Sky High After Dark - Cosmic


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"All means?"

"Yes, Void, any and all means you deem fit. I appreciate the fact that you use lethal means when it's appropriate and keep your gun holstered when you know a stray shot could injure a civilian that we are trying to protect. Now while you do have our complete backing in each and every mission we ask your assistance on, we cannot come out and publicly fund you. That would require Congressional approval and defeat the purpose of this team."

"I understand."

"Now, in forming this team, Agent Honeybell will work as your liaison; you and your team will work out of the Hub if or when we call you in. However, I have another assignment for you; this is my personal side mission, off the books. Given your record, there are those villains that would be more beneficial dead than alive. Worry not; I am not out to turn you into an assassin. The ones you'll be after are ones who already have a dead or alive warrant on their heads. Yet, where these people are, we cannot operate without fear of war. So I need you since you can go where my people cannot."

"If I agree to this black project, then I need time to do my own search on the names."

"I have no objections. On these missions, Agent Honeybell will be joining you to provide backup. I saw how well the two of you worked in the Rose Garden, so I'm sure the two of you won't have any troubles in the field."


"Now, I'll turn you over to the capable hands of Agent Honeybell. Void, you have the gratitude of a nation for what you have done for this country. I thank you, sir. Have a good night." With that, General Hastings cut the feed leaving Aron and Sara alone in that room.

"Aron, I know you like working alone on those kinds of missions. I promise you; I will not be a hindrance to you," Sara said with determination.

"I guess if you're going to be fighting with me, you're going to need a suit," Aron said, seeing her eyes moistening and quivering at the same time.

"Does this mean I finally get to see your base?"

"Hmm... have to talk to the others about that, seeing how it just isn't my base. But you do get to see my lab. Just imagine all that probing," Aron joked.

"I can live with that," Sara said with a sultry smile. "Now, before we leave, I have something for you." Pushing forward a black velvet-lined box that the General had flown out first thing in the morning. "These were specially made for you and your team; if you're ever stopped when on a mission for us, just run your finger counterclockwise along its surface, and it will display your federal authority you have on the scene. But only use it if you absolutely have to." Opening the box and picking up the only gold one to symbolize who the captain of the team was and opening his coat, attaching the pin to the inner lining of his coat. "Now, you look like a man in charge of a bunch of superheroes," Sara teased as she stepped closer to him. "Aron, I'm ready to go home now," she said, eager to be with him, even if it was just watching a movie. All she cared about was spending time with him, not what they were doing.

"Oh?" Watching Sara's cheeks heat as he pulled her into him. "That so?"

"Mmmhmm," Sara hummed, feeling her nipples hardening the longer she felt his hand on her ass.

"Then I guess I should escort the lady home, should I not?" Aron mused, watching how Sara nodded her head very vigorously when he reached down and plucked the box off the table and slipped it into his left coat pocket.

"Peter, you're in charge until Mark comes in," Sara ordered as she led Aron towards the door that would take them to the stairwell. "Make sure the transcript of the interrogation gets sent to the CIA and the chief; I know they're both interested in what that man said."

"Yes, ma'am," Peter nodded in understanding.

"Void!" His name was shouted out from somewhere in the command center, causing him to stop in his tracks. "I'm sorry to ask this when you're probably tired as hell. But could you please sign this for my little boy? He just thinks the world of you." A wire-framed, nerdy, thin woman stood before him, holding out her son's favorite picture that she had made for her son when Aron was battling Maximins.

"Sure, what's his name?" Aron asked, taking the marker from her.

"Timothy," she said with loving pride.

"Strong name," Aron nodded as he wrote out a greeting for her son. "Hope your son enjoys it," he said, handing the picture back to her. Watching how her eyes moistened when she read what he had written.

"Thank you so much; I know he will!" she said, rising on her toes and placing a quick peck on his left cheek. Aron watched how she scurried back to her side of the command center, waving the picture in the air in her excitement as she neared her friends that she had made since transferring to the Metaville branch.

"Come,' Sara said with a smile on her lips, knowing her people were already a part of his diehard fan club. "We can't miss family night," she whispered.

Aron's back straightened as a cold chill crept up his spine at the thought of what Tazia and Aminah would do if he missed it. "Right," Aron nodded.


