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I realized far too late what he was trying to process. I could have gotten away. They were different cops and there were EMT's with radios and I could have spoken up. Instead I lied my ass off to save his ass and keep his mom home where he could take care of her. Though she would probably do better in a facility where they could treat her and watch her. I liked that he wanted to care for his mom, but he just wasn't capable of it.

He was trying to figure out why I hadn't run if I was faking all of this.

Because I had conned myself.

I was so caught up in seeing him happy and becoming his dream girl, that it hadn't occurred to me that I could have gotten away.

That wouldn't have worked for me anyway. No. I wanted revenge. He was going to pay in a much bigger way.

Looking up at him, I smiled slightly. "You ok baby?" I asked, reaching up to stroke his cheek. "As much as I'd love a make-out sesh, why don't you bring Doris some ice cream while I start dinner?"

He only furrowed his brow and looked me over again before finally standing up and making his mom some ice cream.

Making dinner was a bit hard on me as I thought about everything. About how in conning Corin, I might hurt Doris too. If she remembered me. I didn't want that, but I was determined I was going to make Corin pay.

So I made dinner and I smiled and laughed and gave Corin starry eyed looks.

As we drove home, he put his hand on my thigh between shifting and he seemed pleased.

He threw himself on the couch and turned on the TV, but he wasn't interested in it at all as he sat there.

I looked at him a few times as he stared through it. "What are you usually doing right now?" I asked him.

"Usually leave moms and go shoot darts or play pool with the boys."

"Would you rather be there? You can put the collar on me and..."

"If I wanted to be there then I'd fucking be there," he scowled, giving me a dangerous look.

"I only wanted you to know that it would never hurt my feelings if you wanted to do something besides babysit your whore. I want to see you pleased, baby, even if it means you don't spend all your time with me."

"I don't need anyone telling me how to spend my time."

"I know, my love," I smiled. "I have an idea," I told him, getting up and grabbing his hand to pull him up too. "C'mon." I grinned back at him as I pulled him along behind me, him looking guarded, but also a bit hopeful.

Lifting the bed, I pulled my smaller laptop bag out before dropping the bed and setting it on it. Pulling off my clothes, I pulled on one of his t-shirts, grinning at him.

"I love how they smell like you, it's comforting. C'mon, jammies," I told him, climbing up in the bed and pulling my laptop out to plug in. Reaching up, I turned on the hotspot on my phone, then turned on netflix as he climbed in next to me. Setting it on his lap, I curled up into him, hugging him as I lay my head on his shoulder up by his neck. "You pick," I mumbled happily. "Any movie or show you want. Scary, comedy, action, fantasy, just pick a type and find one you like."

"How are you running this?"

"You mean internet?"


"Hotspot on my phone."

"What's that? You can make the internet on your phone?"

"I can turn on the hotspot and use my phone data for a while. Not forever though, so pick!" I giggled.

He snorted in amusement. "God damn, I don't know. Just find something that ain't stupid."

"What's stupid? I mean, to me, most comedy is stupid, but to you, romance might be stupid."

"I don't care, just... you know... nothing bad or stupid."

I was pretty sure I knew what might get to him a little. I picked a sad romance, the tearjerker kind that got you all in the feels. Turning it on, I cuddled in close, reaching up to play with his curls as we watched.

"What the fuck?" he demanded in outrage, halfway in. The main character had just revealed to the boy that she was going to die soon. "Why would she let him get all close and happy and shit and THEN tell him? Fucking bitch!"

I giggled and jostled him. "Shh!"

He went quiet, but I could FEEL the tension in him as he watched. I could feel a physical reaction in him when emotions were strong.

He was an epic romantic hiding in the body of a jaded asshole with a huge temper. It would have been adorable if it weren't so fucking perfect for what I had planned for him.

When the movie ended and I started to move, he quickly shut the laptop.

"I can't see!" I argued, trying to open it back up.

"It's past bedtime! I have to be up!" he told me quickly, his voice thick.

He was crying!

O. M. G.

Big, scary, psycho Corin was crying over a sappy love story.

I was grinning as I felt along the wall enough to put the laptop away. When I opened the phone to turn off the hotspot, he got upset again.

"Turn it off!"

"I just needed to turn off the internet," I told him quickly, turning it off immediately. I was still grinning as I turned over. "Baby?" I asked softly.

