; it was a habit I never intend to break.

He kissed me again and moaned a little. This was far from the first time we'd fucked like this, but it wasn't as common a thing as our usual ways.

I kissed down his lips, to his jawline, down his neck and onto his chest. Hairless and smooth, his skin shone a little like alabaster, and I loved it. He'd had freckles as a kid, lots of them. So much so that he used to be teased for them. Most had faded over the years, but he still had a healthy smattering of them on his face and body and I love those too. I kissed some of the larger clusters on my way down, going across his chest and down his stomach. He has a narrow waist with a tight stomach that has the very beginnings of muscle, this beautiful blend of definition and natural tapering. I kissed down, lowering myself to my knees until I got to that tiny fluff of hair he had.

I had been stroking him, slowly, the whole time and now I stopped, bringing my hands to just below that huge tip of his. He moaned and I grinned, kissed his tip. He moaned again, and I just held fast there, enjoying having control for once. It wasn't something I wanted often, but every once in a while, it was something I liked. I kissed it again, letting my tongue snake out for a quick lick. He moaned again and I brought my hands down, slowly stroking all the way down to his base, before letting them descend to those huge orbs of his.

I opened my mouth, bringing just the smallest amount of his head in, while just lightly squeezing those heavy balls of his. Lightly squeezing and just toying with. I'd discovered pretty quickly in the beginnings of our relationship that his testes are pretty sensitive, just touching them is enough to bring him pleasure.

As for his tip, I massaged it with my tongue, slowly taking more in, but never the whole thing. I even lightly nibbled it a bit, laughing at his moans and sudden yelp. I moved one hand back up, making sure to palm his balls still, one at a time, and began to stroke him. I loved feeling the throbbing under the skin, the twitching in my hand and mouth. I traced his veins, marvelling at how they were as wide as my admittedly slender fingers, loving the sky blue nails around his mighty beast. It was hardly the first time I'd had this view, but every time was just as great as the first time. Different, somehow, but just as great.

He, at one point, brought his hand down, placing it in my hair, but I groaned an "uh uh" and pushed it off. He smiled and held his hands up in surrender. I pushed slowly further, until the whole tip was in my mouth. It took up almost it's entirety! He moaned so loud then, a sound I loved hearing from him. I ran my tongue around and over the tip, barely breathing, while still stroking long and slow strokes, still lightly toying with the sloshing sperm factories beneath. I could barely move my tongue around, making sure to get to every surface, lightly pushing on that spongy hard surfaces. I could feel him trembling in pleasure and that gave a pleasure all it's own.

I took a deep breath and pushed down, swallowing as I did, pulling him in even more. Once that threshold is crossed; once that huge head is in my throat, I can't breathe. But I'd been practising holding my breath for...well years at that point, so I knew I had some time. I put a good seven or eight inches in, and moved from those balls so heavy that they made my wrist hurt, to what remained of that colossus. With both hands, I began to pick up the pace and stroked him faster, while squeezing harder. He gasped and I pulled my head back a bit, took in more air and went down even further. Over and over, little progress at a time, only an inch or two. At one point, I had to go fully off to take some deep breaths, but I was back on as soon as I had enough air to see properly again.

My tongue was completely pressed to my bottom jaw, trapped beneath his oversized shaft, and that was fine, I knew he just liked being in me. Back and forth, making sure to have my hands going in opposite rhythm to my mouth; when I went down, they went up and vice versa. He loved that, and when he tried to grab my hair again, probably out of pure habit, I pulled all the way off. I tsked at him and wagged a finger, he just laughed and pet my face for a second.

Deeper and deeper, each time I could only be on for less and less time. It took longer to get down and back up, but he seemed deeper in pleasure each time. I think at one point his eyes rolled back in his head, and I knew it was coming soon. I made sure to go as far down as I could before then, and amazed myself as I reached past the point I'd ever gone before. How'd I know? My nose was buried in the little tufts of hair he has and my lips were spread so tight, they split again, something that hadn't happened since college. He gasped, and I felt the signature twitching getting bigger. I grabbed his hands, put them on my hair, showed him I wanted him to pull. I didn't think I could make it off on my own, definitely not in time.

He nodded and I moaned long and deep as he pulled me up bit by bit. When we got to his tip, I waved his hands away, and went back to stroking. I ran my tongue over that crown, feeling every pore, every curve. Finally, I pushed into his slit and that did it. He cried out and I felt his power pole twitch harder than ever and with no other warning, that gorgeous cock exploded. Blasting, flowing, gushing out so hard and fast that even with all my practice, I couldn't swallow in time. I was overflowing before his first volley ended and it was followed by the next, even faster.

