The Stronger Girl 06


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Michele gripped the hair on the back of Annie's head viciously tight and moved her down until Annie's mouth was near her nipple. The Stronger Girl's other hand held her breast and pushed it against Annie's mouth.

"Look at me Annie," she commanded, her voice was quiet, but still surprisingly loud.

Annie looked at Michele. The Stronger Girl's eyes shown in the light from the streets. Unlike her fist, Michele's expression was soft; adoring even.

"I want you to look at me while you suck it, Annie," Michele told her. "I want to see your eyes."

Annie had stared at Michele, and had lowered her mouth onto her nipple obediently; had licked and sucked it gently, knowing how sensitive Michele's nipples were. But once at her suck, a chugging rhythm took over, and Annie threw her leg over Michele's and shifted to straddle The Stronger Girl's thigh. Never taking her eyes from Michele's, she began to rub her pussy against the powerful muscles of The Stronger Girl's leg, her chugging sucks growing more insistent as The Stronger Girl's leg grew slick with Annie's wet.

She pleaded with her eyes, begging Michele not to make her stop.

"...glu-Uh. glu-Uh. glu-Uh. glu-Uh."

Now that Annie was no longer terrified and had had a chance to calm herself down, she realized she must have passed out suckling Michele's breast. She blushed with embarrassment as she was following Michele, slipping from under the covers as quietly as she could to spy on David and Charlie.

Her embarrassment was quickly replaced by the heat of deep shame as Annie thought of spying on her mother. Her whole body flushed at the memory she was usually able to avoid; to hide from.

Annie had slipped downstairs after she and her mother had both gone to bed. She'd waited until she thought her mother must be asleep. Annie had planned to turn on The Handmaiden, a Korean film she and her mother had started watching together a few nights earlier, but her mother had turned off in disgust. Annie had secretly kept the film, rather than returning it, She had snuck down to watch it once before, the sound turned off, kneeling on the floor masturbating with her face nearly pressed against the screen. She had longed to do it again.

That night had crept silently down the stairs, excited to watch it again but had found that the TV was already on, could see its lights flickering through the door, could hear muffled voices and a piano. She had crept to the door, and while she couldn't see the screen, the light it threw illuminated her mother, her robe open, naked.

She had been holding one of her breasts, which filled her hand, squeezing it and pinching the nipple, which was thick and long. Her other hand was between her spread legs, her fingers pushing in and out. Annie was close enough to smell her mother's sex, to see her bush, white blonde, dew-wet curls still pressed flat from her panties, which lay at her feet.

Annie had stood frozen in the dark of the doorway, nailed to the spot as her mother's fingers, glistening and wet pumped in and out of her vagina. Like Annie, her mother had very fair skin that glowed pearlescent in the flickering light of the TV. Her mother was taller and more womanly than Annie however - looking at her, Annie had thought of her own boyish form, felt cheated. Her mother's hair, which was always worn up, tight to her scalp, severely knotted at the back of her skull, was fanned out behind her. Her daughter trembled, had never imagined her mother as sexual; had always thought her mother was beautiful, had never imagined that she was this beautiful, that she could be beautiful in this way.

Annie had watched as she began to rub her clit with two fingers. The music was women singing a duet in French, about flowers, jasmine, and roses, about a stream. Her mother's back arched, she threw her head back, swung it silently side to side as she came. Annie had stared in disbelief as her mother had raised her hand to her mouth and licked her fingers clean.

Annie thought about how the song had haunted her. How she'd wanted so badly to listen to it again, but didn't dare ask her mother. It was only when she'd visited her grandmother, asked her about a duet she'd heard, of flowers and a stream, that the old woman had recognized her description as Delibes. Her grandmother had taken her to a music shop and bought her Lakmé on CD. The girl at the cash register had looked at her knowingly; had made Annie blush. She had listened to the song over and over on her headphones; had memorized it. She had masturbated to it over and over, the sound of the women's voices enough to arouse her. She still didn't know what her mother had been watching that night.

Michele had stopped, and Annie bumped into her.

