Slime of the future

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Futurama’s Leela is taken over by slime!
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Leela Fantasy Futurama.

Leela rose from the captain's chair of the planet express ship, cursing as she came into land and powered down its engines "Stupid assholes, can't trust any of em to do their damn jobs..." She grumbled, marching off the bridge and heading for the cargo bay.

Grabbing the package the crew were supposed to have delivered several days ago, but forgot, during a party whilst Leela was away. Kicking up a fuss, Leela kicked Fry and Bender off the ship, leaving them at a space port to find their own way home. She went back to drop off the missed package herself, unaware that a hidden danger lie in wait for her on the surface.

Lowering the cargo bay door she soon stepped onto the warm planet surface, stepping away from the ship she closed the cargo bay door and headed on.

After walking for some time, having landed as close to the outpost as possible Leela entered a thick wooded area, following a wide path that stretched through the woods. She began hearing faint whispers all around her, branches and bushes shifted occasionally, Leela stopped dead and drew her weapon, throwing the package under her arm "Who's there?? Whatever you are come out, I'm armed!" she barked, scowling as she looked around.

"Leela! Help me, please help me!" said a weak female voice, it sounded very similar to that of Amy Wong.

"Amy?!" surprised at how Amy could be here when she was supposed to be on Mars. Leela left the dirt track to follow the voice. Taking her off into the bushes in a thicker part of the forest.

Leela reached a tiny clearing, as she emerged she picked a few stray leaves from her purple ponytail. Ahead she saw what looked like Amy slumped against a tree, but she was covered in thick purple slime, in fact, she was nearly translucent, but still had Amy's overall appearance.

"Oh my god! Amy! What happened??" said Leela, running over to the slimy Amy-like formation.

"Help Leela... I need, I need..." the slimy creature's voice began to change, as did it's appearance "A host!" it snarled, lurching forward and covering Leela in its thick purple gunge.

Leela screamed, trying to fight it off but the slime simply covered her, wrapping around her body tightly. Pushing her down against the floor it began to ooze into her tight lycra trousers, sliding up her neck it soon forced it's way into her mouth.

"No! No!" Leela slurred as the thick purple slime quickly oozed down her throat, drowning her words as she unwillingly glugged mouthfuls of slime. Her lycra trousers stretched and grew as slime poured inside, filling out her body. She squirmed and fought for a while before she began to moan softly, enjoying the sensation of thick cool slime running down her thighs and legs, spreading thick slimy tentacles up into her slit.

The slime moved to start filling up her bra, wrapping around her nipples and beginning to soak it's way inside, filling her tits with slime. Leela lay squirming on the floor as the Slime filled her, her legs grew rapidly as her arse expanded with them, getting larger and larger every second.

Leela's eyes soon turned green as the Slime integrated into her body, blending with her mind and body to become one person "Don't fight me Leela! Just let me in, be one with me" said an unknown female voice. Leela couldn't help but give in, the pleasure was getting too strong to resist, moaning blissfully as she gulped down more Slime.

Her feet and hands began to move again as the Slime assumed control, adjusting to its new enclosure. Leela's white top stretched to its limits as the Slime filled up her breasts, turning them into huge fleshy orbs of wonder, ready to bury people's faces in them or stroke a large cock in her bra.

The Slime finished oozing into her mouth, allowing her to breath more freely and also moan more orgasmicly, with the rest of the Slime around her still finding its way into her lycra trousers, soaking most of it soaking into her skin to make her new size more permanent, once soaked into her body, it couldn't be removed.

Leela's eyes returned to normal before long, she gasped as she felt the Slime merge with her mind, blending their personalities into one, a new Leela was born, made from pure oozy Slime. Her arse grew as her lycra trousers soaked up the last of the Slime, giving her a very tall and plump figure, with curves of an Amazonian female warrior.

Leela came as the Slime stimulated her cunt playfully, letting out a huge climatic wail of ecstasy. The Slime that hadn't soaked into either her tits or her lower body remained sitting inside her clothing for padding, the rest was now part of her body, giving her a large curvaceous arse and hips, even without her Slime filled clothes.

