Six Degrees Ch. 04


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It took everything I had to not speak out, but I held my tongue. Daniel was watching me, and slightly nodded approval when I didn't speak. He continued: "Chief Quinlin told me that a lot of the Fire Department people truly do not believe anything was wrong, because it was an EMT who was raped, and they say she deserved it. They also followed Jefferson's orders because he told them Lawson could be re-tried."

"Here's the bottom line, guys." said Sheriff Allgood. "I can't have a quarter of the Fire Department in jail. They'll be internally disciplined, and Chief Quinlin will get my approval for the punishments, so you can count on them being severe. As to Jefferson, the Union is already rallying around him, and he has lawyers from Gresham & Mason at the Courthouse, getting Nance to have him freed. We don't have to charge him immediately; we can wait for the Inspector General to report, even if that takes a couple of months."

"Sir," I said, "if Judge Nance has the charges dropped with prejudice, we can't go back and charge him."

"That's why the ADA will ask the Judge to release Jefferson on his own recognizance pending a further investigation." said Chief Moynahan. "We're going to be.... Don? Don?"

I didn't hear him. I was in a reverie, and it was a deep one. I was told later that I was making hand gestures, as if using sign language, and that my eyes rolled up into my head a couple of times. Daniel and the Chief just watched, utterly fascinated. Finally, I came out of it.

"Oh my God." I said, mostly to myself. "I am an idiot. An utter imbecile. How could I have not seen this?"

"What is it that you're seeing now?" asked Daniel.

"I just realized..." I said, my voice still far away, "... that this whole EMT thing... and these Fire Department slugs... yes, that has to be it."

I sprang up to my feet and got out my cellphone. "I'll explain in a minute, but time is of the essence now... yes, Duty Desk, this is Commander Troy. Has the Assistant Fire Chief been released yet?.... Good. Keep him there until I get there... If his lawyer shows up, just delay him... paperwork shuffle, you know the drill... just keep Jefferson there until I show up."

As I hung up, I said, "Sheriff, Chief, if you'll excuse me, I've got to talk to Jefferson before he's released."

"I'll go with you." said Moynahan. "Excuse us, Sheriff."

"Like I'm going to miss this?" said the Sheriff, following us out the door.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I strode into Interrogation-1. Jefferson was alone in the room. Sergeant Rudistan came in with me.

"I want my lawyer." said Jefferson. "I refuse to answer any questions without one present."

"Fine." I said, sitting down opposite him. "Your lawyer will be here in a minute. You'll be released into his custody. And I'm not asking questions, I'm going to give you some news."

I stared at him, my eyes boring into his. He became uncomfortable, like a dog being watched. Finally I said "I want you to tell him something. I want you to tell him that I know what he's doing, ginning up hatred for the EMTs. I want you to let him know that I am coming for him. Tell him to... expect me."

"Who? What are you talking about?" Jefferson replied. I just bore down.

"You heard me. Pass the message along." With that, I got up and left the Interrogation Room.

Part 24 - Closing In

Jeffersons's lawyer had come and picked him up. In the Chief's office, I'd explained to the Sheriff and the Chief that I had realized that many of these Firemen were rogue, just as we'd had (and still had) rogue Police Officers.

"I don't know why I didn't see it." I said. "Every one of these 16 or so Firemen are white, are grouped together, mostly by Jefferson's doing, and have been instigating the EMT hatred. They go around to the social clubs, their churches, and tell their friends about how bad the EMTs are. But they're not acting alone. Someone has been guiding the Media to be subtly if not openly hostile to the EMTs, and many of the so-called 'good citizens' may just be paid for their 'loyalty'... sort of like how the 'Occupy' and 'Ferguson' movements had paid operatives at their cores."

"Ah, I see what you're getting at." said Daniel. "So you think the Consultant of Crime is behind it? But what's his motive? His reasons for it?"

"He creates strife. He creates discord, discontent, chaos." I said. "I think some of the EMT attacks were to get rid of them, and so get an ambulance contract with the County."

"You've been thinking Thomas P. Cook was doing that." Sheriff Allgood said. "Is there something you're trying to tell us, there?"

I smiled. "I will let you draw your own conclusions about that. Suffice it to say that Cook is a dirty dealer, and loves to use his Council position to enrich himself personally. Not that he's the only one to ever do that. Some people do it at the National level, even create email servers to hide their private Foundation bribes and all. But I digress. It's actually bigger than just an Ambulance Service."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Sorry for the delay in getting to you." I said at 3:30pm in my office. "It's been a busy day. So, you have some financial movements?"