'I'm still drunk,' Annie realized.

The stronger girl reached back and touched Annie, squeezed her arm, then dropped onto all fours and gestured to Annie to join her. Annie got down and began to crawl up next to her. Michele stretched forward to bringing the men's bed into view. Annie heard The Stronger Girl draw in a breath and Annie stretched herself flat on the floor, to look at what Michele had seen. A bolt of shock went through Annie.

Annie had assumed that David was like Michele, that Charlie was his Annie.

"His ass-lick," she had thought.

But it was Charlie who was standing, and David who was on all fours in front of him. Charlie had the taller man by the hair and was fucking his mouth with long deep strokes. When Michele had told Annie she had watched the men, Annie had assumed she had watched Charlie sucking David's cock. That she had watched David fucking Charlie. She had never imagined that Charlie was The Stronger Man.

And not only was Charlie The Stronger Man, but his erection was also enormous, at least as big as Omar's. Annie remembered putting her hand on Omar's erection; remembering its girth, her thumb barely able to reach her fingertips. She remembered how rigid and long it had been. She tried to imagine how it would have felt if Omar had forced it into her throat the way Charlie was forcing his cock into David's. Annie shuddered at the image.

Michele shifted over Annie, lowering herself so their heads were pressed together, her breasts resting on Annie's back, Annie pushed her chest down, smashing her nipples against the rough floor. It felt delicious. Michele spread her knees and lowered her hips until her pussy touched Annie's ass. Annie lifting her hips to meet The Stronger Girl, pushing against her. Michele slid her hand into the gap under Annie's belly, moved it across the floor beneath Annie, her fingertips reaching up to caress her, across her shaved mons, finding and gently stroking Annie's outer lips.

Her soft touch could not have been more at odds with what the girls were watching. Charlie had moved one foot on the bed and spread his legs so David could lick his balls and asshole. He was stroking his erection, which shone with David's saliva.

"Skookum," Annie whispered. Couldn't stop herself.

"What?" Michele whispered back.

"It's a good thing," Annie told her. The Northwest Coast native word was used generally as a superlative. It meant strong, or impressive, even bold, but had connotations of monstrosity. Annie had picked it up in Seattle, and like most people used it carelessly - like "awesome" - until now. With Charlie, she felt she was seeing the word embodied.

Annie could clearly see David's erection now. It wasn't as big as Charlie's, but it was long and thick and bent upwards like a scimitar against David's belly. The taller man had moved his hand to the head of his penis, which was shiny with moisture and had begun to pull and stroke it.

Just then Charlie's hand stopped stroking his erection, and David froze as well. For a moment she and Michele froze as well, both assuming the change meant that they had been seen.

"Are you fucking touching that dick?" Charlie hissed in disbelief. "Come here!"

Charlie pushed his cock back into David's mouth, and with both hands pulled the taller man's head until his face was pressed against his stomach, his cock deep in the taller man's throat, gagging him. David's hand left his erection, slapped against Charlie's hip, tried to push away, but Charlie held him in place. Saliva poured off the taller man's chin.

"You only touch that dick when I tell you," Charlie ordered, withdrawing his enormous erection from David's throat, a river of thick mucus dragging behind it. David coughed and gasped for air. Annie's eyes were wide with shock. Michele was panting in her ear, her fingers, sliding over Annie's clit.

Suddenly the two men were struggling again. They were on the bed now. In the confusion of harsh half-light from the street and black shadows, it was hard for Annie to read what was happening, but she could feel Michele's excitement growing. The Stronger Girl was breathing hard above her, her fingers becoming less gentle. Michele humped Annie from behind, and Annie obediently rolled her hips, raising her ass higher.

"Mmmmmm" The Stronger Girl hummed her approval into Annie's ear as she scraped her pussy against Annie's tailbone. Her free hand reaching into Annie's hair, stroking her lovingly.

Charlie had pinned David on his stomach with one arm holding the back of David's neck. He had raised himself on the other arm and was pushing into David with his hips. The men were almost facing the girls now, and Annie could see David's face contorted with pain, his hands twisting the covers of the bed. But Annie watched as David's knees went wide and began to pull forward, lifting and spreading his ass for Charlie.

