Ski Holiday Sex Therapy

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Sex therapist and husband help couple express their desires.
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Jan and I looked like any ordinary middle age couple when we checked into our Alpine hotel that evening. We were just a normal pair of forty somethings who, after almost twenty two years of marriage, were having their first holiday in years without the kids. Within less than three days we still looked like the couple who had checked in but inside ourselves and in the bubble of our marriage things had completely changed.

Day 1

Our flight was delayed and we arrived at the hotel too late for the dining room which had closed. I called reception and ordered food for our room, just cold cuts, bread and wine but we were hungry and glad to get it.

Jan was in the bathroom freshening up when the porters arrived, two young guys. They wheeled the food in, transferred it to the table and opened the wine. Just then the bathroom door opened and Jan stepped into the room. She stood there with her top off in her tight skinny jeans and black lace bra. Her jeans were tucked into her long black stiletto heeled boots.

'Oh,' she said. She made no move to duck back into the bathroom. Nor did she try and cover herself quickly with crossed or folded arms. All things I would have expected her to do. Her green satin shirt was laid out on the bed. I thought about picking it up and taking it over so she could cover herself but I didn't move. The porters were standing between us. At least that was my excuse.

The porters stopped what they were doing and looked round. The sight of my wife in her bra, boots and jeans stopped them in their tracks. Jan hooked her thumbs in her pockets and coolly ignored them while they stared at her. They drank her in and I didn't blame them.

Jan was revealing more than just her small, sexy bra covered boobs. There was an erotic arrogance and pride in the way she stood there, something that she'd always kept very private in all our years together. I didn't know then, perhaps I should have guessed but that moment was first sign I had of the changes that were happening to her.

'Nearly done guys?' I asked. They sheepishly returned to their work.

Jan moved out of the narrow passage where the bathroom door was into the room properly. I lifted her shirt, stretched across the bed and handed it to her.

'Thanks,' she said and slipped it on fastening a couple of buttons and letting it hang loose.

We didn't speak. It was one of those waiter silences where you prefer to stay silent than exchange banal comments while the staff are listening. They finished and left. We sat down, I poured the chilled white wine and we began to eat.

'Oh God! Did I really do that,' Jan asked.

'Do what?' I asked trying to sound innocent. I knew what she talking about but it was fun to hear her say it. I wanted to discuss Jan's out of character nonchalance as she exposed herself to the waiters.

'Come out of the bathroom stripped down to my bra when they were in? A black lacy one too. You can almost see my nipples through it.'

'You loved it. I could see it on your face. Showing yourself off to two young good looking Italian guys. Anyway what's so different between that and wearing a bikini?'

'I don't know, my bra, it just feels more intimate. But yes, I did enjoy it. It felt like I was another version of me. It must be being on holiday and the reception bubbles. Are you ok with it? It was just a spur of the moment thing, sorry.'

I didn't answer, just stood there with a big grin.

'You loved it you. Me standing their showing off to two young men. Perv.' We laughed at that.

We're they Italian?' She asked

'They spoke Italian when they came in. Didn't you hear?'

'No. How could I. I was in the bathroom.'

'Ok. It's just that I thought you'd heard them and decided to do a bit of safe flirting with to handsome young Italian men and show yourself off to them. I mean, I know you like that look...'

'You!' She flung a piece of bread at me laughing. 'Well you'll never know if I did or not. I'm not telling you now.'

Our conversation moved on to other things, the skiing, the resort. As we finished the wine I ordered another bottle. This time I just collected it from the porter at the door. Jan had had enough of my teasing. It was one of the same guys that brought it. I could see him try and sneak a peak of my wife as I closed the door firmly on him with a curt 'Thank You'.

I topped up our glasses and sat down again. 'It was one of your friends from earlier,' I said.


'That brought the wine. He was trying to sneak a look at you.'

Jan sighed. 'You're ridiculous. He saw enough tonight. That's enough silliness. Thank you very much.'

'I don't blame him...'

'Stop it now. Stop teasing me. You know I'll just get embarrassed and I won't dress up to please you for the rest of the week.'

'Ok I'll stop.'

'Thank you. Now which runs do you fancy trying first tomorrow?'