"Ooh... Yes..." She said blissfully, closing her eye for a while whilst the Slime got settled in. Breathing heavily as she sat up, feeling her new curves, as well as the Slime squelching inside her clothes. Now in full control of its new body, the Slime made a few more adjustments before it was finished integrating.

Leela groaned uncomfortably as her face began to change, the Slime deep inside her body now able to alter her physical appearance, her large Cyclops eye gradually morphed into two separate identical eyes.

"God, my head!" She groaned painfully, feeling her face change. Her nose also changed size and shape, accommodating for the shift in her facial structure. Bones cracked and reshaped as two human eyes formed, complimenting her now radically increased dimensions.

Once done, Leela looked down at her hands, seeing the world just as everyone else saw it. She flexed her hands, feeling a new and ferocious strength within her, now looking down at her thick juicy thighs, rubbing her hands down them gently.

"Holy shit... What the hell just happened??" She asked herself, surprised at her new appearance so far "So full and squishy! I love it!" She cried, jumping to her feet, already noticing that she was taller.

She staggered for a moment once on her feet, adjusting to her new size, her arse and thighs made a good counterbalance for her breasts, gazing down at her body she squeezed her hips firmly, admiring their new look and feel. As she moved, she could hear the Slime in her bra and trousers squishing around "Hmmm, that feels so smooth... I can get used to this"

Leela's body was curvier, taller and more muscular, with the Slime boosting all of her natural senses and physical attributes. She also felt a strange powerful energy flowing through her, instincts told her to channel that energy, reaching out her hand towards the package she was supposed to deliver, it lifted from the ground, raised by an unseen force Leela was channelling. She pulled the package towards her and grabbed it from mid air.

"Neat!" She said happily, mimicking Bender's voice "I wonder what else I can do with this... Power..." Leela grinned, throwing the package back under her arm and heading back through the woods towards the dirt track. As she walked she admired the look of her new shapely legs and thighs, they had a firm step and swayed with her body neatly.

After a long and rather satisfying walk to the outpost, Leela approached the main entrance, activating the community link outside "Planet Express Delivery" she said.

The entrance door buzzed loudly, allowing her to enter a large reception area, placing the package on a counter top she waited for someone to greet her. Eventually a human woman emerged from a small side room, one of Leela's old colleagues from the cryogenics lab, Ceranthia, they hadn't spoken in years both of them had been so busy that they didn't have time to connect.

"Hi. Thanks, sign here please..." said Ceranthia plainly, not even looking up from her computer.

"Cera!" Said Leela, surprised to see someone she knew this far out.

Ceranthia glanced up, shocked to see Leela standing before her, looking very different to what she remembered "Leela?! Is that you?" Doing a double take as she walked over to her. They stared at each other for bit, lost for words having not seen or heard anything of each other for years.

"Yeah. Same old me... I'm surprised you recognise me! How long has it been?" Said Leela cheerfully.

"Yeah me too... I wasn't expecting the whole eye change thing, that almost seems quite surreal in itself. But it's been far too long. What've you been up to?" Asked Ceranthia

Leela seemed totally unfazed by the comment about her eyes as she smiled warmly "I did have a pretty decent job as a police officer a while back. But some idiot named Fry stumbled into my life, throwing everything into chaos... but I'm working for a delivery service now, as you can see." She said, sliding the package over.

"Jesus! Sorry to hear. Sounds rough." Ceranthia said apologetically, she came out from behind the counter and approached her. Leela immediately felt an overwhelming urge to ravage her as Cera stepped closer, her cunt twinged and became slightly moist as she tried to resist her rapidly growing lust.

Ceranthia hugged Leela affectionately, sending wonderful vibes through Leela's body. Leela hugged her back for a moment before shoving her against the counter and kissing her. Ceranthia was shocked by her sudden move, weeping sheepishly as Leela got more passionate, her lips soon started to feel slimy as Leela's mouth secreted a layer of purple slime. Cera soon started to feel extremely warm and cozy, her mouth felt sticky as she began to kiss Leela back.