"Sara? What are you doing here? I didn't know you were coming over," Aminah said, getting up from her seat on the couch in the living room where they had waited for Aron's return. Also, where they were going to spend family night alone in.

"I invited her over; it is, after all, family night, isn't it?" Aron said, stepping out of the elevator in his street clothes with Sara behind him.

"It is," Aminah nodded, glancing at the clock, knowing he was home ten minutes early, which put a smile on her lips. When it told her that Aron does value the time they share together. "And you're right; we should have included her. Can you forgive me for letting it slip my mind?"

"I'm here, so don't worry about it. Now, where are those two adorable angels?" Sara said, referring to Henry and Nettie.

"Right there, waiting on their daddy to come home," Aminah said in a loving voice as her gaze fell on her daughter.

"Hey, babies," Sara squealed in happiness as she neared the two of them. Seeing their smiles knowing they remember her. "Have you been good for your mommies?"

"Henry has been a bit naughty lately, so watch yourself," Tazia warned, reaching over and tickling her son's stomach. However, Henry wasn't going to sit by when a pair of breasts were within his reach.

"Henry!" Sara gasped when Henry just blatantly grabbed handfuls of her left breast. "You naughty boy!" Watching Henry giggle as she playfully nibbled on his fingers as punishment. "And here is the pretty, pretty Nettie," seeing her gummy smile widening, "I do hope you're behaving yourself better than your brother is."

"I know I'm going to be bad," Jill said, getting up from her seat and walking right over to Aron. Not wasting a second in lavishing her father in her sweet kisses. "Welcome home, Daddy," she whispered as she pulled away. "I do hope you've missed your little girl," Jill spoke in a sweet tone as she rubbed her breasts into his chest to entice something to rise for this night's event.

"Maybe," Aron smirked, seeing Jill's eyes sparkle when that word left his lips.

"Do you like the outfit? Issy helped pick it out for me," Jill said, backing away. Showing off the thin white tank top that had no problem in allowing the color of her areolas to bleed through and the blue boy shorts she was wearing. She didn't want any hindrance when the time came for it. Her eyes glanced down, noting the movement in his pants. "I think you do," she uttered with a wanton smirk.

"Aron, help me carry the children to the other room; the movie isn't fit for them," Tazia said as she lifted Henry out of the baby swing. "Make yourself a snack, Sara, I don't know if you've eaten today..." Seeing her shaking her head that she has not had a meal all day. "We have leftovers from dinner if you're really hungry."

"Only if I'm not imposing on you," Sara said, looking up at Tazia from her kneeling position.

"My dear, you are a part of this family now," Tazia said, lightly caressing Sara's left cheek. "If you're hungry, just say so, and we'll get you fed. Because you're going to need your energy."

"Then I would be happy to take you up on your offer," Sara said, smiling when she knew what Tazia meant. She was going to get fucked, and she was going to fucking love it!

"Then come on, I'll fix you something. I can't have my father's wife going hungry on family night," Jill spoke, smiling evilly when Aron's head snapped towards her when she spoke the word they used only when Aron wasn't around.

"Thank you, Jill, you're right that would be poor of me if I can't perform my wifely duties," Sara said; now that it was out in the open, she wasn't ever going to hold her tongue when that word was involved. "So, are you spending the night?" Aron arched an eyebrow when it appeared Sara had actually came in response to the question.

"Only if your dad wants his third wife to share his bed," Sara said, peering back at him with a sneaky smile.

"You'll get over it," Tazia teased as she lightly smacked his cheek as she passed with Henry in her arms. "Your smart; you didn't think we would think of ourselves as your wives?" she asked as they walked down the hall towards the den where the rest of her family was.

"Just never entered my mind."

"Well, you have wives now; you best take care of us," Tazia said sweetly, snuggling up to him as they rounded the corner and walked into the den. Seeing Isabel's, Lyla's, and Vera's eyes lighting up at the sight of Aron as he carried Nettie in his arms.

"Chery!" Sara's voice filled the house. They all looked to him, knowing they weren't told she was coming over.

"Yeah!" Chery called back.

"This pasta is amazing! You have to show me how you make it sometime!" Sara said, praising her future family member.

"Thank you, I will. Come over more often, okay?!"

"Oh, I'm never leaving now that I've tasted this!" Sara said, getting a chuckle out of all of them.

"Aron, what is she doing here?" Vera asked in a protective motherly voice.