'Giving The Stronger Man entrance,' Annie thought, picturing Charlie's enormous phallus pushing at David's tight passage. Again, she shivered, tried to turn away, but Michele's gentle stroking clamped down on Annie's hair, her fist holding Annie fast.

"Watch what a good boy David is," Michele whispered. Her other hand making fast wet sounds, Annie felt the orgasm rising now, her whole body beginning to tremble.

"I am your good girl," Annie promised, whispering the oath across the splintering floorboards as they watched Charlie enter David, watched David's expression shift, still intense, but now with pleasure.

"Yes you are," Michele whispered.

David rose up on his hands and knees, but his arms were buckling, dropping him to his elbows, breathing hard, almost gasping. Charlie standing on his knees behind him was fucking David with long powerful strokes now; his breath deep and even. Annie thought again of the first time she met Michele, how hard she was breathing. The taller man began to move his ass back to meet Charlie, who held him by the hips now.

Annie thought of Michele, laying in the dark by herself, watching the David and Charlie fucking, wondered how many nights she had spent on this floor masturbating; realized this was Michele's Handmaiden, her Lakmé; that she had brought Annie here to share it with her.

'Skookum,' she thought and went rigid.

Annie had known the orgasm was coming, had felt it building, but was still taken by surprise; shocked by its intensity. Her fingernails clawing at the rough flooring, hips jerking against Michele, Annie's ass battering The Stronger Girl's pussy. Annie held her breath, pushing it down into her lungs; felt the pressure in her eyes, her face and neck bulging with the effort.

Michele had gone soft and liquid over Annie, her body was cool; radiated comfort and love. The Stronger Girl cooed and hushed and soothed Annie who felt as though she were in danger of tearing herself apart; her muscles straining at her tendons, her blood rushing to her head. As Annie finally went limp and slowly released her breath, she felt Michele kiss her head.

"Such a good girl Annie," she whispered.

But the men's bodies began to slap loudly against each other, and Michele returned her attention to her own pleasure. The Stronger Girl moved her hand from underneath Annie to her own pussy. Annie felt her knuckles moving faster and faster against her tailbone. Annie bent her arms upwards, moved her hands into The Stronger Girl's thick hair, scrapping her nipples viciously against the floor as she did so, not caring. Annie reached her fingers along Michele's scalp, pulled The Stronger Girl's skull against hers; held on for dear life.

Charlie was pounding into David from behind, both men grunting and moaning loudly now. She could see David's erection swinging beneath his belly, it looked painfully erect.

Michele's fingers were moving frantically, it felt as if The Stronger Girl started to lose control too.

Just then David's back bent and he jerked, baring his teeth and with a moaned curse he ejaculated a great rope of semen onto the bed. Shocking Annie with the power of it. She thought of the small amount of semen that had gotten on Craig's shirt, the way Omar's semen had simply oozed into her hand,

David cumming was enough to trigger both Charlie and Michele who both came almost simultaneously. Annie' could feel Michele's orgasm above her as The Stronger Girl silently arched away from Annie's hot back while digging her chin into Annie's neck. Annie watched Charlie pull out of David, and David swung his head around, clearly desperate to take The Stronger Man's cock in his mouth again. Charlie uttered something guttural, and Michele pulled her hand from Annie's hair, used it to cover her mouth in a desperate attempt to stay silent as David loudly swallowed Charlie's semen.

They had barely stepped out of the stairwell and Nancy was on them - Annie suspected she had been watching for them out her window.

"Little lover," she thought.

Nancy was giddy to have them back. Clapping her hands over her mouth after she squealed with joy, she greeted them with hugs and kisses as if they had been gone weeks. And to be fair, Annie felt like weeks had passed.