"We understand, sir." said Mary Mahoney Milton, who was sitting next to Myron in the hot chairs in front of my desk. "And yes, some money was transferred to an account at Third National Bank in the City. It was from an account at a bank in the State east of us, called 'Spartan Hellenic Bank & Trust'. This bank is like City & Counties Bank... no brick-and-mortar outlets, just a small office inside a three-story office building, no name on the door, only two offices and a server room."

"So the FBI went into that office, I perceive." I said. "And the capitol city of the State east of us is not named 'Sparta', so that's doubly interesting."

"Sir," asked Mary, "I don't see a Trojan War connection, like most of the other things we're finding."

"If memory serves me correctly," I said, "Helen of Troy, the cause of said War, was not only Greek, but she actually was from Sparta. Ergo, 'Sparta Hellenic'. I strongly suspect that when our Consultant set up some of these things, he didn't expect us to find out about them."

"Or they're a distraction from his other things." said a voice. Captain Cindy Ross came right on into my office.

"Good point, Crowbar 2." I said. "But I thought I told you to stay at 'The Vision' until I got down there."

"And I've disobeyed your orders, at the request of my father." Cindy said. "We are both getting bad vibes that something is about to happen."

"Actually, I'm glad you're here." I said. "We were just talking about a financial transaction. So... who is the account at Third National in the City?"

"A Charitable Trust." said Myron. "Three names on the legal paperwork, a 'Lou Bell', a 'Lynn Hart', and a 'Kyle Ferris'. The FBI went by the main branch of the bank, and also pulled DMV records. 'Lou Bell' is a man, very average in height and build, brown hair with a full beard. The address on his driver's license is one of those hour-rate hotels in the Red Light District, and of course he's not there. They have absolutely no idea who Lynn Hart and Kyle Ferris are, and there are no DMV records of them."

I smiled. "These guys are so cute."

"What?" asked Cindy. "Kyle Ferris reminds me of your nephew Ned's alias, and I guess 'Ferris' could be a bastardization of the latin for 'iron', your crowbar's favorite element."

"She's good, guys." I said to the others, to compliment Cindy. "I think you're right, Crowbar 2. The name 'Lou Bell' sounds like a simple shortening of 'Louise Belfort'. I think we've found our Disguise Man that is wanted in connection with SBI Agent Jeff Reubens. And this shows he and Louise Belfort are connected."

"Oh wow!" Mary exclaimed.

"The name 'Lynn Hart' is a consolidation of 'Linda Farris' and Watch Captain Lock-'hart'." I continued. And while 'Ferris' could be an approximation of 'Farris', I suspect that Captain Ross is spot-on that it's about 'iron'. And 'Kyle'.... hmmm...."

"Enlighten us." Cindy said. "It's come up a lot before, mostly with your nephew Ned."

I just said "No. You'll have to trace that one yourselves."

I knew who 'Kyle' was, I thought to myself. I did not need six degrees of separation to get to him. And he could be found at the center of an insidious Web of Evil.

"So," I said. "Police Force on full alert. The Belfort Badge Gang is getting paid, which means they are about to try some mischief. Every Police Officer, including those in Admin, is to wear some kind of armored vest for the next week at least."

"There's one more thing, sir." said Mary. "We also have come across a connection to University Hospital's wi-fi that cannot be accounted for by anyone. We've found it a few times in the past, as if someone brings in a laptop or tablet and connects to the Hospital Staff's wi-fi service. Your wife has helped me to gain access to the wi-fi servers, and I will receive an alert if this signature shows up again. And it showed up today."

"You didn't get this from the FBI, did you?" I asked, peering at Myron and Mary with a knowing smile.

"With respect, sir," said Myron, "we did not hear that question." I just nodded and grinned. I suspect the Milton's had had help... from another Milton. Myron's father had intercepted that trace.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The sun had set behind the horizon, and darkness had consumed the day as Cindy and I arrived at 'The Vision' World Headquarters. Young Tommy escorted us on the elevator to the office of its founder and great leader, Dr. P. Harvey Eckhart. I would always remember this office as the place where Cindy had learned of new family relationships, and learned them from me.

"Ah, there you are." said Dr. Eckhart as we got out of the elevator. "Tommy, would you be so kind as to bring my guests something to drink." Tommy acknowledged the command and re-entered the elevator, the doors closing seconds later.

Also in the room were Jimmy Lawson and his wife, who was holding their baby. I took a moment to admire the little guy, then sat down at Eckhart's bidding.

"You've had a busy day, I understand." said Eckhart.

"Yes sir." I said. "And forgive me for coming straight to the point and finishing out the business." I turned to the Lawsons, handing Jimmy an envelope. Inside were a card and some instructions.