"Relax, Vera, it's family night, and she is our," pulling Aron into her, "family. Would you deprive your son of seeing his third, I hate to admit, lawful wife?" Tazia asked, loving that blank stare, that gaping mouth, that expressionless face as their minds went offline by the bomb she just dropped in their laps. It would seem her siblings were amused as well at Vera's and Noah's silence.

"Aron?!" Lyla pouted. "You didn't tell me you were looking for a wife. If you had, I'd have thrown my name in there too," she huffed as she crossed her arms below her breasts. "You know I have known you longer and loved you longer. I should have been the first one you called wife."

"Lyla!" Vera gasped, finally coming out of her stupor.

"Oh, Lyla, I didn't know that. You should have said something," Tazia stated, "we'd never willingly leave you out if we had known."

"Well..." Her voice got a small, bashful feel to it as she looked down, "you know now," Lyla muttered.

"Would you like to come join family night with us?" Tazia asked, to which she just patted Aron's arm when he gave her that look. While her eyes told him he should just get used to it. "Then come on, there's enough for everyone during family night," she said, giving Aron that knowing smile of hers when Lyla nodded. "Isn't there, baby?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about. Isabel, would you mind watching Nettie for a while?" Aron asked, smiling down at his daughter as he walked towards where his sister was sitting.

"Of course, Aron, bring that sweet girl here," Isabel said, holding out her arms to him. Knowing she was going to need the practice in taking care of a baby. Seeing her mother taking Henry into her arms.

"Sis, we're going to be talking about this wife business," Vera said sternly as she bounced her grandbaby on her knee.

"There's nothing to talk about Vera, it's already done. You. Can't. Stop. It." Tazia teased in that sisterly voice of hers as Vera narrowed her eyes.

"Well, at least one of my brothers is moving forward with his life," Isabel grumbled, casting a glance at Troy. Who was appearing to be ignoring her remark, but she knew he was irked by it by the slight clenching of his jaw that she noticed as Lyla, Tazia, and Aron left the room.


"Hey, Dad?" Jill spoke with Lyla urging her on.

"Yeah?" Aron looked up from the cards in his hand and across the board game, they played after the movie had ended. Which to him was so convoluted it was no wonder his sister liked it.

"Can I show you something?"

Aron wondered why that innocent voice of hers had such a sinful tone to it. "Okay." He watched as Jill graciously rose from her seat and eased around the table on which the board sat. "What are you doing?" Aron asked when Jill spun on her heel and straddled his lap.

"Told you, showing you something that your sisters showed me," Jill said with a devilish grin over her shoulder before beginning to twerk for her father. Resting her hands on his knees, watching how Aron's eyes couldn't look away. Feeling herself tremble when she felt Aron's hands on her ass

"It's doing no one any good being trapped in your pants," Sara said with a coy grin on her lips as she freed Aron's manhood, to which everyone nodded in agreement.

"You devious woman teasing my little pussy with daddy's cock, I love it," Jill said, peering back at Sara when she rubbed Aron's crown along her labia. "Oh, Sara! I didn't know you... oh fuck yes!" she howled as she came when Sara sucked on her clitoris through her boy shorts.

"Of course, I am; we wives have to take care of each other until it's our turn to be with Aron," Sara said before inhaling Aron's rod.

Jill's eyes moved around the room as the others began to undress. She knew Aminah was eager to be with her father after getting the okay from her doctor that she could start having sex again. "Daddy, please," Jill's voice was full of need as she pushed down the waistband of her boy shorts, "I need you in me." The fabric pulled away from her wet, dew-laden lips, revealing how red her mound was in her arousal. "Don't you want to feel this hot pussy around your cock, Daddy?" Humming in contentment as she felt Sara's hand on her ass guiding her down onto her father's pole. Leaning back once Sara moved out of the way, rolling her hips as she made love to her father. Her hand covered his as his fingers teased her clit. "Yes, that's it, play with your little girl," Jill said breathlessly before capturing his lips as she continued to ride him while Aron fondled her breast. Squealing as she coated that cock that she loved in her hot cream after ten minutes of bliss. "Mom's next," Jill purred as she rose, her hand gliding along his slick cock as she did. "I better be getting showered."