We talked about skiing and what we wanted to do over the next week. I didn't say anymore about the porters catching her earlier. It wasn't fair to keep teasing her and I knew I'd get other chances. We sat and half chatted half flirted as we so often did at home as I admired my sexy wife. I loved the look she had tonight, it suited her slim figure. The skin tight jeans tucked into the high, sharp boots, the leather belt and the silk shirt. I imagined the black lace bra underneath and the panties? They'd match the bra but was it panties or thong? She liked to keep me guessing.

'Argh. Yes.' We heard a woman's voice from through the wall.

Jan stopped in mid sentence. 'What was that?' She asked, her eyes wide open. 'It sounded It's not is it?'

We heard it again, just a groan this time.

'It is,' I said. 'They're fucking next door.'

'Oh my God.' She put her hands up to her face her mouth was wide open as if in shock. 'I think your right. My God. We better be quiet. I don't want them listening to us.'

We both started to laugh. 'No,' said Jan, trying to suppress it. 'We don't want them to think we're laughing at them having sex. It's bad enough that we can hear them it'll be worse if they know we're listening.'

That just made us giggle more. We could still hear muffled grunts, oohs and ahs, a woman's and a man's voice. 'It's like having our own private porn podcast,' I said. The greater frequency and increasing loudness of our unknown performers coupled with Jan's sexy look was getting me hard.

'Perv! Typical of you. It's turning you on, isn't it?'

'Only you can turn me on darling.' I stood up, went round so I was standing behind her chair. I bent down to her ear and whispered, 'I bet listening to them is getting you hot too.' And put my hand on her breast feeling for her nipple below the silk and lace. Her bud was hard as I expected it to be.

'Behave,' she said but there was no resistance in her voice as I continued to play with her and kissed her lips. She open her mouth to me as I unbuttoned the top of her blouse and slid my fingers inside her bra to caress her nipple. We kissed deeper. I moved my hand down to her belt, unbuckled it and unfastened her jeans. The sounds from the next room we're getting louder but we were lost in each other. Jan lifted her hips so I could get access. Panties not thong I thought. My finger opened her folds then pressed on her clit. 'Let me stand,' she said.

Jan stood up. We held each other and kissed, wet and sloppy. Our tongues sought each other out. My hands were at her bum trying to push her jeans down as we ground together. Her hand stroking my hard cock through my jeans. As I laid her down on the bed she shook off her blouse and bra. Our neighbours were getting louder, 'Ahh yesss. Fuck me Brian.' The woman's voice came through urgent and clear.

Jan lay on the bed propped on her elbows. The tips of her pert breasts inflamed and swollen. One knee bent, pointing to the ceiling, the spike heel stabbing into the duvet. The other leg straight stretched over the end. I quickly stripped. She lifted the straight leg teasing the tip of my cock with the sharp pointed toe of her boot. It felt exquisite. I bent and unzipped it feeling the smooth soft black leather with the heat of her flesh underneath. I did the same with the other one then eased her jeans and panties off. Her legs were open, pussy pink, moist and inviting. 'Come on and fuck me Rob,' she whispered smiling as she said it, mimicking the woman next door and making a joke at my expense. Jan preferred to say to make love to me though she knew I liked being asked to fuck her.

I mounted my wife ramming my whole length in with my first thrust. She was ready to receive me; wrapping her legs round me as I slowly moved in and out, deep stroke after deep stroke, feeling the growing currents of sensations in my cock. I couldn't believe she was so keen. For Jan, usually so private about sex, to fuck me like this while we could hear another couple approaching orgasm was unprecedented. The pair providing the porn soundtrack next door were about to climax.

'Yeeesss. Make me cum. Yes. I'm cumming.' The woman's words carried through the wall spurring me on to fuck my wife harder. I was sure the whole hotel would hear our neighbours, his growls dark and deep, her shouted encouragement. Hearing two people fuck to orgasm excited Jan and I all the more. She grabbed my head, thrusting her tongue deep into my mouth as we heard them cum. Jan's body was throbbing, a feral, demanding creature desperate for release. I thrust faster, adjusting my angle to give her clit maximum stimulation. My hand was mauling her tits; rough and hard. After more than twenty five years together I knew how to bring her off. And cum she did, a shaking, seething mass overcome with orgasm. She was loud. Not next door loud but loud for Jan who fastened her mouth onto my neck to muzzle her moans. It was too much for me as I spewed my spunk into her with a rough throaty cry. I wanted the neighbours to hear; to know they didn't have a monopoly on wild orgasmic sex. My cry was cut short as Jan clamped her hand on my mouth to quieten it.