He came harder than ever before, harder and more. I didn't count the shots, I could barely tell when one ended and the next started, they came so fast. For the first time since I'd started sucking on his monster, I had to actually take his dick out; there was just too much cum. It filled my stomach so much, I was bulging twice my size. He moaned as I continued stroking, milking every last drop out as it splashed across my face, my tits, my distended stomach. I practically showered myself in his sperm, my hair saturated in it. He moaned the entire time, his eyes forced closed from the sheer pleasure. That made me so happy that I came from that on it's own. Not that I hadn't already; the moment he'd started, I had too. But seeing that, knowing the harder times were behind us, and that even after so long, I could bring him such bliss...well that turned me on in and of itself.

By the time he was done, we were both panting and covered in a mix of sweat and cum. I was so glad we had hard wood floors; any carpet would've been just destroyed by the puddles of batter everywhere. He leaned against the wall, his legs trembling, where as I just sat, already soaked, I didn't care if I sat in more.

"That...was amazing. Holy shit, Lottie..."

I grinned at him, and noticed he was flaccid.

"Did...Did I empty you?" It wouldn't be the first time, but it was rare that he didn't cum three or four times before going soft.

"I...heh, I think so. I haven't cum like that in a" He was still panting, and that brought an odd amount of satisfaction.

"I'm good! Ha, baby, I love you." even years later, after sex of any kind with him my mind is a little scrambled for a bit.

"Love you too...whew. We should shower...and clean, jeez!" He gestured to me and the white all over the floor. I laughed.

"Let's shower first, if I try to clean now, I'll just be dripping everywhere." I stood on trembling legs, having been on my knees for quite some time. He helped me up and I leaned against him, making sure to spread his own spunk all over him. He chuckled and we headed to our shower. Our room has an en suite, and the shower there has a detachable head with incredible water pressure. We took our time, though the water was still only lukewarm, from Tori's extra long shower. Danny asked what had happened that she suddenly flipped.

"I...I'm not sure, honestly. I slapped her. Probably had something to do with it."

He raised a finely arched eyebrow.

"You...slapped your sister? I can't imagine that went over well?"

"It didn't. But I think she had a...pity party, of sorts. She took a forty plus minute shower. Then she came to the room and you know what happened from there. I think...I don't know. I think there's some other underlying issues."

He nodded and his cock jerked lightly against me.

"Now, none of that. I really do wanna go out, you know."

He chuckled.

"Sorry, you're just so hard to resist." he hugged me from behind and I leaned into him a little, leaning my head back to kiss him under the now ice cold streams.

"Later, baby. I want that other meat you promised me!"

We both laughed and finished cleaning up. I put on a basic t shirt, with a plaid button down that I left open with rolled up sleeves. It was a bit of a hold over from my Charles days, but it's a style I've always liked on both guys and girls. Danny found one of his spaghetti strap tanks, something I always loved seeing him in, and we both put on some jeans, something we both smiled at. It's a bit difficult to put into words, but there's something about seeing him in jeans that just...mmm makes me wanna purr, ya know?

I think it's the same for him, so I always made sure to have extra jeans and jean caprees and shorts. I think there's just a natural attraction to being denim clad. Maybe. Again, it's hard to explain. We went on our date, something we always made sure to do at least once a month. More if we could, but at least. And the Keg? One of our fave places from the time we were kids. Beautifully cooked steak, amazing sides, best Caesar salad ever? We went so often that all the staff knew us by name. In fact, some had even been part of our journey, since Jordan works as the manager there.

We enjoyed our night, just happy to be in each others' presences. While I hated how we got there, there's always something about the after fight reconnection that just makes it all worth it. We didn't even fuck that night, we just snuggled and watched shows, something that just felt natural; we didn't even talk about it, we just fell into that. We woke up to the sun, neither of us having work. We danced. You believe that? We got up and put on some country song and just danced. Not even in time really, we just sort of swayed around each other, but it's still one of our happiest memories together.

Eventually, Tori did apologize to Danny. Did the whole bowing your head thing too, though I'm not sure why she thought it was necessary. I should ask her at some point. He took it in stride, though I cleared my throat and asked her to clarify what she was apologizing for. She turned red, but to her credit, she did lay out everything. Then she made us breakfast. Or tried to poison us. Cooking was and still isn't her strong suit.

The next couple of days passed oddly, with all three of us sort of tip toeing around each other, feeling out the borders of our new relationship with each other. Then came the day I'll never forget. The day Victoria asked me and Danny for a threesome.

But we'll get there another time. For now, Tori and I have a birthday surprise for Danny; we're gonna spend the day dressed up in our wedding dresses for him. Oh, I suppose I should tell you that our wedding dresses...they're lingerie. Like actual lingerie, designed to look somewhat like a wedding dress. They're sheer and completely see through, and hot. And Danny loves them. And we love Danny.

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