"Down in the Dallas-Ft. Worth area, there's a Fire Department that needs some good EMTs. There is a man down there named Terry Ruffkin. He is very eager to hire you, especially after I told him of your military medic experience. Dr. Eckhart has been kind enough to arrange transportation and lodging for you, and you'll be on your way tomorrow morning."

"I... don't know what to say." said Lawson. "You've done so much for us, Commander, I'll never be able to repay you."

"There will come a time," I said, "when you will have the opportunity to pay it forward. And you'll get the chance to save lives with real and good EMT service. Good luck to you."

Lawson's wife was crying as she thanked me and Cindy, and the young redheaded EMT was also near tears as Cindy and I made our goodbyes.

As we drove back, Cindy said "My father and I heard about your 'performance' in the Courtroom. So... was he really guilty or innocent?"

"Jury found him not guilty." I said. "I think he'll do very well down in Texas, with this second chance at life, and he and his wife can raise their child and any new ones they have."

"Didn't answer the question, Crowbar 1." Cindy said, looking out the window.

"And I'm not going to." I said.

Just then, the Police radio in the car came to life. A second later, both my Police cellphone and Cindy's began ringing. We answered.

"This is Sergeant Rudistan, sir." Martin Nash was telling Cindy the same thing as Rudistan said "We've found a body in the trash dumpster behind the Cub Club. Fingerprints are telling us her name is Linda Farris..."

To be continued.

So, dear readers... was Lawson guilty or innocent? What is going to happen to Tanya Perlman? Clues have been left in this and previous series.

What is Paulina Patterson's family secret? And what evil will the Consultant of Crime perpetrate upon the Iron Crowbar next? The exciting conclusion to come in the next chapter...

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chytownchytown11 months ago

*****Very entertaining chapter. Thanks for sharing.

WhitewaterbumWhitewaterbum11 months ago

Glad to see Melina back to the attack for sister. Who does Dr Walker think that Troy is imperiling that he must crush Troy. Covering for CofC? Larson is innocent, killer is a rogue fireman.

Ravey19Ravey19over 2 years ago

Interesting developments but don't think I can guess

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
So good - the sour note, though, you should edit out.

WW - I am really enjoying your adventure. I"m clearly only up to Six Degrees Chapter 4.

I see from the date on this episode and series that it was being posted in the middle of the 2016 US Presidential campaign, right around the time the Russian bots started amplifying the worst of the conspiracy theories, in a kind of malicious toying with all of us. As I write in 2018, it is more and more apparent they happily amplified the worst thoughts on both sides, and cared not at all whether there was evidence either way, as long as they could get people believing it - and hating anyone who was reluctant to believe it without, you know, evidence.

Back then you allowed some of that amplified crap to creep into Troy's thoughts as snarky asides.

Which to me is inconsistent with the character you are drawing, and is a wrenchingly sour note.

My recommendation to you as a writer is - let your character be himself. He hates the media and both parties. The only politicians he trusts are those he knows personally, and even then he's wary. That's a good place to be, for a character in fiction.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

From the geography of the area described, Dallas is a *nearby* major city. The State the series is in has an *eastern* border with another state. It is a mostly farming area outside the East/Westphalia, The City, Midtown, and The Town megalopolis. East/Westphalia is not *in* Texas.

It's obviously fictional, but the geography tells me that the series is located in either Oklahoma or autonomous territory made from parts of Oklahoma, located in the southeast portion of the state, with a fictional river for East/Westphalia. Dallas is much larger than it is in the Real World, and people stopped calling it Ft. Worth/Dallas.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
IC not impartial? Whoa

Love these stories, and how, even though it is fictional, the "goings on" in this town reflect what's happening in the United States today. One thing I've liked about these stories, is the impartiality. While there is "party politics", the bickering between the Republicans and Democrats in this story is nowhere close to being as nasty as current national politics. So I'm dismayed, when the usually impartial Cmdr Troy states, "Some people do it at the National level, even create email servers to hide their private Foundation bribes and all." That is an unproven, unprovoked statement and can only serve to inflame partisan political flames. It's unnecessary, is "leading the readers" and takes away from the Crowbar's "heroic" nature. The Presidential election will be decided soon enough. Having that sentence takes away from the timelessness of this story, and will be seen as archaic within a year.


WifeWatchmanWifeWatchmanalmost 8 years agoAuthor

No, the setting is not the State of Georgia, but you are right that the US Senator names were taken from those past Georgia Senators.. Good catch on that one!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Richard Nunn and Samuel Russell??

So your story is set in the State of Georgia?

[Richard Russell and Sam Nunn were US Senators from Georgia]

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
So many questions, will they be answered?

Man why did you have to do this? I mean you left us with so many questions, will they be answered next chapter?

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