We lay wrapped round one another as I slowly softened and slipped out covered by our combined juices.

'I think they might have heard us,' said Jan.

'Maybe,' I said as we cuddled and giggled softly.

Day 2

The next morning I woke wondering where I was. Cool air whispered over me from the gap at the balcony door that Jan had left ajar. I'd slept well, deeply relaxed after our exquisite fuck the previous night. As the memory of it crept into my mind my cock began to swell. I could hear Jan's voice but couldn't make out what she was saying. There was laughter and another woman's voice. It sounded like our neighbours from last night.

Suddenly the door slid open and Jan came back in closing it quickly. She stood with her back to it, a look of wonder on her face.

'Oh my God. That was a strange conversation,' she said.

'With our... neighbour? What about?'

'Yes. Tracey's her name. She's very nice but... We talked about sex.'

'Tracey of "fuck me Brian" fame?' I was intrigued now and wanted to hear everything. I loved the thought of Jan talking to a total stranger about their sex life.

'Stop it. Yes.'

'So what happened?'

'I saw there was blue sky so I nipped out to see the view of the mountains. Tracey was sitting out having a cup of tea. We said hi and introduced ourselves then she said she hoped they weren't to loud last night that they sometimes get carried away.'

'Ok. So what did you say?'

Jan paused for a moment. 'I said no, not at all. What else could I say? Can you have quieter sex? I was standing there trying to be so cool and worldly about it. I blushed. I could feel it rising up my face. I said... I can't believe it. I said I hoped we, you and I, didn't disturb them.'

'Wow! You asked if they heard us fucking? And did we? Disturb them I mean.'

'No they weren't bothered. They heard us. God I can't believe it. I was talking to a complete stranger about us making love last night. They heard us. They heard us having sex!'

I went over and gave her a cuddle. 'Darling it's ok. It's normal. So they heard us, so what? Remember the creaky bed in the B and B?'

'Yeah, but we were in our twenties then.' She smiled at the memory.

'Twenties, forties? What's the difference? We haven't changed. Anyway we heard them and they heard us. It's ok.'

'Yes,' Jan sighed. 'I suppose it is.'

I wondered though. Last night I watched my wife expose herself to two young guys then later she fucked me hard as we heard the couple in the room next door doing the same. This was not her usual behaviour, even on a holiday. And last night we fucked. We love each other but that was fucking not love making regardless of how Jan described it. I was pleased, no delighted that she was letting her usually repressed wild side out. Delighted but puzzled too.

'So what's Tracey like then?' I asked.

'You'll like her. Short blonde hair, well ash blonde with a mix of highlights. A bit taller than me. Slim but curvier. Bigger boobs than me, not that that's difficult. She's warm and friendly. They're a bit older than us. Their kids are past the university stage.'

'How much older?'

'Early fifties maybe five years on us. She's from Newcastle but down in London now. And you'll love this. She's a sex therapist.'

'Your kidding.'

'A psychologist really but she specialises in sexual problems.'

'What sort of problems.'

'I don't know. We were only talking for five minutes and we've only just met. She used to work for the NHS but now has her own clinic. I think sex therapy must be quite profitable. They were here a year ago. They have a skiing holiday every year. This is their second time here.'

'In this hotel?'

'Yes.' Jan nodded.

I'd no answer to that. It would be nice to afford to come here two years running. We'd planned this holiday for three years. It took us that long to save for it. Not that we didn't already have the savings but they're for big things not just a holiday. I wanted the best for Jan. I'd promised her an expensive skiing holiday years ago, just after our daughter, Zoe, was born. We couldn't go then but I said that when Zoe was eighteen and we were free to go we'd splash out.

Splash out was what we were doing. Jan loved to ski and was quite good at it. That morning was great with blue sky, sunshine and great snow. She was glowing at the end of the morning session. It was a long time since I'd seen her look so relaxed and happy. We started with morning ski lessons. Jan and Tracey were at the same level and found themselves in the same intermediate class. Brian and I weren't as good, neither of us were as keen as our wives but we were put in different classes both just a couple of steps up from beginners. I would have liked us to be in the same class. I wanted to get to know Brian as Jan and Tracey were so obviously getting on I suspected we would end up spending much of the week with them. But all that I discovered was that Brian was an orthopaedic surgeon who wasn't big on skiing but wanted to please Tracey as I wanted to please Jan.