They both moaned softly as they made out, little drops of slime oozed from their mouths, Ceranthia became incredibly horny the longer they kissed, starting to grope each other as Leela tore open Cera's shirt, exposing her bare skin, excreting purple slime from her hands as she groped Cera's chest. The slime on her chest soon soaked into her skin, causing her to gasp.

Once Leela's slime was absorbed, Cera's breasts began to expand slightly, using all the glands that produced milk in her breasts to create slime instead, making them swell up gradually. Leela stopped, pulling back suddenly as she gasped with elation, stunned by the amazing sensations flooding through her body.

"Wow!" Leela sighed softly, staring at Cera as she rested against the counter groping her breasts as they tingled.

"Where did that come from?" Said Cera happily, biting her lips as her breasts continued to tingle.

"I-I don't know... But it felt good." Leela muttered, she grabbed the tie holding her hair in a ponytail and slid it off, allowing her thick purple locks to settle naturally over her shoulders, she shook her head a little to ruffle it up slightly.

Leela has the quickly growing urge to do the same to others, hungry for more she walked out, heading back to the ship with a strong pace. Ceranthia was left confused and quite flattered by Leela's sudden advance, she felt quite wet down below as she thought about it, her tits still tingling constantly as they gradually kept getting bigger, realising she now couldn't do her shirt back up as a result.

After a very horny walk back, Leela boarded the ship. Sitting down in the captain's chair she started the engines and prepared to take off, as they roared into life, vibrations went sent through the ship, which Leela could feel through her seat. The slime padding out her lycra trousers and bra channelled the vibrations from the ship, causing the slime that filled her body to send blissful waves through her, making her hornier by the second.

Her breathing got heavier and her heart rate climbed as her body felt more and more amazing, it was like she was starting to orgasm, but instead of it just being her slit that felt great, it was more of a full body orgasm.

Leela slid her hand down into her trousers, rubbing herself gently as the vibrations from the ship continued to stimulate her. Using her free hand, she began to take off, causing the vibrations to get stronger as she quickly gained altitude, the turbulence was the last straw. Leela gasped and moaned loudly as the vibrations through her slime quickly made her climax, except when she came, her cunt erupted with slime instead of cum, adding to the slimy padding in her trousers.

The vibrations continued until she left orbit, then the ship finally settled down, letting her recover as her slime calmed. Her mind set straight to finding Fry and Amy, eager to do the same as she did to Cera, almost like she had to because on another overwhelming urge.

She tapped on the multi tool on her arm and called Fry to find out where he was, when he finally answered she was greeted with an image of both him and Bender "Jees Leela! Did you have to storm off like that? It was only one delivery." Said Fry in his typical manner, only just noticing her change in appearance.

Leela ignored them, jumping straight to the point "Where are you?" She said coldly.

"Leela? What happened to your face!? Where's your big stupid eyeball?" Mocked Bender.

"Where the fuck are you!?" She barked, staring straight at the pair of them.

"Christ Leela chill! But seriously what happened??" Asked Bender.

"We're almost home... we got a lift from Zap awhile after you ditched us. He sends his love." Said Fry, itching to ask about her eyes.

"Good. You guys missed out big time with that delivery. They had one hell of a payment for me when I dropped it off. You're lucky I'm bringing it back with me. See you back at Planet Express if you want to get the slightest look I'm at what it is." Said Leela, abruptly cutting the call and leaving them in the dark about what she really meant. In the meantime she sent a course for Mars, obsessed with finding Amy and sharing her new gift before bringing her back to Earth.

This was when the slime that filled her body revealed to her that it had tapped into her thoughts before she found it, giving it the perfect chance to lure in a new host. Now that Leela and the slime were one, it could use her body to spread into other people, hijacking the bodies of anyone else Leela came into contact with and used them to produce new slime.