"Oh, don't you worry, that's always going to happen," Aminah said, smiling down at Aron as he quickly took off his shirt as she straddled him. "I've nearly went mad waiting for this moment, be gentle with me," she cooed down at her nephew as her labia parted, welcoming its long-lost friend back to the place it truly belonged. Whimpering loudly, her nails scraped down his chest as her folds grew accustomed to his cock once again.

"Always," Aron noted how her eyes quivered at that as she sank down to his base.

"Oh, Aron," Aminah whispered before passionately kissing the man she loved. Hearing Sara and Lyla going at it from behind her.

"Fuck, that feels like the real thing?!" Sara moaned loudly as Lyla was pounding her from between her legs.

"Because it sort of is the real thing," Lyla muttered bashfully.

"Then you have to do this every time."

"Really?" Lyla uttered; she had stayed as herself when she came back with Aron to show that she was indeed working on her fear. That she could overcome it and carry his baby. She just didn't think Sara would be so accepting of her.

"Lyla, I want to be with you in whatever way you feel comfortable with being with me as a man, woman, or futanari. After all, I am your brother's wife; we're family. Just no animals, even I'm not that kinky," Sara said. Elation raced through her body when she said those words, and no one laughed.

Tears reamed Lyla's eyes; it was the first time ever a nongifted human said a kind thing about her metamorphic abilities. "Thank you," Lyla said, her voice trembled as she did.

"Oh, honey, don't cry, shh, come here and make love to me," Sara said, holding out her arms to Lyla. It wasn't as if she's never been with a woman, just not one that could grow her own dick. Which, she had to admit, could have its advantages.

"Oh, Aron!" Aminah's moan filled the room and their house as she laid on her back, with her legs on Aron's shoulders while he pumped that orgasmic cock into her. "That's it, fuck me like that! Just like that! Aron!" She screamed out as her orgasmic juices gushed out around Aron's cock as she had her first big orgasm in weeks. Aminah's lips pulled at his as his cock eased out of her hot, satisified velvet pocket as Aron left her there to recover.

"Aron?" Tazia called sweetly to him as she shoved the board off the table as she climbed onto it, and assumed the position. "Fuck me." Was her only command, looking hungrily back at him when Aron thrust hard into her. "That's it, baby, pound me good," she purred as Aron began to jackhammer into her.

Aron looked oddly at his sister as Lyla snuggled against Sara as she stroked Lyla's hair. "You best not keep us ladies waiting much longer, Aron," Sara said in a sultry voice as her sensuous smirk rose the corner of her lip.

"Yes, you better not," Lyla spoke in a little pout.

"Oh God! Aron! You're fucking me so good!" Tazia moaned as she held onto the lip of the table as her pussy liquified. Her hips jerked, her muscles twitched, a stupefied smile was on her lips as a little squirt of her cum shot out of her cunt as Aron's wet, very cream-coated cock left her channel.

"Lay right here," Lyla patted the spot before her.

"Hold on, Dad," Jill said, taking him by the hand. Not giving Aron a moment to speak before she swallowed his cock. Cleaning his rod of the sex that marred it. "Mmm... we ladies taste delicious," she hummed, smacking her lips. "Now, you best give it to them as good as the rest of us got it," Jill stated, smacking his ass, telling him to carry on.

"Aron?" Lyla peered down at him as Sara was sucking him off. She didn't mind that she was the last one. It was the fact that she was a part of their group now that had her so overjoyed.


"I love you," Lyla whispered as she caressed his cheek.

"Love you too, sis."

"Then you won't have a problem with tasting your sister's pussy?" Lyla said with a sneaky grin.

"Never have," Aron said, his hand squeezing Sara's thighs as her folds tightened around his cock as she glided along it.

"Good, because it really wants to feel your touch," Lyla said, positioning her mound over his mouth. Noticing the numerous shadows beneath the door as whoever was standing out in front of the closed living room double doors. Wondering how much her other family members wanted to be in the room with them at the moment.

"Oh, fuck, Aron, your cock feels so good," Sara said breathlessly as her hips had a mind of their own as they increased their pace to reach that peak. While she was yearning to feel his cum striking the back of her womb yet this gathering wasn't about her; no, it was about the bonds they formed during it. The sex was just a bonus. So no one got the creampie that she suspected they all wanted. They share in Aron's cum as they share in his body. "Don't leave your wife wanting for so long anymore; it's criminal," Sara purred as she plunged her hips down rapidly, all so Lyla could have her turn as well.