After the lesson we spent the whole day on the slopes with only a brief stop for lunch in a packed and noisy mountain cafe. Afterwards Tracey and Jan stuck together on the tougher slopes. Brian and I caught up with them late afternoon down in one of the bars next to the hotel. I could tell Jan had had her fair share of the empty wine bottle that was on the table. It wasn't like her to drink so much but we were on holiday.

We arranged to dine with Tracey and Brian that evening. They were already at the table when we arrived. The conversation was mostly getting to know each other stuff, background, work, family. I wanted to ask Tracey about her sex therapy but wasn't sure how to bring it up. Jan told me earlier that she and Tracey had had a long chat over their bottle of wine about Tracey's work and sex but teased me by not saying anything. Again I was surprised at what seemed to be a new found confidence in Jan. I did not expect my wife to have a conversation about sex with anyone let alone someone she'd just met.

We left the restaurant and headed for a quiet bar on the hotel mezzanine that they knew. The girls were in front of us. Jan in her tight jeans and long boots. She'd flung her small black leather jacket on over her tight, pink cashmere jumper and looked incredibly sexy as she climbed the wide staircase. She was dressed to please me. I loved her look which was perfect for her long legs with short, slim body shape. Normally Jan's tightly covered ass and legs would have had my complete attention but not that night. Tracey wore skin tight black leather leggings perched on spike heel ankle boots. She'd trumped Jan in the sexy stakes, something I did not expect.

'I hope you don't mind my saying this Rob.' It was Brian. 'But don't we have very hot wives?'

'Yes.' I wasn't sure how to reply. 'We're very lucky.' Just at that moment an alarm rang in my head. Like many husbands I was proud of my wife, liked that other guys might fancy her but I wasn't sure I wanted to hear them say it. And describing them as hot? I knew what the term "hot wife" meant to some. Was he suggesting that Jan had sex with other men? Was he saying Tracey did?

I dismissed the thought. He probably just fancied Jan as I fancied Tracey, who was hot in the boots and tight leather. He didn't seem to mind me ogling her. I fancied quite a few of Jan's friends back home but I'd never tell their husbands and I'm sure some of them liked Jan. A holiday was different though, meeting people for a few days only you could let your guard down and be a bit open. Whatever it was I just relaxed into the shared experience looking at our hot, sensual wives.

We found a low table in a booth and ordered drinks. Tracey and Jan were talking about being working mothers. I was intrigued by Tracey's job and, emboldened by wine and the sensual ambiance of the evening, blurted out 'So Tracey, what does a sex therapist do?'

'Rob, you are so embarrassing,' said Jan. 'He's just winding us up ignore him Tracey.' Turning to me she said, 'Tracey's told me and I'll tell you later... In private. We don't need you to lower the tone.'

'It's ok Jan,' said Tracey. 'I do get asked a lot. Our sexual identity and expression is a core part of all of us. Lots of people ask me about what I do. You asked me earlier Jan.'

'Yes I did,' said Jan

'So what would you like to know Rob.' Tracey looked straight at me with a face that said, Don't piss me about. Take this seriously.

'What are the basics? It's not something people talk about much or, I suspect, understand much about themselves.'

'You're correct. It's not.' Tracey's face softened a little. I think she realised that I did take her seriously. 'Well, the basics is that I do talking cures with couples or individuals. There's no touching at all nothing like that.'

'I didn't think there was.'

'You'd be surprised by how many do. With most of the patients its things like, erectile disfunction, premature ejaculation, inability to orgasm, its a long list that has every sexual dysfunction and associated unhappiness on it. My specialties are sexual incompatibility. That's when a couple find they have different desires and needs. Sometimes it's as simple as one partner wants more sex than the other. The more interesting ones are where one partner desires experiences the other doesn't. Or a partner wants the other to change their behaviour and activities but is afraid to ask as they worry the relationship could be damaged and they split up.'

'It sounds fascinating,' said Jan.

'It can be. It depends on the patients.'

'Can you give us any examples? I'll understand if you can't.'

'As long as people are anonymised I can.' She paused, gathering her thoughts. 'Here's one. I helped a couple recently. They were both in there late fifties. The husband had lost interest in sex, not completely, he would make love occasionally, about once a month, not often enough to please his wife. There was nothing in his background, no past trauma or issues. It was just age, his libido had dropped very low whereas his wife wanted sex at least weekly probably a bit more than that.'