"What, Six?" he demanded warily.

"Will you hold me tonight? Just for a little while? I don't want to be annoying, I just... I really like when you hold me and it makes me feel so safe. You make me feel safe."

"Shut up," he huffed, rolling over with a put upon sigh as he pulled me close to him again. I could feel it though, when he squeezed me in close, how much he wanted it, how much he was reveling in it.

"That feels so good, baby," I whispered, hugging his arm. "Thank you for humoring me. Baby?"


"It's been a couple days and I might move a bit or talk a bit in my sleep. If I bother you, just wake me up and I'll stop. The meds should be back in my system soon! It's just... being back in this town might, you know, make me feel..."

"Shut up," he rumbled, squeezing me in a hug. "I don't care if that happens. Stop stressing and go to sleep."

"Thank you baby," I whispered, turning and kissing his arm.

He fell asleep quickly and I lay there awake, hating myself for what I was about to do. I knew it would work, and I knew if I wanted my plan to succeed, it would get me there all the quicker, but I loathed myself for using it this way. Not just for him, but for what I knew it would do to me too.

I made myself stop thinking about it and focus instead on what I needed to do next, what needed to come after and how quickly to move. How quick was safe.

After an hour or so, I prepared myself as best I could, going still. Twitching slightly, I let out a small whine. "No! No daddy, please! Not again daddy, it hurts! Please! Corin! Corin help me please! Please! Save me, he's..."

"Six!" Corin yelled loudly, yanking me awake almost violently. "Six!"

I cried out in horror, then sprang up and threw my arms around him, sobbing. The tears were real, the horror was real, I had opened myself back up to all of it doing that.

Hugging me close he sat up with me in his lap, stroking my hair and back as he rocked slightly. "Shhh, hey, stop that! Stop bawling! You're fine, you're right here."

"You saved me," I sobbed harder, clutching him more tightly. "You saved me! You're never going to let anyone hurt me again, are you?"

"No," he answered resolutely. "No one but me."

"Thank you, Corin," I whispered, hiding my face in his neck.

Leaning back he held me on his chest, stroking my back and holding me until we both fell asleep.

I felt like complete shit in the morning as he woke me by stroking my hair back out of my face. "Go on and make breakfast," he told me softly. "I have work to do this morning. You... need anything?"

"No," I whispered, looking down. "You've given me all I need. Corin?"


"You really killed him for me? You promise he's really dead?"

"Promise. He's long gone and no one will ever hurt you again."

"But you," I breathed. "You'll hurt me. You'll hurt me because you know I need it and want it."

"Yes," he answered with a sexy growl. "I will hurt you, Six, and you will love every second of it."

I sucked in a breath as I looked up at him in wide eyed shock. He had pulled at me hard, in that place that need came from in me. His words, his tone, the need in his voice. I shuddered slightly as I looked up at him in true submissive adoration. In that moment, I didn't want to get even or hurt him, only give myself to him wholly. He gave me a smirk as he ran his thumb over my lower lip. After a moment of staring up at him, I lowered my eyes and bent slightly, kissing his thumb. "My Corin," I breathed, closing my eyes and letting all my anxiety blow out of me. "My Corin, I adore you. Please... say you will keep me forever?"

"Oh, I will keep you," he rumbled. "Right up until I don't want you anymore. Until then, you're fucking mine."

I smiled and hugged him again, then hurried to go make breakfast.

I felt absolutely sick again when he came out with a smile in his eyes as he looked me over. I made myself smile at him shyly and hover close as he ate, but as soon as he left, I broke down crying again.

I hadn't imagined it would hurt me this much to try and get even with him. I should just run away, get away, not destroy him. Yes, he hurt me, but... that didn't mean I had to hurt him back? I thought of Mike and Ryan and the police officers and what they had all done to me. Trying to make me eat dog food and chaining me to the floor with no clothes. None of those things were ok. He'd hurt me and terrorized me, it was only because I was completely fucked up mentally that I was imagining I was having feelings for the psychopath. The murdering psychopath. No, I would do this and I would leave here knowing that I could be strong.

Getting up, I went and washed my face and took a shower, trying to bolster myself.