While Annie and Michele settled in, Nancy asked about the train ride, dinner, the ballet, the hotel, all of which Annie and Michele did their best to answer as completely and with as much detail as they knew Nancy required. She was especially excited to hear that they had worn the dresses to go dancing at a gay bar and that Annie knew how to swing dance. She wanted to know absolutely everything about that. As Michele did her best to satisfy Nancy's need to know, Annie thought about the part of the story Michele wasn't telling Nancy; how Annie had fucked Michele's face in the filthy little bathroom.

Annie thought about gripping Michele's hair in her fists, the pressure on her bladder growing unbearable. Desperate to cum before she humiliated herself, Annie had rolled her hips and spread her knees wide, had bent Michele's neck, and pulled her mouth upwards into her, grinding against The Stronger Girl's lips and tongue. Had begun pumping her pussy across The Stronger Girl's chin and mouth and nose; felt her moaning into her pussy as Annie's arms strained to pull her tighter.

Annie had become frantic, terrified she would pee on Michele if she didn't cum immediately. The idea had been so deeply shaming, so horribly beyond the pale, Annie had felt herself near panic. She had known that she was hurting Michele, but couldn't stop, didn't dare stop. She growled and a stream of saliva poured off her lip into The Stronger Girl's eye, who yelped in pain as Annie jerked her hair even tighter as the orgasm finally arrived.

All at once, Annie pushed herself off Michele, pee sprayed The Stronger Girl as Annie fell backward, her legs collapsing. Annie had tried to grip the walls but had landed hard, half on, half off the filthy toilet seat, pee squirted, and spattered her bare thighs. Michele had fallen back and hit her head. The Stronger Girl had sprawled on the floor, her ass and hands in the wet filth. Annie saw with horror that her neck and breasts were drenched in piss, her face was bright red, her lips looked swollen, hair in disarray. When she saw the blood running from Michele's nose Annie had burst into tears.

For a long moment, Michele had stared at her, wide-eyed with shock, mascara running down one cheek, watching Annie weep and urinate on the toilet seat. Then there was a loud knocking at the door "Michele, Annie?" Charlie had called through the door, "Are you in there? Is everything OK?"

"Jesus you guys! What the fuck?"

Annie looked up, realizing that she had entirely lost the thread.

Michele was at her bed unpacking her things but had turned to look at Nancy. Nancy was at the end of Annie's bed and had evidently taken on herself to unpack Annie's things because she was holding the filthy tattered remains of Annie's tights and what was left of the underpants Annie had bought for herself with Nancy.

Annie thought of the beautiful saleswoman folding them in tissue paper with shaking hands; of Michele's clenched teeth against the cheek of her ass. The tearing sound.

Both girls had turned to Annie; were looking to her for an explanation.

"There were monsters," Annie explained.

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SiteNonSiteSiteNonSiteabout 1 year agoAuthor

Thanks so much ImpactAnon, I’m not only glad to know how much you are enjoying Annie’s adventures, but also that you are hooked on Sarah and Claire’s to the point that you are looking for more. More is coming, it just comes slow. .

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

You recently caught my eye with the Impact series. While waiting for the next installment, I started reading The Stronger Girl stories. The dressing room passage with Annie, Nancy, and the Asian saleswomen is the most intense, erotic, vivid passage I have read on Literotica. It rivals some of the other best fiction I have read outside of Literotica. You have a gift.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Continues to be brilliant thanks

SiteNonSiteSiteNonSiteover 2 years agoAuthor

I get that the kink may not be for you Xzy. but the trust required to share something so personal with Annie… so much yes.

Xzy89c1Xzy89c1over 2 years ago

The watching your brother have gay sex.... no

DomaldDomaldalmost 3 years ago

“There were monsters.” LOL. Wonderful.

SiteNonSiteSiteNonSitealmost 3 years agoAuthor

Thank you, CeeCee. I really enjoy the dynamic between Michele and Annie as well. Nancy meanwhile was a wonderful surprise and really carried a one-off story into a full-blown series.

Cc2241Cc2241almost 3 years ago

Excellent!! These last two chapters are really strong and show Michele's complex character. I love how Annie is helping her understand her own desire and guiding her actually, to be who she really wants herself to be. Amazing, really well done! By the way, I love Nancy!!! Great character!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

more pls

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