Back at the outpost she'd delivered to earlier, Ceranthia had hidden herself away, as her breasts had become so large she couldn't walk properly anymore, the rest of her clothes were also about to rip open as her body filled with the slime produced by her breasts, her skirt straining to hold her steadily growing size. Cera moaned softly as the pleasure of her body filling with slime overwhelmed her, she thrashed at her cunt wildly, trying to keep up with how horny she was feeling, having cum dozens of times, with no signs that her body would stop growing anytime soon.


The Planet Express ship swooped down towards Mars, coming into land a short way from Amy Wong's family home. Leela headed for the house and was greeted by Amy, who was surprised to see her arriving when she heard the ship landing.

"Leela? What're you doing here, is everything alright?" Asked Amy, worried something might be wrong. As Leela approached, she was shocked to see her considerable change in appearance "Leela? Is that you?"

Leela said nothing as she approached Amy, grabbing her hands as soon as she was close enough and pulling her in for a kiss "It's me Amy, everything's fine." She said after giving her an initial peck on the lips, her mouth already starting to secrete purple slime.

She kissed Amy again, this time going in deep as Amy have little resistance, if anything enjoying it far sooner than Cera did. As soon as the slime started being absorbed, Amy quickly got extremely horny, groping Leela eagerly as she started to moan, her mouth getting very sticky as they kissed. Leela wriggled her hands up Amy's pink cropped sweater and began smothering her boobs in slime, doing the same as she had done earlier.

Amy spoke breathily in Cantonese as she urged Leela inside, slamming the door closed as Leela forced her up against the wall and began massaging her boobs with slimy hands. Minutes later, Amy's sweater began to stretch as her breasts grew gradually, her arse also seemed to get bigger as well as Leela secreted more slime for her to absorb. Amy grabbed some of Leela's lush purple hair and fondled her arse as they made out, her clothes gradually stretching as her breasts and arse grew.

Leela broke off her embrace and took Amy's hand, opening the front door again. Amy wanted to stay and hide in her room with Leela, but Leela had the ever growing urge to find others, to kiss and touch as many men and women as she could.

Amy reluctantly headed to the ship with Leela, her footsteps getting heavier as her body grew slowly. As she followed, she keenly eyed Leela's arse, watching her legs jiggle slightly as she walked.

They boarded the Planet Express ship and quickly took off, the atmosphere generating turbulence again as they gained altitude, sending Leela and Amy into a fit of orgasms as their slime vibrated. Both of them soon started to cum, producing huge amounts of slime which lined their trousers, making Amy's legs bigger.

The ship raced towards Earth, Leela opened the roof to the Planet Express building and gently brought the ship down to land. As they landed, Leela saw Fry and Bender up on the balcony waiting for them, with Bender presumably just in it for any money he thought she had from the delivery.

Amy sat slumped in one of the seats near the helm, her clothes close to bursting as she continued to grow, her arse, legs and boobs considerably larger than when they left Mars, she sat there mumbling to herself as she groped her thighs. Leela licked her lips as she jumped up, heading out into the hanger bay to meet Fry and Bender.

"Wow! Leela... You look, incredible!" Stuttered Fry nervously, stunned by her drastically altered appearance.

"So, you said something about being paid..." said Bender, trailing off as Leela marched up to Fry and pulled him straight in for a snog. It took a few moments before Fry willingly kissed back, having been caught completely off guard. Bender was about to speak up again when Leela pushed Fry back against the wall and proceeded to grope his crotch, starting to excrete slime from her mouth.

Fry began to grope her back as his body absorbed her slime, quickly getting hard down below as Leela worked his trousers loose. Wrapping a slimy hand around his balls and massaging it in as his body absorbed more slime.

"Uh... Leela?" Said Bender, stepping a little closer as he became more confused by her behaviour "Uh... Um, guys?" He waved at them, trying to get their attention. He shrugged and boarded the ship, looking for what Leela was talking about without a clue what she really meant.

Once he'd absorbed her slime, much like the others, his body began producing slime instead of other fluids. His balls and cock started to swell as his body began producing thick purple slime, allowing Leela to push him off and move on to her next victim.