The next couple days went that way. I stayed vulnerable and let him help me. I smiled at him and laughed with him and excitedly went to please him during spur of the moments. That was what he liked most, when he knew it was what I wanted, not when he was demanding, or forcing, but when I went to him and wanted so badly to please him. He got off quickly every time. It took forever when he was angry or hurting me.

He always seemed happier after we left his moms too, now that I was there as a buffer and he wasn't dealing with her alone. I could quickly intervene when she got upset or didn't remember him and I could cook for her. It calmed him down a lot.

I was getting into a routine, of a sorts. He would go out and work and I would go and make as large a meal as I could in the tiny kitchen, then put it in storage containers and label them. That way he could put them in his mom's freezer with what they were and how long they needed to go in the microwave. Making one meal a day with a week's worth of servings, she could rotate out and have a month's worth of food in her freezer at all times and be able to have whatever she felt like. It was actually one of the highlights, for me. I wasn't a great cook, but I really did like his mom. She was sweet and nice and always so happy to see me and happy to get a home cooked meal. It made me feel like I was doing something positive with my time and not just planning revenge.

I was making a spaghetti casserole when I heard the door open behind me. "Hey baby!" I called happily. "Almost done! Let me put this in the oven and set the timer!" I called, easing the casserole into the oven.

When I turned, my face fell and confusion took over. Ryan was standing there, bruises still on his face, looking lecherous.

"What are you doing here? Corin will..."

"Corin just left. Probably to go pick up the alternator he needs for that truck. Means he'll be gone a couple hours," Ryan told me, his eyes bright with an odd sort of madness.

I yanked the drawer open and pulled out a knife as I screamed for Corin.

Ryan caught me around the waist, taking the knife from me and dropping it on the floor as he carried me back to the bed kicking and screaming.

"Stop all of that now," he breathed, pinning me down on the bed. "I'm not going to hurt you, Six! I'm gonna make you feel so fucking good," he told me, wrestling my pants off of me. "Just like I wanted to that night outside the bar," he whispered, pinning me under him and forcing my face to his as he stared down at me in a fervorous madness. "I knew I could have made you happy that night, Six, I knew I could have made you forget everything. That's all I want, babe, just to help. To make you forget everything and love what's happening to you. Love me. Forget everything but me. I can do that, Six," he told me, stroking my face. "I'll show you."

I screamed again as he shoved me up high and forced my legs apart. He didn't look me over or wait this time, he dropped down and started likcing my pussy quickly, getting me wet so he could shove his meaty fingers into me.

"NOOO! Please don't! Corin please! Help me! Make him stop!" I begged in horrified shame as Ryan held my legs wide and fucked me with his fat fingers. When his mouth closed around my clit, I sucked in a shuddering breath, then shook my head again before I screamed for help again, begging Corin to make him stop. I was falling into panic, knowing this was going to be the end. I was terrified and my heart was going to just give out. Corin wouldn't be able to save me, I would die here in our bed while this monster violated me. "Please, Corin, please," I sobbed.

Ryan pulled back suddenly with a yelp and I managed to turn and see Corin above him, holding him by the hair as he looked down at me in a fury.

"Please help me," I begged him, knowing it wasn't real. It was my imagination. "Please make him stop, Corin, please!"

The dream Corin shoved Ryan to the floor, then stomped on him, cutting off a squeal from Ryan as Corin stepped over him and got into the bed next to me.

"Six? Six, come on, look at me. Look at me. You're fine, I'm here. I'm here. He's gone. When I'm done with him, no one will find a fucking toenail left of him, you hear me? Look at me Six and wake up, come on. Don't do that shut down shit! You're fine!"

"Corin," I whispered, clutching at his arm. "You saved me. You saved me. You saved me! Again. You didn't let him hurt me. He'll never hurt me again. Corin..." I half panted, trying to swallow and ease the spinning.

"Just try and breathe normal, Six," he told me, rubbing my arm roughly. "Come on, let's get you in the shower, clean him off you. Can you do that? Can you shower while I take care of him?"

"Kill him?" I asked, still trying to hold onto myself.

"Don't you worry about any of that," he chided.

I nodded. "Thank you. Thank you, Corin. I love you. I love you so much! Thank you!"

His face went red all the way to his ears, but I hardly noticed. "Come on, Six! Breathe normal and open your eyes! Hop in the shower, you'll feel better. Fuck!" His growl was the last thing I heard as I fell into the spinning darkness.