As she headed off to find more people, Fry begged her not to leave him, groaning as his body parts grew "Leela, wait! Please..." he said.

Leela glanced back at Fry with a frightful glare "I need more! I have to have more!" She snapped, balling her fists as she marched off in search for anyone else she could get her hands on.

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AnonymousAnonymous25 days ago

Will you please do my idea? I'm the same commenter who requested the Ahsoka slime idea. It's been almost a year.

I go by Shadowlight btw.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Spectacular story! What happens next?

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Very good read! More please!

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Hi. I'm the same commenter who suggested the Willa Holland and the Violett beane slime blob ideas from before. Thank you for listening. Its okay if you want to inculde butt/body expansion as well. I hope you'll do them eventually.

Messyboy98Messyboy985 months agoAuthor

There will be more stories to come. I haven’t forgotten any of them :) I’ve taken down notes for your requests and will work on them as soon as possible. Thank you all for your interest and support with my content :)

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Will you do more stories with actresses with slime? How about Willa Holland or Violett beane and a cute alien blob going inside her boobs? (Breast expansion.)

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

I have a request. Can you do a story where Mandy Baxter from Last Man Standing encounters a slime and keeps it as pet? (Breast/ass expansion inculded)

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Is there a continuation to this story? I like it alot!

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Very nice.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Please do my slime Ahsoka story idea.

Messyboy98Messyboy989 months agoAuthor

I’m sure I can think of something ;)

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Can you do another story like this but in Star Wars and Ahsoka Tano getting the slime?

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

So, how about futurama in hall of presidents heads. The girls could straddle the containers while the pres. licked there pussies. also, the little known hall od first ladies heads, where the guys dangle there cocks into the jars, cumming into the mouths

Messyboy98Messyboy98almost 3 years agoAuthor

Hi there! Yes there will be more eventually. I've got an upload schedule posted on Deviantart, feel free to follow me on there as well, I'm under the name EricVancure.

I do take requests yes. Your idea sounds interesting, I like the idea! 😜 However I'm not currently writing any new ones until I've completed my upload schedule. But I'm more than happy to note your request for the next schedule!

Also feel free to add me on discord if you'd like to chat more about any other requests you may have.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Amazing and sexy story! Will there be more?

Hey do you do requests? I was wondering if you can do a story taking place in spider man 3 where the symbiote crash lands on Earth and ends up bonding with Mary Jane Watson instead?

Messyboy98Messyboy98about 4 years agoAuthor

As for when?? I’m not sure, but hopefully in the next couple of weeks.

Messyboy98Messyboy98about 4 years agoAuthor

You’ll find some of that in the next parts of slimy jealousy! Several scenes have already been written about many of them in their new lives inside her jeans. I’ve got a number of stories in the making, including SJ part 4, a new slaver story with Barbara Palvin. Two Wam stories, and a couple of custom requests (I often have multiple stories on the go at once!)

FlangeloFlangeloabout 4 years ago

I would love for descriptions of the living slimes in her trousers voicing how much pleasure they feel and how much they love being slimes! Also, what stories are you working on right now so I have an idea of what kind of ideas to give? Also, when do you think the next story will be released? Thanks!

Messyboy98Messyboy98about 4 years agoAuthor

Good good! So pleased you’re enjoying my works! Also, Abi’s living slimes, what do you think?? Oh I’d there’s any additions or scenes you’d like me to work into any of my current stories, feel free to say!

FlangeloFlangeloabout 4 years ago

I loved the newest Slimy jealousy! Also, I’m not on devintart, but I will make sure to check you out on there!

Messyboy98Messyboy98about 4 years agoAuthor

Hi there! Glad you enjoyed it! More will be coming soon. I’m doing quite well thanks! Work on other stories is also going well, there are several custom requests in the making atm! What did you think of the latest Slimy Jealously?? Also, are you on Deviantart?? I post on there too.

FlangeloFlangeloabout 4 years ago

Loved this! Didn’t realize you’d posted two stories around the same time. How are you doing by the way? How is your work on your other stories going?

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