I woke alone, all of my clothes gone and wrapped in a blanket. Shivering and nauseated, I sat up. "Corin?"

The place was completely silent.

I got up and looked down at the blood on the floor. Swallowing hard, I made it to the toilet before throwing up, but only barely. Shaking, I got into the shower, then stood in the hot water, trembling. When it started going cold, I hadn't washed yet so I had to hurry. I was shivering by the time I made it out and back into the hall. One glance at the bedroom and the blood still on the floor and I had to dodge back into the bathroom to throw up again.

Corin found me there, sobbing over the toilet on my knees.

"Hey! Hey, no more of that!" he demanded, pulling me off the floor. Carrying me to the front, he set me on the couch and lifted my face so he could look me over. "You're just fine. I'm here now and you're all clean and you're fine. Stay right here."

He left, but immediately brought me back his big blanket and wrapped me in it. When he left again, I could hear him scrubbing the floor. I didn't want to know what he'd done, not the details. I knew what he had done and I knew part of me, in my state of panic, had probably hoped he would do it. I might have even asked him to if I had been coherent enough, but I couldn't remember what was real and what was just racing thoughts.

I didn't want to know.

He came back into view and helped me sit up, then helped me put clothes on as I stared at him in numb, shocked silence. He'd done so much worse to me and I had been able to cope, to move past it, why was this hitting me so hard?


It was easier to force through something if you didn't have a shoulder to lean on. The shoulder was allowing me to break down.

Taking hold of my face with both hands, he moved and looked down at me full on. "Listen to me, Six. He was never here. Never. You never met that man. Do you understand me?"

"Yes," I whispered, taking hold of his wrists.

"Ok. I'm going to drop you off at mom's, ok?"


Loading me into his truck, he pulled away and got on the phone immediately.

"Mike, man, I need you to meet me at my place.... Right away, dropping Six off at mom's and I'll be right back there.... Something like that, tell you when I see you. Don't tell anyone."

He hung up and I hugged his leg as I curled up on his lap. "Can't I stay with you?" I asked him softly. "I'm only safe when I'm with you."

"You'll be safe here," he promised. "No one would think to look for you here and who else even knows about you, Six? You'll be just fine. Sit with mom till I have it all taken care of," he told me, carrying me in and setting me next to his mom on the couch. "Mom, I'll be back soon, ok? Take care of Six for me."

I sat up as he left, feeling sick to my stomach again.

"Hello young lady," Doris smiled. "Are you one of Corin's friends?"

"Yeah," I answered in a whisper.

"You sit here with me and watch Night Court."

I looked at the screen and the old program took me back. There was one station you could get in this town and that meant the same programs every evening if you had a TV. Seeing the show took me back in time and I stared at it. I had liked it once, thought it was funny. Seeing it now, it just sucked me into another world. A world I didn't want to be in.

Standing, I hurried after Corin, but he was gone. His truck nowhere in sight. My head was spinning as I looked around and I felt like all of me was back there. I was here, and here was back there, back then. If I went home, he would be there, waiting for me. I was late and that meant he'd be mad. I had to wait, hide somewhere so I could sneak in after he passed out drunk.

Looking around again, there was an older woman looking at me, smiling expectantly. She looked familiar, but I didn't know her.

Turning, I started towards home. Where were my shoes? I must have left them somewhere...

Why did I feel so off? So afraid?

I had to get home. He'd be mad if he knew I was out this late.

I tried to hurry, but my feet hurt, the rocks and ground were so hard. After another block, I had to sit down and pull a piece of glass out of my foot. There was so much blood, and it hurt, but I knew it was nothing compared to what he would do if I wasn't in my room when he looked for me.

I had to hurry! It was cold suddenly, freezing and the world seemed blurry.

Standing, I tried to run, but I was limping too badly and the road was so sharp and rocky.

Where were my shoes?

A car screeched to a halt and I turned, looking at it in confusion.

The man that got out looked familiar, but I didn't know him either. "Six?" he called in surprise. "What are you doing out here? You're supposed to be at his moms! It's pouring rain, Six, come on!" the man yelled. I looked up and it was pouring rain. That's why I was so cold and the blood from my foot seemed to be gushing out.

The man took hold of my arm and tried to make me get in his car.

"No! NO! No, please! SOMEONE HELP ME!" I wailed, trying to pull away.
